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HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Assignment HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Essay Assignment This assignment is a little more complicated that the previous homework! Imagine that the Bethlehem Sands...

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HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Assignment
HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Essay Assignment
This assignment is a little more complicated that the previous homework!
Imagine that the Bethlehem Sands Casino has installed some display cases on the casino floor to tell the story of the Bethlehem Steel work experience. The display cases look like this one and can hold actual items, photos, documents, etc.
Your assignment is to choose four items for the display that will show something meaningful about the experiences of Bethlehem Steel workers, including those who did the physical work making steel and those who worked in the offices and/or were the company executives. The items you select can be an actual object, a replica of the object, a miniature version of it, a photograph, an actual document, or a replica of the document.
Then write a good-sized paragraph for each of the four items in which you explain what it is and what its meaning and significance is – in other words, why it’s being included in the display.
Be sure that the paragraphs you write have information and details from the coursework (readings and videos) you were assigned, including the book Crisis in Bethlehem.
Also be sure that the paragraphs you submit are written carefully and have had good proofreading.
Answered 1 days After Jul 06, 2022


Nilima answered on Jul 07 2022
90 Votes
HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Assignment
HUMANITIES 121: Bethlehem Steel Essay Assignment
1. Vintage center table bowl
The leaders of Bethlehem Steel did not know how to spend the billions of dollars the company was collecting in after World War II made it richer than anyone could have imagined. On the other hand, the executives appeared to spend their money like water while the people were forced to labour in appalling, perhaps fatal conditions for a dollar an hour. The centrepiece bowl was one of several items that a top official of the Bethlehem Steel business owned. It was claimed to have cost $1,000, making it a symbol of excess in a nation ripped apart by war.
2. Sensor Lance
In the research department of the...

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