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For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about which you know enough to review the supply chain processes and identify a process that can be improved in your sphere...

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For this assignment select either your own organization or an organization about which you know enough to review the supply chain processes and identify a process that can be improved in your sphere of influence.

Phase I: Improvement Opportunity

Write XXXXXXXXXXwords on improvement opportunity in your sphere of influence. Address each of the following sections:

Quality Tool Analysis

Identify your problem statement and complete a root-cause analysis. Identify which quality tools you used to identify and vet the problem. Explain the quantitative and qualitative tools you used and provide a summary of how you arrived at your problem.

Stakeholder Analysis

Complete the interactive "Stakeholder Analysis: Winning Support for Your Projects," located on the Mind Tools website. In Step 2, select the “Interactive Screen App” hyperlink. Provide a Power/Interest Grid of your completed chart (using either a picture format or a handwritten document). In addition, provide a summary that includes considerations for all stakeholders. These considerations will form your communication plan in Part II.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Phase II: Planning and Implementation

In Phase II of the Process Improvement Project you will be creatinga project timeline to help you implement the proposed solution to the problem statement defined in Phase I. As a project leader, you will need to consider several things before you start the project. The project leader must preplan, plan, and kickoff the project.

Planning of the Project

As the project leader, write XXXXXXXXXXwords that address these items:

1.Identify which methodologies and strategies you will implement to meet your goals. Provide rationale for why you did not select some of the other methodologies and strategies.

2.Which business functions will be impacted by your action plan? What tactics will you use to manage implementation across business functions? What can you do to enhance collaboration/cross-functionality to ensure the success of your plan?

3.Timeline: Create a timeline to implement the proposed improvement to the problem and identify the critical path components.

4.Communication plan:Using your completed quality tools analysis and stakeholder analysis, create a communication plan for disseminating your action plan to all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use formal and informal communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your goal.

Project Kickoff and Implementation of the Project

Successfully improving the value chain requires the willingness of required stakeholders to participate. Imagine you are presenting your project plan in a meeting to all the essential stakeholders for approval. Effective oral communication is essential in the business setting so you will need to present your project plan logically and comprehensively to the stakeholders.

Create a PowerPoint presentation (7-10 slides) specifying the problem statement, stakeholders, proposed solution, timeline, and communication plan to implement the project. Record yourself presenting the plan and then post your video using YouTube, Vimeo, or any other video site that allows you to post your video. Be sure to address the "why" and "how" in your narrative. Refer to the materials section of Topic 8 for privacy settings when using YouTube.

Phase III: Evaluation

In the final step for your plan, state in XXXXXXXXXXwords the metrics you will use to determine project implementation success. Please justify why you have selected those metrics. Include specific metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the implementation. How long will the project team monitor project implementation?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

General Project Requirements

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Answered Same Day Jun 20, 2020


Kuldeep answered on Jun 20 2020
148 Votes
Running head: Project Planning
Project Planning
Project Planning
Student Name
University Name
Unit Name
Unit Code
Phase I: Improvement Opportunity    3
Quality Tool Analysis    3
Stakeholder Analysis    4
Phase II    6
Project Planning    6
Methodologies and strategies implement to meet the goals    7
Business functions will be impacted by the plans    7
Phase III evolution    9
Metrics will use for project implementation success    9
References    11
Phase I: Improvement Opportunity
Quality Tool Analysis
Problem statement: Apple Company is capable to offer quality products and services despite of partnerships
Apple originally bought Apple devices to partner with company AT&T to provide wireless services only on the AT&T's network. It is considered a collaborative effort to maintain quality management policy and is considered important for the potential competitors of each partner. Co-operation is basically to achieve operational success and general improvement of professional skills. AT & T is a service provider and Apple is a manufacturer and everyone should search the independent market to promote their services. On the contrary, if they cooperate, they will not only try joint efforts for marketing, but also find similar markets for their products. It is a strategic approach to introduction of partnerships and relationships, as well as an essential tool for quality management system (Jayaraman, 2016).
With the cooperation between Apple and AT & T, the cooperation between both companies has been improved because it improves product and service modules and models. Both partners see the definition of a market that they can work very effectively. Apple Inc. Under the Suppliers of mobile applications of AT & T, Participation is based on the high level of technical performance, so they simply found this strategic presentation will enable them to achieve high level interoperability. This partnership is supplier integration. This allows Apple to improve its product and service model and to continually improve the product and service model. It is an ideal supply partner, Apple can share market demand information and AT & T can meet customer's needs in an integrated way. The purpose of this partnership is to establish trustworthy and trustworthy relationships by promoting quality, competitiveness and continual improvement in productivity.
Partners are definitely willing to give great deals to Apple because Apple products come with ready-made service providers whose service services are designed by Apple for service providers. The main reason Apple hopes to join strategic alliances is the use of economies in some proportion, learning from competitors, managing risks, and sharing of shares and all sources of economic value in any industry (Pinto, 2013).
Apple's biggest challenge is to implement technical tools based on a local multi-policy strategy. In fact, Apple is going from a computer to a Smartphone that requires a solid service provider that can support the creation of many Apple apps.
Stakeholder Analysis
"Stakeholder Analysis Complete interactive: Conquer or Winning assistance for your Project" on Mind Tools website. Secondly, choose the interactive screen application hyperlink. After that provide powe
interest grid of the completed chart. In addition, provide summaries containing all shareholders' ideas. These thoughts will help in Part II to form the communication plan.
Stakeholders are both internal and external part of the organization. They directly and indirectly benefit from the company's decision. Advantages of properly using stakeholder-based approach are as follows:
· Apple can use votes of the powerful stakeholders to make projects faster.
· Getting help from strong stakeholders can assist the company to get more resources, which is more likely to succeed in the project
· Through initial and frequent interaction with shareholders, companies can understand the shareholding project and can support the project...

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