The final Essay and short in Class presentation
DUE 30 September mid night.
LAW203 Semester 2, 2023
1. A short essay – your summary of the Snail in the Ginger Beer case - 1,500 words with references!
2. A group presentation
The essay is only 1,500 words. You need to take a side in the case, either the lady Ms Donoghue or the supplier of the Ginger Beer, Stevenson.
There are a few YouTube videos on the Moodle site and URLs are at the bottom of this document.
What do you think is the significance of the law now in the 21st century? Why is it so famous?
Try to find some articles or documents either on the or Proquest sites. You will need to use those as references.
What is the Neighbour Principle of Law? It is in the longer video 14 minutes.
The presentation – each of the group is to present an argument for either one side of the case or the other side.
Please take note. One of the curly issues with this case is that Ms Donoghue did not buy the ginger beer herself. Her friend bought it for her!! So is there a contract between Donoghue and the Ginger Bear manufacturer.
What does the law in this case say about who is responsible? See the longer video about ‘inspection’ of the bottle. Who do you think is responsible for making sure the ginger beer bottles are clean? Why?