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空白演示 Consumer Behaviour Collaborative Analysis By: Quintya, xxx, xxx, xxx Date: xx/ xx/ 2020 Grocery - ie. toothpaste, shampoo, etc. My chosen products: From my first and second assessment, I observed...

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Consumer Behaviou
Collaborative Analysis
By: Quintya, xxx, xxx, xxx
Date: xx/ xx/ 2020
Grocery - ie. toothpaste, shampoo, etc.
My chosen products:
From my first and second assessment, I observed my friend's shopping trip. She went to a grocery shop to buy stuffes for her trips. She bought several kinds of groceryies. Toothpaste and shampoo are chosen as my products for this asignment.
A box of blube
A Designer Handbag
Niu Liu
A Mobile Phone
Xinzhe Li
Chosen products for team members:
For my team members, Augus provided a list of his daily shopping. So, he chose a box of bluebe
y to represent his final chosen product. Niu Liu went to Melbourne to purchase her beautiful luxurious Prada handbag. So her choen product would be the designer handbag. Finally, our team member Xinzhe Li got his old mobile phone updated to a new iphone 11. His chosen item is a mobile phone.
When looking at our chosen products, and based on the definition, they could be categorized as two kinds of products. The toothpaste, shampoo and the box of bluebe
y are low-involvement products. On the other hands, the designer handbag and the mobile phone are high-involvement products ( Kumar 2009, p. 454).
Similarities in the purchase journey of these products:
Mobile phone
Had a plan to replace old one by iphone 11.
The same bluebe
y to replace the rotting ones at home.
Toothpaste & shampoo
Looking for the same ones that has been used up.
Designer handbag
Had the plan to get the same one seen on the internet.
The biggest similarity of purchasing these products is that we made a plan to buy them. In other word, they were bought intentionally rather than randomly. Augus's blube
y went rotting before he ate them so he intended to purchase a box of fresh bluebe
y. Xinzhe's old mobile phone become extremely slow and out of date, so he decided to get a latest iphone model- iphone 11. Niu Liu saw a model wearing the designer handbag on the internet, she really liked it so she decided to get the same one for herself. For me, my friend used up her shampoo and toothpaste, so she had to buy a new one. And she always uses these particular
ands of toothpaste and shampoo. Therefore, the pachase journey of these products are quite directed and pointed. Everyone go straight to the products they need when they start their puachasing.
Less time consuimg:
toothpaste & shampoo
More time consuming:
handbag & mobile phone
Time spend on
Less expectation:
toothpaste & shampoo
More expectation:
handbag & mobile phone
Expectation before buying
Availibility to alternatives
Differences in the purchase journey of these products:
Less availibility:
handbag & mobile phone
More availibility:
toothpaste & shampoo
There are several differences in the purchase journey of these products. For bluebe
y, toothpaste and shampoo, these are engaged in routine purchasing. They cost almost no search time and analysis time. As they are the known and habitual products. On the other hand, the handbag and mobile phone took a relative long period of time to compare, to do research and to make the final decision. These are also the difference between low-involvement products and high-involvement products (Ramaswamy 2009, pp XXXXXXXXXX).
Besides, expectation before purchasing are very different.
For the toothpast, shampoo and bluebe
y, they were put no expectations before the were purchased. As they were cheap, been used and been bought by regular basis Therefore, they have relatively a low risk to the buyer if someone makes a mistake by purchasing them (Kurtz, MacKenzie & Snow 2009, p XXXXXXXXXXOn the contrary, handbag and iphone 11 were put much more expectation before or even after the purchase. They are far more expensive than the groceries products. Buyers always have more interests on the high-involvement products as they are not purchased often but very relevant and important to buyers.
Moreover, the availability of alternative
ands are quite different too.
When the bluebe
y, toopaste and shampoo were not available on the shop, buyer may find strawbe
y and any other
ands of toothpaste and shampoo to fulfill the shopping need. So they have high availability to be repalced. However, iphone 11 and handbag have low possibility to be altered. As the buyers has spend a lot to search information, to compare, to eliminate the analysis and had interaction in-depth. Therefore, it is unlikely to repalce them.
Kumar, SR 2009, Consumer behaviour and
anding: concepts, readings and cases - the Indian context, Pearson Education India.
Kurtz, DL, MacKenzie,HF & Snow, K 2009, Contemporary marketing, Illustrated edn, Cengage Learning.
Ramaswamy 2009, Marketing management, Tara MacGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi

