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Finding evidence in health and social care This assessment needs to be structured as an essay. However, you will need to include the template to structure the PICO questions and these will be included...

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Finding evidence in health and social care
This assessment needs to be structured as an essay. However, you will need to include the template to structure the PICO questions and these will be included in the essay.
Start with an introduction of what you plan to do and remember to include definitions and descriptions of the differences between research and evidence-based practice. You also need to include a discussion of what PICO is and why it is used in practice. This is then followed by: -
Consider each of these scenarios from practice:
1. As an adolescent health worker, you are concerned about cyber bullying and that it may be an issue for your clients.
2. You are the manager at the local community health service in a rural area and you are in charge of a multidisciplinary team. You notice that some of your staff often take sick days and you are concerned that they might be experiencing burnout.
3. You are a member of the health team in rural community health. Mrs Johnson, who is the carer of her husband who has advanced COPD, is seeking strategies to reduce his anxiety.
Then, for each of them, use the PICO format to:
· develop an answerable clinical question
· plan how you would obtain the best available evidence for practice 
· search for evidence. 
Once you have completed all three scenarios you need to finish with a conclusion of what you have undertaken.
Required format
You must use the template provided below
Template for the scenarios that need to be included in the essay
· You must use the template provided.  
· All parts of the template must be completed 
    Provide a short paragraph regarding the PICO - describe each element of the PICO acronym, include when the PICO should be used and why (200 – 250 words).
Scenario 1
    Populate the PICO for the chosen scenario for an answerable question about effects of interventions
    Frame the PICO as a question (write out your information needs in the form of a question):
    Outline the search terms (from your question) that can
e used to search include the parameters of a search:
    Conduct the search using the UNE Li
ary databases and co
ectly cite three original research articles from the search:
    Provide the link to two of the articles:
Scenario 2
    Populate the PICO for the chosen scenario for an answerable question about the prevalence or strategies for responding to burnout in health care settings
    Frame the PICO as a question (write out your information need in the form of a question):
    Outline the search terms (from your question) that can
e used to search plus the parameters of the search:
    Conduct the search using the UNE Li
ary databases and co
ectly cite three original research articles from the search:
    Provide the link to two of the articles:
Scenario 3
    Populate the PICO for the chosen scenario for an answerable question about patient’s experience and concerns
    Frame the PICO as a question (write out your information need in the form of a question):
    Outline the search terms (from your question) that can
e used to search plus the parameters of the search:
    Conduct the search using the UNE Li
ary databases and co
ectly cite three original research articles from the search:
    Provide the link to two of the articles:
Note to remember: You will start with an introduction of what you plan to do which is; define and describe the differences between research and EBP. You will also need to discuss what PICO means and why you would need to answer clinical questions in healthcare practice. You will then use the template to formulate you questions around the 3 scenarios and discuss a search strategy and identify relevant research articles. This should be followed by a conclusion of what you have undertaken. As well as a Reference list.
Unit:    HLTH320 Assessment Task: Finding evidence in health and social care         Assessment weight: 50%            
Assessment Learning Outcomes:
1. demonstrate a
oad and coherent knowledge of the underlying principles and processes of research-informed and evidence-based practice applied to health and social care;
1. exercise critical thinking and judgement in identifying and solving practice, client and service delivery problems that can be addressed through the application of evidence to practice or research;
1. review critically a
oad range of evidence (quantitative and qualitative) for health care interventions and decisions;
1. collaborate with other health professionals in evidence-based decision making and practice;
1. present a clear, coherent and independent exposition of evidence to clients and families in the context of shared decision making; and
1. review critically, analyze and consolidate the application of research and evidence in practice.
    Mark (%)
    Assessment content (variable criteria and weighting)
    Demonstrates a
oad and coherent knowledge of the differences between research and evidence based practice, and the implications for health and social care
    Comprehensively defines and describes the differences between research and evidence based practice and the implications for health and social care
    There is evidence of detailed definitions and descriptions between research and evidence based practice and the implications for health and social care
    There are adequate definitions and descriptions between research and evidence based practice and the implications for health and social care
    There is minimal information about the differences between research and evidence based practice and the implications for health and social care
    There are no definitions or descriptions of research and evidence based practice and the implications for health and social care
    Demonstrates knowledge, understanding and application of processes around PICO
    Provides a comprehensive description and rationale for the use of PICO and discusses how it could be applied in practice settings
    Provides a detailed appropriate description and rationale for the use of PICO and discusses how it could be applied in practice settings
    Provides an adequate description and rationale for the use of PICO and discusses how it could be applied in practice settings
    A scant description and rationale for the use of PICO is provided, with minimal discussion on how it could be applied in practice settings
    No description or rationale provided for the use of PICO or the application to practice
    Clear and coherent questions have been formulated
Questions include:
1. Effects of interventions
2. Prognosis or Diagnosis,
3. Patient’s experience and concerns
    Questions demonstrate co
ect application of PICO.
