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Excel Assignment: Only require answers (%) in tables for each questions.Please make a completely new file to make the tables chronologically so that anybody can follow it easily. You can create...

1 answer below »
        Table of Contents
    1    YEARr1. What is your date of birth
    2    RESP_AGE. Age
    3    QUOTAGERANGE. Summarized Age Ranges
    4    Gender Nonbinary
    5    Gende
    6    CA Region
    7    CAEDU2. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
    8    CAEDU2_Hidden Education Check
    9    Q24a Please select the response that you feel best describes your ethnic/cultural background
    10    Q1. In the last 6 months have you read, seen, or heard ANY advertisements or messaging about gambling more safely, the risks of gambling, or making a plan before you play?
    11    Q2 What were these ads about?
    12    Q3. Where did you see these ads?
    13    Q4. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `Mindfulness Before Gambling` online or on an app?
    14    Q5a. And where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to ‘Mindfulness Before Gambling’?
    15    Q7. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Do you recall seeing this ad?
    16    Q7a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Where did you see it?
    17    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    18    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    19    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    20    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    21    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    22    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    23    Q9. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Do you recall seeing this ad?
    24    Q9a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Where did you see it?
    25    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    26    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    27    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    28    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    29    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    30    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    31    Q11. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
    32    Q12 Where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
    33    Q12a. Where online do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
    34    Q13. [Mom`s 60th] Do you recall seeing this ad?
    35    Q13a. [Mom`s 60th] Do you recall seeing this ad
    36    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    37    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    38    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    39    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    40    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    41    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    42    Q14. [Neon Bank] Do you recall seeing this ad?
    43    Q14a [Neon Bank] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    44    Q14b [Neon Bank] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    45    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    46    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    47    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    48    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    49    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    50    Q14c. [iGaming PSA] Do you recall seeing this ad?
    51    Q14d [iGaming PSA] Where did you see or hear it?
    52    Q14e [iGaming PSA] Overall, how effective was this ad at
    53    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    54    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    55    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    56    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Communicating that like any other form of gambling, sports betting and online gambling comes with risks ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    57    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Communicating that new and recreational players need to be aware of the risks involved with online gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
    58    Q15 Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    59    Q15 [ Top 2 Box ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    60    Q15 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    61    Q15 [ Summary of Means ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    62    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of the risks of gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    63    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of ways to reduce the risks of gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    64    Q15 [ The ads made me want to learn more about gambling risks in generalfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    65    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of knowing the signs of problem gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    66    Q15 [ The ads made me realize that it is important to have a plan before gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    67    Q15 [ The ads made me realize that it is important to set time and budget limits when gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    68    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of the need to take precautions when gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.
    69    Q15a How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    70    Q15a [ Top 2 Box ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    71    Q15a [ Bottom 2 Box ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    72    Q15a [ Summary of Means ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    73    Q15a [ It is important to limit your intake of alcohol or cannabis while gambling ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    74    Q15a [ Feeling lucky does not change the odds of winning ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    75    Q15a [ Knowledge of sports does not improve your odds of winning ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    76    Q15a [ You can reduce the risks of gambling by making a plan before you play ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    77    Q15a [ The signs of problem gambling (chasing losses, gambling more than you can afford, difficulty stopping) ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    78    Q15a [ Protecting yourself by setting a budget and time limit ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?
    79    Q16 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    80    Q16 [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    81    Q16 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    82    Q16 [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    83    Q16 [ The ads were in a location or on a platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that I visit frequently ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    84    Q16 [ The ads are visually nice to look at ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    85    Q16 [ The ads are attention-getting ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    86    Q16 [ The ads are relevant to me ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    87    Q16 [ The ads talk about something that is important ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    88    Q16 [ The ads provide useful information ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    89    Q16 [ The messaging in the ads comes from a credible source ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    90    Q16 [ The ads were confusing ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    91    Q16 [ The messaging was unclear ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    92    Q16 [ The ads did not appeal to me ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.
    93    Q17. Did you do any of the following as a result of seeing any of the ads?
    94    Q18 While on the website did you do any of the following?
    95    Q19 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    96    Q19 [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    97    Q19 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    98    Q19 [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    99    Q19 [ The website was engaging ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    100    Q19 [ The website was attention-getting ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    101    Q19 [ The website provided useful information ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    102    Q19 [ The website was easy to navigate ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.
    103    Q20a While on the Know the Risks ( website did you do any of the following?
    104    Q20b To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    105    Q20b [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    106    Q20b [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    107    Q20b [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    108    Q20b [ The website was engagingsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    109    Q20b [ The website was attention-gettingsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    110    Q20b [ The website provided useful informationsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    111    Q20b [ The website was easy to navigatesite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.
    112    Q20 Thinking back to the advertisements you saw, at which of the following locations would you pay attention to them if you saw them in the future?
