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FPC009 Complex Financial Planning
Assignment 2 Instructions
Assignment 2 marks: 95 | Research and referencing marks: 5
Total marks: 100
Total word limit: 7,000 words
Weighting: 60%

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your assignment.

Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST/AEDT on the
due date.

Refer to ‘Time remaining’ on the ‘Assignment’ page in KapLearn to ensure you submit
your assignment by the specified due date and time.
Mark allocation Marks
1 Research and referencing 5
2 Compliance 5
3 Executive summary/summary of recommendations 10
4 Present position/information about client 6
5 Financial objectives 6
6 Assumptions 2
7 Risk profile and asset allocation 6
8 Quality of advice and recommendations 35
9 Key risks 5
10 Ongoing service and review 5
11 Implementation schedule 5
12 Overall structure and presentation of SOA 10
Total marks 100
FPC009_AI2_v9 2 © Kaplan Higher Education
Assignment details
• This assignment covers all topics and accounts for 60% of your final grade.
• Following your analysis of the case study provided for clients Mike and Delilah Samson, you will be
equired to produce a statement of advice (SOA) that addresses their financial situation and goals
and objectives. You will be assessed on the quality of your advice and the way your SOA is compiled.
(While guidance tasks to assist you to complete the SOA are included in Part 2, you should not
submit any separate notes or analysis in relation to these. Your analysis and findings from
completing these tasks should be incorporated in your SOA.)
• There are three (3) parts to completing your assignment:
– Part 1: Instructions for completing the assignment
– Part 2: Developing the advice
– Part 3: The statement of advice.
• Your overall mark for this assignment will be rounded to the nearest whole number.
• Refer to the Mark allocation grid and Criteria-based Marking Guide for guidelines on the allocation
of marks and what is expected for each section. To assist you in satisfactorily completing the
assignment, five (5) ‘best interests’ guidance tasks have been incorporated. You should address all
five tasks when constructing your SOA.
• You may need to undertake research beyond the subject notes to complete this assignment. You
should conduct as much research as needed to give quality advice and fulfil your obligations as a
financial adviser.
• Use of financial planning/modelling software is permitted. See further details on the use of software
and industry calculators. Please note that excessive reliance on any licensee’s SOA template may be
considered a case of plagiarism or collaboration.
• Marks are awarded for assignment structure and referencing.
• Full workings must be shown for all calculations. Show all calculations in the text of your assignment
and not attached as an appendix. Only appendices specified in the assignment will be read.
• Indicative weightings are noted beside each question. Use these weightings to assist you with your
allocation of time and resources. The weightings indicate the relative importance of each question.
• State all assumptions used in providing your answer.
FPC009_AI2_v9 3 © Kaplan Higher Education
• The overall word limit for the assignment is 7,000 words. Marks will only be awarded for answers
up to the word limit (plus 10%) for each question. Any material written after this will not be
counted towards your mark for that question. Headings, quotes and references within the body of
the answer are included in the word count. Numerical tables, calculations, and reference lists are
not included. For more information on word counts and their rationale, go to Assessment �
Assignment � Assessment Preparation Guide.
• The Assessment Preparation Guide contains information about format and presentation, word limits,
citations and referencing, collusion, plagiarism and other policies, useful resources, submitting your
assignment and accessing your results.
• Answers are to be in your own words. Reference and cite all your sources (within the text of your
answer) when quoting or using material from external sources. Include a reference list at the end
of your assignment.
• Follow the Harvard referencing style as recommended in Kaplan Australia: Harvard Referencing
Guide located on the ‘Referencing and Research’ page in the ‘Build Your Skills’ hub in KapLearn.
• Requests for special consideration or information pertaining to special consideration written in the
ody of the assignment will not be considered by the assessor. Refer to the ‘special consideration’
section of the Assessment Policy on Kaplan’s website for more information.
Independent research
For some or all questions in this assignment, you will be required to complete independent research
eyond the provided materials. You will also be expected to analyse this research and use it to support
your own reasoned conclusions.
This includes:
• consideration of multiple sources beyond topic notes or other provided resources
• sources included are academically sound and credible
• analysing and understanding the argument or information the source presents
• using the material appropriately to directly support your conclusions.
Where significant independent research is required for a given question, it will be clearly indicated in the
question instructions and the Criteria-Based Marking Guide.
FPC009_AI2_v9 4 © Kaplan Higher Education
Assignment research and referencing (5 marks)
Your assignment should be presented in a clear and appropriate format, with all sources co
eferenced and cited.
