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3 - BSBMGT605(SV) - Provide leadership across the organisation BSB61015 – Dec 2016 Version: 2.0 ©Gen Institute Pty Ltd XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 34 Assessment Resource Summary Unit Details U – 3 BSBMGT605 -...

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3 - BSBMGT605(SV) - Provide leadership across the organisation
BSB61015 – Dec 2016

Version: 2.0 ©Gen Institute Pty Ltd XXXXXXXXXXPage 1 of 34

Assessment Resource Summary
Unit Details
U – 3 BSBMGT605 - Provide leadership across
the organisation
Assessment Type
This is a summative assessment, which requires
each student to have adequate practice prior to
undertaking this assessment
Assessment Methods
Assessment 1
Observation / Role Play
Assessment 1, 2 & 3
Case Study
Assessment 1 & 2
Assessment 4

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Assessment Resource | BSBMGT605
Unit Summary
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to demonstrate senior leadership behaviour and
personal and professional competence. Business ethics are also addressed in this unit.
It applies to individuals who have a role in inspiring and motivating others to achieve organisational
goals and to model professionalism in their organisation and industry. Leadership is seen in the
context of the organisational mission.
Prerequisite Units
There are no recommended pre-requisite units for this competency.
Possible Co-requisite Units
Competence in this unit may be assessed in conjunction with other units which together form part of a
holistic work role.
Version History
Version Number Date Reason for Rev Who Approved By
1.0 Feb 2016 New Course CEO
2.0 Dec 2016 Rectification after audit CEO
This Document is an intellectual property of Gen Institute Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced by any
means for use outside Gen, without the prior written permission of Gen Institute Pty Ltd.

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Assessment Resource | BSBMGT605
Re-assessment procedure at Gen Institute Pty Ltd

1. Student will be assessed as being competent only upon satisfactory completion of all the assessments in a unit.
2. If a student is not able to demonstrate satisfactory completion of all of the required assessments of the unit, the result for that unit
will be recorded as Not Yet Competent.
3. If a student has successfully completed more than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be provided with specific
feedback and invited to re-submit their assessment.
4. If a student has not successfully completed more than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be required to undertake
the unit again.
5. In the case of re-submission, the following actions shall occur:
• The student must apply for resubmission within one week of the result is made available to him/her. This means that the
student is responsible to acknowledge that he/she has received the result and has been deemed NYC for the units of
competency undertaken.
• Reassessment may need to be a
anged during the forthcoming term
eak in order to minimize disruption &/or avoid extra
pressure on the student’s normal study load except in the case where GEN Institute has implemented an intervention strategy
for a student under its Course Progress Policy.
6. If a student is assessed as “Not Yet Competent’ after the resubmission, he or she will be identified as a student-at-risk and an
Academic Performance Improvement (API) Plan will be created during an Intervention Strategy Meeting between the Gen Institute
Operations Manager, Trainer & Assessor and student. The date for a third assessment will be nominated by the student in
consultation with Trainer & Assessor, but should be no longer than 1 month from the previous re-submission date.
7. One re-submission is allowable per unit per student free of cost. Additional re-submissions will be charged at $200.

If the student remains ‘Not Yet Competent’ after a third re-submission, he or she will be notified that this result is final and he or she will be
unable to successfully complete the course in which they are enrolled at this point.

To ensure equity and fairness of assessment for all students, re-submission activities may vary from those originally set by the
* Due to the variance in the amount of work completed for each assessment task in a unit, 50% will be determined by the amount of evidence
submitted as opposed to the number of assessment tasks submitted. This determination will be made by the Trainer & Assessor and approved
y the Operations Manager.
Assessment appeals
• Where a student wishes to appeal an assessment they are required to notify their assessor in the first instance. Where appropriate the
assessor may decide to re-assess the student to ensure a fair and equitable decision is gained. The assessor shall complete a written
eport regarding the re-assessment outlining the reasons why assessment was or was not granted.
• If this is still not to the student’s satisfaction the student shall formally lodge an appeal by submitting a written letter within one week of
eceiving the results using the form 8.1 for Complaints and appeals outlining the reasons for the appeal. They shall lodge this with
student administrations department and the appeal shall be entered into the ‘complaints and appeals register’.
• The Operations Manager shall be notified and shall seek details from the assessor involved and any other relevant parties. A decision
shall be made regarding the appeal either indicating the assessment decision stands or details of a possible re-assessment by another
assessor appointed by Gen.
• The student shall be notified in writing of the outcome with reasons for the decision. The student shall also be provided the option of
activating the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome. The student is required to notify Gen if they wish to
proceed with the external appeals process.
Reasonable adjustments
Gen Institute enables reasonable adjustments to be made to assessment procedures for students with special needs, such as people with
disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties. Assessing knowledge is usually assessed through written or oral, short-answer tests where
assessors seek to determine the extent of the student’s knowledge. However, you may need to do the following for a student with disability:
• Ask questions orally instead of in a written format
• Provide equipment such as text enlargers, image enhancers, and voice recorders.
• Give the student more time to complete the assessment;, allocate a different time for completion of the assessment;
• Offer a separate, quiet room.
• Modifying or providing equipment
• Adapting delivery strategies
• Ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible, providing additional support to student where necessary
• Customizing resources and activities within the training package or accredited course
• Monitoring the adjustments to ensure student needs continue to be met

