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HI6008 Business Research Assignment Topic: Socio Economic impact of Gambling on livelihood of Australian International Students 1 Requirements Structure All HI6008 Students Enrol in the Semester...

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HI6008 Business Research Assignment

Topic: Socio Economic impact of Gambling on livelihood of Australian International Students

1 Requirements Structure

All HI6008 Students Enrol in the Semester 1/2018 need to follow below Assignment structure:

1. Introduction
2. Project Objective 3. Project Scope
4. Literature Review

(Students’ needs to do full literature review XXXXXXXXXXwords) on chosen topic)

5. Conclusion
6. Reference List 7. Appendix

NOTE: Students should do consultation with lecturer regarding to research topic selection before literature review.

Answered Same Day Apr 25, 2020 HI6008


Akansha answered on Apr 30 2020
143 Votes
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The last twenty years Australia have seen a lot of progress in the gambling industry. The impact can be observed on both the social and the economic factors of the country. The given research proposal aims to develop an understanding on Socio Economic impact of Gambling on livelihood of Australian International Students. For this the paper will include the project objective, the project scope and a literature review to explain what researchers have to say about the topic.
Project Objectives
The objective of the project is to identify the impact of the gambling on the livelihood of the students living in Australia. It has been identified that many students are either ways being a part of the industry and it is impacting the life through many factors. The project will acknowledge two major factors those are social and economic to develop a better understanding related to the issue.
Project Scope
The project will explain the indirect and direct impact that gambling has on the students of Australia. The gambling industry is quite new in Australia so not many researches and studies are conducted o its impact. As Australia is a country that has a large population that is below the age of eighteen it is important that the impact of the industry should be analysed and this will be scope of the proposed study given here.
Literature Review
A literature review is a compilation of various ideas and suggestions that a peer reviewed author or authors have published through their journal articles. To understand the topic better the ideas of various authors will be compiled here and develop the literature review that will help in knowing the industry and its impact on students better. To start with the topic, it is important to know about the background of the industry. According to Young, M., Stevens, M. And Mo
is, M. (2008) defining Gambling is not an easy process as it may seem. In simple term, gambling is a practice in which one or more people risk something of certain value for an uncertain event with a hope of winning something of higher amount. The first thought that comes in mind with Gambling is Las Vegas, but the game has marked its presence all across the world. The concept of gambling goes back to the times when people use to live in caves. The first casino was established in Italy in the year 1638 and cu
ently gambling practices have become a household practice. This is due to the involvement of innovation and technology which has made the reach of the gambling practices to the smart phones, television, and computer system of the individuals (Young, M., Stevens, M. And Mo
is, M. 2008). So, for that the findings of Lee and Byun, (2014) is presented who says that gambling in Australia is relatively a new concept as compared to many other countries across the world. They add that the industry has started rooting in early 90s and since then it is growing vigorously. The gambling is just what happens in a casino which many people think. Gambling is done in many forms like lotteries, pool betting, casinos, and gaming bets (Lee and Byun, 2014).
In Australia the Commonwealth Government takes the industry with a lot responsibility., (2018) explain on the government website that according to them the gambling in Australia is a major issue as it is growing as a social problem for some people. The inclusion of innovation and technology has changed the Australian Gambling industry majorly. As per the reports it is taken as one of the fastest growing industry in which Online gambling holds the highest position segmenting approximately 15% of the total revenue generated that is $1.4 billion. The digital technology has also enabled the illegal operators to reach the person through various means of communications (, 2018).
o and King, (2012) say that the reports presented by one of the university councils say that approximately 9.1% of the students of their university is involved in heavy gambling. About 3% is taking medical help to come out of the worst of the gambling. The author says that the initial start at gambling is done to have some fun and spend time with friends. When it turns into an addiction and socially and economically starts impacting the students they themselves does not realise (Delfa
o and King, 2012). Gathering the views of various authors, it was clear that though the industry is still new in Australia but its impacts are taking the toll and making the society and government concern about it.
Focusing on the social impacts of the gambling various authors have taken it as a beneficial process and as well as a negative process. Gainsbury, (2011) has developed his article on precisely the internet gambling. He says that internet gambling is most of the time is just a time pass that students does while spending their time on the internet. Out of 100 only 5 students have time to come back for more spins. If guided well then, these five will also not have the addiction of the gambling process. Though he agrees that increasing awareness about digital technology is increasing possibility of students getting access to such processes (Gainsbury, 2011). Delfa
o and King, (2012) regarding social impact the author have to say that the students come with free spirit and join the game. The students who get in a habit of regular gambling spend their maximum time either gambling or a
anging money to again gamble. It is a game of luck, though there are disperancy on this part as many says that gambling is a jeopardized process, where people are subjected to lose. Students who win some money ones or twice wants to give a try again. But if one is winning the other losses and every day is not same for all. The average count says that out of 100 spins the probability of winning is limited to 3.74%...

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