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Division of Teaching & Learning 1 Academic Skills Development T: XXXXXXXXXX E: XXXXXXXXXX W: [last edited on 9 August 2013] Academic Skills Development Quick Guide for...

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Division of Teaching & Learning 1
Academic Skills Development
W: [last edited on 9 August 2013]
Academic Skills Development
Quick Guide for Students
Writing an annotated bibliography
What is in this guide
• What is an annotated bibliography?
• Writing the summary
• Writing the critique
• Extract from an annotated bibliography
• Related Quick Guide
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a
ief summary and evaluation of a number of selected texts. It
includes the full referencing details of each text placed in alphabetical order. It also includes a
ief description or summary of the contents, a
ief critical analysis and often an evaluation of the
elevance and usefulness of the text. The bibliographic reference usually serves as the heading for
the summary and analysis.
You might be asked to produce an annotated bibliography:
• to become familiar with a particular topic or area of study, often to help you prepare for a
future assignment
• to produce a relevant resource list (eg an age-specific reading list for a primary school class, a
list of up-to-date resources
eadings for a particular topic area), and
• to help you learn how to reference properly
In general, an annotated bibliography should include:
• the full bibliographic details of each text a
anged and punctuated according to the
eferencing system you are required to use (eg APA6, Harvard). This often serves as the
heading for each entry in your bibliography.
• a summary, overview or
ief description of the contents of each text
• a critical analysis of each text (strengths and weaknesses of the text)
• a statement of the relevance or usefulness of each text (eg to others in that area of study or
work, or to a particular assignment task
• each entry should also be placed in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname.
When you begin:
• Find out what your lecturer is expecting by reading the assignment task and marking criteria
carefully (eg number of annotations, word limit).
• Use your research skills and reading skills to select the texts that will enable you to complete
your assessment task.
Writing the summary
It is here that you get a chance to demonstrate your skills in summarising and paraphrasing. Avoid
quotes. Focus on the main ideas in the text, don’t be distracted by details. Two questions to ask
What is the main idea (or ideas) being presented?
What ideas and evidence is used to support this idea/point?
2 Division of Teaching & Learning
Academic Skills Development
[last edited on 9 August 2013] W:
This resource has been funded by the Student Services and Amenities Fee.
Writing the critique
The critique is your critical response to the text you have read. These comments can be placed after
the summary or integrated into the summary. Some questions to help you evaluate or judge the
text include:
Does the text contribute to my understanding of the topic? If so, in what way?
Does it add to the existing knowledge on this topic? If so, in what way (draw on additional or prior
eadings about the topic)?
How do the structure, organisation and presentation of the ideas in the text contribute to its
How well does the author achieve his/her purpose?
Would I recommend this text to someone interested in this topic?
How useful
elevant is the text for your topic area and/or your assignment or research?
Extract from an annotated bibliography
Assignment task: Read and begin to think about how you would respond to the ethical issues
involved in the case study. Include 5 entries each with a max. of 200 words.
Collis, S. P XXXXXXXXXXThe importance of truth-telling in health care [Art & Science: Literature Review].
Nursing Standard, XXXXXXXXXXRCN Publishing Company. January 4, XXXXXXXXXXpp XXXXXXXXXXRetrieved
March 3, 2006 from http:
This article examines the concepts of truth-telling and deception and whether deception is ever
justifiable in health care. Possible reasons for the recent interest in truth-telling in health care
are offered as well as issues associated with deceiving patients. Wider arguments supporting
and opposing deception in health care are considered before suggested alternatives to the use
of deception in patient care are outlined. It appears to be a well-researched and well-structured
article that uses examples to provide a
ief understanding of some of the ethical issues (eg trust
and duty, truth-telling, deception or selective non-disclosure) that confront nurses when trying to
communicate effectively and ethically with the terminally ill patient. However, while the article
is very useful in helping to clarify arguments it does not give a rule as to how one should decide.
This literature is highly relevant to the case study as it explores the ethical issues of truth-telling as
opposed to non-disclosure in regard to beneficence and non-maleficence and recommends that
these decisions should be individualized. It points out that the patient may suffer psychologically if
told the truth, or if the manner in which they are told is not conducted with extreme sensitivity.
Note how this annotation:
• begins with the bibliographical details for the text (in APA 6 format)
• includes a
ief summary of the contents/focus of the text
• includes critical comments about the text – in this case positive comments, as well as
comments about limitations of the text
• evaluates the relevance of the text for the assignment topic.
Related Quick Guide
Summarising and paraphrasing