    113    Q21. Are you aware of any online responsible gambling tool(s) (apps, websites)?
    114    Q22 Select the activities you have participated in the past 12 months:
    115    Q23 How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months
    116    Q23 [ Played instant Lottery Games (i.e., scratch tickets)
Answered 4 days After May 05, 2023


Banasree answered on May 09 2023
35 Votes
        Table of Contents
    1    YEARr1. What is your date of birth
    2    RESP_AGE. Age    18-92
    3    QUOTAGERANGE. Summarized Age Ranges    149%
    4    Gender Nonbinary    111%
    5    Gender    49%    M
            54%    F
    6    CA Region    8%    North
            11%    Central
            15%    East
            28%    SW
            28%    GTA905
            25%    GTA416
    7    CAEDU2. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?    2%    > = PS
            15%    Some High school
            31%    Graduated High School
            11%    Some college / CEGEP / Trade School
            18%    Graduated from college / CEGEP / Trade School
            6%    Some university, but did not finish
            17%    University undergraduate degree
            11%    University graduate degree
    8    CAEDU2_Hidden Education Check    16%    Less than HS
            31%    HS
            35%    College or some University
            28%    University or highe
    9    Q24a Please select the response that you feel best describes your ethnic/cultural background    4%    Aboriginal / First Nations / Métis
            5%    African
            18%    British (English / Scottish / Welsh / Irish)
            52%    Canadian
            2%    Central / South American (from Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela)
            6%    Cari
ean (from Ba
ados, Jamaica, or other)
            8%    East or Southeast Asian (from China, Hong Kong, Japan, North or South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam or other)
            13%    South Asian (Punjabi, Indian, Tamil, Sri Lankan, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Afghan, Bhutanese, or Maldivian)
            8%    Southern, Central or Eastern European (from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Bosnia, Croatia, Se
ia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, former Soviet Republics, or other) - Please select the response that you feel best describes
            3%    West Asian or Middle Eastern (from Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey or other)
            9%    Western European (from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, or other)
            1%    American
            1%    Othe
            2%    Prefer not to say
    10    Q1. In the last 6 months have you read, seen, or heard ANY advertisements or messaging about gambling more safely, the risks of gambling, or making a plan before you play?    60%    Y
            41%    N
    11    Q2 What were these ads about?    41%    Gambling responsibly/ Know your limits
            16%    Addiction awareness/ help
            12%    Online gambling
            8%    Gambling/ Lottery (general mentions)
            7%    OLG
            7%    Sports gambling/ betting
            6%    Dangers/ risks of gambling
            6%    Casino (general mentions)
            5%    Safe/ secure
            4%    You could lose
            3%    Television ad
            2%    Winning amount/ win big
            2%    Online ad
            2%    Cele
ities in/ not in ads
            3%    Gambling app
            2%    Don`t gamble
            2%    Bet365
            2%    Have fun
            2%    BetMGM
            2%    Social media ad
            1%    Radio ad
            1%    Easy/ convenient to use
            1%    Government
            1%    Self exclusion program
            1%    Mindfulness before gambling campaign
            1%    New games/ regulations
            0%    Nothing/ N/A
            13%    Othe
            7%    Don`t know/ Not stated
    12    Q3. Where did you see these ads?     42%    YT
            34%    FB
            22%    Televison
            23%    Insta
            13%    Do not recall
            12%    The score
            11%    Spotify
            6%    walk in clinic
            7%    willow tv
            5%    At doctor's office
            5%    Condo building
            4%    At a pharmacy
            2%    Radio
            3%    Online
            4%    Yupp Tv
            1%    OLG Website
            1%    Casino
            1%    Transit
            8%    Othe
            0%    In store
    13    Q4. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `Mindfulness Before Gambling` online or on an app?    34%    Y
            82%    N
    14    Q5a. And where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to ‘Mindfulness Before Gambling’?    55%    YT
            39%    FB
            28%    INSTA
            16%    Score
            16%    Spotify
            9%    TV
            8%    Stack Adapt
            3%    Radio
            9%    Othe
            8%    Don`t know/ Not stated
    15    Q7. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Do you recall seeing this ad?    20%    Y
            72%    N
            9%    Not Sure
    16    Q7a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Where did you see it?    56%    YT
            44%    FB
            26%    INSTA
            18%    SCORE
            16%    SPOTIFY
            6%    TV
            4%    OTHER
            3%    Don`t know/ Not stated
            16%    Do not recall
    17    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Overall, how effective was this ad at    78%    Top 2 box (Net)
            32%     (4) Very effective
            46%     (3) Somewhat effective
            19%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            14%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            5%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    18    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    77%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            83%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    19    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    20%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            15%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    20    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    307%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            325%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    21    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    77%    Top 2 box (Net)
            32%     (4) Very effective
            46%     (3) Somewhat effective
            20%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            15%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            6%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    22    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    83%    Top 2 box (Net)
            41%     (4) Very effective
            42%     (3) Somewhat effective
            15%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            11%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            5%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    23    Q9. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Do you recall seeing this ad?    19%    Y
            75%    N
            8%    Not Sure
    24    Q9a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Where did you see it?    66%    YT
            38%    FB
            23%    INSTA
            18%    SCORE
            17%    SPOTIFY
            3%    TV
            11%    OTHER
            4%    Don`t know/ Not stated
            7%    Do not recall
    25    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Overall, how effective was this ad at    84%    Top 2 box (Net)
            39%     (4) Very effective
            45%     (3) Somewhat effective
            13%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            4%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    26    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    83%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            86%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    27    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    15%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            12%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    28    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    324%    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling
            334%    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
    29    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    83%    Top 2 box (Net)
            42%     (4) Very effective
            42%     (3) Somewhat effective
            15%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            5%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    30    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    86%    Top 2 box (Net)
            47%     (4) Very effective
            40%     (3) Somewhat effective
            12%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            3%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    31    Q11. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?    33%    Y
            68%    N
    32    Q12 Where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?    13%    At doctor's office
            13%    Condo building
            13%    At a pharmacy
            13%    walk in at clinic
            70%    Online
            7%    tv
            1%    Nothing/N/A
            8%    oTHER
            7%    Don`t know/ Not stated
    33    Q12a. Where online do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?    7%    YT
            63%    FB
            44%    INSTA
            9%    WILLOW TV
            8%    YUPP TV
            3%    TV
            2%    Nothing/N/A
            14%    Othe
            4%    Don`t know/ Not stated
    34    Q13. [Mom`s 60th] Do you recall seeing this ad?    16%    Y
            79%    N
            7%    Not Sure
    35    Q13a. [Mom`s 60th] Do you recall seeing this ad    60%    FB
            40%    INSTA
            22%    walk in at clinic
            17%    Condo building
            18%    At a pharmacy