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Assessment Resource | BSBMGT605

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency. All student submissions including any
associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file. Student results are not to be
entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.
Student Name: Student ID:
Unit Code & Title BSBMGT605-Provide leadership across the organisation
First submission

Please attach the following documentation to this form
S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory
NA = Not Assessed
Assessment 1 � Project & Case Study (Consultation) S | NYS | NA
Assessment 2 � Case Study (Consultation) S | NYS | NA
Assessment 3 � Observation / Role play S | NYS | NA
Assessment 4 � Case Study S | NYS | NA
Final Assessment Result for this unit
(Student will be assessed as being competent
only upon satisfactory completion of all the
above mentioned assessments)
� Competent � Not Yet Competent
The Evidence provided is:
� Valid � Sufficient � Authentic � Cu
Student Declaration:

To the best of my/our belief, no part of this assessment has been copied / written for me/us by any other person
except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Assessor concerned and where acknowledgement
is made in the text. No part of this assessment has been previously submitted as an assessable item.

Student’s Signature
Answered Same Day Jun 01, 2021 BSBMGT605 Training.Gov.Au


Swati answered on Jun 02 2021
154 Votes
) (
ax Lionel Realty (“MLR”) was established in the year 2008 by Max Lionel, a property developer. MLR undertakes management of property sales / rentals with respect to both commercial as well as residential properties with respect to its wide-ranging clients. The company in addition engages separately on various investment activities, like that of land / property development. MLR continues to be member of Real Estate Institute of Victoria (“REIV”) starting from 2008 as well as committedly adheres to REIV Code of Conduct.
A property developer Max Lionel established MLR (Max Lionel Realty) in 2008. Along with management of sales and rentals of commercial as well as residential properties, MLR also engages in various investment activities like property and land development. MLR continues to be member of Real Estate Institute of Victoria (“REIV”) starting from 2008 as well as committedly adheres to REIV Code of Conduct. Recently, there have been several cases of WHS in the company for which company decided to reduce them by 25% but after initial successful efforts, enthusiasm vanished and MLR was just able to reduce the extent of WHS incidents by a few percentage.
    Name: WHS incident of client falling in the staircase.
    Position: Human Resource Manager Job Title: Manage
    Date: 27 May,2020, Wednesday Time: 4 pm
    Location: commercial office of MLR at exit on the stairwell.
     what happened and how: Customer was running rate and so used the emergency exit and staircase. She slipped and
oke her wrist. One of agents heard her cries for help and without realising the seriousness or injury; he criticized her to wear heels and said any sensible men would have used lift. Client felt humiliated. Client was taken to Royal women hospital by ambulance. She is threatening to sue for income loss, injury and mental trauma. Another agent noticed a strange odour and oily substance in stairwell.
    There is need to raise awareness of anti discrimination, WHS and other legislation/codes of conduct among tenants, clients and agents. Need to check whether appropriate HR policies and procedures as well as WHS management systems are at place or not. There is need to develop ethical charter that includes principles to be followed by all agents.
    Name: Kim Sweeney Job title: Operations general Manage
Name: Les Goodale Job title: Human Resource Manage
Name: Pat Misfud Job title: Commercial Realty Manage
    Sign:      Date: 30 May 2020
To achieve highest return to company’s clients and to deliver the client experience that is second to no one in the industry.
To establish Max Lionel Realty
and within 6 years.
[1] Client-focus
[2] Integrity
[3] Teamwork
[4] Active encouragement for innovation, excellence, & continuous improvements
[5] Recognition of expertise and diversity in MLR agents and employees
[1] Engagement with clients & customers
[2] Building reputation and goodwill for integrity
[3] Supporting management, leadership skills, and innovative thinking.
[4] Creation of highly profitable and higher-performing organisation.
    Name: WHS incident where client used emergency exit and got injured in staircase along with humiliation by agent.
Position: Human Resource Manage
    Risk details
    Risk ID: 001
Raised by: Human Resource Manage
Date raised: 30-May-2020
    Description of risk:
Due to oily substance in staircase the client fell and got injured. The oily substance must have been there since long as agent felt strange odor from that too. Also this exit is used for emergency generally unlike in this case where client chose to use it. The cleaning staff is found to be negligent towards cleaning this area. It could have lead to higher risks, thus floors must be cleaned regularly and audit as well inspections for the same must be ca
ied out to avoid any future incident.
    Likelihood of risk:
    Impact of risk:
    Risk mitigation
    Preventative actions recommended:
1. Clean and inspect floor regularly. Collect cleaning report on daily basis.
2. The employees and agents of MLR must complete their duty with diligence. Briefly describe any action that must be taken so as to avoid any such risk in future.
    Contingency actions recommended:
In case of...

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