You are required to:
• structure a clear response to each question, using headings if required
• number questions (including sub-questions) and pages
• use co
ect font style and size
• ensure tables or graphs are clearly labelled and readable
• clearly set out calculations or workings, where they are required
• adhere to the assignment word limit
• follow the Harvard referencing style as recommended in Kaplan Australia: Harvard Referencing Guide
(available from the ‘Build Your Skills’ hub in KapLearn) to cite sources throughout your assignment,
and provide a reference list at the end.
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for research and referencing
The Criteria-Based Marking Guide (CBMG) provided at the end of each question is designed to assist you to
understand what is expected of you in each question and to let you know how your performance will be
judged. It provides advice about the criteria used in the marking of the question and what discriminates
etween an excellent, satisfactory and unsatisfactory answer.
Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1. Research and
• clear and appropriate
assignment layout and
• clear evidence of
independent research and
analysis throughout
• appropriate use of
• accurate use of Harvard
eferencing style
• comprehensive reference
list provided at end
of assignment
• adequate assignment layout
and structure
• some evidence of
independent research and
• appropriate use of
• use of Harvard referencing
• reference list provided at
end of assignment
• poor assignment layout and
• assignment significantly
under or over the word limit
• no demonstrated
independent research or
• no use of references
• referencing does not use
Harvard referencing style
• no or inadequate reference
list provided at end
of assignment
(Range: 5 marks) (Range: 4–5 marks) (Range: 2.5–3.5 marks) (Range: 0–2 marks)
FPC009_AI2_v9 5 © Kaplan Higher Education
Part 1: Instructions for completing the assignment
The assessment
You will be assessed on your ability to analyse the quantitative and qualitative information given to you
about clients Mike and Delilah Samson, who are requiring financial planning advice, and to then produce a
statement of advice (SOA) in a form which complies with best interests duty obligations and the
‘safe ha
our’ advice elements described in section 961B(2) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and
ASIC Regulatory Guide RG 175 ‘Licensing: Financial product advisers — Conduct and disclosure’.
To develop the advice, you will need to prepare taxation and cash flow statements as well as a net worth
statement for the clients covering their cu
ent situation, in addition to their situation if they implement
your recommendations.
The assignment requirements
You should read the whole assignment first, so you understand the process you must follow, and the
outcomes required at each stage. Reading all sections will provide guidance on what is required.
Read the case study thoroughly so you understand the clients’ objectives, needs, values and attitudes.
Word count
The maximum word count for this assessment is 7,000 words. Your work should be clear, concise and
effective as required by Regulatory Guide 175 (RG 175). Your advice should be tailored to the needs of
these clients and their situation and should not include standard text i
elevant to their circumstances.
You will likely have to refer to your internal resources or research websites in preparing your advice.
You will also have to research appropriate financial products that can meet the clients’ needs.
Use of your company’s resources
You may find it useful to use resources with which you are familiar. For instance, you may transfer the facts
of the case to a fact find document to assist with your analysis of the clients’ objectives, needs and financial
You may use proprietary software and/or reliable industry calculators for calculations and modelling.
If applicable, you may also use your company’s SOA template to assist in developing your SOA.
However, overuse of templated paragraphs that are not specifically relevant or tailored to the client’s
circumstances will be penalised. A SOA template has also been provided for you in the appendices of this
document. You may use these templates in your assignment answer template.
Alternatively, you can write your own SOA using spreadsheets for calculations and modelling;
however, note the comments above on word count. Again, as noted above, you are expected to tailor the
document to the needs of the clients.
FPC009_AI2_v9 6 © Kaplan Higher Education
Part 2: Developing the advice
Financial advisers must act in the best interests of their clients as described in section E of RG 175 and
under the FASEA Code of Ethics.
One way to demonstrate that you are acting in the clients’ best interests is to follow the steps of the
‘safe ha
our’, also described in RG 175.
The first five (5) guidance tasks set out below follow
Answered 82 days After May 04, 2022


Himanshu answered on Jul 25 2022
85 Votes
Table of Contents
Executive Summary    2
Introduction    3
Financial Objectives    4
Risk Profile    10
Analysis and Evaluation    13
Asset Allocation    14
CSR Issues in the company    16
Quality and Advice Recommendations    17
Risks    19
References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
Executive Summary
In this study, we will go over all of the components, codes of ethics, and standards that financial planners should follow while interacting with customers. We will go over a few instances to see how professionals handle situations while sticking to all ethical norms. In this report we have also advised and recommended client for the effective outcome of their investment and portfolio. Finally, we analyze and suggest the clients in the best way feasible.