            15%    At doctor's office
            14%    WILLOW TV
            9%    YUPP TV
            11%    YT
            3%    tv
            4%    online
            8%    OTHER
            5%    Don`t know/ Not stated
            9%    Do not recall
    36    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] Overall, how effective was this ad at    67%    Top 2 box (Net)
            27%     (4) Very effective
            40%     (3) Somewhat effective
            40%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            20%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            8%     (1) Very ineffective
            5%    Don't KNOW
    37    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    72%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            68%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    38    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    24%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            28%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    39    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    301%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            293%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    40    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    72%    Top 2 box (Net)
            33%     (4) Very effective
            39%     (3) Somewhat effective
            24%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            17%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            8%     (1) Very ineffective
            5%    Don't KNOW
    41    Q13b [Mom’s 60th] [ Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    68%    Top 2 box (Net)
            31%     (4) Very effective
            38%     (3) Somewhat effective
            28%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            20%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            10%     (1) Very ineffective
            5%    Don't KNOW
    42    Q14. [Neon Bank] Do you recall seeing this ad?    16%    Y
            77%    N
            8%    Not Sure
    43    Q14a [Neon Bank] Overall, how effective was this ad at    59%    FB
            40%    INSTA
            16%    walk in at clinic
            15%    Condo building
            18%    At a pharmacy
            12%    At doctor's office
            14%    WILLOW TV
            15%    YUPP TV
            13%    Do not recall
            100%    tv
            9%    online
            8%    OTHER
            3%    Nothing/N/A
            5%    Don't Know/not stated
    44    Q14b [Neon Bank] Overall, how effective was this ad at    74%    Top 2 box (Net)
            32%     (4) Very effective
            42%     (3) Somewhat effective
            23%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            17%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            6%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    45    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    77%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            73%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    46    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    20%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            24%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    47    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    310%    Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious
            303%    Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling
    48    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Communicating that issues with gambling could be small and are not always obvious ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    77%    Top 2 box (Net)
            36%     (4) Very effective
            41%     (3) Somewhat effective
            20%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            14%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            7%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    49    Q14b [Neon Bank] [ Communicating that anyone can experience issues with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    73%    Top 2 box (Net)
            34%     (4) Very effective
            39%     (3) Somewhat effective
            24%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            18%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            7%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    50    Q14c. [iGaming PSA] Do you recall seeing this ad?    36%    Y
            58%    N
            7%    Not Sure
    51    Q14d [iGaming PSA] Where did you see or hear it?    44%    CTV
            24%    FB
            19%    INSTA
            13%    RADIO
            8%    Think tv
            4%    Sportsnet
            3%    TSN
            6%    WILLOW TV
            12%    CT TV
            5%    Walik in clinic
            15%    tv
            4%    Yupp Tv
            5%    OTHER
            4%    Don't Know/not stated
            9%    Do not recall
    52    Q14e [iGaming PSA] Overall, how effective was this ad at    87%    Top 2 box (Net)
            49%     (4) Very effective
            37%     (3) Somewhat effective
            11%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            8%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            3%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    53    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    88%    Communicating that like any other form of gambling, sports betting and online gambling comes with risks
            86%    Communicating that new and recreational players need to be aware of the risks involved with online gambling
    54    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    11%    Communicating that like any other form of gambling, sports betting and online gambling comes with risks
            12%    Communicating that new and recreational players need to be aware of the risks involved with online gambling
    55    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    342%    Communicating that like any other form of gambling, sports betting and online gambling comes with risks
            337%    Communicating that new and recreational players need to be aware of the risks involved with online gambling
    56    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Communicating that like any other form of gambling, sports betting and online gambling comes with risks ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    88%    Top 2 box (Net)
            54%     (4) Very effective
            34%     (3) Somewhat effective
            11%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            8%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            3%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    57    Q14e [iGaming PSA] [ Communicating that new and recreational players need to be aware of the risks involved with online gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at    86%    Top 2 box (Net)
            50%     (4) Very effective
            36%     (3) Somewhat effective
            12%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            4%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    58    Q15 Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    77%    Top 2 box (Net)
            34%     (4) Strong agree
            42%     (3) Somewhat agree
            20%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            14%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            6%     (1) Strongly disagree
            3%    Don't KNOW
    59    Q15 [ Top 2 Box ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    80%    The ads increased my awareness of the risks of gambling
            76%    The ads increased my awareness of ways to reduce the risks of gambling
            65%    The ads made me want to learn more about gambling risks in general
            75%    The ads increased my awareness of knowing the signs of problem gambling
            85%    The ads made me realize that it is important to have a plan before gambling
            85%    The ads made me realize that it is important to set time and budget limits when gambling
            83%    The ads increased my awareness of the need to take precautions when gambling
    60    Q15 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    16%    The ads increased my awareness of the risks of gambling
            21%    The ads increased my awareness of ways to reduce the risks of gambling
            31%    The ads made me want to learn more about gambling risks in general
            22%    The ads increased my awareness of knowing the signs of problem gambling
            13%    The ads made me realize that it is important to have a plan before gambling
            13%    The ads made me realize that it is important to set time and budget limits when gambling
            13%    The ads increased my awareness of the need to take precautions when gambling
    61    Q15 [ Summary of Means ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    319%    The ads increased my awareness of the risks of gambling
            309%    The ads increased my awareness of ways to reduce the risks of gambling
            287%    The ads made me want to learn more about gambling risks in general
            306%    The ads increased my awareness of knowing the signs of problem gambling
            331%    The ads made me realize that it is important to have a plan before gambling
            329%    The ads made me realize that it is important to set time and budget limits when gambling
            325%    The ads increased my awareness of the need to take precautions when gambling
    62    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of the risks of gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    80%    Top 2 box (Net)
            39%     (4) Strong agree
            42%     (3) Somewhat agree
            16%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            11%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            6%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    63    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of ways to reduce the risks of gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    76%    Top 2 box (Net)