Assessment 2: Annotated bibliography
Weightage: 30%
Max. words: 1200 words
Due Date: 26 Apr XXXXXXXXXX:00 AM
This assignment is designed to help you prepare and find relevant literature/information for writing the final assessment in this unit (Assessment 3), and will further your critical searching and reviewing skills. Task You are required to find four (4) academic
esearch articles (from within ejournals found in the SCU Li
ary about tourism or related issues) and complete an annotated bibliography (which just means writing a short summary about each article along with your critical assessment/evaluation about how it will relate and help write about the relevant theoretical concepts you need to discuss in Assessment 3 regarding your chosen destination)
1. Watch the recording provided about how to do this assessment.
2. Briefly summarise and critically evaluate the relevance of the four (4) articles in relation to the requirements for Assessment 3 (see instructions for Assessment 3).
Note: Your Weaver and Lawton text book and unit Readings should not be used for this assessment, but will be used extensively as sources of information in Assessment 3.
3. Your annotated bibliography should be presented as follows (providing approximately 250 words for each annotation):
• provide a heading for each article, which is the Harvard reference as per the SCU Li
ary online Harvard referencing guide (i.e. these are refe
ed to as the bibliographic details of each article), a
anged in alphabetical order as per the Harvard Referencing system (seehttp:
• provide an overview or
ief description/summary of the important information in each article and your critical analysis/opinion regarding their strengths and weaknesses (e.g. is the aim clearly stated and does the conclusion address the aim; are the findings
esults clearly presented; is the information up-to-date, etc - we discuss these things in class and in the recordings about how to do this assessment)
• provide a statement or statements regarding the relevance or usefulness of each article in relation to the topics that need to be addressed in Assessment 3, e.g. does the article provide relevant information about the type of tourists who may visit your destination and/or their interests, or relevant theories about types of tourists; does it discuss the Whole Tourism System theory in relation to your, or a similar destination or region; does it provide information about destination or event planning that may be relevant to your destination in Assessment 3 (i.e. you need to be familiar with the requirements of Assessment 3 and the topics and theories we address in this unit). 4. Assignment reflection and Turnitin Report – provide a 200 word reflection of how you feel your critical reading, searching and general information literacy skills are developing through work on this assignment, and again attach a copy of your Turnitin Originality Report at the very end of this assessment document (which you can also discuss if relevant).
Marking criteria:
Annotated bibliography (1200 words):
• Bibliographic reference heading for each annotation (i.e. each article) = 8 marks (i.e. 2 marks for each co
ect reference and in alphabetical order as per the Harvard Referencing system)
• Critical summary, review and evaluation of 4 articles = 20 marks (i.e. 5 marks per annotation)
• Reflection and Turnitin Originality Report = 2 marks. Total = 30 marks What you are learning or practicing in this assessment (which may help also write your reflection):
• How to effectively filter through information sources and journal articles to identify relevant information
• How to identify the important information and summarise is useful for later use (this skills is necessary in the development of most business projects, developments, events, etc)
• How to effectively read and process a research article or information
• How to search and access databases for relevant information
• Navigating and understanding the usefulness of research information and online journals
• Referencing (in Harvard Style)

Note taking template: Annotated Bibliography (Assessment 2 - SOY XXXXXXXXXX)
Section Notes
Bibliographic details
Critical analysis
(Strengths &
Relevance/ Usefulness
to which specific
Assessment 3 essay
PTO for tips on note taking
Note taking template: Annotated Bibliography (Assessment 2 - SOY XXXXXXXXXX)
Bibliographic Details
Extract relevant bibliographical elements For the specific source (book/ book chapter of an edited book or journal). Follow the Harvard Referencing Style
Guide to format and present the Bibliography in the Harvard style
Answered Same Day Apr 24, 2020 SOY00411 Southern Cross University


Akansha answered on Apr 26 2020
151 Votes
Annotated Bibliography
Annotated Bibliography
Student Name
University Name
Article 1-
Inoue, Y. and Lee, S. (2011). Effects of different dimensions of corporate social responsibility on corporate financial performance in tourism-related industries. Tourism Management, 32(4), pp.790-804.
In this article author argues that although the framework of stakeholder puts forward the multidimensional nature of CSR, previous researches has not yet investigated the relationship among specific dimensions of corporate social responsibility as well as CFP in the tourism industries. In this article author aims to decompose corporate social responsibility into different dimensions based on the voluntary activities of the company's five major stakeholder issues: employee relations, community relations, product quality, environment questions as well as diversity issues as well as observe how each aspect affects the financial performance of companies in the tourism-related industries.
Author’s main purpose in this article is to state clearly and the conclusions provided by the authors of this paper completely solve the purpose of this study. The findings of this article clearly provide all tourism managers with a prospect or insights into what aspects of corporate social responsibility activities will improve their corporate financial performance. This article is not useful for general readers. This article is useful to develop the solution because this article investigates the impact of CSR and issues on the performance of tourism companies which is an important aspect in tourism industry. The authors studied how diverse dimensions of CSR will affect the financial performance of companies in the tourism-related industries.
Article 2-
Duval, D. (2013). Critical Issues in Air Transport and Tourism. Tourism Geographies, 15(3), pp.494-510.
In this article author focuses on three prominent issues facing worldwide commercial air-transport and its impact on global tourism flows. First, review the
oader aviation political environment. Next is a review of cu
ent developments in the airline operations. At last, the issue of aviation ca
on pricing was solved. On the center of the intricacies of air transport and tourism, this article advocates forward-looking planning for tourism destinations, including assessment of the peripheral business environment faced by the airlines.
In this article, the latest...

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