Pankaj answered on
Aug 08 2022
7860 Week 3 Assignment
Literature Review Research Matrix
Please note that the first row of data is meant as an example. Please read the example article (Nin & Keeton, 2020) as a guide for how to dissect each article assigned.
Parenthetical Citation
Main Themes
Research Question(s)
Theoretical Framework or Model
Population & Sample description & “N=”
Methodology& Design
Summary of Findings
(Nin & Keeton, 2020)
Lack of institutional support, the importance of self-regulation and personal responsibility, family support, and importance of financial resources
What challenges do first-generation community college students experience when navigating through the process of transfe
ing to a four-year university?
Ben and Eaton’s model of student retention
N = 10
Students from a large, public, community college volunteered to participate in the study.
The participants began community college with limited experience and knowledge about higher education. Their limited income, experience, and a lack of parental guidance led to many challenges. These challenges included difficulties with financing their education, feelings of isolation, setback and obstacles (poor grades, struggles in class, repeated course withdrawals), and struggles balancing work and school commitments, sometimes because of a lack of motivation in early college career. However, what the students all had in common was that they learned how to navigate community college and made new realizations, which guided them through momentum points. Analysis of the interview transcripts resulted in four challenges and four realizations that were consistent in this group of first-generation students: Limited income, developing financial awareness, feeling isolated and alone, utilizing support systems and campus resources, setbacks and obstacles, staying focused and hopeful, lack of motivation in early college career, and finding their drive.
(Capannola & Johnson, 2022)
Tracing the family bonding experiences of first generation college students (FGCS)
GPA, retention/graduation rates, and self-esteem and efficacy
What are the family relationship experiences of first-generation college students (FGCSs) as they navigate college life?
Stryker's (2008) Structural Approach
Such a student who is the first person in his family to attend...