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MASTERS OF SOCIAL WORK Assessment 1 Part A HSSW401 HSSW401 Assessment 1 Part A 500 words Relates to Learning Outcomes (LO) 2, 4, 5 Task: Online group discussion In Assessment 1 Part A: Select a topic...

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Assessment 1 Part A HSSW401
Assessment 1
Part A
500 words
Relates to Learning Outcomes (LO) 2, 4, 5
Task: Online group discussion 
In Assessment 1 Part A:
Select a topic from the options below and post your contribution. In this post, you are required to contribute and reflect on your personal values through your contribution to the online forums with your peers on one of the topics provided. You can either start the conversation or you can respond to another post, but your entry must be equivalent to 500 words.
There is no right or wrong with this. You are being assessed on your critical reflection, the ability to think about your values and your social work practice/professional values. 
Within the forum, it is important to remember, that everyone's views are valid and important. You might respond to someone whose views and values differ to your own. How will you do this in a professional manner? Remember, many of our clients are likely to have a different view to our own or might engage in an activity that you do not condone. Similarly, with your peers/colleagues, you may have different views, but the emphasis is how you engage with them. 
Discussion Topics
Please choose one of the following topics and submit your discussion forum entry under the relevant topic post as a reply to either the original post or another student's post. In your post consider the topic and the questions posed.
Please reference as per UNE requirements where you refer to source documents or literature in your post.
    Youth offending
    Young offenders who offend on more than one occasion should be sentenced to detention. Agree or disagree? Why?
    People seeking asylum and refuge should be allowed to enter and settle in Australia whilst their applications are determined rather than remain in detention? Agree or disagree? Why?
    Childhood vaccination
    Children who are not vaccinated should be excluded from childcare and/or school. Agree or disagree? Why? 
    Income Management
    The reduction in personal liberty through income management which limits the use of social security payments (e.g., via cashless cards) is worth the benefits for the individual and the community. Agree or disagree? Why?
    End of life decisions
    Family rather than medical staff should be able to determine that people with incurable, terminal illnesses should be kept alive and be given all possible treatment even where this treatment may not be deemed medically valid. Agree or disagree? Why?

Assessment 1 Part B HSSW401
Assessment 1
Weighting 20%    
Part B 
1000 Words
Task:  Critical Reflection
In this first piece of assessment, you are required to contribute and reflect on your personal values on one of the topics provided, and how this might impact your professional values and your social work practice. 
There are two parts to this. The first part is your contribution to an online forum with your peers one of the topical provided. Your entry must be equivalent to 500 words. See instruction details in Part A. 
The second part of the assessment is a critical reflection on your forum post. This reflection will be equivalent to 1000 words. 
Your reflection will be based on your online forum entry and will outline how your views on your selected topic have been developed, and how they have changed/stayed the same over the time of your studies so far and their relevance to social work values and practice.
Some questions to think about: Why do I have these views/values? How did they develop? Have they changed or been challenged? How might this challenge me in practice? How might I work with these, especially if my personal values are different to my professional ones?
As this is a reflection, there is no right or wrong answer. You are being assessed on your critical reflection, the ability to think about your personal values and your social work practice/professional values and how these may affect your practice. 
You are required to reference any sources or literature as per UNE standards where these are used in your reflection. 
Submit both a copy of your online entry (Part A) and your critical reflective piece (Part B) in a single document, and together they will equal 1500 words. Marking will be based on your critical reflection skills, not on your personal values. Please see the marking ru
ic for further details. 
Submission status
    Attempt numbe
    This is attempt 1.
    Submission status
    No attempt
    Grading status
    Not graded