3 Questions are clearly derived from the scenario and are the most appropriate to the chosen scenario.
    Not all questions demonstrate co
ect application of PICO.
3 Questions are derived from the scenario, are not always the most appropriate to the chosen scenario.
    Evidence of three questions but they are not all are clearly linked to the scenarios.
Some evidence of the application of PICO.
Not the most appropriate for the chosen scenario
Questions lack clarity, consistency & purpose.
    Minimal application or inco
ect application of PICO.
Not all Questions are derived or related to the scenario
Questions lack clarity, consistency & purpose.
    No application or inco
ect application of PICO
Not derived or related to the scenario
Questions are not co
*Several serious flaws
    Identifies appropriate search terms and parameters and provides links to original links to research articles on the effects of interventions, prognosis or diagnosis in relation to the patients/clients experience or concerns
    Identifies appropriate terms that would yield a result, including relevant parameters for searching.
Provides links to 3 original research articles
and co
ectly identifies 2 articles for each question type
    Mostly identifies appropriate terms that would yield a result, including relevant parameters for searching.
Provides links to 3 original research articles and co
ectly identifies 2 articles for each question
    Identifies adequate terms that would yield a result with some parameters relevant.
Provides some links and co
ectly identifies some articles for each question however not all are appropriate
    Not all terms appropriate and may not yield a result.
No inclusion of search parameters.
Provides links to all 3 articles, but does not co
ectly identify articles for each question
    Several serious flaws- not likely to yield a result.
Does not provide links to all articles.
Or articles are not appropriate for the questions formulated
Writing – 10%
    Mark (%)
    Writing and APA (fixed criteria and weighting)
    Follows requirements for structure, presentation
grammar and spelling.
    Accurately and consistently adheres to essay format writing conventions, grammatical conventions with no e
ors and is a logical / well and succinctly structured assignment
    Mostly accurate and consistent adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to grammatical conventions with few e
ors and is a logical and well-structured assignment
    Partial but close adherence to essay format writing conventions, adheres to grammatical conventions, but with frequent e
ors, mainly a well- structured assignment, lacking cohesion in places
    Minimal adherence to essay format writing conventions, minimal adherence to grammatical conventions with multiple e
ors, a weakly structured assignment, frequently lacking cohesion
    Little attempt to adhere to essay format writing conventions, multiple grammatical e
ors with minimal attention to writing / spelling conventions that significantly distract the reader from the content. A poorly structured assignment, lacking cohesion
APA – 10%
    Mark (%)
    Follows requirements for referencing (APA 6th Edition) and the application of evidence
    Accurately and consistently adheres to APA referencing conventions for the in-text and reference list

Explicitly acknowledges all sources used throughout the assignment
    Mostly offers accurate and consistent APA referencing conventions for the in-text and reference list
Principally acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment
    A number of inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
Mostly acknowledges sources used throughout the assignment
    Multiple inaccurate and inconsistent APA references in the in-text and reference list
Minimal acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment
    Did not adhere to the APA referencing conventions and/or made catastrophic, multiple and consistent APA e
ors throughout
Little or no acknowledgment of sources used throughout the assignment
    Total /100%
Answered Same Day May 01, 2020 HLTH320


Soumi answered on May 06 2020
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Table of Contents
Introduction    2
PICO    2
Scenario 1    3
Scenario 2    5
Scenario 3    7
Conclusion    9
Bibliography    11
Health and social care is related to the service that the health and social care workers provide to the service users. It is a vast area, which helps the service users to get appropriate care and support from the service providers for the wellbeing of them. The professional care providers provide the services to the needful individuals, who are generally known as the healthcare workers (Morse, 2015). The healthcare workers need to update their knowledge so that they can provide suitable care to the people who need it. These professional care providers need to conduct researches so that they became able to increase the knowledge base. Moreover, they need to practice that knowledge on the prevailing evidences (Sinclair et al., 2015). This knowledge-based approach depends on the evidence-based practice.
In view of Eisner (2017), research refers to the systematic process that helps to investigate any particular area of the issue and valid concern. It can lead to enhance knowledge in specific field of research. On the other hand, Holloway and Galvin (2016) mentioned that evidence-based practice refers to the implementation of knowledge that is gained from the various researches. The findings are based on the cu
ent practices that are gained from the previous practical implementation. This evidence-based practice helps to enhance the health and social care service. The present study focuses on setting up evidences for three case scenarios, which need to be researched. PICO questions are formed in respective to health and social care. For this purpose, the researcher has used various keywords, search terms and search sources.
