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MASTERS OF SOCIAL WORK HLTH510: This assessment is linked to learning outcomes 1-4: 1. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for mental health practice including...

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HLTH510: This assessment is linked to learning outcomes 1-4:
1. critically analyse the theoretical, legal, ethical and policy frameworks for mental health practice including evidence-based interventions;
2. demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to undertake a mental health assessment and employ common mental health assessment tools within a recovery framework;
3. plan and execute collaborative mental health care that supports the rights of people and their carers to access and participate in their treatment and recovery across the lifespan in a variety of health and community settings;
4. critically appraise theory and evidence-based practice to demonstrate understanding of the impact of mental health and mental illness  and the psychosocial dimensions of the illness experience, and the effects on the family and significant others.
· Post a comment and at least 2 replies to comments made by other students in relation to Module 1.
What do I have to do to achieve full marks?
Communication is a 2-way process so simply posting a comment in each of the learning module forums is not enough to qualify for maximum participation marks..
The minimum students need to do to achieve full marks is:
1. Complete your first forum activity (including 1 comment/post by you and 2 replies posted by other students in relation to Module 1) by the assessment due date
2. Follow this process with any Module that requests it across the course.
3. At the end of Trimester you will be asked to submit a statement of participation (see below) for final marking.
Note: There is no limit to the number of posts or replies that can be made and students are encouraged to interact with other students as much as possible. Furthermore, while you have until the due date to submit your post
eplies it is recommended you do not leave things until the last minute as this is unlikely to benefit you or other students.
*Word limits
Dot points are acceptable. Posts 100 words and Replies 50 words (approximately). Note students will not be penalised for longer word limits although being clear and concise is recommended.
What should my final participation statement look like?
The information you will need to record is: name of forum, title of post, date and time, and whether it was a post or reply. Note: You do not need to record the content of the post
eply. In most cases what you will be submitting for assessment should be no longer than 1 page. Your online participation statement should be presented in the following format:
    Name of forum
    Title of posting
    Date/Time of posting
    Learning module 1
    Activity 1 Case Study 1: Josh
    2/3/18 at 22:14
    Learning module 1
    Initial Thoughts  
    9/3/18 at 15:22
    Learning module 1
    Biases I have
    9/3/18 at 16:05
Where do I submit my statement of participation?
You must upload your statement of participation as a PDF file into Moodle. Do not email your statement of participation to the coordinator or anyone else without permission.
You will find an "add submission" button on the bottom of this page.
Click the "add submission" button and upload your file by following the instructions provided by Moodle. This will include completing a declaration of academic honesty.
Make sure you upload your file before the cut off date.

