Here's an existing class representing a poker hand.
It has a method `cards` which returns an array of the cards in hand.
It's always the same hand, we know. That's not practical, but hey this is a test, not a real game.
Your mission:Create another method in this class called `to_s` which will return a string of the cards.
The string should look like this: "- 6♠- 3♦ - A♣ - J♦ - J♥ -" (the double quotes should not be included; they're included here to that it's a string)
While you're at it, make the cards method private.
class PokerHand private #attr_accessor :cards # Returns an array of 5 cards in player's hand: # => Eg: ['6♠', '3♦', 'A♣', 'J♦', 'J♥'] def cards %w(6♠3♦ A♣ J♦ J♥) endend
There exists a Person class in this file. It has a full_name method which can return the person's full name based on their provided first and last names. Mind blowing, eh?
We need to support doctors... Create a Doctor class which inherits the Person class. It should have the same constructor, but when full_name is called, it should return their full name prepended with "Dr. "
Example: p ="Joy", "Halliday") p.full_name # ==> "Dr. Joy Halliday"
Do not modify the Person class at all.
class Person
def initialize(first_name, last_name) @first_name = first_name @last_name = last_name end
def full_name "#{@first_name} #{@last_name}" end
Given the existing Employee class.
Define a class School (at the bottom of this file) which has a method `train`.This train method should take in an employee as an argument, and upskill them.
class Employee
def initialize @skill_level = 1 end
def upskill @skill_level += 1 end