            34%     (4) Strong agree
            44%     (3) Somewhat agree
            16%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            16%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            6%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    64    Q15 [ The ads made me want to learn more about gambling risks in generalfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    65%    Top 2 box (Net)
            29%     (4) Strong agree
            37%     (3) Somewhat agree
            31%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            20%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            11%     (1) Strongly disagree
            6%    Don't KNOW
    65    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of knowing the signs of problem gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    75%    Top 2 box (Net)
            34%     (4) Strong agree
            43%     (3) Somewhat agree
            22%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            16%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            7%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    66    Q15 [ The ads made me realize that it is important to have a plan before gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    85%    Top 2 box (Net)
            46%     (4) Strong agree
            40%     (3) Somewhat agree
            13%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            4%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    67    Q15 [ The ads made me realize that it is important to set time and budget limits when gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    85%    Top 2 box (Net)
            44%     (4) Strong agree
            41%     (3) Somewhat agree
            13%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            4%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    68    Q15 [ The ads increased my awareness of the need to take precautions when gamblingfollowing statements. ] - Thinking about the content of the ad(s) you just saw please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.    83%    Top 2 box (Net)
            40%     (4) Strong agree
            44%     (3) Somewhat agree
            13%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            4%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    69    Q15a How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    72%    Top 2 box (Net)
            35%     (4) Strong agree
            37%     (3) Somewhat agree
            24%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            14%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            9%     (1) Strongly disagree
            4%    Don't KNOW
    70    Q15a [ Top 2 Box ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    56%    It is important to limit your intake of alcohol or cannabis while gambling
            72%    Feeling lucky does not change the odds of winning
            64%    Knowledge of sports does not improve your odds of winning
            88%    You can reduce the risks of gambling by making a plan before you play
            77%    The signs of problem gambling (chasing losses, gambling more than you can afford, difficulty stopping)
            86%    Protecting yourself by setting a budget and time limit
    71    Q15a [ Bottom 2 Box ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    38%    It is important to limit your intake of alcohol or cannabis while gambling
            24%    Feeling lucky does not change the odds of winning
            31%    Knowledge of sports does not improve your odds of winning
            10%    You can reduce the risks of gambling by making a plan before you play
            20%    The signs of problem gambling (chasing losses, gambling more than you can afford, difficulty stopping)
            12%    Protecting yourself by setting a budget and time limit
    72    Q15a [ Summary of Means ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    268%    It is important to limit your intake of alcohol or cannabis while gambling
            307%    Feeling lucky does not change the odds of winning
            290%    Knowledge of sports does not improve your odds of winning
            335%    You can reduce the risks of gambling by making a plan before you play
            311%    The signs of problem gambling (chasing losses, gambling more than you can afford, difficulty stopping)
            335%    Protecting yourself by setting a budget and time limit
    73    Q15a [ It is important to limit your intake of alcohol or cannabis while gambling ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    56%    Top 2 box (Net)
            31%     (4) Very effective
            26%     (3) Somewhat effective
            38%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            17%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            22%     (1) Very ineffective
            9%    Don't KNOW
    74    Q15a [ Feeling lucky does not change the odds of winning ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    72%    Top 2 box (Net)
            38%     (4) Very effective
            35%     (3) Somewhat effective
            24%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            16%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            22%     (1) Very ineffective
            5%    Don't KNOW
    75    Q15a [ Knowledge of sports does not improve your odds of winning ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    64%    Top 2 box (Net)
            31%     (4) Very effective
            33%     (3) Somewhat effective
            31%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            20%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            11%     (1) Very ineffective
            7%    Don't KNOW
    76    Q15a [ You can reduce the risks of gambling by making a plan before you play ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    88%    Top 2 box (Net)
            46%     (4) Very effective
            42%     (3) Somewhat effective
            10%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            8%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            3%     (1) Very ineffective
            3%    Don't KNOW
    77    Q15a [ The signs of problem gambling (chasing losses, gambling more than you can afford, difficulty stopping) ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    77%    Top 2 box (Net)
            36%     (4) Very effective
            41%     (3) Somewhat effective
            20%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            15%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            6%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    78    Q15a [ Protecting yourself by setting a budget and time limit ] - How effective were the ads at communicating the following?    86%    Top 2 box (Net)
            47%     (4) Very effective
            39%     (3) Somewhat effective
            12%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            8%     (2) Somewhat ineffective
            4%     (1) Very ineffective
            4%    Don't KNOW
    79    Q16 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    56%    Top 2 box (Net)
            24%     (4) Strong agree
            31%     (3) Somewhat agree
            36%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            17%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            19%     (1) Strongly disagree
            8%    Don't KNOW
    80    Q16 [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    44%    The ads were in a location or on a platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that I visit frequently
            80%    The ads are visually nice to look at
            79%    The ads are attention-getting
            39%    The ads are relevant to me
            88%    The ads talk about something that is important
            82%    The ads provide useful information
            69%    The messaging in the ads comes from a credible source
            23%    The ads were confusing
            25%    The messaging was unclea
            39%    The ads did not appeal to me
    81    Q16 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    26%    The ads were in a location or on a platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that I visit frequently
            15%    The ads are visually nice to look at
            17%    The ads are attention-getting
            56%    The ads are relevant to me
            9%    The ads talk about something that is important
            14%    The ads provide useful information
            13%    The messaging in the ads comes from a credible source
            74%    The ads were confusing
            71%    The messaging was unclea
            54%    The ads did not appeal to me
    82    Q16 [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    267%    The ads were in a location or on a platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that I visit frequently
            318%    The ads are visually nice to look at
            317%    The ads are attention-getting
            217%    The ads are relevant to me
            349%    The ads talk about something that is important
            327%    The ads provide useful information
            323%    The messaging in the ads comes from a credible source
            181%    The ads were confusing
            186%    The messaging was unclea
            229%    The ads did not appeal to me
    83    Q16 [ The ads were in a location or on a platform (e.g., Facebook, Instagram) that I visit frequently ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    44%    Top 2 box (Net)
            19%     (4) Strong agree
            25%     (3) Somewhat agree
            26%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            13%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            14%     (1) Strongly disagree
            32%    Don't KNOW
    84    Q16 [ The ads are visually nice to look at ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    80%    Top 2 box (Net)
            37%     (4) Strong agree
            43%     (3) Somewhat agree