Microsoft Word - Case Study 1.1 - Josh & Alice.docx
Case    Study    1.1:    Josh    and    Alice    
Alice     contacted     the    Glenaurie     community    youth    alcohol    and    other    drug    service    
for     a     second     time     asking     for     support     for     Josh,     her     17     year-old     son.     The     social    
worker     told     Alice     that     Josh     has     not     yet     replied     to    messages     left     on     his    mobile    
phone     and     that     because     the     service     is     voluntary     no     further     contact     would     be    
made    with    him    unless    he    contacted    the    service    directly.    Alice    said    that    Josh    may    
not    have    responded    to    calls    because    he    was    stressed    after    the    police    had    stopped    
him    on    the    street,    searched    his    bag    and    found    a    small    amount    of    marijuana    and    
utensils     (a     pipe).     Alice     said     that     Josh     was     charged     with     possession     of     illegal    
substances    and    being    in    possession    of    drug    related    utensils    and    now    needs    to    go    
to     court.     She     stated     that     she     is     wo
ied     Josh    might     go     to     gaol     because     he     has    
another    court    case    pending    for    
eak    and    entering    charges    and    being    abusive    to    
police.    She    said    he    has    been    especially    agitated    this    week    and    his    angry    outbursts    
and    mood    swings    have    left    her    feeling    like    she    is    ‘walking    on    eggshells’    when    he    
is    around.    Alice    stated    that    she    had    heard    that    she    could    have    Josh    placed    on    an    
involuntary     treatment     order     to     ensure     that     he     becomes     compliant     with     his    
medication    (Olanzapine)    for    psychosis    in    the    hope    that    his    behaviour    and    mental    
health    may    improve.    She    said    that    Josh    has    been    missing    appointments    with    the    
Child     and     Youth     Mental     Health     Service     for     treatment     in     terms     of     his     anxiety,    
depression    and    early    psychosis.        
Bearing     in     mind     that     Josh     was     not     engaging     with     services     and     that     Alice     was    
focused     on     Josh     the     social     worker     sought     to     understand     more     about     Alice     to    
support     her.     She     sensitively     asking    Alice     how     she     is     travelling     in     this     scenario    
and     gathered     some     demographic     information     asking     questions     about     her     age,    
health,    living    situation,    employment    status    and    supports.    The    social    worker    also    
asked    Alice    questions     to     ascertain    her     knowledge     about    mental     health,     alcohol    
and     other     drugs.     For     example,     whether     Alice     had     ever     heard     of     the     Stages     of    
Change?     Alice     said     she     is     54     years     old     and     she     feels     alone     in     this     situation    
ecause    her    defacto    partner    Martin    has    said    they    should    “kick    Josh    out    of    home”.    
Alice    stated    that    Martin    had    been    ‘very    hard’    on    Josh    since    he    came    to    live    with    
them    two    years    ago    calling    him    names    about    his    Aboriginality.    She    said    that    this    
treatment    of     Josh    had     increased    after     Josh    had     told     them    that    he    would     like     to    
learn     more     about     his     culture     and     background     when     he     heard     through     a    
community    elder     that    his     father    anted     to    see    him.    He    had    also     learned     that    his    
father    was     ‘one    of     the     Stolen    Generation’.    Alice     continued     to     take     the     focus    off    
herself    and    talk    about    Josh.    She    said    she    cannot    ask    Josh    to    leave    home    because    
he     has     nowhere     to     go     and     she     is     the     only     person     still     “hanging     in     there”    
supporting    him.    Alice    then    stated    that    she    is    struggling    to    cope    and    has    been    on    
anti    depressants    for    the    past    two    years    due    to    stress    and    wo
y    about    Josh.    She    
said    she    wants    to    help    him    but    nothing    seems    to    be    working    and    her    whole    life    is    
‘a    mess’.    Her     friends    and     family    don’t    understand    or     are     ‘sick    of    hearing    about    
Josh’     and     they     have     also     told     her     that     she     should     ask     Josh     to     leave     the     family    
home.     Knowing     that     supporting     families     is     important     from     a     health     and    
wellbeing    perspective    the    social    worker    asked    Alice    whether    she    would    be    open    
to    a    call    from    the    Family    Support    Counsellor    and    she    agreed,    although    stated    that    
the     problem     is     Josh     and     if     he     could     be     helped     then     she     would     feel     better.     A    
al    was    made    to    the    Family    Support    Counsellor    to    contact    Alice    within    the    
next    twenty-four    hours.    

