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Harvest Education Technical College | ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A Assessment Task 2 of 3 – Research and develop a workplace communication strategy 1...

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Harvest Education Technical College |
ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A
Assessment Task 2 of 3 – Research and develop a workplace communication strategy
1 Qualification
    Qualification code
    Qualification name
    Diploma of Community Services
2 Unit(s) of competency to which this Assessment Task relates
    Unit code and name
    Link to the Unit assessment requirements in
    CHCCOM003 - Develop workplace communication strategies
    For further information about this Unit of Competency go to:
3 Purpose
    This Assessment Task is designed for you to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to plan and develop a communication strategy for a community services agency.
4 Location/context/conditions of assessment
    This assessment is to be conducted during Vocational Placement in an approved community services organisation. For the purpose of this assessment task, you will require access to:
· use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including use of real workplace policies and procedures
· interactions with clients and co-workers from a range of diverse backgrounds
· presentations to groups of at least 3 people
· typical workplace reporting processes
· use of presentation media
5 Resources supplied by assesso
    For this Assessment Task access the following resource documents from Moodle:
CHCCOM003_Agency research_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB.
CHCCOM003_Communication Strategy_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB
6 Resources to be provided by student
    Personal computer with internet access
Basic word-processing software e.g. Microsoft Word
7 Workplace observation information
    Name of assesso
    Position of assesso
    Relationship to student
    Confirmation of resources supplied to student
    General comments
8 Your Assessment Task
During Vocational Placement, and in consultation with your workplace supervisor, you are required to develop a diversity communication strategy for your community services agency. This will also include the development of any processes and work practices to support the implementation of the strategy. You will then be required to present the communication strategy to at least 3 staff members, 1 of which must be your Vocational Placement supervisor. Prior to developing the diversity communication strategy, you will be required to undertake some research into existing workplace practices and protocols that support communication with diverse people.
Part A
Use CHCCOM003_Agency research_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB and:
· Provide a response to each question.
· Adhere to word counts as indicated
Save the document as CHCCOM003_Agency research_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] PartA
Part B
Now that you have completed some research in relation to your agency’s communication strategies, protocols, work practices and diversity, you are required to develop a diversity communication strategy for the agency. The research you have completed will assist you to develop this strategy.
Locate the following document and answer each question in relation to at least 1 strategy the agency could implement in relation to communicating with diverse staff, clients and external stakeholders:
CHCCOM003_Communication Strategy_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB
You must adhere to word counts as indicated.
Save the document as CHCCOM003_Communication strategy_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part B
Part C
Now that you have developed a strategy to address diversity communication needs within your agency, you are required to present the strategy to at least 3 staff members. 1 of the 3 staff members must include your Vocational Placement supervisor.
1. Using Microsoft PowerPoint, develop a presentation of the diversity strategy that you have developed. Your presentation must:
· Include a minimum of 9 slides addressing each question in your completed Communication Strategy document
· Take into consideration the diversity communication needs of your audience
· Ensure your presentation is to a professional workplace standard
Save the presentation as CHCCOM003_Presentation_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part C
2. Once you have developed your presentation material, you are required to present this information to 3 staff members, 1 of the 3 staff members must be your Vocational Placement supervisor. During the presentation, you must demonstrate effective oral communication skills which includes:
1. Listening with intent to understand any questions the staff may have
2. Use professional language and tone
3. Ask questions to confirm that the audience has understood your message
Your Vocational Placement supervisor will provide feedback in relation to your ability to demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills. The Observation Checklist that your supervisor will use to record this information is provided below.
Part D
1. Locate your agency’s business or strategic plan and identify at least 1 objective in relation to networking with external stakeholders. External stakeholders may include:
· Other community services organisations
· Funding bodies
· The community
· Other organisations involved in client’s care
Attach the agency’s business or strategic plan to your assessment to assist the assessor to verify your response.
Save the document as CHCCOM003_Agency network objectives_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part D
2. Based on the agency’s objectives you have identified, you are required to demonstrate how you engage in work-related networking activities. This could include attendance at a work-related network meeting such as:
· inter-agency network meeting
· a meeting with the funding provide
· a client case conference
· a meeting with the community as appropriate.
Your Vocational Placement supervisor will be required to confirm your attendance at the meeting using the Observation Checklist Part D below.
In addition, you are required to submit supporting evidence of your attendance at the meeting which may include a copy of the meeting agenda or meeting minutes which includes your name and your agency’s name. Ensure you remove any identifying or private information prior to submitting this documentation.
Save the document as CHCCOM003_Network meeting minutes_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part D
3. You are required to attend an agency staff meeting during Vocational Placement
Submit the following documentation that confirms your attendance at the staff meeting:
