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PROBLEM 1: MOLECULAR THERMODYNAMICS OF PURE FLUIDS Recall from CBE40C: The behavior of most pure fluids can be described by cubic equations of state. When one such equation of state is used...

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Recall from CBE40C: The behavior of most pure fluids can be described by cubic
equations of state. When one such equation of
state is used to plot isotherms on a P-v diagram
(v is the molar volume in this problem, denoted
as V in other literature), for T < Tc, a van der
Waals loop is observed (see Figure 1, which is
eproduced from Figure 7.3-1 in Chemical,
Biochemical, and Engineering
Thermodynamics by Stanley Sandler, 4th
Edition). These are regions of the phase
diagram that a vapor phase and a liquid phase
can coexist. However, as you also know from
CBE40C, for each temperature T < Tc there is
only one unique pressure, Psat, at which a gas-
liquid coexistence is possible. At this
temperature and pressure, the fugacities of the
vapor and liquid are going to be equal to one
another, and this is the criterion that is used for
finding Psat for a given T (or Tsat for a given P). The purpose of this problem is to use this
criterion to find out what the Psat of NH3 is for a number of different temperatures, using
two different equations of state.

Recall that cubic equations of state can be generalized in terms of the compressibility
factor, Z, as:

For the entire range of temperatures and
pressures co
esponding to the van der Waals
loop, the cubic equation of state predicts three
distinct, real roots. As you know, the middle
oot co
esponds to the middle part of the loop,
which is a physically unrealistic region (it
predicts that pressurizing a fluid increases its
molar volume), so that root is discarded. Of the
two roots remaining, the small one is the liquid
compressibility, ZL, and the large one is the
vapor compressibility, ZV. Those roots can then
e used to calculate the fugacities
esponding to the predicted vapor and liquid
phases, fV and fL, respectively. If those two
fugacities are equal, the temperature and
pressure that were used in the calculations
espond to the co
ect [T, Psat] pair (in other
words, for any given T, the P that gives
equal fugacities for the vapor and the
liquid phases is the co
ect Psat).

3 +αZ 2 + βZ + γ = 0

Figure 1. van der Waals loops on a P-v
diagram (only observed for the three
isotherms that have T < Tc)

Figure 2. Cleaning up the van der
Waals loop after Psat is found.
Once the co
ect Psat is found, the van der Waals loop can be cleaned up as shown in
Figure 2 (previous page), which is reproduced from Figures 7.3-2 and 7.3-3 in Chemical,
Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynamics by Stanley Sandler, 4th Edition.

Now, how do we go about using this information to find Psat for a given T using a cubic
equation of state? In principle, you can keep
guessing different values of P, calculating fV
and fL, and comparing them, until you find a P
for which fV = fL. But this is not a very efficient
method. Instead, Figure 7.5-1 in Chemical,
Biochemical, and Engineering
Thermodynamics by Stanley Sandler, 4th
Edition, which is reproduced in Figure 3, gives
a clever algorithm for finding Psat. It basically
says that after the calculation of fV and fL, if
they are not equal to each other to within a
certain tolerance that you desire, then multiply
your cu
ent guess of P by fL/fV and repeat the
calculations iteratively.

In this problem, you want to create a
function file that takes in a fugacity
equation co
esponding to an equation
of state with its parameters for a given
fluid, a value of T, and a value of P as an
initial guess, and then goes through this
clever algorithm to find the co
ect Psat
for the given T. You then want to use this
function file to find Psat for NH3 for a number
of different temperatures, using two different
cubic equations of state.

