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For this assignment, use the internet to research tips on designing for people who have visual impairments, such as color blindness. Choose a visual from a document or website to evaluate based on...

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For this assignment, use the internet to research tips on designing for people who have visual impairments, such as color blindness. Choose a visual from a document or website to evaluate based on guidelines you have discovered. Then, include answers to the following questions in your overall research report:

  • For the visual example, what works well regarding meeting the needs of those viewers with visual impairments?
  • What suggestions would you have for revising the design to be more effective for this audience?


  • Support your analysis and discussion with research from at least three scholarly sources. (You may use the course readings, in addition to other sources found through your research efforts, but citing course readings will not fulfill this requirement.)
  • Your paper must be 4-5 pages in length
Answered Same Day May 24, 2021


Abhinaba answered on May 31 2021
139 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Ways of Meeting Needs of People Having Hyperopia    3
Suggestion for Revising the Treatment Design of Hyperopia    6
Conclusions    7
Recommendations    8
References    9
Visual Impairments are generally the declination in the abilities to see properly without having cured through lenses or glasses. It does not mean blindness, in which individuals cannot see at all, but actually it acts as a type of ba
ier in the normal vision of an individual. Generally it causes lots of difficulties in writing, reading, walking, driving, and typing and in many other things. One of such very serious visual impairment is hyperopia or farsightedness. It creates a typical type of vision condition in which objects which are at a distant position becomes clearly visible and the closer objects fail to come in the focus. The main cause if this syndrome is the disability of the eye to bend light properly and as a result it gets focused in the back portion of the eye, as a result focusing on the entered light becomes difficult for the eyes, resulting in disability to see the nea
y objects. Lots of difficulties takes place due to hyperopia, as clear focus on the closer objects can't be maintained. It may cause severe headaches, strain in the eyes, eye burns or eye aches if working from a close distance is done. It can be detected by normal screening of vision, but often in many cases it fails to detect the syndromes. For that purpose there is some necessary testing which helps in the diagnosis of hyperopia. In cases which are mild, it can be treated with co
ective lenses, but if very acute case is diagnosed then certain eye glasses or contact lenses are to be used that allows light to enter more in the eyes so that closer objects can be clearly seen without much stress.
Ways of Meeting Needs of People Having Hyperopia
In this project we have focus on the serious visual impairment that declines the abilities to see properly from the close or the objects which are at a closer place, only the objects at a longer distance are generally visible to the person affected by the visual impairment syndrome, the impairment is 'hyperopia' or farsightedness and also proper discussion on the treatments of the syndrome is made. The basic difficulties created by the syndrome are issues in reading, writing, driving, walking and in doing many other activities. The syndrome usually may appear in an individual at an average age of 40 years of age as by that age the muscles starts becoming loose and weaker, however the syndromes is also known to travel genetically from a mother to the child (Damgaard, Ivarsen & Hjortdal, 2018). The main cause if this syndrome is the disability of the eye to bend light properly and as a result it gets focused in the back portion of the eye, as a result focusing on the entered light becomes difficult for the eyes, resulting in disability to see the nea
y objects. Lots of difficulties takes place due to hyperopia, as clear focus on the closer objects can't be maintained. It may cause severe headaches, strain in the eyes, eye burns or eye aches if working from a close distance is done. For meeting the needs of those suffering from the syndrome of hyperopia, proper treatments are extremely important. The basic treatments of the syndrome are as follows -
The treatment of hyperopia basically helps in the proper focusing of the light rays inside the retina of the individual with the syndrome. This can be done with the help of two ways. They are mainly proper eye...

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