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Mental Health Nursing Practice Semester 2, 2018 Assessment Item Two Case Study Essay Assessment Type: Case study Essay – Assessment two Word count: 2000 words Due Date and Time: Monday 27th August at...

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Mental Health Nursing Practice
Semester 2, 2018
Assessment Item Two
Case Study Essay

Assessment Type: Case study Essay – Assessment two
Word count: 2000 words
Due Date and Time: Monday 27th August at 1700
Weighting: 50%

• To understand the importance of a thorough biopsychosocial assessment to reliably
identify factors that will lead to diagnosis of a mental health issue and appropriate
nursing care management.
• You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate
iopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that
• Recent and relevant literature must be used to support your discussion.

1) Use the case study provided.
2) Use recent literature to support your discussion:
2.1) Identify and discuss biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of
the selected disorder.
2.2) Describe and discuss nursing management or interventions appropriate for your
case study.
2.3) Outline and discuss ethical implications for the selected case study.
Other elements:

• Always refer to the HEALTH Writing and Referencing Guide
• Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles, relevant
Government reports and text books) that has been published within the last 10 years.
• Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your paper.
• You may use headings to organise your work if you wish.
• Unless otherwise instructed, write in the third person.
• Use academic language throughout.
• Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in
calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
• State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Title page.
Your written assignment must be submitted as: As an electronic file to the campus-specific
“final” Turnitin portal available.
You must submit this assignment as instructed to be eligible for a passing grade in this course.
Case Study: Eating disorder

Charlie is a 19-year-old girl. She is a second year university student. Charlie shares a flat with two
other students who have always been very supportive of her. Jo, one of Charlie’s flatmates, has
contacted Charlie’s parents and expressed concern over Charlie’s appearance and behaviours.
Charlie used to go out and have dinner together with her flatmates. She started to isolate herself
about four months ago. She spends much of her time alone in her room. Charlie eats very little
throughout the day and takes laxatives on a daily basis. After eating, Charlie immediately goes to
the toilet and spends at least half an hour in the bathroom. Charlie has lost 10 kilograms in the
last three months and her menstrual periods have ceased. Charlie is pale and thin. Her hair is dry
ittle. Though it is summer, she is wearing several layers of clothing. Charlie is the youngest
daughter of Pam, who is a registered nurse, and Jack, who is a dentist. Both parents work full
time and lead busy lives. Charlie always sets high standards for herself. She feels that she needs
to be as perfect as her parents. She describes her relationship with her parents as overprotective
and controlling. Charlie has a
other who is working in a well-paid company. Charlie was taken
to see the family doctor who has refe
ed her to the Eating Disorders Unit in Brisbane. Charlie’s
family reports that Charlie was a high achiever at school. The nurse interviews Charlie although
she is pleasant the nurse gains little information as Charlie is guarded and reluctant to talk about
her eating. Charlie, however, says she is “too fat” and believes that she needs to lose more weight
to be more attractive. Charlie feels worthless. She believes she is not as smart as her
other and
this has made her parents do not care much about her. Charlie sometimes has self-harm urges.
She feels that it is the only time she can control herself. Charlie is admitted to the unit and is
prescribed multivitamins, antidepressants, and anxiolytic medication.

PowerPoint Presentation
Mental Health Nursing Practice
Semester 2, 2018
Assessment Item Two
Case Study Essay

Essay 2809NRS - The essentials
Length: 2000 words (excluding reference list)
Weighting: 50% of overall grade
Due Date: Monday 27th August 2018 by 5pm
Submission Format: Submit online via Turnitin
Essay Format: Use presentation formatting and APA 6th Edition guidelines
to understand the importance of a thorough biopsychosocial assessment to reliably identify factors that will lead to diagnosis of a mental health issue and appropriate nursing care management.
You are to write an essay which analyses a case study in order to discuss appropriate biopsychosocial factors and nursing management or interventions relevant to that case. Recent and relevant literature must be used to support your discussion.