Financial management is the practice of identifying various financial objectives, assessing these objectives while lowering inflation, and devising an investment strategy to achieve these objectives. It prepares you financially and prepares you for unexpected risks such as premature death, serious illness, or job loss. The importance of financial planning assists investors in achieving their financial goals, such as housing, further education for children, child ma
iage, retirement management, asset management, etc., and long-term financial stability.
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money over time, so if we want to achieve our financial goals, our inflation must rise faster than inflation. Certain costs, such as education and medical care, increase at a much higher rate than the CPI. One has to be prepared. Also, as wages rise, people's lives change, leading to higher costs.
The process of defining rules, strategies, processes, plans, and budgets for the financial services involved is known as financial planning.
· This guarantees that financial and investment policies are effective and efficient. The term "significance" can be defined as follows:
· The monies required must be guaranteed.
· Financial planning helps to preserve stability by ensuring a good balance between cash flow and cash flow.
· Financial planning makes it easier for investors to invest in firms that employ it.
· Financial planning aids in the development of growth and expansion strategies that help the business last longer.
· Financial planning decreases market volatility, which can be readily managed with sufficient funding.
· Financial planning aids in the reduction of uncertainty, which may be a stumbling block to business expansion. This contributes to both stability and a frightening profit. (Moses, 1973)
This fictitious representation of numerical algorithms was created just for you to illustrate some potential situations and changes in your financial future. The assumptions in this diagram were selected to express and represent your cu
ent financial state, as well as to show the complicated future consequences of your combined income, spending, savings, asset growth, taxes, retirement benefits, and insurance policy to debate. Your mentor is you.
The outcomes depicted in this diagram are not only predictions or forecasts for the future. The results displayed are merely for exhibition purposes. The ideas and opinions represented in this presentation are forward-looking statements, and there is no assurance that they will be achieved. The accuracy and completeness of the facts and statistics shown here are based on credible sources, but there is no assurance of their accuracy.
An objective of finance, or financial objective, is a goal that businesses set for success and growth. There are many different types of financial objectives, and which ones a business sets may depend on what type of products and services it offers, how it operates and what its cu
ent needs are. Financial objectives typically focus on increasing a business's profits or sales, but they may also focus on investments and economic stability. Financial objectives are often measurable goals that businesses can track and reach. These objectives typically focus on long-term success.
Financial Objectives
A business can change its financial objective as often as it needs. Once a business meets its cu
ent financial objective, it can set a new one. Businesses may also change their objectives if they want to focus on a different strategy or have other areas that need attention. It is also possible to have multiple financial objectives at once.
Why are financial objectives important?
Financial objectives are important because they help you make a plan to improve your business. With financial objectives, you can track your progress and see whether you have met your objectives within the time frame you set.
Creating financial objectives is an especially important part of building a new business or making substantial changes to an existing business. These goals are something to work toward, and they influence how a company operates and what decisions it makes.
Common financial objectives
Most companies focus on financial objectives to increase profits and growth, but some objectives are more specific and have other goals. Here are four common financial objectives:
Increasing revenue
This is the most basic financial objective for any business because the main goal of most businesses is to increase sales to
ing in more revenue. This is what makes businesses successful and allows them to continue growing. When setting this financial objective, businesses typically focus on percentages. Rather than determining a target dollar amount to reach, a business determines how much it wants to increase its revenue by within a set period of time.
Businesses can change this objective for each new period. For example, a business may set a goal of increasing revenue by 15% in one year. If this is successful and the business sees a lot of growth, it may set a higher goal of a 20% revenue increase for the next year.
Increasing profit margins
Another common objective of finance is to increase profit margins from sales. Profit margins relate to how much is made on each sale after considering the expenses, while revenue is the general amount of profit that a company makes. Increasing profit margins still focuses on improving the success of the business and making it more profitable overall, but it uses different means than the objective of increasing revenue. However, these objectives may overlap because increasing profit margins also contributes to increasing revenue.
A business can usually increase profit margins by lowering its expenses. It accomplishes this by building relationships with suppliers or streamlining operations. If a business's expenses are already as low as possible and it still sets the objective of increasing profit margins, then the next option is to raise the cost of the product or service.
Financial Planning
The CFP Board Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct represents the commitment of CFP professionals to strict professional rules and ethics. The CFP Board Code and Principles serve and protects the public, establishes standards for the delivery of financial planning, and promotes personal finance as a unique and respected professional. Compliance with Code and Standards is a CFP accreditation policy that is essential to the integrity of CFP marks. Violations of the Code and Regulations may result in disciplinary action against a CFP specialist (CFP Board, 2022)
The primary function of a financial planner is to assist his clients in his personal budget, set goals for saving, reducing, managing, and / or managing spending, and take the necessary steps to develop and grow wealth. Financial advisors work with portfolio managers, joint investment schemes, and / or financial advisors to meet the investment needs of their clients.