            15%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            5%     (1) Strongly disagree
            6%    Don't KNOW
    85    Q16 [ The ads are attention-getting ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    79%    Top 2 box (Net)
            37%     (4) Strong agree
            43%     (3) Somewhat agree
            17%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            12%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            5%     (1) Strongly disagree
            6%    Don't KNOW
    86    Q16 [ The ads are relevant to me ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    39%    Top 2 box (Net)
            16%     (4) Strong agree
            23%     (3) Somewhat agree
            56%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            20%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            37%     (1) Strongly disagree
            6%    Don't KNOW
    87    Q16 [ The ads talk about something that is important ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    88%    Top 2 box (Net)
            56%     (4) Strong agree
            33%     (3) Somewhat agree
            9%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            7%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            2%     (1) Strongly disagree
            5%    Don't KNOW
    88    Q16 [ The ads provide useful information ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    82%    Top 2 box (Net)
            43%     (4) Strong agree
            42%     (3) Somewhat agree
            14%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            4%     (1) Strongly disagree
            5%    Don't KNOW
    89    Q16 [ The messaging in the ads comes from a credible source ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    69%    Top 2 box (Net)
            36%     (4) Strong agree
            35%     (3) Somewhat agree
            13%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            5%     (1) Strongly disagree
            19%    Don't KNOW
    90    Q16 [ The ads were confusing ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    23%    Top 2 box (Net)
            7%     (4) Strong agree
            17%     (3) Somewhat agree
            74%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            27%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            47%     (1) Strongly disagree
            5%    Don't KNOW
    91    Q16 [ The messaging was unclear ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    25%    Top 2 box (Net)
            8%     (4) Strong agree
            18%     (3) Somewhat agree
            71%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            26%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            46%     (1) Strongly disagree
            5%    Don't KNOW
    92    Q16 [ The ads did not appeal to me ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the ads.    39%    Top 2 box (Net)
            15%     (4) Strong agree
            26%     (3) Somewhat agree
            54%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            29%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            26%     (1) Strongly disagree
            7%    Don't KNOW
    93    Q17. Did you do any of the following as a result of seeing any of the ads?    25%    Decided that if I gamble, I will make a plan ahead of time
            23%    Thought about someone else`s gambling
            19%    Set a budget and/or time limit for gambling
            19%    Thought about my own gambling
            16%    Told someone about the advertisement
            12%    Cut down or stopped my own gambling
            15%    Took precautions when gambling (limited alcohol consumption, didn`t gamble if depressed)
            12%    Took precautions when gambling online (limited alcohol consumption, didn`t gamble if depressed)
            12%    Told someone about the `Know the Risks (` website
            10%    Visited the `Know the Risks (` website
            8%    Told someone about the `` website
            8%    Told someone about the `` website
            7%    Spoke with a counsellor or other professional about gambling
            8%    Visited the `` website
            6%    Called the problem gambling helpline (ConnexOntario)
            5%    Visited the `` website
            5%    Nothing/ N/A
            1%    Othe
            43%    None of the above
    94    Q18 While on the website did you do any of the following?     46%    I played the Reaction Lab game online
            82%    I spent time going through the website
            42%    I shared the website link with someone I know
    95    Q19 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    93%    Top 2 box (Net)
            55%     (4) Strong agree
            38%     (3) Somewhat agree
            7%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            7%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            3%     (1) Strongly disagree
    96    Q19 [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    93%    The website was engaging
            95%    The website was attention-getting
            95%    The website provided useful information
            89%    The website was easy to navigate
    97    Q19 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    14%    The website was engaging
            18%    The website was attention-getting
            15%    The website provided useful information
            25%    The website was easy to navigate
    98    Q19 [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    350%    The website was engaging
            348%    The website was attention-getting
            360%    The website provided useful information
            314%    The website was easy to navigate
    99    Q19 [ The website was engaging ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    93%    Top 2 box (Net)
            60%     (4) Strong agree
            39%     (3) Somewhat agree
            14%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            14%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            14%     (1) Strongly disagree
    100    Q19 [ The website was attention-getting ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    95%    Top 2 box (Net)
            64%     (4) Strong agree
            36%     (3) Somewhat agree
            18%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            18%     (2) Somewhat disagree
    101    Q19 [ The website provided useful information ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    95%    Top 2 box (Net)
            69%     (4) Strong agree
            35%     (3) Somewhat agree
            100%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            15%     (2) Somewhat disagree
    102    Q19 [ The website was easy to navigate ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the website.    89%    Top 2 box (Net)
            42%     (4) Strong agree
            58%     (3) Somewhat agree
            25%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            17%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            18%    (1)Strongly Disagree
    103    Q20a While on the Know the Risks ( website did you do any of the following?    53%    I went through the online gambling tips
            52%    I spent time going through the website link and resources
            50%    I shared the website link with someone I know
            12%    None of the above
    104    Q20b To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    90%    Top 2 box (Net)
            54%     (4) Strong agree
            36%     (3) Somewhat agree
            10%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            9%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            2%    (1)Strongly Disagree
    105    Q20b [ Top 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    89%    The website was engaging
            90%    The website was attention-getting
            91%    The website provided useful information
            91%    The website was easy to navigate
    106    Q20b [ Bottom 2 Box ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    19%    The website was engaging
            22%    The website was attention-getting
            15%    The website provided useful information
            16%    The website was easy to navigate
    107    Q20b [ Summary of Means ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    341%    The website was engaging
            340%    The website was attention-getting
            345%    The website provided useful information
            334%    The website was easy to navigate
    108    Q20b [ The website was engagingsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    89%    Top 2 box (Net)
            56%     (4) Strong agree
            37%     (3) Somewhat agree
            19%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            18%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            4%    (1)Strongly Disagree
    109    Q20b [ The website was attention-gettingsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    90%    Top 2 box (Net)
            55%     (4) Strong agree
            39%     (3) Somewhat agree
            22%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            22%     (2) Somewhat disagree
    110    Q20b [ The website provided useful informationsite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    91%    Top 2 box (Net)
            60%     (4) Strong agree
            38%     (3) Somewhat agree
            15%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            15%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            7%    (1)Strongly Disagree
    111    Q20b [ The website was easy to navigatesite. ] - To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the Know the Risks ( website.    91%    Top 2 box (Net)
            56%     (4) Strong agree
            43%     (3) Somewhat agree
            16%    Bottom 2 box (Net)
            10%     (2) Somewhat disagree
            17%    (1)Strongly Disagree
    112    Q20 Thinking back to the advertisements you saw, at which of the following locations would you pay attention to them if you saw them in the future?    39%    YouTubethem in the future?
