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For your final project, you will be using physical space as well as virtual space. Using the Arduino microcontroller in tandem with p5.js, create a tool, interactive installation, game, or something...

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For your final project, you will be using physical space as well as virtual space.

Using the Arduino microcontroller in tandem with p5.js, create a tool, interactive installation, game, or something of your own definition that you will share with our class at the close of the semester.

This project can be inspired by projects that can be found online and in other tutorials, but YOU should be the real author of this interactive project and you will need to demonstrate that the project is of your design.

Here are links to the document and video from the lecture of physical computing (and related) precedents:(list) (video)

To successfully complete this project, it should include:

1. Use of Arduino and p5.js

2. Use of at least 1 sensor input or output attached to the Arduino. Note that your choice of input or output must be conceptually cohesive with the content/substance of your project as a whole.

3. Use of at least 1 library beyond the serial control library is encouraged.

4. A presentation to demonstrate your process, your references to other projects in the field, the technology used, the application(s) of the project, and how you would like to build upon it or improve it (≈10 minutes in length)

Answered 2 days After May 03, 2021


Rahul answered on May 05 2021
151 Votes
Using the Arduino microcontroller in tandem with p5.js
Using the Arduino microcontroller in tandem with p5.js
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.
Arduino senses the environment by receiving inputs from many sensors, and affects its su
oundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators.
Sensors listen to the physical world. They convert energy that you give of when
you press butons, or wave your arms, or shout, into electrical signals. Butons
and knobs are sensors that you touch with your fingers, but there are many other
kinds of sensors.
Actuators take action in the physical world. They convert electrical energy back
into physical energy, like light and heat and movement.
Microcontrollers listen to sensors and talk to actuators. They decide what to
do based on a program that you write.
Microcontrollers and the electronics you atach to them are just the skeleton of
your projects, though. You’ll need to
ing skills you probably already have to put
some flesh on the bones.
For example, in one of the projects we suggest, you’ll make an a
ow and atach it
to a motor, and put them both in a box with a knob, so you can make a meter to
tell people whether you’re busy or not. In another, you’ll put some lights and a tilt
switch on a cardboard frame to make an hourglass.
Arduino Uno - The microcontroller develop-
ment board that will be at the heart of your
projects. It’s a simple computer, but one that
has no way for you to interact with it yet. You
will be building the circuits and interfaces for
interaction, and telling the microcontroller how
to interface with other...

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