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Assessment 3: Critical Evaluation SONM Use Only 2000 words Weighting: 50 % Due Date: 17:00hrs, Friday 11th May 2018 The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a journal article. This will...

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Assessment 3: Critical Evaluation
SONM Use Only
2000 words
Weighting: 50 %
Due Date: 17:00hrs, Friday 11th May 2018
The aim of this assignment is to critically evaluate a journal article. This will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be able to evaluate the quality and relevance of research so that you can make informed decisions about applying it to practice.
This assignment addresses the following course learning outcome/s:
1. Examine the contribution of research to evidence-based practice;
2. Evaluate the credibility of the information provided by research studies;
3. Demonstrate a
oad understanding of the major elements of the research process that underpin translation to practice.
Task Description (Instructions):
For this task you need to write a 2000 word critical evaluation report. In your report you will critically evaluate a journal article and discuss its relevance to clinical nursing practice. Please see this below.
For this assignment you must use the ‘critical evaluation tool template’ (attached). This template directs you to the information that needs to be included in each section of your assignment. The template is only a guide and is not to be submitted.
In your report you should use the following headings below. Please note, suggested word numbers provided are only approximate.
· Introduction (200 words)            
· Title and Abstract (100 words)                  
· Research Design (300 words)                
· The Sample (150 words)                 
· Data Collection (300 words)
· Data Analysis (100 words)                 
· Results (200 words)                     
· Conclusion (150 words)                     
· Relevance to clinical nursing practice (500 words)     
· You need to include a reference list (not included in word count).
Case Study – You need to write a report on the following journal article using the template provided.
Randomised Controlled Trial, Case Study
Journal Article:
Bugden, S., Shean, K., Scott, M., Mihala, G., Clark, S., Johnstone, C., … Rickard, C XXXXXXXXXXSkin glue reduces the failure rate of emergency department-inserted peripheral intravenous catheters: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 68, 196–201. http: XXXXXXXXXX
What the study is about:
Peripheral intravenous catheters are the most commonly used medical invasive device in hospitals today and are frequently initiated in the emergency department. Peripheral intravenous catheter failure frequently occurs after 48 hours post insertion, suggesting that improvements in securement can be targeted at this timeframe. A novel approach for improved peripheral intravenous catheter fixation is the use of medical-grade skin glue (cyanoacrylate) at the insertion site. Skin glue has been reported to be effective for securing central venous, epidural, and peripheral arterial catheters, with improved fixation compared with standard polyurethane dressings.
Other elements:
· Ensure that you use scholarly literature1 (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that have been published within the last 5 years.
· Use academic language2 throughout.
· You need to adhere strictly to the word limit.
· Submit your assignment via Turnitin.
Formatting and Submission
Please submit as ONE document including (in this order):
1. Assignment Title Page with co
ect details
2. Your report, appropriately formatted (font type – Times New Roman, font size - 12, double line spacing, margins, page numbers – inserted in the upper right-hand side of the page header and should start on the Title Page (starting at 1), student number etc).
3. Reference list on a separate sheet and appropriately formatted. This is not included in the word limit.
4. Check and save a copy of your work.
5. Submit your completed report via the appropriate Turnitin submission point on the course site.

1 Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by scholars or professionals who are experts in their fields, as opposed to literature such as magazine articles, which reflect the tastes of the general public and are often meant as entertainment.
2 Everyday language is predominantly subjective. It is mainly used to express opinions based on personal preference or belief rather than evidence. Written academic English is formal. It avoids colloquialisms and slang, which may be subject to local and social variations. Formal language is more precise and stable, and therefore more suitable for the expression of complex ideas and the development of reasoned argumentation.