            35%    Facebookthem in the future?
            28%    Movie theatrethem in the future?
            27%    On transit (e.g., GO train, TTC)them in the future?
            25%    At a bankthem in the future?
            25%    Liquor store or alcohol distributor (e.g., LCBO, The Beer Store, Wine Rack)them in the future?
            20%    Instagramthem in the future?
            20%    Doctor`s officethem in the future?
            21%    Tim Hortonsthem in the future?
            19%    Gas stationthem in the future?
            20%    Grocery storethem in the future?
            16%    Pharmacythem in the future?
            13%    Spotifythem in the future?
            11%    The Scorethem in the future?
            8%    Condo buildingthem in the future?
            5%    Televsion
            4%    Willow TVthem in the future?
            4%    Yupp TVthem in the future?
            1%    Casino            
            1%    Online            
            3%    Othe
            2%    Don`t know/ Not stated            
            21%    None of the abovethem in the future?
    113    Q21. Are you aware of any online responsible gambling tool(s) (apps, websites)?    38%    Y            
            64%    N            
    114    Q22 Select the activities you have participated in the past 12 months:    40%    Played instant Lottery Games (i.e., scratch tickets)
            52%    Played lottery tickets (e.g., Lotto 6/49, Lotto MAX, etc.)            
            20%    Bought raffle or fundraising tickets online (i.e., 50/50)            
            17%    Played electronic gambling machines (e.g., slot machines, electronic blackjack, electronic roulette, or video poker)
            12%    Played poker            
            11%    Played casino table games (e.g., blackjack, baccarat, or roulette)            
            18%    Played bingo
            9%    Parlay bet on live sports with bookmaker (i.e., bet on the outcome of two or more matches for sports such as hockey, football, tennis, soccer, etc)            
            9%    Bet on sports pools with friends            
            5%    Bet on esports (e.g., League of Legends, Dota 2)        
            7%    Bet on virtual sports (e.g., virtual horse racing, virtual soccer)            
            6%    Bet money on horse races            
            7%    Bet on a single sporting event through a bookmaker (i.e., bet on the winner or loser of a single match or an aspect of that game, such as the number of penalties, etc.)        
            5%    Bet on politics or novelty events (e.g., election outcomes, award shows, TV contests, etc.)            
            9%    Bet on card games or outcomes of games of skill (i.e. pool, golf) informally with friends            
            24%    None of the above
    115    Q23 How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    10%    Daily        
            24%    At least once a week
            26%    At least once a month
            40%    Less than once a month
    116    Q23 [ Played instant Lottery Games (i.e., scratch tickets) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    40%    Played instant Lottery Games (i.e., scratch tickets)            
            52%    Played lottery tickets (e.g., Lotto 6/49, Lotto MAX, etc.)
            20%    Bought raffle or fundraising tickets online (i.e., 50/50)
            17%    Played electronic gambling machines (e.g., slot machines, electronic blackjack, electronic roulette, or video poker)
            12%    Played poke
            11%    Played casino table games (e.g., blackjack, baccarat, or roulette)
            18%    Played bingo
            9%    Parlay bet on live sports with bookmaker (i.e., bet on the outcome of two or more matches for sports such as hockey, football, tennis, soccer, etc)
            9%    Bet on sports pools with friends
            5%    Bet on esports (e.g., League of Legends, Dota 2)
            7%    Bet on virtual sports (e.g., virtual horse racing, virtual soccer)
            6%    Bet money on horse races
            7%    Bet on a single sporting event through a bookmaker (i.e., bet on the winner or loser of a single match or an aspect of that game, such as the number of penalties, etc.)
            5%    Bet on politics or novelty events (e.g., election outcomes, award shows, TV contests, etc.)
            9%    Bet on card games or outcomes of games of skill (i.e. pool, golf) informally with friends
            24%    None of the above
    117    Q23 [ Played lottery tickets (e.g., Lotto 6/49, Lotto MAX, etc.) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    5%    Daily            
            39%    At least once a week
            27%    At least once a month
            34%    Less than once a month
    118    Q23 [ Bought raffle or fundraising tickets online (i.e. 50/50) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    10%    Daily
            13%    At least once a week
            24%    At least once a month
            61%    Less than once a month
    119    Q23 [ Played electronic gambling machines (e.g., slot machines, electronic blackjack, electronic roulette or video poker) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    10%    Daily            
            23%    At least once a week
            26%    At least once a month
            48%    Less than once a month
    120    Q23 [ Played poker ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    14%    Daily            
            19%    At least once a week
            32%    At least once a month
            44%    Less than once a month
    121    Q23 [ Played casino table games (e.g., blackjack, baccarat, or roulette) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months    9%    Daily
            29%    At least once a week
            24%    At least once a month
            49%    Less than once a month
    122    Q23 [ Played bingo ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    123    Q23 [ Parlay bet on live sports with bookmaker (i.e., bet on the outcome of two or more matches for sports such as hockey, football, tennis, soccer, etc) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    124    Q23 [ Bet on sports pools with friends ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months
    125    Q23 [ Bet on esports (e.g., League of Legends, Dota 2) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    126    Q23 [ Bet on virtual sports (e.g., virtual horse racing, virtual soccer) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    127    Q23 [ Bet money on horse races. ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months
    128    Q23 [ Bet on a single sporting event through a bookmaker (i.e., bet on the winner or loser of a single match or an aspect of that game, such as the number of penalties, etc.) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    129    Q23 [ Bet on politics or novelty events (e.g., election outcomes, award shows, TV contests, etc.) ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months                    
    130    Q23 [ Bet on card games or outcomes of games of skill (i.e. pool, golf) informally with friends ] - How often have you participated in any of the following activities in the past 12 months
    131    Q24 Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always                    
    132    Q24 [ Top 2 Box ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always                    
    133    Q24 [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always
    134    Q24 [ Summary of Means ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    135    Q24 [ Bet more than I could really afford to lose ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    136    Q24 [ Needed to gamble with larger amounts of money to get the same feeling of excitement ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always
    137    Q24 [ Went back another day to try to win back the money I lost ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    138    Q24 [ Bo
owed money or sold anything to get money to gamble ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    139    Q24 [ Felt that I might have a problem with gambling ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always
    140    Q24 [ Felt gambling had caused any health problems, including stress or anxiety ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    141    Q24 [ Had people criticizing my betting or telling me that I had a gambling problem, regardless of whether or not I thought it was true ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always        
    142    Q24 [ Felt my gambling had caused financial problems for myself or my household ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always
    143    Q24 [ Felt guilty about the way I gambled or what happened when I gambled ] - Thinking about the last 12 months, would you say you never, sometimes, most of the time or almost always                    