HSSW401 - Assessment 1
Online forum and written reflection
This assessment relates to Learning outcomes 1, 2, 4, 5, as follows:
Upon completion of HSSW401 students will be able to:
1. articulate coherent knowledge of the main theoretical framings and principles of basic counselling;
2. apply and evaluate the use of empathic and reflective listening skills;
4. critically analyse the skills in a counselling session aligning with reflexive practice in social work; and
5. demonstrate judgement in planning how to address client issues and follow up.
Marking Criteria & Standards of Performance
    Grade of 7 (High Distinction)
    Grade of 6 (Distinction)
    Grade of 5 (Credit)
    Grade of 4 (Pass)
    Grade of 3-1 (Fail)
    Criteria 1: articulate coherent knowledge of the main theoretical framings and principles of basic counselling;
5 Marks
    A highly developed understanding of professional values and a coherent knowledge of the relevance of personal and professional values to the principles of basic counselling demonstrated
    A well-developed understanding of professional values and clearly outlines the relevance of personal and professional values to the principles of basic counselling demonstrated
    A sound understanding of professional values and identifies the relevance of personal and professional values to the principles of basic counselling demonstrated
    An understanding of professional values and provides an indication of the relevance of personal and professional values to the principles of basic counselling demonstrated
    Reflection demonstrates limited or no understanding of professional values and relevance of personal and professional values to the principles of basic counselling not evidenced.
    Criteria 2: apply and evaluate the use of empathic and reflective listening skills;
5 Marks
    In depth, distinctive and insightful reflection and analysis of personal and professional values and implications for empathic practice
    A well-founded reflection and analysis of personal and professional values and implications for empathic practice
    Sound reflection and analysis of personal and professional values and implications for empathic practice
    Basic reflection and analysis of personal and professional values and implications for empathic practice
    No or poor reflection or analysis of personal and professional values and implications for empathic practice
    Criteria 4: critically analyse the skills in a counselling session aligning with reflexive and ethical practice in social work
5 Marks
    In depth, distinctive, and insightful reflection and critical analysis of personal and professional values and clearly liked to implications for ethical practice in social work
    A well-founded reflection and critical analysis of personal and professional values and linked to implications for ethical practice in social work
    Sound reflection and critical analysis of personal and professional values and implications for ethical practice in social work identified.
    Basic reflection and critical analysis of personal and professional values and some implications for ethical practice in social work identified
    No or poor reflection and critical analysis of personal and professional values and limited or no understanding of implications for ethical practice in social work
    Criteria 5: demonstrate judgement in planning how to address client issues and follow up.
5 Marks
    Distinctive, insightful and well-founded understanding of the influence of personal and professional values in practice approaches to addressing client issues
    Well-founded understanding of the influence of personal and professional values in practice approaches to addressing client issues
    Sound understanding of the influence of personal and professional values in practice approaches to addressing client issues
    Basic level of understanding of the influence of personal and professional values in practice approaches to addressing client issues
    Limited or no understanding of the influence of personal and professional values in practice approaches to addressing client issues
Answered Same Day Mar 27, 2020


Soumi answered on Mar 28 2020
157 Votes
Table of Contents
Part A    3
Post on End of Life Decisions    3
References    5
Part B    6
Critical Reflection on the Topic of the Post    6
References    9
Part A
Post on End of Life Decisions
The evaluation of human life and the determination of the ratio between the use of medication and its outcome is a very complex matrix to calculate. As suggested by Buckley (2018), human life, when gets affected by incurable diseases, becomes a matter of choice, between what to do and what not. Arguing against the theory of choice, Elie et al. (2018) stated that, human life deserves medical care despite being affected by incurable diseases and the only choice is who would grant the provision of medical care, medical staff, or the family of the patient.
I agree with the view that, it should be medical staffs, and not the family of a patient with an incurable disease, who should determine the offering of medical care. In my personal view, based on rational approach, it is the medical staff who should determine as to what degree and extent, patent with incurable diseases be provided with medical care. The terminal illnesses that make the life numbered in days, because immense mental stress on the patient as well as on the mind of their families, as a result, the family members often fail to think rationally. The medical staffs, aware of the situation at hand, due to their experience, know how to deal with a patient with terminal illness. As argued by McHugh et al. (2018), family members might want to let their patient suffering with terminal illness, have medical care, which would only account for a failed attempt and cause heavy economical pressure on the family. In other cases family of the patient do not seek medical care, as they do not want to lengthen the agony of the affected patient. Therefore, they should leave the task of determining the application of treatment on the medical staffs.
The medical staffs have the ability to determine the level of severity and can assess the level of pain suffered by the patient. However, the medical staffs, Maxwell (2018) mentioned, have ethical bindings, which often let them to offer medical care, even knowing that there is no cure to the disease. As the mainstream medical care would not prove beneficial for the physical health of the patient, alternative and complimentary theories are offered by the medical staffs, which at least improve the mental health of the suffering patient. The family of a patient, in general, do not possess the medical knowledge about treating the mental health of a terminal disease affected patient, and therefore, I agree with the option that medical staff take the decision for the patient, who suffers from terminal diseases. Despite being supportive of the medical staff, it is quite evident that, due to regulations of the medical regulatory board of a given country, medical staffs are often compelled to provide medication, despite knowing that the medication will only add more suffering to the patient. However, the medical staffs are also the only ones, who can provide alternative medication, that sooths the nerves of a patient before his or her final departure from the world.
Buckley, T. (2018). Physician Assisted Suicide: An End of Life Care Option that...

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