NURS 2006: Assignmen
Assessment 3 Semester 1, 2018
Critical Evaluation
    Marking Guidelines
Demonstrate knowledge of the research components of a research pape
A high level response will:
· accurately identify and explain the different elements of the research process that are evident in the chosen article.
Evaluates the research and discusses the implications for nursing practice
A high level response will:
· critically evaluate the research elements using the critical evaluation tool with reference to recent, relevant and scholarly literature.
· provide a scholarly and concise, evidence - based discussion of the significant implications of the research for contemporary nursing practice and standards of care.
Demonstrate scholarly presentation of work
A high level response will:
· be smooth and coherent with succinct expression.
· conform to the structure provided in the template.
· include co
ect spelling, grammar, and well-constructed sentences and paragraphs.
· adhere strictly to the word limit (2000 words)
· Report is supported by a range of recent and relevant scholarly sources.
· Report is referenced and formatted co
ectly according to APA 6th edition conventions).
· There is a separate page for the reference list.
    Total Marks
[weighted at 50%]

2806 NRS Assessment 3, Trimester 1, 2018
SONM Use Only
Assessment 3: Critical Evaluation
2000 words
Weighting 50 %
Due date: 17:00hrs 121th May, 2018
Critical Evaluation Tool template (Quantitative Study) (Do not submit this table template)
     Complete this table
    What is the problem/population?
    What is the intervention?
    What is the Comparator?
    What is the primary outcome?
    What are the secondary outcome/s?
    Critical Appraisal models
    Identify one other critical evaluation/appraisal model that can be used to critique research and evaluate a quantitative study. You must reference this.
    Present an overview of this journal e.g. Briefly determine if it is a highly regarded journal by Impact Factor.
In what country is the journal published?
How will this information about the journal affect your decision when considering using this research in practice?
    Are the authors experts in the field? How can you tell? How will this information about the authors affect your decision when considering using this research in practice?
, Abstract and Literature Review
    a. What makes a good journal article title? Is the title of the research paper consistent with the text? Describe.
. What are the aims and objectives of the research study?
c. What are the important features about an abstract? Describe the components of the abstract in this research study.
d. Is the literature cited in the background / literature review cu
ent, relevant and comprehensive? Briefly describe.
    Research Design
    a. What type of quantitative study design was used? What level of evidence is this?
. What are the research questions for this study?
c. Why was the study needed? State this reason.
d. Are hypotheses stated in this study? If so, please state these and describe which hypothesis is stated: the scientific hypothesis or the null hypothesis?
e. Describe how the intervention(s) was ca
ied out?
    The sample
    a. What was the population of interest?
b. Identify and describe the setting of the study. (Hospital, home, community etc)
c. How were the participants recruited? Describe.
d. Was ethical approval obtained? Describe.
    Data collection
    a. What data was collected? What outcome/s were measured? Describe
. What tools were used to collect the data (surveys, questionnaires or other data collection tools). Were quality tools used? How was tool quality determined?
d. Who collected the data and how?
e. What is bias and how is it avoided or minimised in this study?
    Data Analysis
a. How were the quantitative results reported in this study?
    Summarise the researcher’s report of the results, including:
a. Do the results answer the research question/s?
. Were suggestions for further research made? If yes, what were they?
c. Were implications for healthcare / practice suggested? If so, what were they?
a. Summarise the conclusion
     Relevance to nursing practice
    Critically evaluate, with reference to a range of recent, scholarly literature, how this research is relevant to the clinical nursing setting using the principles of evidence based practice.
These include:
· Patient values
· Clinical expertise
· Available evidence
Reference List

Skin Glue Reduces the Failure Rate of Emergency Department–Inserted Peripheral Intravenous Catheters: A Randomized Controlled Trial
196 Ann
Skin Glue Reduces the Failure Rate of Emergency
Department–Inserted Peripheral Intravenous Catheters:
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Simon Bugden, MBChB, FACEM*; Karla Shean, RN; Mark Scott, MBBS, FACEM; Gabor Mihala, MEng(Mech), GradCert(Biostatistics);
Sean Clark, MBBS, FACEM; Christopher Johnstone, MBChB, FACEM; John F. Fraser, MD, PhD; Claire M. Rickard, PhD, RN
esponding Author. E-mail: XXXXXXXXXX.
Study objective: Peripheral intravenous catheters are the most common invasive device in health care yet have very
high failure rates. We investigate whether the failure rate could be reduced by the addition of skin glue to standard
peripheral intravenous catheter care.
Methods: We conducted a single-site, 2-arm, nonblinded, randomized, controlled trial of 380 peripheral intravenous
catheters inserted into 360 adult patients. The standard care group received standard securement. The skin glue group
eceived standard securement plus cyanoacrylate skin glue applied to the skin insertion site. The primary outcome was
peripheral intravenous catheter failure at 48 hours, regardless of cause. Secondary outcomes were the individual
modes of peripheral intravenous catheter failure: infection, phlebitis, occlusion, or dislodgement.
Results: Peripheral intravenous catheter failure was 10% lower (95% confidence interval –18% to –2%; P¼.02) with
skin glue (17%) than standard care (27%), and dislodgement was 7% lower (95% confidence interval –13% to 0%;
P¼.04). Phlebitis and occlusion were less with skin glue but were not statistically significant
Answered Same Day Apr 27, 2020 NURS2006