    144    Q25 Have you ever had any concerns related to:                    
    145    Q25 [ Yes ] - Have you ever had any concerns related to:
    146    Q25 [ Someone else's gambling ] - Have you ever had any concerns related to:
    147    Q25 [ Your own gambling ] - Have you ever had any concerns related to:
    148    Q25a Who have you had concerns about?
    149    Q26. What is your employment status?
    150    Q27. What is your cu
ent annual household income?
    151    Q28. Do you reside on a First Nations reserve?
    YEARr1. What is your date of birth
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    1931    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        *    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    *    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1936    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    *    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1937    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1938    500%    300%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    500%    -    -    -    500%    -    -    -    100%    100%    200%    -    500%    -    100%    200%    200%    -    -    100%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    300%    -    -    -    100%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    0%    1%    -    0%    -    0%    0%    0%    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    14%
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1939    300%    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%    -    -    -    300%    -    -    200%    -    100%    -    -    300%    -    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    100%    100%    -    -    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    1%    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    0%    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1940    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1941    300%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%    -    -    -    300%    100%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    300%    -    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    200%    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    1%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1942    1200%    900%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1200%    -    -    -    1200%    -    -    300%    300%    200%    300%    -    1200%    500%    300%    200%    200%    -    100%    -    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    500%    200%    300%    200%    -    -    1200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    0%    0%    -    1%    -    3%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                LM    *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1943    1300%    1000%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1300%    -    -    -    1300%    -    100%    200%    500%    100%    400%    -    1300%    600%    400%    300%    -    -    -    -    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    400%    400%    300%    -    100%    1200%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    3%    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    2%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
            C        **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        Z*    Z            *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1944    900%    600%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    900%    -    -    -    900%    200%    100%    100%    400%    -    200%    -    900%    -    300%    400%    300%    -    -    100%    800%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    400%    100%    100%    200%    100%    900%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    0%    2%    -    -    -    4%    -    0%    1%    0%    0%    2%    0%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        FGHI                LM    QS*                        **        *                *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1945    700%    400%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    700%    -    -    -    700%    -    100%    300%    -    100%    200%    -    700%    -    400%    100%    200%    -    -    -    700%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    300%    200%    -    100%    100%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    -    0%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        FGHI                LM    *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1946    1800%    800%    1000%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1800%    -    -    -    1800%    300%    -    500%    500%    300%    300%    -    1800%    200%    800%    600%    200%    -    100%    -    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    700%    600%    300%    200%    100%    100%    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    4%    3%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    0%    -    5%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1947    2000%    1400%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    2000%    200%    100%    400%    600%    700%    -    -    2000%    500%    800%    600%    100%    -    100%    -    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    300%    900%    100%    200%    500%    200%    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    4%    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    -    1%    3%    2%    1%    0%    -    0%    -    5%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    0%    1%    4%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *    Z            *            bce        *    **    **    **                    jl            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1948    1400%    1000%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1400%    -    -    -    1400%    -    100%    700%    200%    400%    -    -    1400%    -    500%    600%    300%    -    100%    -    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    400%    700%    200%    100%    100%    100%    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    3%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    -    4%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    0%    0%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1949    1200%    600%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1200%    -    -    -    1200%    200%    300%    300%    100%    300%    -    -    1200%    -    400%    500%    200%    -    -    100%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    300%    600%    200%    100%    100%    100%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    0%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                LM    *    R                    **        *                *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1950    2200%    1700%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    2200%    -    200%    900%    300%    100%    600%    -    2200%    400%    900%    800%    200%    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    -    700%    700%    400%    500%    100%    600%    1600%    500%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    4%    -    2%    2%    1%    0%    3%    -    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    4%    1%    -    -    -    -    5%    -
            C        **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                    S    **        *    Z            *            abcef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1951    2200%    1100%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    2200%    -    200%    800%    600%    400%    300%    -    2200%    200%    800%    900%    300%    -    100%    -    2000%    -    -    -    100%    100%    400%    1000%    100%    300%    400%    100%    2200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    4%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    0%    -    6%    -    -    -    6%    15%    1%    2%    0%    2%    3%    0%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bcef        *    **    **    **        l            l            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1952    1900%    900%    1000%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    1900%    300%    200%    600%    200%    200%    400%    -    1900%    200%    700%    800%    200%    -    100%    200%    1400%    100%    -    100%    -    -    600%    300%    500%    -    500%    400%    1500%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    4%    4%    2%    1%    0%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    0%    -    0%    0%    4%    1%    -    32%    -    -    1%    1%    2%    -    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    R*                        **        *        Z        *            bc        *    **    **    **                    km            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1953    3300%    2100%    1200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    3300%    100%    300%    1200%    600%    500%    600%    -    3300%    1000%    1000%    900%    400%    -    200%    300%    2700%    100%    -    -    -    -    1400%    1100%    400%    100%    300%    600%    2700%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -
        2%    3%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    6%    1%    2%    3%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    5%    2%    2%    1%    -    1%    0%    8%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    2%    1%    0%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        Z*                *            abcef        *    **    **    **    m                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1954    3100%    1700%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    3100%    200%    200%    1100%    600%    500%    500%    -    3100%    700%    1300%    600%    400%    -    200%    100%    2700%    -    -    -    -    -    900%    1300%    400%    200%    200%    500%    2600%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    200%
