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From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select the Porter Novelli (Chapter 12) case study for this assignment. Write a seven - nine (7-9) page paper in which you: Evaluate the effectiveness of the roles...

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From the Goldsmith & Carter textbook, select the Porter Novelli (Chapter 12) case study for this assignment.
Write a seven - nine (7-9) page paper in which you:
  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the roles that the strategic leaders played in the formation of the performance management strategy.
  2. Develop a five (5) point criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the talent management strategy and how the data could be collected.
  3. Critique the components of your talent management strategy and suggest alternative ways to achieve effective results.
  4. Outline the functional expertise component of this strategy and how it optimizes the company’s ability to identify highly qualified individuals.
  5. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.
  • The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
Answered Same Day May 28, 2021


Sourav Kumar answered on May 31 2021
136 Votes
Performance management is defined as the set of processes that are employed by an organization to improve and maintain the performance of its employees in accordance with the objective of the organization. This kind of an approach focuses more on results obtained as a part of job description as a result of the performance of an individual, instead of focusing on an individual’s capabilities or efforts (Hughes, C., 2018). It focuses on introducing employees to easily understandable information which can be used for the implementation of a particular strategy.
The development of an effective performance management strategy requires careful research of the ongoing management strategies of a company. It requires the identification of the aspects used to define the performance of an individual (Jenkins, A., 2017). A clear set of roles and responsibilities are then chalked out for each professional level, and performance definitions are specified for them accordingly.
Case study: Porter Novelli:
Porter Novelli is one of the largest public relations firms in the world. The firm provides consultation services in terms of marketing solutions and provides communication platforms to different consumer
ands such as technology, healthcare, financial services, etc.
In 2004, the company conducted an assessment to implement changes to its fundamental strategies of business management. In order to do this, they employed a chief talent officer (CTO)with the help of the CEO of the firm, the president, and the chief strategy officer, to set up a vision process to apply new strategies for overall performance management.
A thorough analysis of the company’s existing performance management practices by the CTO revealed the absence of a leadership competency model, with little focus on how to best utilise the human resources for the better work quality. Discussions among the CEO, president, chief strategy officer and the CTO revealed the need for performance management strategies that supported individual accountability, and focused on improving the connections between the different operations of the company.
A new strategy involving detailed analysis of the company, development of new strategic options, with a major focus on clients revealed the following:
· Requirement of new ideas for assessing a client’s requirements and providing appropriate solutions.
· Introduction of management training of employees at different levels.
· Importance of expanding business by acquiring bigger and complex clients.
· Improving interconnectivity across the global network and a good project management structure.
Program considerations:
The implementation of a new strategy was preceded by a discussion between the CTO and other members of the group, which helped in obtaining valuable feedback necessary for approaching and introducing a new system. Several program considerations were put forward:
· A clear specification of work roles and expected results from different individuals was required before any assessment, management or development.
· The use of Pipeline model was suggested, with a stronger focus on results delivered rather than individual competencies.
· Roles were defined for leaders at each level in order to make responsibilities quantifiable and more accountable.
The main focus of introducing a Pipeline model at the core leadership level was to establish a source code on the basis of which all other management operations could be performed and evaluated.
Before the implementation of new strategies, a number of workshops and one – on – one sessions were conducted in order to provide training to teams responsible for conducting interviews. Interviews were then conducted in several different offices of the firm using the new strategy, and the results from the process were utilized to create a complete set of performance of standards expected of each job level at the different levels of leadership. Several contribution dimensions were identified as a result of the work interview process, and were listed in order of priorities. These contribution dimensions formed the basis for the source code. The contribution dimensions identified were: Client results, Leadership results, Management results, Relationship results, Innovation results, and finally, Financial results. Clients were placed as the first priority, followed by leadership and management skills. Next came the interpersonal relationships to promote a sense of...

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