Soumi answered on May 05 2020
147 Votes
[Assessment 3: Critical Evaluation of Quantitative article by Bugden et al. (2016)]
Student Number: ____________
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Title and Abstract    3
Research Design    4
The Sample    5
Data Collection    6
Data Analysis    6
Results    6
Conclusion    7
Relevance to clinical nursing practice    8
Reference list    10
    Peripheral intravenous catheters are presently being used very commonly in the healthcare organisations for administration of fluid medicines or for drawing fluid products out of the body. However, despite its popularity as a medical equipment, its rate of failure is high due to the lack of fixation power after a span of about 48 hours. In the field of nursing and healthcare, as informed by Nixon et al. (2016), problems, possible interventions and outcomes are identified from a given situation with the help of Problem/ Population, Intervention, Comparison and Outcome (PICO) template or question. Using this template, problem has been identified to be the high failure rate of the inserted peripheral intravenous catheters, while intervention is the use of skin glue, in comparison to the standard polyurethane dressing, in order to generate the outcome of successful fixture, even after 48 hours of emergency insertion.
    The chosen paper by Bugden et al. (2016) is a quantitative paper, having conducted a randomised controlled trial (RCT) research, which can be critiqued using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) tool for appraising RCT papers. It is a checklist of the parameters, against which the study can be critically appraised to check for its applied methodological quality (Unisa, 2017). The journal was published in the context of Brisbane, Australia, which is why choosing it was convenient for the cu
ent assignment. Besides, the specificity of the venue of the research indicates the authors being well versed with the situation of the hospitals in Australian context.
Title and Abstract
    The title of the journal is generally comprised of the key problem or the population being dealt with, the intervention involved, desired outcome and the type of research methodology being implemented (Azar, 2014). In this respect, the title of the paper is consistent with the theoretical method of framing the title because all the above-mentioned elements are present in it.
The aim of the research is to analyse the effectiveness of using skin glue to the site of inserting peripheral intravenous catheters in the emergency departments (ED) so that the failure rate can be reduced post 48 hours of insertion. The objectives of the paper are to analyse the reasons behind the increasing failure of catheter insertion and the alternative way to deal with it (Bugden et al., 2016).
In terms of the abstract, ideally, it should contain the research aim, objectives, methods, findings and conclusion (Unisa, 2017). In this regard, the paper by Bugden et al. (2016) contains all these information, expect for the research aim. Besides, the paper also has literature reviewed and background with the cited sources. Hence, its abstract and literature sections can be cited to be almost adequately informative.
Research Design
    The paper by Bugden et al. (2016) is a quantitative research, which has been conducted using the randomised controlled trial research methodology. The evidence level is high because of the information being supported with previous researches conducted in this field and practical examples. Although the research question has not been specifically mentioned in the paper, however, the in-depth knowledge of the authors have been reflected in terms of providing detailed knowledge about the research problem and the significance of conducting a research in this field.
Based on the PICO elements identified, therefore, the research question could be “How is the use of skin glue more effective for fixing peripheral intravenous catheter, in comparison to the standard polyurethane dressing, for reducing the high rate of failure post their insertion in ED after 48 hours of insertion?” As per the importance of the research mentioned in the paper by Bugden et al. (2016), a study in this field was required because the identified issue is directly proportional to the disruption of the care services and interventions provided to the patient on emergency.
As supported by Kleidon et al. (2017), a failed fixture of catheter can not only obstruct the administration of the antibiotics, saline water or analgesics, but also increase the expenses of the care organisation or hospital. Moreover, a disrupted care regime, sourcing concerns, panics and anxiety amongst the patients or their family members,...

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