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Hello, thank you for your help! The assignment instructions are in the pdf entitled Final.pdf. The assignment creates two short python programs that automatically predict whether an email is spam or...

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Hello, thank you for your help! The assignment instructions are in the pdf entitled Final.pdf. The assignment creates two short python programs that automatically predict whether an email is spam or not spam (given a csv file names spam.csv). The screenshots entiled and include code that MUST be included in the resulting programs (part 1 and part 2). The screenshots entitled EXAMPLE 1 and EXAMPLE 2 are my attempts at the code so far; the style of the code should be similar to these examples. My code is not running and I cannot figure out why. Also, I would like a screenshot of the decision tree in WEKA. This is the link for WEKA if needed : Thank you.
Answered Same Day Nov 27, 2022


Sanskar answered on Nov 28 2022
40 Votes
ASSIGNMENT No. – 11461
By- Sanska
Status-Completed , On time
Requirements –
1. Full Python compile setup.
2. Basic knowledge of python.
3. Basic knowledge of read from file.
4. All files must be placed in one folder.
To check if any email is spam or not. For this there’s given a file named spam.csv. This program will automatically check length of text , if have spammy words (specified), if have any kind of links and if there are any labels. After checking it will return if the mail is spam or not (ham). In order to check spammy words , all are declared in a list. To increase accuracy of the code user can add more words there (does_have_spammy_words function).
There are total number of 4 files and 1 picture of WEKA diagram :
3. spam.csv
4. features.csv
NOTE- In order to run the program/Test the code , delete features.csv file and run file , The features.csv file will be automatically generated.
WEKA tree Diagram-
According to this WEKA tree code has been designed.
Comments are available after each function to understand properly .
import csv
# read the span csv file into a list
def read_data_from_file():
    data = []
    with open('spam.csv') as csv_file:
        csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
        # slip the first row
        for row in csv_reader:
    return data
# write feature to a file
def write_features_to_file(text_length, does_have_spammy_words, does_have_links, class_label):
    # writing to csv file
    row = [text_length, does_have_spammy_words, does_have_links, class_label]
    with open('features.csv', 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        # creating a csv writer object
        csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
        # writing the data rows
# check if the message has any link inside
def does_has_links(sms_message):
    link_list = ['.com', 'https:
', 'www.', '.net', 'http:
    text =...

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