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For each question write one short essay. Make sure to have a clear introductory paragraph with a thesis, a strong conclusion that ties up the paper. Make sure body paragraphs or body paragraphs back...

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For each question write one short essay. Make sure to have a clear introductory paragraph with a thesis, a strong conclusion that ties up the paper.

Make sure body paragraphs or body paragraphs back up the thesis. it make really clear. Follow a clear essay style!For each of questions 1 and 2, please provide between 1.5 pages. (No more than 500 words for each are required to include a minimum of two external references per answer. Include these references in a bibliography and as in-text citations.
Be sure to use external resources that are based on quality research. Generally, these resources are “scholarly” and “peer-reviewed.” You may find yourself using popular and trade sources to illustrate your points (e.g., Canadian Geographic, newspaper articles), but be sure to balance the use of these by also including scholarly journal articlesPlease use the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition documentation style for referencing.


  1. Can an area that traditionally has been a periphery area become a core area? What are some of the obstacles to this transition? What conditions would need to be met for this to happen? Begin your answer by providing your own definitions forcoreandperiphery. Illustrate your answer with reference to two different regions.

    Thepaper by Stadel (2009)provides an extensive overview of the core-periphery model. You may use this article as one of your two external references.

  2. Bone identifies four areas of tension or divisions in Canadian society that he argues threaten the regional cohesiveness of the country. Referring to one of the four faultlines he discusses (English/French, centralist/decentralist, Indigenous/non-Indigenous, and newcomers/old-Timers), what do you think the significance of this faultline is for Canada’s present and future? Provide an example from one region.

  3. For each of the following photographs, make a suggestion for which of Bone’s regions you think it best represents, and provide a reason for your choice. Use concepts from the discussion about physical, historical, and social/economic/demographic characteristics in your explanation. (Note:It is possible that you might not identify the correct region where these photos were taken. What is important is that you identify a likely location, and back that up using characteristics that describe it as belonging to one region or another.) For this question, you are not required to use external references. Each photograph is worth 4 marks, for a total of 20 (1 mark for your identification of the region, and 3 marks for your reasoning and explanation).

Answered 3 days After Jun 18, 2021


Somprikta answered on Jun 21 2021
148 Votes
Geography Assignment        2
1.    The core periphery model structure can be considered as a theoretical concept which is based on the dual spatial structure of the capitalist world. The model is based on the beneficial relationship between the two parts which are known as core and periphery. The core can be described as an abstract area or a real place where there is a great concentration of power, population as well as wealth. The core is often described as the industrial heartland or even known as the metropolitan centre. The hinterland can be described as a geographical area that is based on resource development. The hinterland supplies the heartland with many of its primary products. According to Klimczuk and Klimczuk-Kochańska (2019), the periphery is, therefore, the region which can be ideally defined and described as the resource hinterland. While the core dominates the economic relationship, the periphery deals with the resources that are required for the economic flourishment of the core region. Therefore, in this manner the core and the periphery are dependent on one another as well as benefits the most from this relationship.
    Periphery area can become transformed into core area. However, there are a number of obstacles in transforming from a periphery to a core region. One of the greatest obstacles in becoming a core country or area from a periphery country or area is that of income inequality. Income inequality or economic discrimination can be considered as a major problem in the transformation. The periphery areas are mostly dependent on economic produce, as a result of which, their source of income becomes seasonal as well as uncertain. However, according to Golubchikov and O'Sullivan (2020), in order to become the industrial heartland and become economically dominant, the periphery areas need to depend on more reliable sources of income. In addition to that, lack of structural development in the periphery areas and countries also act as a major setback in transforming from periphery to core area.
The stability of the government also plays a huge role in transforming a periphery area to a core area. Therefore, the periphery areas with an unstable government can be deemed as a great obstacle in the path of becoming a core area. Inequality in terms of provision of education is also considered as a significant obstacle in the transition from periphery area to core area. The conditions that need to be met for the transitioning from periphery to core area are through diversifying industrial production, improving the stability of the government and by enhancing the access to education.
The Canadian archipelago can be considered as the national heartland of Canada. Its dense...

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