1) Select a case study provided.
2) Use recent literature to support your discussion:
2.1) Identify and discuss biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of the selected disorder.
2.2) Describe and discuss nursing management or interventions appropriate for your selected case study.
2.3) Outline and discuss ethical implications for the selected case study
Marking Criteria
What is a case study?
A case study allows you to practice applying your knowledge and your thinking skills to a real situation. To learn from a case study analysis you will be "analysing, applying knowledge, reasoning and drawing conclusions" (Kardos & Smith 1979).
According to Kardos and Smith XXXXXXXXXXa good case has the following features:
1. It is taken from real life (true identities may be concealed).
2. It consists of many parts and each part usually ends with problems and points for discussion. There may not be a clear cut off point to the situation.
3. It includes sufficient information for the reader to treat problems and issues.
4. It is believable for the reader (the case contains the setting, personalities, sequence of events, problems and conflicts)
The case studies
Case 1: First episode psychosis – John,18-year-old grade 12 student, lives with his mother Anne
Case 2: Eating disorder - Charlie is a 19-year-old girl, second year university student, who shares a flat with two other students
Case 3: Depression - Amy is a 75-year old woman, diagnosed as having depression for ten years, diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension
Taking apart the Scenario – Group Discussion
What are the circumstances of this patient’s condition?
What contributing bio /psycho / social factors are present?
How are these factors influencing the development of this disorder?
What are some of the nursing management strategies or interventions that are appropriate to this case? Why? What evidence is there?
What ethical issues arise? What are the implications of these?
What is best practice for this patient? Why do you think so?
Any other considerations?
READ THE SCENARIO OUT LOUD. Actively throw this segment of the workshop over to the students. The point here is not to provide answers to the questions above, but to start to get the students thinking about how they will pull apart the scenario so they can address the task.
Concept map out group discussion on whiteboard
Scholarly literature - medical
Peer-reviewed journal articles – BMJ, Journal of clinical nursing etc
Medical databases – Cinahl, Medline, Clinical key, Science Direct, Best practice
Specialised textbooks – look for more than just superficial knowledge
(eg neurology textbook, oncology textbook etc)
Published in last 10 years (cu
ent) – unless seminal work
You need to use a range of resources to answer this
Case studies are often complex and always individual
Essay Structure
Four main parts, each with a distinctive function:
Reference List
Do the Maths!
2000 word count
Introduction: 10%wd = 200 wds = 1 paragraph
Body: 80% wd = 1600 wds = 8 paragraphs
    1.                 4.                7.
2.                 5.                8.
3.                 6.
Conclusion: 10% wd = 200 words = 1 paragraph
Information Services
Possible essay structure:
    Section    Words    
    Introduction    150    opening paragraph that contextualises the assignment. Clearly identifies the aim.
    Analysis - Biopsychosocial    500    biopsychosocial factors influencing the development of the disorder in the case study
    Analysis – Nursing management    700    nursing management or interventions appropriate for the selected case study
    Analysis - Ethical    450    ethical implications appropriate for the selected case study
    Conclusion    200    Summaries main points, final message
Purpose of the introduction:
The introduction plays an important part in establishing relevance
It should :
Give an overview of the topic
Specify the aim
Specify the limits or scope
Outline the structure
State a clear position or argument
Sample Introduction (150 words)
This teaching tool has be developed using the following reference to assist students in this particular field with their Academic Writing skills.
Kua, J. & Baum, T XXXXXXXXXXPerspectives on the Development of Low-Cost Airlines in South-east Asia. Cu
ent Issues in Tourism, 7(3), XXXXXXXXXXdoi: XXXXXXXXXX/ XXXXXXXXXX
A biopsychosocial assessment… (reference) or Eating disorder is... (reference). The aim of this case study is to demonstrate the importance of a thorough biopsychosocial assessment to…(no ref refer to aim stated in assessment details). It will focus on the case of Charile, a 19-year-old girl…(no reference just very short summary of case). It will…(refer to the things that must be covered in the case study, 2-4… No references needed). It will argue that Charlie was…and should…(no reference, your thesis)
Refer to Marking Criteria
Department name (Edit in View > Header and Footer)
Essay structure implied by sample introduction
Reference List (min 10 references).
Discuss the biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of the selected disorder.
Discuss ethical implications for selected case study.
Discuss a nursing management or interventions appropriate for selected case study.
Body of essay
Case Study - Charlie
Body structure concept map and questions to guide reading…
What biopsychosocial factors that contribute to the development of an eating disorder?
What are the ethical implications of/around Charlie’s case?
