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Hi, this is my assignments. The first one is (Questioning the narrator) 300 word, and Please pay attention to the requirements. The second one is one page novella reflection. Click here This is the...

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Hi, this is my assignments. The first one is (Questioning the narrator) 300 word, and Please pay attention to the requirements. The second one is one page novella reflection.

Click here

This is the link for novella you should read from page 1-23

Answered Same Day Jun 09, 2021


Swati answered on Jun 10 2021
137 Votes
Questioning the na
How much can we trust Neiman-Marcus ?
June 10, 2020 12:23 PM
Neiman is in prison for murdering his wife and neighbor lady and her infant son. He says he believes everyone in prison is an innocent man.(3) But as soon as he flips over his own statement and says that in his all years at Shawshank, there have been very few, less than 10 men whom he believed on telling to be innocent. If he himself believes that all men in prison are innocent, why and how he can doubt and trust only a few....

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