Parul answered on
Sep 12 2022
Final Analysis of Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
Patricia Ha
Psy7610, Section 09
(July 11 – September 16, 2022)
Capella University
Dr. Sophia Morales
By the virtue of this report, I have performed an extensive analysis on many tests which primarily includes Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition (KABC-II), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition (WISC-V), and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities - Fourth Edition (WJIV: COG). For all these tests, the targeted population is the same which ranges between the demographic of 6 to 18 years. Essentially, the psychological condition which is required is fundamentally based on the capability of the targeted children population for comprehending visual information and conscious awareness (Bain, S. K., & Gray, R., 2008). This largely includes parameters like concentration, reasoning as well as attention. After carefully reviewing all the tests and comprehending their depth, I feel Kaufman Assessment Battery for the Children - Second Edition is the most effective. Intelligence tests give strong insights into cognition and personality in children which perhaps assess various needs (Bain, S. K., & Gray, R., 2008).
The test that I have selected, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II can administer and effectively measure the cognitive processing abilities of adolescents and children that range between the age group of 3 and 18. It is one of the pioneer tests to be principally created from a deep theoretical basis as well as an intelligence test fundamentally based on neuropsychological theory. This test is specifically curated for evaluating the ve
al as well as non-ve
al capabilities of the individuals. This contains three subtests like Ve
al Knowledge, Riddles as well as Matrices (Baron, I. S., 2018).
Technically, KABC-II tests include two batteries: Core as well as Expanded. While the expanded battery takes into consideration supplementary subtests to enhance the
eadth of the construct that is often measured by the Core battery. To strengthen the hypotheses as well as enhance the comparison of the child's initial as well as delayed recall of new learning. This test offer age-based standardized scores, that are equivalent to age as well as ranks of percentile. The research in this course has offered a strong foundation to assess the linkage between the cognitive patterns of strengths and weaknesses. This can offer insights into why children make e
ors in their communication, ve
al, written, maths, and spelling (Baron, I. S., 2018).
· KABC-II test allows researchers/clinicians to identify a required model after understanding the uniqueness of the child. Therefore, it offers the flexibility to address the differences present in every child and therefore the tests can be customized accordingly.
· KABC-II test can offer a dimension to factor the background of the child while considering an evaluation of the intelligence. This construct offers the test with deep insights into children's personality, problem-solving, learning, and strategy.
· Thirdly, KABC-II can be regarded as a psychometrically solid instrument and offers a detailed analysis of its reliability and validity. The overall average consistency coefficient is perhaps .95 for the MPI and it ranges for both the age groups 7-18 and ages of 3 to 6 years (Baron, I. S., 2018).
Relevancy to Specialization or a Related Profession
Overall synthesis of research explains that KABC-II is the most prominent test which offers a comprehensive analysis of all the dimensions of the participants. KABC-II can be regarded as one of the strong instruments that can offer focused information on the reliability and validity of the results. Essentially, the average consistency coefficient for KABC-II is 0.95 which is perhaps very high. Furthermore, this score of 0.95 is for the MPI and it is utilized for both the age groups from 3 to 6 years as well as from 7 to 18 years (Ca
oll, J. B., 2005). For the first group which ranges from 3 to 6 years, the test validity or internal value of consistency lies around 0.96. While on the other hand, for the second group which is for 7 to 18 years the internal consistency ranges from 0.9 to .92. This offers very high reliability and validity of the test that certainly builds trust to leverage this instrument while working on the subject of testing the intelligence of the students. This is because the KABC-II tests are assisted with the factors like co-relational data, clinical group studies as well as deep-down analysis. This test minimizes the differences between the cultural as well as various ethnic groups (Ca
oll, J. B., 2005).
This test is perhaps one of the most reliable which builds a strong relevance and dependence on this particular method of assessing the intelligence of the child. The validity for MPI for age groups 3 to 5 years is 0.86, and age group of 7 to 12 years is 0.89, and the age group of 13 to 18 years is 0.91. On average, the tests as well as the retest for the coefficient can range from .90 to .91 as well as 0.94 (Flynn, J. R., 1987). The overall validity of the preceding results is assisted by strong backing of data along with...