What nursing management or intervention(s) is appropriate for Charlie?
Body of essay
Case Study - Charlie
A1 – biopsychosocial factor 1
Intervention 1
Intervention 2
Nursing Management 3
Ethical Implication 1
Example of academic
Khajehei M, Doherty, M XXXXXXXXXXExploring postnatal depression, sexual dysfunction and relationship dissatisfaction in Australian women. British Journal of Midwifery, 25(3), XXXXXXXXXXdoi: XXXXXXXXXX
Example of academic
Khajehei M, Doherty, M XXXXXXXXXXExploring postnatal depression, sexual dysfunction and
Answered Same Day Aug 17, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 22 2020
166 Votes
Running Head: Eating Disorders, its biopsychosocial assessment 1
Eating Disorders, its biopsychosocial assessment    11
Eating Disorders, its biopsychosocial assessment and intervention
Number of words excluding references and title page: 2155
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Biopsychosocial analysis of the Case Study    3
Nursing interventions for eating disorder    5
Ethical Implications    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
The biopsychosocial assessment model refers to a disease as a consequence of multitude of interdependent and interlinked contributing factors. As observed by Wade and Halligan (2017), according to this model, while investigating the illness of an individual, a well-planned strategy should be employed which would take into consideration all the different aspects of the disease, namely, the biological factors, psychological factors and the socio-cultural factors, all of which contribute to the development of the disease. The aim of this study is to thoroughly investigate the case study of a 19 year old, second year University student, Charlie who suffers from Eating Disorder and shows associated symptoms. The essay attempts to understand Charlie’s condition based on the biopsychosocial model and analyze possible nursing interventions that could help her recover from the illness.
Biopsychosocial analysis of the Case Study
Eating disorders, as the name suggests include diseases pertaining to the eating habits of an individual. They are mostly based on an individual’s obsession with weight and shape, resulting in unplanned feeding habits. A misconception among people makes them think that eating disorders are an individual’s way of life and not a disease. However, the disorder may take up serious forms wherein the patients might consider themselves as overweight, subsequently resorting to self-imposed, severe diet restrictions and over-exhaustive exercising. On the other hand, the patient might also eat relentlessly and then use laxatives, diuretics or self-induce vomiting to get rid of the excess food and guilt.
The biopsychosocial assessment, as previously mentioned, looks into the biological, social and psychological contributors of a disease. From the biological perspective, certain cases of eating disorders maybe genetically inherited. According to Culbert, Racine and Klump (2015), genetics contribute to 56% of the risk of developing eating disorders. Hypothalamic malfunctioning could also lead to eating disorders (Mental Health America, Eating disorders 2018). The defaulting hypothalamus may not initiate a fullness or satiation response even after a full-meal leading to prolonged stimulus of hunger. Studies have also shown low levels of neurotransmitter serotonin to be responsible for eating disorder. In case of Charlie, investigations would have to be conducted to track any familial tendencies to the illness as well as faulty neurotransmitter levels in her.
As noted by, Rodgers, Paxton and McLean (2014), body weight tends to be a pressing issue in most people, especially in adolescents. There is a social stigma associated with the appearance and shape of a person, particularly women. The media has set up new norms for femininity in terms of thinness. Television, newspapers, commercials, internet and magazines tend to glorify thinness as a standard for measuring beauty. As stated by Matos, Fe
eira, Duarte and Pinto‐Gouveia (2015), this has led to increased body- shaming and social unacceptance of relatively fat people. Hence, fatness is viewed as unwelcome among women, especially adolescents like Charlie. She was reported to have lost 10 kilos in three months. Besides, looking pale, she felt worthless and overweight. She believed losing more weight would make her look attractive. Not only had she restricted her meals, but was also on laxatives so as to prevent gaining additional calories.
As suggested by Jensen et al. (2015), eating disorders also have psychological aspects ranging from body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, fear of maturity, attention seeking behavior to associated depression. In Charlie’s case, she was heavily dissatisfied by her weight. She felt that being thinner would enhance her attractiveness. This also influenced her self-esteem. She felt worthless and had suicidal tendencies. As noted by Franko and Striegel-Moore (2018), starvation could be analyzed as an act to gain control, show capability, discipline and worth by being able to change one’s physique. It also provides solace to the patients who, although, cannot not control their lives, but can control their weight. Charlie described her parents to be controlling and hence, could have developed starvation to counteract them by developing self-control. An attention seeking attribute is also connected to the...

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