The temperatures that we want to find Psat for
are T1 = 375 K, T2 = 382 K, T3 = 391 K,
T4 = 400 K. We want to use the Peng-Robinson equation of state, and the van der Waals
equation of state. Let us go through those two equations of state now:

1) van der Waals:

The parameters for ammonia are a = XXXXXXXXXXPa.m6/mol2, b = 3.737 ´ 10–5 m3/mol

If represented in terms of the compressibility factor:

The parameters are given as:

, ,

P = RT
v −
− a
3 +αZ 2 + βZ + γ = 0
α = −1− B β = A γ = −AB

Figure 3. A clever algorithm to find Psat
where Z=Pv/RT is the compressibility factor, and the parameters A and B are given by:

The fugacity of the vapor and the liquid phase can be calculated by:

Here, ZL and ZV co
espond to the liquid (low) and vapor (high) roots of the cubic
equation of state, respectively.

2) Peng-Robinson

The relevant parameters are related to the fluid’s critical properties:

If represented in terms of the compressibility factor:

The parameters are given as:

, ,

where Z=Pv/RT is the compressibility factor, and the parameters A and B are given by:

The fugacity of the vapor and the liquid phase can be calculated by:

A = aP
RT( )2
, B = bP

ln f
= ZV −1( )− ln ZV − B( )− AZV

ln f
= Z L −1( )− ln Z L − B( )− AZ L
P = RT
v −
− a T
( )
v v + b( ) + b v − b( )
α T( )
α T( ) = 1+κ 1− T



κ = XXXXXXXXXX54226ω − 0.26992ω 2
3 +αZ 2 + βZ + γ = 0
α = −1+ B β = A− 3B
2 − 2B γ = −AB + B
2 + B3
A = aP
RT( )2
, B = bP

Here, ZL and ZV co
espond to the liquid (low) and vapor (high) roots of the cubic
equation of state, respectively.

The critical properties of ammonia can be found from thermodynamic tables:

Tc = 405.6 K, Pc = 11.28 MPa, w = 0.250

a) Develop a function file that takes in as input a function file for the fugacity
calculation co
esponding to any equation of state with any parameters needed in the
fugacity equation, a value of T, and a P0 as an initial guess, and implements the clever
algorithm shown in Figure 3 to find the co
ect Psat for the given T (with the tolerance
as specified in Figure 3). So the inputs to your function file should be a function
handle referencing a function file for the fugacity equation with any parameters
needed, and T and P0. The output from the function should be Psat. Call this function
file psatfinder. Note that psatfinder should be set up in a general way, so that it can
work with both P-R and vdW equations of state (in fact, it will work with any cubic
EoS as long as the fugacity equation is also known for that EoS).
) Using the Peng-Robinson EoS, produce a log-log P-v diagram (v on the logarithmic
x- and P on the logarithmic y-axis) for NH3 for temperatures T1 = 375 K, T2 = 382 K,
T3 = 391 K, T4 = 400 K, T5 = 405.6 K, T6 = 408 K (all on one graph). Rescale your
axes to 3 ´ 10–5 m3/mol £ v £ 1 ´ 10–3 m3/mol, and 1 ´ 106 Pa £ P £ 1 ´ 108 Pa. This
plot should give you some guidance on how to guess your pressures in the next step.
c) Write a script file that sends the fugacity function file for the van der Waals EoS to
psatfinder with the four different values of temperature T1, T2, T3, and T4 specified
earlier, to find the co
esponding Psat for each value (for NH3). The entire script file
should run with one command called PsatvdW, printing a column of the four T
values and their co
esponding Psat values at once. Note: you should find Psat for the
temperatures given one by one, using a loop.
d) Write a script file that sends the fugacity function file for the Peng-Robinson EoS to
psatfinder with the four different values of temperature T1, T2, T3, and T4 specified
earlier, to find the co
esponding Psat for each value (for NH3). The entire script file
should run with one command called PsatPR, printing a column of the four T values
and their co
esponding Psat values at once. Note: you should find Psat for the
temperatures given one by one, using a loop.
e) BONUS QUESTION (10% extra on problem): Using the information you found
in part d, create a cleaned-up version of the P-v diagram that you had plotted in part

NOTE: In Matlab, the command “isreal(a)” is a logical statement (True/False, or 1/0),
egarding whether a number
Answered 1 days After Oct 23, 2022


Rachakonda answered on Oct 24 2022
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