Assessment Information
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material
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Assessment 3 Information

Subject Code: MKT301
Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour
Assessment Title: Collaborative Analysis
Assessment Type:
In-class Group Work and Presentation
10 minutes (no more)
Weighting: 30%
Total Marks:
In-class Activity & Online
Due Date: Weeks 8 to 12

Your task
Collectively, your group is required to prepare a 10-minute presentation based on the weekly in-class
group work and collaborative analysis that explores the similarities and differences in consumer purchuse
journeys that you have individually analysed in assessment 1 and 2.

Assessment Description
In this group assessment, you will be given an opportunity to explain and communicate the complexities
of consumer decision-making processes, including the influence of situational, psychological and social
factors by identifying and evaluating marketing strategies in relation to consumer motivations. You will
e required to demonstrate a
oad knowledge of cu
ent issues in buye
consumer behaviour by critically
eviewing the place of consumption in modern society.

Assessment Instructions
This assessment is divided into two parts. The first part being in-class collaboration (15%) and the second
is group presentation (15%), combined with compulsory attendance during weeks 8 and 12.

During your class in week 8, your group will be required to fill out the group contract (please refer to the
template which is located under Assessments Table>Assessment 3> Group Contract Template) by
agreeing upon duties and responsibilities of each team member through negotiating individual and
collective interests equally. In negotiating your duties and responsibilities, you must consider the main
questions required of your group in this assessment. These are:
• What were your chosen products?
• What were the products of your group members?
• What were the similarities and differences in the purchase journey of these products?
• Why do these similarities and difference emerge?
• How could these findings impact the marketing strategy for your chosen products? What should
your business do differently based on these findings?

Assessment Information
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Copyright Regulations 1969
This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of Kaplan Business School pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material
in this communication may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduction or communication of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protection
under the Act. Kaplan Business School is a part of Kaplan Inc., a leading global provider of educational services. Kaplan Business School Pty Ltd ABN XXXXXXXXXXis a
egistered higher education provider CRICOS Provider Code 02426B.
During week 9, you will be given in-class time to work with your group members on the questions
mentioned above. More specifically, you will be required to compare the purchase journeys that you have
eflected on and analysed in assessment 1 and 2, and collaboratively discuss any areas of individual
esearch that you have conducted before attending this workshop.

During weeks 9, 10 and 11, you and your group members will finalise your comparative analysis and
work on your final presentation. Collectively, you should analyse the similarities and differences in the
factors that influenced the purchase journeys and discuss why this may be the case. You and your group
members will report to each other based on the agreed duties you set in week 8.

During week 12, you and your group are required to present the findings of your analysis with
ecommendations to your fellow classmates and workshop facilitator. The nominated group leader is
equired to submit the PowerPoint slide deck via MyKBS. You will be marked against criteria such as
collaboration, contribution to the weekly group discussion, and contribution to research and presentation.

In finalising your presentation, you are also required to use at least 8 sources of information that are
eferenced (both In-text and end text) in accordance with Kaplan Harvard Referencing Guide.
These may consist of government publications, industry reports, and journal articles.

Assignment Submission
The proposal file must be submitted as a ‘PowerPoint’ file to avoid any technical issues that may occur
from inco
ect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate
submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is an issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must
contact your workshop facilitator via email and provide a
ief description of the issue and a screenshot
of the Turnitin e
or message.

You are also encouraged to submit your work well in advance of the deadline to avoid any possible delay
with the Turnitin similarity report or any other technical difficulties that may occur.

Late assignment submission penalties

Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School
“late assignment submission penalties” policy.
Number of
Answered Same Day May 30, 2021 MKT301


Rupsha answered on Jun 01 2021
151 Votes
The items that have been bought in this case are toothpaste, bluebe
y, shampoo, and handbag. The demand to buy these items emerged from the necessity of replacement. As stated by Szmigin and Piacentini (2018), the demand of replacement of an item appears when it loses its credibility or the consumer thinks that he can afford an updated version of its which would give him better service. Here, the toothpaste, shampoo and bluebe
y were bought because they were running out of these items. Whereas the iphone was bought as the functions of...

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