Roles and Responsibilities of Jillian Whitmore as Financial Edito
• Assess client financial status (e.g., income, expenses and debt)
• Investigate and recommend financial opportunities (e.g., insurance plans, investments)
• Create strong strategies and budget for customers.
• Create financial strategies tailored to the changing needs of your clients.
• Assist clients in making their plans and transactions.
• Demonstrate and market relevant financial instruments and services.
• Identify and address potential prospects
• Build better relationships to keep cu
ent clients.
• Keep up to date with the latest financial regulations, procedures, and products (Sussman, 2009)
Scenario 1
Beth and John Hu
In this case, Jillian has cope with the customer professionally. Jillian adhered to the norms of the code of ethics. We will be addressing the underlying principles, which be found below:
Principle: Duty of Loyalty to the client
The responsibility to behave in the client's best interests by prioritizing the client's needs. Locating the client 's preferences first necessitates that the Certificates prioritize the client 's interests over their own and all other interests; the responsibility to reveal confrontations of concern and ameliorate dispute in the client's favor; and the responsibility to behave with the care, expertise, and diligence of a prudent practitioner.
Jillian Whitmore has addressed and advised the clients in a formal way despite the fact that she knows them since they are the parents of Denise Hu
ard, her closest friend. Jillian evaluated their previous year's financial data and advised them based on their interests and ambitions. Jillian has not unduly compelled them to invest in funds in order to receive a commission. She counselled them based on their objectives and the finest technique to increase their wealth. Effectively addressing and attracting clients has always played a crucial part in making an impact on them.
Principle: Integrity
A Certificant must always operate with honesty. Integrity entails adhering strictly to the moral principles and obligations mandated by truthfulness and fairness. Integrity necessitates that the Certificant follow both the text and the spirit of the Code of Ethics.
Jillian Whitmore has adhered to all of the principles outlined in the Principle of Integrity. Client approached Jillian with certain investments that had previously been made, but they were dissatisfied with the results, so Jillian offered several investment products in which they might invest and earn more. Jillian works in a financial firm and can easily persuade clients to invest in their company's investment tools in exchange for a commission, but she was very fair to the clients and did not pressure them to do so; she simply advised them that they could go outside and adjust their investment appropriately.
Jillian has recommended them to sell some investments and move the assets to mutual funds, which is sensible advice. A mutual fund is a collection of securities that is refe
ed to as a diversified portfolio. Mutual has a minimal risk, which complements the client 's expectations since their risk appetite is minimal.
In certain situations, Jillian appears to be quite professional, as she addresses the clients in a way that does not offend them. In particular, regarding Denise's financial health, she might have directly asked her parents about it, but she did not; this relates to the Professionalism Act.
Scenario 2
Kathy and Rick Allen
Jillian treated the customer in a highly ethical and professional approach in this situation. The client has contacted the firm twice in the last month. Kathy and Rick Allen have two investment plans with different institutions. Rick seemed to be in command in earlier appointments.
Principle: Professionalism
The certificate must be valid. Professionalism is defined as a behavior that promotes trust and respect for customers and the general public, and encompasses all other principles of the Code of Conduct. Proficiency entails acquiring and retaining a sufficient degree of information and expertise, as well as competently using that information in offering customers with recommendations and/or services.
Kathy wanted to begin investing in the RRSP plan. A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is a pension capital investment vehicle available in Canada to workers and self-employed individuals. Pre-tax funds are deposited into an RRSP and grow tax-free until withdrawn, at which point they are taxable at the marginal rates.
Approved Assets
1. RRSPs provide for a variety of investments and investment vehicles. They are as follows:
2. Investing in mutual funds
3. Exchange traded funds
4. Equities/ Bonds
5. Accounts for Savings
6. Loans for home purchase
7. Trusts for income
There are some benefits that they can get from the RRSP system which are:
· Contributions to RRSPs reduce customer tax revenue.
· Unused RRSP donations are processed.
· Combined interest can be obtained from RRSP assets.
· Customer savings are protected from creditors.
· There are a few other RRSP investment options available. The client can choose between the investment strategies they have targeted and those that are managed.
Recommendation to Allen’s family
Kathy and Rick Allen can also start investing or follow the optimal solutions provided by Jillian Whitmore. Time value of money played a vital role in investment. Monetary value is an important topic for investors to understand as the dollar is now more than a guaranteed dollar in the future. Today's cu
ency can be used to reproduce or generate return on investment. Considering everything Jillian suggested an investment that would make a profitable profit. Jillian has considered...

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