Legal and Professional Responsibility I
Read Case Study 1.1: Josh and Alice and locate relevant sections of the National Mental Health Standards, the AASW Mental Health Practice Standards and the AASW Code of Ethics.
These national and professional standards may assist you when reflecting on the questions below. 
· Take a few minutes to reflect on this assessment.
· Share your thoughts and feelings with other students.
· Answer the following Questions:
· Do you think there is a connection between Josh's drug taking and his Aboriginal background? Discuss.
· Reflecting on the voluntary nature of alcohol and other drug services what do you think about voluntary and involuntary treatment?
· What do you think the role of the social worker is in terms of involuntary treatment orders?
· Why do you think it's important to work with Alice? How might this be helpful to Josh?
· Dot points are allowed for this activity. There are no right or wrong answers. In fact, everyone's opinion may even be different to the one you express.
· Post a comment and then read what the other students have posted.
· Add a reply (or replies) to a post (or posts) made by other student(s) if you have something you want to add.
_____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____
Request by student:
Please write a comment answering those questions (in 200 – 300 words) . I have attached the two comments already posted by students, please write a reply for it (75 – 150 words each). Thanks.
· Do you think there is a connection between Josh's drug taking and his Aboriginal background? Discuss.
I believe this is a very simplistic view of Josh's drug taking. I think that there are numerous factors that lead to a person using drugs - Aboriginal or not. Josh's Aboriginality may have contributed to his feelings of detachment, social isolation or low self-esteem that may have lead him to this point which could be argued is an indirect connection. I think there is just as much a connection between his socio-economic background or family history for example
· Reflecting on the voluntary nature of alcohol and other drug services what do you think about voluntary and involuntary treatment?
If we examine the stages of change in relation to AOD use, I believe for a person to admit they have a problem and seek help voluntarily lays the foundation for a more collaborative effort and successful outcome.
I do agree that involuntary treatment is necessary in our society when the client cannot make a decision due to intoxication or drug affectedness, or if they are at serious and immediate risk to themselves or the community if they are not treated as a matter of urgency. 
· What do you think the role of the social worker is in terms of involuntary treatment orders?
Keeping in mind that it is important to respect clients’ personal freedoms and empower them to facilitate the change they are seeking. Involuntary CTOs seem to be placing the social worker in an ethically difficult position in that there is a contradiction by condoning and enforcing treatment upon someone who’s wishes are not being respected. A social worker might struggle between their personal values and professional values.
· Why do you think it's important to work with Alice? How might this be helpful to Josh?
I think it is important to update Alice with any relevant information (without
eaking confidentiality) and guide her in how best to support Josh so he can in turn feel supported. However, I actually believe that as the social worker whose main client is Josh, that Alice should actually seek treatment from either another social worker /counsellor within the service or a different service, so she can best get help for her own issues, leading to a more solid and stable support for Josh.
Is there a connection between Josh's drug taking and his Aboriginal background?
· Personally, I feel this is a very stereotypical question and is inco
ect.  Yes, Josh identifies himself as Indigenous, but looking at his home life and what is readily available would be more of connection.  Alice says she doesn't mind him smoking marijuana or alcohol because she does it.  I think initiating that kind of behaviour is going to lead into heavier and harder addictions to
eak.  [That may well be the case. Given that this is a real life scenario the challenge for health professionals is thinking about own values and beliefs and working with the family who might think and behave differently to us].
Reflecting on the voluntary nature of AOD services, what do you think about involuntary and voluntary treatment?
· Involuntary treatment makes it a little harder to engage with a client as he/she doesn't really want to be there.  It can be challenging and time consuming, but with the right attitude and outlook from the social worker, it can be rewarding.  Being able to strike a balance between yourself and the client - finding a common interest, revealing something about yourself , showing empathy and humanity is the key to any working relationship. 
· Voluntary treatment is where the client agrees to be admitted for treatment and willing to accept that help is needed.
What do you think the role of the social worker is in terms of involuntary treatment services?
· I struggled with trying to get my answer in my head onto paper, so I hope I'm on the right track.  The AASW (2013), states that social work professions are committed to maximising the wellbeing of individuals and society, and yet the Mental Health Act XXXXXXXXXXstates that involuntary treatment should only occur when a person's condition seriously impairs their judgement.  With this in mind, I feel social workers are already at a disadvantage because they have to reconnect with a client that doesn't want to be there, let alone acknowledge they have a problem, however,
Answered Same Day Mar 28, 2020 HLTH510


Perla answered on Mar 30 2020
164 Votes
Discussion: Legal and professional responsibility
· It is evident from the observations given, that Josh, is not actually consuming drug owing to his problems of ethnic and racial origins, rather the case is purely from the value systems prevailing in his home conditions. There is very strong statement from Alice indicating that she will not actually mind Josh smoking marijuana or consuming alcohol, hence it is a mere case of family conditions nothing to do with the racial and ethnic origins he do possess with.
· Voluntary treatment nature of AOD is good, if incase the client is collaborative and willing to take up a change by himself. However it will not be the case, in all circumstances client may be not willing to cooperate as well he may be not interested to take up the treatment voluntarily. In such instances there is no other alternative to involuntary treatment. Infact considering the common mental conditions of the drug addictedness and the possible consequences that they can provide to the person and the society, it may be highly needed and required to take up involuntary treatment facilities to the person addicted with drug.
· It is quite dilemma to answer this question, since professionally speaking in accordance with the mental acts, involuntary forces are needed to be applied only in the cases when the reasoning and judgment of the impaired person is seriously impacted and there is no capabilities existing for the victim to take...

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