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VALIDATION VALIDATION Diploma of Graphic Design CUAGRD501 Research visual communication history and theory Student name: XXXXXX Student number: XXXXXX Assessment number: 34424/01 All terms mentioned...

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Diploma of Graphic Design
CUAGRD501 Research visual communication history and theory
Student name: XXXXXX
Student number: XXXXXX
Assessment number: 34424/01
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Once you feel confident that you have covered the learning materials for this unit, you are ready to attempt this assessment.
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You are required to complete one assessment for CUAGRD501 Research visual communication history and theory. In completing this assessment
· select focus for research
· conduct critical analysis
· present ideas about visual communication history and theory
· develop own practice from research
Assessment 34424/01
In this assessment you are required to evaluate the work you completed in the previous assessment and revisit your plan for developing your skills. You will also research work opportunities in the graphic design field.
You work for the Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency
anch in Sydney, Australia. You have been assigned a project to develop a simple A4 advertisement for a magazine for an upcoming 5-day sale in the Myer department store in the city centre.
Activity: Written case study + advertisement
Follow these instructions to develop and deliver your 800–1000 word written case report and advertisement.
1. Select an important period of artistic development that has had an impact on graphic design today. Examples include post-WWI Modernism, Pop Art, Deconstructivism or Su
ealism. Alternatively, it may an area of development that has not been covered in the learning material, such as Dada or Bauhaus. Choose an area that can be applied to your development of the advertisement.
Note: You will need to explain the connection between your chosen historical period and the advertising assignment in your report further below.
2. Research this period of artistic development and its influences using a range of resources that challenge your preconceptions about potential information sources. These need to include historical and contemporary sources, which might consider museums, books, video, websites, newspapers or magazines. Ensure your research covers a range of technologies. Ensure you have considered intellectual property requirements.
Note: You will need to list and
iefly describe the sources you use in the report further below, as well as how you considered and adhered to intellectual property requirements’.
3. Explore and compare the way in which issues and ideas about the period you have chosen relate to themes and trends in cu
ent graphic design. Your process of analysis, will take your research in new and unexpected directions. In process:
- Evaluate the messages, meanings and the critical views of others in your historical and contemporary sources concerning the period you have chosen.
- Ensure you can discuss the historical period with reference to fundamental aspects of visual communication, including form, colour, typography, themes etc.
Note: Evidence of all these items will need to be reflected in your report below.
4. Write 800–1000 words where you define key ideas you’ve gathered in your research about your chosen historical period. Ensure you reference all material properly. For instructions on how to reference, look at the Academic Referencing Guide found in the Student Lounge on OpenSpace.
Note: Your report about your chosen art historical development/historical period does not need to relate the advertisement you develop. Rather you are researching and exploring the period. All points explained in 1–3 need to be evidenced in your 800–1000-word report.
5. a) Use your research and analysis from your report to create a simple A4 advertisement for a product in a magazine. The advertisement needs to demonstrate influence from the period you researched. The advertisement should be created in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Indesign with the final output being delivered to OpenSpace as a .pdf file.
) Provide a short 300-word reflection statement explaining how you extracted ideas from your research for integration into development of your advertisement. This should include connections and associations between history, theory and contemporary practice. Also, reflect on and explain:
· how demonstrated ownership, responsibility and set goals in conducting your research and developing your advertisement
· how your research will impact your future directions as a professional instructional designer.
Submission checklist
    Parts 1-4
    The completed report
    Part 5a
    The A4 advertisement
    Part 5
    The reflection statement
Appendix A
Your trainer will use your assessment submissions to judge whether you have satisfied the assessment requirements for the units of competency CUVGRD501 Research visual communication history and theory. In addition, you may choose to be awarded a graded result for this unit of competency.
To demonstrate competence in this unit you must have used your knowledge and skills to perform the following:
Select a focus for research
Conduct critical analysis.
In addition, you may choose to be awarded a graded result for this unit of competency. To achieve a Credit grade, you must firstly satisfy the criteria for competency. You will need to extend yourself in achieving all aspects of the evidence. Performance indicators that provide evidence might include the following:
Evidence of research based on a number of different resources.
Identification and investigation of multiple ideas and issues.
Comprehensive analysis and comparison of ideas and issues.
Evidence of well constructed arguments to support the ideas and concepts.
Evidence of good organisation of ideas and concepts.
Good expression of thinking.
To achieve a Distinction grade you will need to extend yourself beyond the credit requirements and the achievement of all aspects of the evidence. Performance indicators that provide evidence might include the following:
Identification of tangible examples where ideas and concepts are realised.
Discussion of examples as they relate to particular ideas, concepts or theories.
Critical and detailed discussion of theories and perspectives.
Concise, accurate expression.
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Answered Same Day Mar 26, 2020 CUAGRD501 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on Apr 05 2020
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