Lab Tasks
Lab Tasks
Task 1
Output a message to the console using the following methods
(5 message total)
Task 2
Start a console timer
Name the timer anything you'd like
Ask the user for information
output the user input to screen
Stop the console timer
Open the console to determine the execution timer
Task 3
Create a variable with the numerical value of 1
Create a variable with the numerical value of 3
using console.assert() determine if the first variable is less than the second variable
using console.assert() determine if the first variable is greater than the second variable
Task 4
Create 2 variables with number data types
Output the sum, product, quotient and difference of the two numbers
Output the modulus of the first number by the second number
Output the value of the postfix increment operator (++ after the variable)
Output the value of the postfix decrement operator (-- after the variable)
Output the value of the prefix increment operator (++ before the variable)
Output the value of the prefix decrement operator (-- before the variable)
Task 5
Create 3 variables with number data types
Update the first variable by the product its cu
ent value with the sum the second and third variable
Update the second variable by the quotient its cu
ent value with the difference the first and third variable
Update the third variable by the difference its cu
ent value with the first variable
Task 6
Ask the user for a number
Determine if the input is a valid number
Output a boolean result
Task 7
Create a variable that stores a numerical value
Ask the user for a number
Determine if the user input is equal to your variable.
Determine if the user input is identical to your input.
Output a boolean result for each determination
Task 8
Determine if "\n" is equal to false
Determine if "" is equal to 0
Determine if undefined is equal to null
Determine if Infinity is equal to "Infinity"
Determine if true is equal to "true"
Output a boolean result for each determination
Task 9
Create a string variable with a numerical value
Create a number variable with a numerical value
Determine if the two variables are identical
Determine if the two variables are equal
Output a message to screen
Task 10
Ask the user for a number
Determine if the number is positive, negative, neutral or not a valid number
Output a message to screen
Task 11
Ask the user for a single character
Determine if the user input is a vowel.
If so, output with vowel they inserted.
If not, output another message
Task 12
Ask the user for two inputs
Determine with input has the greater value
Output a message to screen
Lab Tasks
Lab Tasks
Task 1
Using a for loop
Count up from 0 to 300 by 15s
Task 2
Using a while loop
Count down from 500 to 0 by 25s
Task 3
Using any loop
Count from 2 to 256 by powers of two
Task 4
Complete Task 3 but using another loop structure
Task 5
Ask the user for a car
and (Nissan, Toyota, etc)
Using switch statements,
Code 3 cases that represent any car
and of your choosing
Inform the user you have that car
and in your dealership
Code the default case stating you don't have that
and in your dealership
Task 6
Ask the user for a year
Output to the user if the year is a leap year by following the algorithm below
To determine whether a year is a leap year, follow these steps:
1)If the year is evenly divisible by 4, go to step 2. Otherwise, go to step 5.
2)If the year is evenly divisible by 100, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 4.
3)If the year is evenly divisible by 400, go to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.
4)The year is a leap year (it has 366 days).
5)The year is not a leap year (it has 365 days).
Task 7
Complete this task using a do-while loop
Continually ask the user for a positive number
When the user has inputted a positive number
escape the loop
output to screen the positive number
Task 8
Complete task 7 using a while loop
Task 9
Complete Task 7 using a for loop
Task 10
Continually ask the user for a number until they have inputted a value between the range of 50-75
Escape the loop and display a congrats message
Task 11
Count up from 1-20
Skip the numbers 6 and 13
Task 12
Count down from 60 to 12 by 3s
Skip the odd numbers
Lab Tasks
Lab Tasks
Task 1
Create a named function that takes two arguments and returns the argument with the greatest length
The function ensures that both arguments are string data type
If not, it returns false
Task 2
Create a named function that takes an unlimited amount of arguments
It outputs the arguments to screen, separated by a
eaking rule html tag
Task 3
Create an anonymous function that takes 2 parameters: a string and an integer
The functions returns a boolean value of whether the string length is equal to the integer value
Task 4
Create an anonymous function that takes two optional arguments
The function returns the product of the two parameters
Pass any number default value for the arguments
Task 5
Create a named function that
takes 1 argument
outputs that argument to screen
Then outputs a
eaking line HTML tag
Task 6
Create a named function that
takes 2 arguments
first argument is an HTML Tag
second argument is text
outputs the text su
ounded by the
opening html tag and closing html tag
E.G FUNC('p',"hello world")
hello world
Task 7
Create a named function that
takes 2 arguments
it determines if BOTH arguments are NUMBERS
If so
It RETURNS the sum
If not
it RETURNS false
Task 8
Create an anonymous function that
takes 2 arguments
it determines which argument has the greater length
It returns the argument that has the longer length
Task 9
Create an anonymous function that
takes an unlimited amount of arguments
it determines which argument has the greater length
It returns the argument that has the longer length
Task 10
Create an anonymous function that
takes 2 arguments
divides the arguments by each other
eturns the result
Tasks 11-14
Complete Tasks 7-10 using a
ow functions