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    Southern Water Corp. Financial Analysis
    Welcome to your first formal Financial Analysis Exercise for Unit 5!
    The exercises you will be completing are based off a REAL WORLD Client and will have you focus on using the foundational knowledge you've built in Unit 4 with your Excel Functions, and combining this with the Financial Literacy you've established in Unit 5.
It's your chance to prove that you aren't just confident in the topics you've covered - you're able to craft meaningful insights from the data you'll analyse!
    In this case study, all the data you need to access is located in the Data Repository Table. This contains a mixture of Financial Data and Production Data that you will be using to answer the questions in each of the three (3) tabs, Revenue, Expenses and EBIT.
    This case study will be challenging, but I'm confident with the skills you've developed across Unit 4 and Unit 5 - you'll be able to tell Management a compelling story regarding what insights you can extract from analysing the Revenues, Expenses and EBIT!
    Let's get started.
    What do the tab colours mean?
    Throughout the Case Study, we've split this into three sections.
The green tabs are all tabs you will have to complete.
The order of completion is below:
1) Revenue Analysis (Unit 5.4)
2) Expenses Analysis (Unit 5.6)
3) EBIT Analysis (Unit 5.8)
    What is a Profit Centre and/or Cost Centre?
    Southern Water Corp sells two types of water product; Hard and Soft Water which is retailed to Residential, Public and Private Customers.
These sales (Revenues) are stored in centres known as PROFIT CENTRES.
Similarly you can imagine that production of these water products incurs costs. These costs are then stored and allocated to COST CENTRES.
    You will note that when you explore the dataset in the Data Repository Table - in Column F, "Centre Type", there are two centres.
Profit Centres - These are centres which handle all the revenue generating activities.
These are then
oken down further into Profit Centre Elements of which there are two, one for each water product (Soft Water and Hard Water).
    Cost Centres - There are centres which handle all cost generating activities.
If a business has set costs, they will normally flow through to a cost centre for capture.
In most cases, ONLY costs flow through Cost Centres, but depending on company set up - you may have the rare instance where there are revenue-generating activities included in Cost Centres.
For Southern Water Corp, we've simplified this structure so revenues stay in Profit Centres and Costs stay in Cost Centres.
    Refer to the below example to understand how to interpret the information in the Data Repository Table.
    As you create your Value Driver Trees, you are going to rely heavily on the Data Repository Table.
    In the table below, we've listed what information all the columns contain so you will be aware of how to use this information in your analysis.
    Account Type    This column provides information on whether the dataset is referencing Financial Actuals, Financial Budgets, Water Production Actuals or Water Production Budget.
    Value Drivers    For the exercises in 5.4, 5.6 and 5.8 - you will need to create Value Driver Trees. This Column let's you know whether the Value Driver belongs to Revenue or Expenses so you are aware of which cost centres / profit centres you need to pay attention towards.
    Unit    In the Southern Water Corp. Case Study, there are 3 Units. These are Kootha, Surjek or Jutik. The Unit column indicates, for that row of data, which Unit it applies towards.
    Month    This represents the month that data was calculated for.
    Month (Number)    This represents the month in numerical form.
    Centre Type    Costs / Profits either fall into a Cost Centre or Profit Centre. This column provides the individual with an understanding as to whether the cost centre is a Cost Centre or a Profit Centre.
    Cost Centre / Profit Centre    Based off the Centre Type, this lets the individual know whether the 'Centre' is a Cost Centre or Profit Centre. E.g. Revenue Sales 003 - By itself we don't know if it is a cost centre or profit centre. However, when this is paired with the Centre Type - we know for sure that this is a Profit Centre.
    Cost Centre / Profit Centre Elements    A Cost Centre/Profit Centre is made up of 'elements' which tie into the Cost Centre. E.g. Revenue Sales 003 is made up of 2 Profit Centres (W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft, W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard)
    Unit of Measure    Every Row of Data has a Unit of Measure associated with this. E.g. Financial data is measured in $, whilst Water Production data is measure in Giga-Litres.
