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WRitten ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE - PAGE ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION Due date: Friday Week 11 (11:45 PM AEST) Part: Written Assessment Weighting: 30% of total assessment. Submission: Electronic Via Moodle (see...

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    Due date:
    Friday Week 11 (11:45 PM AEST)
    Written Assessment
    30% of total assessment.
    Electronic Via Moodle (see course website for details)
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Week Six
Assignment Question:
If a user on a computer is web-
owsing, what protocols are most likely being used in each of top three layers in this TCP/IP architecture? (Give acronyms or full definitions of the needed protocols in each layer; one protocol for each layer will be acceptable. You can draw the TCP/IP layered architecture diagram with the needed protocols for this scenario.)
Your answer:
Week Seven
Assignment Question:
When you try to ping a server (located on your local network) with its IP address, your operating system needs to convert the IP address into a MAC address. Answer the following questions:
1) To resolve a local IP address to a physical MAC address, which protocol can be used? Which layer of the TCP/IP layered architecture does the protocol belong to?
2) Briefly discuss how this protocol works, including how the protocol avoids sending a request across a network for each IP packet that needs to be sent to the same destination.
Your answer:
Week Eight
Assignment Question:
You are trying to determine if a switch is working properly. Its switching table has the following entries:
    MAC Address
    Port #
Port 3 is connected to a hub.
During your testing, the following events occur:
1. The entry for 00-38-6B-00-21-FC expired;
2. An additional device XXXXXXXXXX6B-00-02-A3) is connected to the hub on port 3;
3. A new virtual machine XXXXXXXXXX6B-00-10-0C) is started on the server connected to port 2;
4. Device XXXXXXXXXX6B-00-13-CB) is disconnected from the hub on port 3, then connected to port 5.
Show the switching table that you’d expect to see at the end of these events by completing the table below. The order of entries is unimportant:
    MAC Address
    Port #
Your answer:
Complete the following table:
    MAC Address
    Port #
Week Nine
Assignment Question:
Assume you are working for GreenEnergy as a network administrator. The manager requests you to develop a network security policy. You consider writing a guideline on securing access to network data by setting up authentication and authorisation and configuring password requirements.
1. Explain what authentication and authorisation are, and
2. Give at least three recommendations to users on selecting a good password.
Your answer:
Week Ten
Assignment Question:
You have an idea for a cloud-based IoT application that can monitor your living/working/studying environments by collecting and demonstrating the data of temperature, humidity, air quality and so on.
· Scenario 1: You need a development server for your team members (classmates across several campuses).
· Scenario 2: And then, once the software is developed and deployed with required hardware, you need a hosting solution for users to access to the software and users can check their living/working/studying environments on their tablets and smartphones.
What type of cloud computing service for each scenario is appropriate? Justify your answers.

Your answer:
    Assignment Question
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    Simplistic question/sample answer that does not demonstrate an understanding of the topic area OR sample answer is not in the student’s own words
ect response but could have more detail
    Good question that has some challenge, but could be more challenging and/or the sample answer needs more detail/explanation
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Answered Same Day May 28, 2021


Ritu answered on May 29 2021
162 Votes
Student Name
Student ID
Week Six    3
Week Seven    3
Week Eight    4
Week Nine    4
Week Ten    5
Marking Sheet    7
Week Six
These are the most commonly used protocols in a web

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Web
owsers often use HTTP to retrieve WebPages.
Sometimes HTTPS or secure HTTP.
SNMP - The Simple Network Management Protocol is used to manage network devices as well as their functionality.
TCP stands for the Transmission Control protocol. Web
owsers use TCP to transfer various images, documents, videos, as well as text.TCP is connection-oriented, so reliability is guaranteed. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) may be used when interactivity is required during a game play.
ARP stands for address resolution protocol. ARP used to map IPV4 addresses to MAC addresses.
The ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol is used for e
or reporting.
Week Seven
1. The address resolution protocol is used to map IPv4 addresses to MAC addresses. The MAC address is on the TCP/IP model's network interface layer (Layer 1). The IP address is in the Internet layer (Tier 2).TCP as well as UDP use the port number for transmission to provide a small hint about the port.\
2. The following is the work model:
A sends an ARP request
The ARP router sends a
oadcast only if the IP address does not exist in the ARP cache.
B sends a response to the ARP
Finally, the ARP router or server sends an ARP reply.
Week Eight
    MAC Address
    Port #

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