[Short essay
Print student name,
“Explain the relationshi
your past, cu
ent or fit
1 Type your answ
Roman font style) before co
OUr answer {o highli ht
ID number and course
Our main idea
PS among market analysis,
ure employer business and
er (MS Word, 1.5 pages,
ming to the test and submit
11 font size, single space, margin 1, Time New
efore the exam starts,
Underline key words in
oints will be deducted if not
mission statement,
strategy and OM decisions using
link the relationshi
p to the firm's competitiveness,”
[Short essay
Print student name,
“Explain the relationshi
your past, cu
ent or fit
1 Type your answ
Roman font style) before co
OUr answer {o highli ht
ID number and course
Our main idea
PS among market analysis,
ure employer business and
er (MS Word, 1.5 pages,
ming to the test and submit
11 font size, single space, margin 1, Time New
efore the exam starts,
Underline key words in
oints will be deducted if not
mission statement,
strategy and OM decisions using
link the relationshi
p to the firm's competitiveness,”
[Short essay
Print student name,
“Explain the relationshi
your past, cu
ent or fit
1 Type your answ
Roman font style) before co
OUr answer {o highli ht
ID number and course
Our main idea
PS among market analysis,
ure employer business and
er (MS Word, 1.5 pages,
ming to the test and submit
11 font size, single space, margin 1, Time New
efore the exam starts,
Underline key words in
oints will be deducted if not
mission statement,
strategy and OM decisions using
link the relationshi
p to the firm's competitiveness,”