    Row Data    This is the unique value that is stored for every row entry.
Data Repository Table
    Data Source Reference    Column1    Column2    Column3    Column4    Column5    Column6    Column7    Column8    Column9
    Account Type    Value Drivers    Unit    Month    Month (Number)    Centre Type    Cost Centre / Profit Centre    Cost Centre / Profit Centre Elements    Unit of Measure    Row Data
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,473,589.05
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,419,296.10
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,310,673.21
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,301,024.73
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,373,822.86
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,340,623.04
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,948,962.55
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,725,161.70
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,818,208.62
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,328,501.68
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    May-14    5    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,344,117.28
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,291,609.13
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,620,947.95
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,561,225.71
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,441,740.53
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,431,127.21
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,511,205.15
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,474,685.34
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    2,143,858.81
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,897,677.87
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    2,000,029.48
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,461,351.85
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    May-14    5    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,478,529.01
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,420,770.05
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    567,331.78
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    546,429.00
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    504,609.19
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    500,894.52
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    528,921.80
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    516,139.87
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    750,350.58
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    664,187.25
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    700,010.32
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    511,473.15
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    May-14    5    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    517,485.15
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    497,269.52
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    955,954.05
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    920,732.86
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    850,266.48
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    844,007.27
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    891,233.24
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    869,695.68
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,264,340.73
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,119,155.52
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    1,179,517.39
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    861,832.25
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    May-14    5    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    871,962.48
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    837,899.14
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,296,758.36
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,248,980.57
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,153,392.42
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,144,901.76
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,208,964.12
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,179,748.27
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,715,087.05
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,518,142.29
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,600,023.59
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,169,081.48
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    May-14    5    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,182,823.21
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Kootha    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,136,616.04
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,406,673.75
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,028,377.01
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,241,097.24
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,104,393.51
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,921,236.22
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,161,522.17
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,104,730.23
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,116,798.71
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,728,427.89
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,259,504.87
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    May-14    5    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,031,569.24
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,245,023.23
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,813,347.49
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,056,754.01
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,482,194.48
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,208,787.02
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,842,472.45
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,323,044.34
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    6,209,460.45
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,633,597.43
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    5,456,855.77
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,519,009.74
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    May-14    5    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,063,138.47
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,490,046.47
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,117,872.90
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,784,971.76
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,972,165.57
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,851,866.29
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,690,687.88
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,902,139.51
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,732,162.60
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,478,782.87
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,401,016.54
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,988,364.28
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    May-14    5    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,787,780.93
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,975,620.44
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,850,677.99
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,245,403.21
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,585,755.58
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,367,029.62
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,073,977.96
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,458,435.47
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,967,568.36
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,506,877.94
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,365,484.62
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    4,615,207.79
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    May-14    5    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,250,510.78
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    002 Public Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,592,037.17
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    4,139,478.84
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,488,808.45
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,854,687.25
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,619,556.84
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,304,526.30
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,717,818.13
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    5,340,135.99
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    4,844,893.79
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    4,692,895.96
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    4,886,348.37
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    May-14    5    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,494,299.08
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Surjek    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    003 Residential Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    3,861,439.96
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,766,228.72
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,951,422.76
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,699,371.24
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Oct-13    10    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,502,189.20
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Nov-13    11    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,650,239.51
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Dec-13    12    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,406,546.09
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Jan-14    1    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,151,540.20
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Feb-14    2    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,191,228.23
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Mar-14    3    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    1,965,526.62
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Apr-14    4    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,084,911.36
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    May-14    5    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,053,699.35
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Jun-14    6    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXSoft    $    2,197,266.92
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Jul-13    7    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,532,457.44
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Aug-13    8    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,902,845.52
    Financial Actual    Revenues    Jutik    Sep-13    9    Profit Centre    001 Private Water Hedge Sales    W-Transact XXXXXXXXXXHard    $    3,398
Answered Same Day Aug 28, 2023


Sandeep answered on Aug 29 2023
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