    Provide a short paragraph regarding the PICO - describe each element of the PICO acronym, include when the PICO should be used and why (150 -200 words).
PICO refers to the framework, which is commonly used by the healthcare professionals and physicians. This framework helps in generating the research question. For the purpose of evidence-based practice, it helps in literature search and helps in framing the specific question for the research. According to Ranney et al. (2016), it is the acronym of four elements of the research question, which helps the researcher to focus upon to find the relevant evidence. In PICO format, P refers to patient, population or problem, I refer to intervention, C refers to comparison or control and O refers to the outcome. The professional healthcare workers that are the physicians and nursing staffs may face some serious issues, which can be solved by using the evidence-based solutions. The researcher initially needs to focus on the first element that is population or patient and their problems. Woodhead, Northrop and Edelstein (2016) opined that intervention helps the researcher to solve the problem, whereas comparison or control helps to illustrate different dimensions of the research. On the other hand, Hahn et al. (2014) mentioned that outcome indicates the desired results, which the practitioners desire to assess. It helps in the literature search to form questions to find out the possible effective results. Interventions and control needs to be measured to obtain the desired outcome. Care professionals and nurses generally use the PICO framework to solve a critical case to identify the suitable solution from the previous researched literatures (Willard-Grace et al., 2014).
Scenario 1
    Populate the PICO for the chosen scenario for an answerable question about effects of interventions
    P – Cyber bulling among the adolescent clients and service users
In health and social care, cyber-bulling became a major issue that is concerned with the safety of young people. Cyber bulling is one type of crime that is done over the cyber media. In view of Alonso, Varela and Lois (2017), cyber bulling refers harassing someone by using electronic communication medium. One should be conscious about their activities over internet that should not harm others. There are various legislative jurisdiction and legal norms. Due to these norms, strict actions can be taken against the bullies. However, the impact of the cyber-crime affects the adolescents badly. It affects the mental health more than the physical health. The affected adolescents need appropriate care and medical support from the health care professionals to be cured (Rose, Espelage, Monda-Amaya, Shogren & Aragon, 2015).
From the scenario, it is seen that the adolescent health care service provider is concerned with the issue of increased rate of cyber-bulling among adolescents. Most of the adolescents are addicted to the social media cites and they are bullied over the internet. In such case, the health care professionals need to provide appropriate support with the medical care to the adolescents so that can reduce the internet usage (Johnston et al., 2014). For this reason, the health care professionals need to be careful and need to search database to find out evidence to solve the issue. Hence, it can be said that cyber-bulling is a problem among the population of adolescents.
    I – Care from the health care professionals     
Adolescents, who are affected by cyber-bullying, are timid and weak in nature. Most of the time, they are afraid to share their experience with others. They became vulnerable due to the cyber-bullying. In such case, the health care professional needs to provide them support and need to gain trust of those victims. They need to build a strong relationship with the victims so that they can share their experiences with the care providers (Seo, Just & Victor, 2016). The support and care from the medical professionals helps the victims to stands against the crime and overcome the trauma.
    C – Support from care professionals
With the care, the health care professionals need to provide appropriate medication to the victims. This will help to reduce the mental pressure, stress and the trauma among them (Campbell, Evans, Pumper & Moreno, 2016). The interventions can include anti-depression, anti-anxiety and other necessary medication with support to reduce the trauma of cyber-bullying.
    O – Reduce the negative impact of cyber-bullying
When the interventions are implemented, it is desired to achieve the desirable outcomes to reduce the negative impact of cyber-bullying; this is necessary for the well-being of the service users that will help them to overcome the trauma of cyber-bullying.
    Frame the PICO as a question (write out your information needs in the form of a question):
To reduce the negative impact of cyber-bullying among the adolescent, how is the support from the care professionals more effective and efficient, in comparison to the medication and medical support?
    Outline the search terms (from your question) that can
e used to search include the parameters of a search:
For the literature research, few keywords such as cyber-bullying, health care professional, adolescent service users and medical support are used. The researcher has logged in to UNE li
ary by using After that, CINAHL database was used as the search engine. Boolean operators were used to search the literatures. The researcher has found various results, from which only peer-reviewed articles are chose to discuss the topic. The full text, English article that was chosen that was found between ‘2014 to 2018’.
    Conduct the search using the UNE Li
ary databases and co
ectly cite one original research article from the search:
Alonso, J. D., Varela, E....

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