· Staff meeting minutes that include your name
Ensure you remove any identifying or private information prior to submitting this documentation.
Save the document as CHCCOM003_Staff Meeting Minutes_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part D
9 What is required to achieve ‘Satisfactory’ for this Assessment Task?
    You must answer all the questions co
ectly to demonstrate competency as per the marking criteria.
You must complete all tasks to a satisfactory standard to demonstrate competency as per the Observation Checklists and marking criteria
10 How to submit this Assessment Task
When you are confident you have met all requirements for this Assessment Task, submit your work as follows:
    Your assessor will let you know the date and time for submission of this Assessment Task.
    # of attempts you have at this Assessment Task
    2 attempts are permitted
    If your work is to be resubmitted you will be advised of the time and date for resubmission.
    Upload to the submission portal for Assessment Task 3 of 4 in Moodle.
    Upon submitting your work to Moodle, you are required to authenticate your work as your own.
    Submission checklist
    Part A
    CHCCOM003_Agency research_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] PartA
    Part B
    CHCCOM003_Communication strategy_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] PartB
    Part C
    CHCCOM003_Presentation_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] PartC
    Part D
    CHCCOM003_Agency network objectives_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] PartD
    Part D
    CHCCOM003_Network meeting minutes_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part D
    Part D
    CHCCOM003_Staff Meeting Minutes_AT 2 of 3_[Your Name] Part D
Harvest Education Technical College |
ABN XXXXXXXXXX | RTO Code: 31671 | CRICOS Code: 03243A
CHC52015_CHCCOM003_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB_VAL    1 of 18
Updated: 7 December 2017
Feedback sheet
Assessment Task 2 of 3 – Research and develop a workplace communication strategy
This document describes how you will be assessed and what evidence you need to submit to demonstrate Competency in respect of this Assessment Task. This is the list the assessor will use to mark your work.
    Skill, behaviour or task to be observed
    Has the student been observed performing this skill, behaviour or task to industry standard? Check appropriate box
    If No, please specify reason for failure to observe OR
If Yes, please specify date(s) of observation AND comment by observer of exactly what he or she saw /heard, when, where, etc.
    Effective workplace written skills:
· Consider the diversity needs of the presentation audience
· Presentation is written to a professional workplace standard
    ☐ Yes    ☐ No
    Effective workplace oral communication skills:
· Listening with intent to understand any questions the staff may have
· Use professional language and tone
· Ask questions to confirm that the audience has understood your message
    ☐ Yes    ☐ No
    Skill, behaviour or task to be observed
    Has the student been observed performing this skill, behaviour or task to industry standard? Check appropriate box
    If No, please specify reason for failure to observe OR
If Yes, please specify date(s) of observation AND comment by observer of exactly what he or she saw /heard, when, where, etc.
    Attended a work-related network meeting
    ☐ Yes    ☐ No
Feedback details
    Has the student …
    Is result satisfactory?
Check appropriate box
    Comments by assessor to support result if MER or No
    Part A
    Used CHCCOM003_Agency research_AT 2 of 3_V1.0_CB and provided a response to each question including:
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Provided a summary of diversity at the community services agency which includes:
1.    Information on diversity of staff at the agency, including any special communication needs or communication ba
iers. (minimum 150 words)
2.    Information on diversity of clients at the agency, including any special communication needs or communication ba
iers. (minimum 150 words)
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Located the organisations policies and procedures on the following and identified at least 1 legal consideration and 1 ethical consideration for:
1.    privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
2.    discrimination
3.    duty of care
4.    mandatory reporting
5.    informed consent
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Identified how is information communicated within the agency, including reporting processes:
1.    Between staff and management
2.    Between staff and clients
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Identified how information is communicated outside of the agency, including reporting processes:
1.    Between the organisation and client family/carers (if relevant)
2.    Between the organisation and other community service providers
3.    Between the organisation and other agencies involved in your client’s care
4.    Between the organisation and funding bodies
5.    Between the organisation and the community
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Located the agency’s business and/or strategic plans and provided a summary in relation to:
1.    The agency’s goals and objectives in relation to diversity (minimum 100 words)
2.    The agency’s goals and objectives in relation to communication (minimum 100 words)
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Located and summarised any communication strategies or plans that the agency already has in place. Included here:
1.    Any communication strategy for dealing with emergencies/crises within the organisation. (minimum 100 words)
2.    Strategies and protocols for communicating with diverse clients, staff and external stakeholders (client family, carers, other community service agencies) (minimum 100 words)
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Used the information from Question 6 to undertake a SWOT analysis in relation to the agency’s communication strategies and protocols
    ☐ Yes    ☐ MER ☐ No
    Identified how communication strategies are evaluated within the organisation? (minimum 200 words including question below)
Answered Same Day Jan 30, 2020 CHCCOM003 Training.Gov.Au


Sundeep answered on Feb 24 2020
157 Votes
Communication Strategy
Communication Strategy
Who does the strategy apply to? Its objectives?
Target Audience
Aged and Neurologically disabled [ Young]
Families of Aged an and Young people who have neurological disorders
To communicate Goals, Vision and value proposition
To let them know that the health and wellbeing of family members is the primary objective of the organisation
Organizational Goal?
Help people live life to the fullest
Respond to unmet needs and service gaps that are present

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