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BSBWHS405 Contribute to Implementing and maintaining WHS management systems Assessment Questions Satisfactory Yes No 1 What documents referred to in the regulatory framework might be used in the...

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BSBWHS405 Contribute to Implementing and maintaining WHS management systems
    Assessment Questions
    What documents refe
ed to in the regulatory framework might be used in the design, implementation or certification of a health and safety management system? Discuss XXXXXXXXXXwords
    What is a health and safety plan and what are its elements? Discuss in 100 to 150 words
    What needs to be identified for each of the areas included in the health and safety plan? Discuss in 100 to 120 words
    What registers and records might a business or undertaking maintain as part of its health and safety management system? Discuss in 100 to 120 words.
    What are the implications of legislation on health and safety management systems in relation to record keeping? Discuss XXXXXXXXXXwords
    What are the ba
iers to implementing a health and safety management system and what strategies can be used to overcome them? XXXXXXXXXXwords
    What are an officer’s legislated obligations relating to due diligence? XXXXXXXXXXwords
    Why might an organisation wish to measure and evaluate H&S performance?
    What are the benefits of return to work and injury management being integrated in a health and safety management systems? XXXXXXXXXXwords
BSBWHS405 - Workplace Project
Develop a Health and Safety plan identifying H&S areas and action that will need implementation as part of an effective health and safety management system. The template provided can be used as a guide though you are encouraged to use one applied at your workplace.
Business:            Plan Date:         Compiled by:    
    Health & Safety Actions
    What to establish and implement
    Who is responsible
    Due Date
    Review date
· Policies & procedures
· Job descriptions
· Accountability
· Employees,
· HSRs H&S committee
· Staff and toolbox meetings
    Hazard Identification
· Identification method
· All work processes
· Frequency
    Risk Assessment
· Initial
· Reassessment
    Control Implementation
· Hierarchy of control
· Review effectiveness
    Information, instruction and training
· Relevant H&S information
· Inductions
· Training needs
· Refreshers and updates
    Injury Management
· First aid assessment
· Return to Work issue
    Record Keeping
· Availability and type
· Archives and retrieval
· Security
    Continual Improvement
· Audits
· Implement improvements

BSBWHS404 Contribute to WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
    Assessment Questions
    Explain the difference and between a regulation and Code of Practice citing and discussing an example
    What is a hazard? What is a risk? What needs to happen for a hazard to become a risk? Discuss citing an example from your workplace
    How can an organisation health and safety management system contribute to hazard identification and risk assessment? Discuss
    What are the legislative requirements relating to the use of PPE in the workplace? Research and discuss
    You are the H&S officer at an engineering firm. A worker tells you that as welding is not specifically refe
ed to in health and safety regulations, there is no need to identify hazards and implement risk controls. How would you respond?
    Explain what an officer’s duty of due diligence involves and discuss
    Your PCBU asks you to use the internet to access information and data about the hazards present in either working at heights or manual handling
What key words do you use?
How do you decide the best/most appropriate information for your workplace?
Present a one page information sheet for workers citing
· State, industry injury statistics on the chosen hazard
· Injury types and impacts
    Design a poster or series of posters to be displayed in your workplace that highlight workers’ duties in relation to hazard ID and risk control.
    What are obvious and hidden hazards? What is the difference between acute and chronic effects of hazards? Discuss including examples
    Conduct a hazard and risk inspection of your home and document your results on one page according to proper documentation processes
    Create your own a workplace policy and procedure relating to noise management. If you are using an existing one provide a review of its effectiveness in context of cu
ent legislation and regulatory requirements.
    Task 2 – BSBWHS404 - WHS Hazard ID and risk assessment
    Observation / Practical Demonstration Format
    Assessment criteria
    To achieve a satisfactory result the student must have met all the assessment criteria below
    Satisfactory/Not satisfactory
    Conduct Hazard identification and risk assessment on work example or sample provided (ladder use)
    Conduct Hazard identification and risk assessment on work example or sample provided (trips and falls)
    Conduct Hazard identification and risk assessment on work example or sample provided (manual handling)
Answered Same Day Apr 26, 2020 BSBWHS405


Anju Lata answered on Apr 28 2020
160 Votes
BSBWHS405 Contribute to Implementing and maintaining WHS management systems
    Assessment Questions
    What documents refe
ed to in the regulatory framework might be used in the design, implementation or certification of a health and safety management system? Discuss 100-120 words
    The documents to guide Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS), involve: American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) based on ISO 9000 standards and British Standards Institution (BSI) guide based on BS 8800:1996 Health and safety standards. These documents provide a comprehensive guide to the standards to be adapted by the Organizations for identifying, evaluating and managing their health and safety hazards. All the countries have started to include OHSMS to be followed by the organizations which design the standards. The main points of the guidelines include commitment from the management, involvement of employee, Prevention and management of hazards, analysis of workplace and worker’s training for safety(Safety Equipment Review,2017).
    What is a health and safety plan and what are its elements? Discuss in 100 to 150 words
    Â A health and safety Plan of an Organization is a plan to ensure safety of workers and minimize the incidents of accidents and risks during their working hours. It covers the role and responsibility of staff, including emergency action plan.  It is meant to serve and protect affected persons in the organization in all type of health, goodness and protection (Australian Government,2018)
According to the types of hazards involved in the project, the method of risk prevention and the equipments to be used in prevention process, the plan may differ from one industry to another but the fundamental subject of the health and safety plans is not limited to the health safety of  their employees but also ensure the health and safety of visitors and passe
y people.
The elements of health and safety plan are: Policies, procedure, training, induction, monitoring and reporting.  
    What needs to be identified for each of the areas included in the health and safety plan? Discuss in 100 to 120 words
    Policies: Adherence to the regulations and code of conduct as directed in H&S plan to be followed by employers as well as employees.
Procedure: Procedure for establishing and designing the safety management of a workplace must be according to the documents of guidance and standards of OHSMS.
Training: All the employees of the firm must be trained by the PSBUs for efficient use of safety devices and equipments.
Induction: The implementation of the plan must be done as per the rules of the company, the standards, available resources and workplace environment.
Monitoring: Monitoring should be done on regular basis for the presence of hazards and risks which may give rise to serious accidents if not handled at the right time.
Reporting about the suspected and potential hazard must be done by the employees to their supervisors immediately as they get to know about it. The workers must be aware enough to recognize the hazards of their working environment. Moreover the supervisors must not ignore the issues and concerns reported by the employees (Weekes,2017).
    What registers and records might a business or undertaking maintain as part of its health and safety management system? Discuss in 100 to 120 words.
    According to the specifications of Workplace OHS (2014),as a part of Health and safety management system, the business needs to maintain following records:
1. The details about machines, their installation year and inspection details.
2. Details about confined and high risk...

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