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Harvest Education Technical College | ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies Assessment Task 2 of 3 Part A Agency...

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Harvest Education Technical College |
ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A
CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies
Assessment Task 2 of 3 Part A
Agency Research
Provide a response to each question.
Question 1
Provide a summary of diversity at your community services agency. This should include:
1. Information on diversity of staff at the agency, including any special communication needs or communication ba
iers. (minimum 150 words)
2. Information on diversity of clients at the agency, including any special communication needs or communication ba
iers. (minimum 150 words)
Remember, diversity can relate to:
· culture, race, ethnicity
· disability
· religious or spiritual beliefs
· gender, including transgende
· intersex
· generational
· sexual orientation/sexual identity - lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual
Diversity is good for organisations and good for business because more diverse workforce increases effectiveness and productivity and it can create a distinct advantage in problem-solving and decision-making especially when there is a need for creativity and innovation. It also strengthens positive relationships with the local community,
ings new perspectives and encourage people from different backgrounds to use your services.
Communication ba
iers such as language ba
iers, status, and even gender ba
Employees from different countries which English as a second language can become a ba
ier due to styles of communicating and use different words with the same meaning.
To get the message around special programs such as diversity training program should be implemented.
These include programs to improve listening and writing skills, build conversational skills, training on ve
al and non-ve
al communications skills, giving and receiving feedback, negotiation skills, etc.
Staff with physical impairment tends to need requirement a
angement like flexible work starts and finishes times to accommodate the difficulties with a disability have got to and from work using public transport.
Challenges with communication are common for diversity Community services agency. For instance, clients with intellectual and physical disability.
Some may be very articulate, some very talkative, and others may have very limited or no ve
al communication.
While with physical disability need to consider physical contact Which appropriate part of the body should not be touched? For example, touching a person’s head could be a cultural taboo for some cultural groups. All this restriction will create misunderstanding between staff and client. Is it inappropriate to touch or be touched by the opposite sex?
Is it inappropriate to make direct eye contact primarily with the Aboriginal client as it shows disrespect?
In some Asian cultures, people sometimes use smiles to cover sadness, anger, and wo
y, to save face or being polite.
To ca
y out the tasks efficiently with culturally diverse clients in community agency, employees will acquire specific knowledge and skills for instance;
1. Involve themselves in cultural, social, psychological, political, economic, and historical material specific to the ethnic of the client.
2. Recognise that ethnicity and culture may have an impact on a client’s behaviour.
3. Respect the client’s religious and spiritual beliefs and values.
4. All client must be treated equally without biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices regardless of their ethnicity.
Question 2
Identify at least 1 legal consideration and 1 ethical consideration for:
1. privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
2. discrimination
3. duty of care
4. mandatory reporting
5. informed consent
Privacy Policy
Brightwater Care Group Limited is committed to ensuring personal information is managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs Guidelines, endorsed by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, provides the foundation of Brightwater’s Privacy Policy.
Care Services
Brightwater collects personal information about the resident and client for the purpose of:
· assessing an individual for suitability for admission;
· providing care and services; and
· dealing with government agencies, GPs and other specialist medical providers, hospitals and Aged Care Assessment Teams.
Brightwater may disclose health information about an individual for a secondary purpose to the “Responsible Person” in specific circumstances.
Business Management
Brightwater may disclose personal and sensitive information for administrative purposes, to meet legal and contractual obligations. For example, personal information may be disclosed to government agencies for funding purposes, or the health record of the resident / client may be subpoenaed. Brightwater will take reasonable steps to ensure information disclosed for reporting purposes are de-identified where possible.
Direct marketing
Residents and clients will be asked for consent to their personal and contact information to be used for general communication purposes and fundraising requests at the time of admission. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.
All general communications and fundraising requests will include a means for the individual to “opt out” of receiving further, similar material, at any time. Brightwater will not use or disclose personal information it holds for the purpose of direct marketing.
Ref: https:
Question 3
Identify what information needs to be communicated within your agency and describe how this information is communicated:
1. Between staff and management
2. Between staff and clients
Brightwater approaches to care with a compassionate philosophy treating each client as a unique individual and helping residents/clients to live the best life possible way regardless their staff or clients.
Environment between staff and management excellent and friendly, lots of training opportunities, keen on one's development, opportunities for growth within the organisation. This philosophy is perfect for career growth. The challenges working with them is too many short shifts~ Applicable to work right restricted workers though.
Therefore, for smooth progression in aged care facilities, an agency must practice facilities with supportive, communicative management, and staff who are familiar with individual residents and work as a team.
Key points to maintain the understanding between staff and clients is to Improve communication with the team to enhances staff performance and improve the quality of care Brightwater can provide to its clients. A simple case scenario is Pain Management as older people sometimes can’t communicate well that they are in pain. Effective communication between staff members is essential for the well-being of the client.
Facilities with supportive, communicative management and staff who are familiar with individual residents and work as a team are the best way to overcome any obstacle in the agency.
Question 4
Identify what information needs to be communicated outside your agency and describe how this information is communicated:
1. Between the organisation and client family/carers (if relevant)
2. Between the organisation and other community service providers
3. Between the organisation and funding bodies
4. Between the organisation and the community
Question 5
Locate your agency’s business and/or strategic plans, alternatively if this is unavailable you may question your supervisor regarding this, and provide a summary in relation to:
1. The agency’s goals and objectives in relation to diversity (minimum 100 words)
2. The agency’s goals and objectives in relation to communication (minimum 100 words)
Question 6
Locate and summarise any communication strategies or plans that your agency already has in place. Include here:
1. Any communication strategy for dealing with emergencies/crises within the organisation (minimum 100 words)
2. Strategies and protocols for communicating with diverse clients, staff and external stakeholders (client family, carers, other community service agencies) (minimum 100 words)
Question 7
Using the information from Question 6, use the table below and undertake a SWOT analysis for 4 of your agency’s communication strategies and protocols
Question 8
How are communication strategies evaluated within the agency? How does the agency know if a communication protocol or work practice is effective? (minimum 200 words)
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Updated: 4 August 2017

Harvest Education Technical College |
ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A
CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies
Assessment Task 2 of 3 Part B
Agency Communication Strategy
You must answer each question below.
You must adhere to any word counts as indicated.
Question 1
Describe the strategy (minimum 200 words)
· who does the strategy apply to?
· what do you hope to achieve?
Question 2
What organisation goal or objective does the strategy relate to? (minimum 100 words)
Question 3
Describe the diversity communication needs the strategy will address (minimum 200 words)
Question 4
Are there any conflicting or competing needs in relation to the strategy? (minimum 100 words)
Question 5
Develop a communication plan for your strategy including how the strategy will be promoted and communicated across the organisation. Include in your plan:
1. Timelines for the strategy to be communicated to staff
2. Which channels of communication you will use to promote the strategy (minimum 50 words)
Question 6
Can the strategy be modified for use in different circumstances? How would you modify the strategy for this purpose? (minimum 100 words)
Question 7
Develop at least 2 work practices or protocols that staff can use to implement the strategy. Include in the work practices or protocols:
1. Any expected workplace standards that staff will need to adhere to
Question 8
Develop a plan for the communication and implementation of the new diversity communication strategy. Ensure you include in your response:
1. Identify necessary approvals required for the implementation of the strategy
2. Timelines for the strategy to be communicated to staff including goals/objectives, how the goal or objective will be communicated, the person responsible for the communication of the goal or objective, a timeframe for the goal or objective to be communicated
3. Which channels of communication you will use to promote the new strategy
4. How the strategy will be best communicated to staff to meet their needs in relation to diversity
5. Any expected outcomes from the implementation of the new strategy
6. Measures to evaluate the success of the new strategy
Question 9
Identify at least 2 mentoring and coaching principles and practices that you could use to assist with the implementation of the new diversity communication strategy.
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Updated: 4 August 2017
Answered Same Day Feb 22, 2020 CHCCOM003 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on Mar 07 2020
159 Votes
Harvest Education Technical College |
ABN 68 139 417 497 | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A
CHCCOM003 Develop workplace communication strategies
Assessment Task 2 of 3 Part B
Agency Communication Strategy
You must answer each question below.
You must adhere to any word counts as indicated.
Question 1
Describe the strategy (minimum 200 words)
· who does the strategy apply to?
· what do you hope to achieve?
Answer: The communication strategy that is being applied by the Brightwaters organisation is targeted at the well-wishers and keepers of the aged and the people with neurological and
ain disorders. The organisation is trying to communicate its value proposition which tells the target audience that there is a place available which is reputed, affordable and values and goals oriented which can take care of the elderly and young both. The organisation is trying to achieve the confidence of the masses by propagating the value structure, the offerings, the financial strength, the newsletters and the developments that take place within the organisation. The organisation has a vast diversity which helps the organisation to cater to a wide variety of clients and also the organisation gives training which helps in understanding each patient and provides a homely environment. The website mentions it’s proposition by ‘expect your relationship to be like a warm em
ace’ which signifies the level of seriousness the organisation takes in order to give a warm comfortable treatment to its clients. These values are propagated via their websites and the organisation aims to achieve major client attraction and works hard to give superior treatment.    Comment by USER: Great
Question 2
What organisation goal or objective does the strategy relate to? (minimum 100 words)
Answer: The goal of the organisation is to make people enjoy every worth of life happily. It encourages individuals to be innovative and dynamic. The organisation makes continuous research and developments in order to understand client requirements. They also design new services which incorporate the unmet service gaps and demands. The organisation has values of care, learning, innovation and people. They are fully focussed towards delivering value to the clients. The commitment levels of the organisation are trustworthy since it has lead the industry for a very long time and does not hide any details from its clients. The financial data and newsletters are available for research and clarifications which show the trust in the core values of the organisation.    Comment by USER: Good
Question 3
Describe the diversity communication needs the strategy will address (minimum 200 words)
Answer: The strategy addresses to the diversity in the organisation by letting readers understand the need for diversity in an organisation like Brightwaters and the area in which the organisation is providing the service. In such a niche area, the clients may a
ive from different areas, regions, castes, race, language, religion etc. In order to understand the behaviour of client and to perform to the optimum level to give the happiness, the organisation needs to maintain diversity among its staff. To understand that an elderly person needs help or is in some discomfort may require a person who is from a similar background or shares some similarity with the client. The content of the client and his/ her family depends upon the satisfaction of the client and the level of care that is being taken care of the person. The language, perspective, experiences, nationality, race, gender, skills, age all play a major part in this.    Comment by USER: Good
Question 4
Are there any conflicting or competing needs in relation to the strategy? (minimum 100 words)
Answer: There are no conflicting or competing needs in relation to the communication...

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