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    6%    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    3%    3%    1%    1%    -    1%    0%    8%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    22%
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *    Z            *            abcef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1955    2700%    1200%    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    2700%    100%    100%    700%    900%    600%    300%    -    2700%    500%    900%    900%    500%    -    200%    700%    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    700%    1300%    400%    200%    200%    100%    2700%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    5%    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    5%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    1%    1%    1%    0%    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1956    3000%    1500%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3000%    -    -    -    3000%    300%    800%    800%    500%    100%    500%    -    3000%    500%    1000%    1000%    500%    -    500%    400%    2000%    100%    -    -    -    -    800%    1500%    300%    200%    200%    200%    2800%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    6%    3%    6%    2%    1%    0%    3%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    5%    1%    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    S*    QRS                S    **        *                *    c        cef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1957    1700%    800%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1700%    -    -    -    1700%    100%    200%    700%    400%    100%    200%    -    1700%    -    600%    800%    300%    -    400%    500%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    500%    300%    300%    400%    300%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    3%    1%    1%    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    27%
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                    j            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1958    2000%    1500%    500%    -    -    -    -    -    800%    1200%    -    -    -    2000%    300%    100%    200%    500%    600%    300%    100%    1900%    200%    300%    1000%    500%    -    100%    300%    1700%    -    -    -    -    -    700%    800%    200%    300%    -    300%    1700%    200%    100%    100%    100%    -    200%    100%    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    3%    4%    -    -    -    4%    3%    1%    0%    1%    2%    2%    3%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    0%    0%    5%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    3%    -    5%    5%    -
            C        **                    EFGH    EFGH                KLM    Q*                        **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1959    1700%    600%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    1700%    -    -    -    -    1700%    100%    100%    600%    800%    100%    100%    -    1700%    200%    400%    800%    300%    -    500%    300%    700%    100%    -    -    -    100%    500%    500%    300%    200%    300%    300%    1400%    200%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    -    3%    1%    1%    1%    2%    0%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    3%    0%    2%    1%    -    -    -    21%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    3%    -    -    6%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *            S            **        *                *    c        c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1960    4500%    3000%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    4500%    -    -    -    -    4500%    300%    500%    1400%    1000%    500%    700%    -    4500%    800%    1100%    1600%    900%    -    600%    1500%    1500%    200%    600%    -    -    -    1400%    1400%    400%    500%    700%    300%    4100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -
        3%    4%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    16%    -    -    -    -    8%    3%    4%    3%    2%    2%    4%    -    3%    4%    2%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    4%    2%    6%    -    -    -    3%    3%    1%    2%    4%    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    2%    -    -
            C        **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1961    4100%    1400%    2700%    -    -    -    -    -    4100%    -    -    -    -    4100%    500%    400%    800%    1300%    500%    600%    -    4100%    700%    1000%    1600%    900%    -    700%    1000%    1500%    200%    600%    -    100%    100%    1800%    1200%    400%    200%    600%    500%    3600%    300%    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    100%
        3%    2%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    15%    -    -    -    -    8%    5%    3%    2%    3%    2%    3%    -    3%    3%    2%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    4%    2%    6%    -    3%    16%    4%    2%    1%    1%    4%    2%    3%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    5%    10%
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *            c        c*    **    **    **    lm                m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1962    2800%    1000%    1800%    100%    -    -    -    -    2800%    -    -    -    -    2800%    200%    200%    500%    700%    900%    300%    -    2800%    400%    700%    1100%    600%    -    800%    900%    500%    300%    300%    -    -    100%    500%    1100%    500%    400%    400%    100%    2700%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -
        2%    1%    2%    14%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    5%    2%    2%    1%    2%    3%    2%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    4%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    -    31%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    0%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *    c                *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1963    2600%    1500%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    -    -    -    2600%    700%    100%    600%    400%    700%    100%    -    2600%    400%    400%    1000%    700%    -    400%    900%    300%    300%    600%    -    -    -    800%    900%    300%    300%    300%    100%    2500%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    5%    7%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    3%    6%    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    PQRST*                        **        *                *                    cd*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1964    3200%    1300%    2000%    -    -    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    -    -    3200%    500%    200%    800%    600%    800%    300%    -    3200%    400%    800%    1400%    600%    100%    500%    1300%    600%    300%    500%    -    -    -    900%    700%    900%    300%    300%    500%    2700%    200%    400%    200%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    6%    5%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    5%    -    -    -    2%    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    R*                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1965    2900%    1500%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    2900%    -    600%    500%    300%    1000%    400%    200%    -    2900%    600%    700%    600%    1100%    -    300%    1700%    100%    500%    300%    -    100%    -    700%    800%    900%    300%    200%    600%    2300%    200%    500%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    7%    -    6%    4%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    3%    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    3%    0%    3%    3%    -    5%    -    2%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    3%    -    -    3%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        QST*    Q                    **        *                *        d        d    d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1966    1900%    900%    1000%    -    -    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    1900%    -    100%    200%    600%    500%    400%    300%    -    1900%    -    800%    500%    700%    -    200%    800%    500%    100%    200%    -    100%    -    600%    500%    100%    500%    200%    100%    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    5%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    5%    -    1%    1%    0%    3%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                l                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1967    2200%    1400%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    500%    700%    200%    600%    200%    -    2200%    400%    400%    700%    700%    -    200%    1400%    300%    200%    200%    -    -    -    300%    700%    700%    300%    200%    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    5%    -    -    4%    2%    0%    2%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        *    R                    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1968    1100%    500%    700%    -    -    -    -    500%    600%    -    -    -    1100%    -    -    -    300%    600%    200%    -    -    1100%    -    600%    200%    400%    100%    200%    700%    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    200%    300%    200%    200%    200%    200%    900%    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    0%    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                GJ    FGJ                KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1969    2600%    1300%    1300%    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    300%    100%    900%    600%    400%    300%    -    2600%    -    1100%    500%    1000%    100%    100%    1500%    200%    400%    300%    -    100%    -    1100%    300%    200%    800%    300%    300%    2300%    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    3%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    -    3%    1%    2%    1%    0%    2%    1%    3%    2%    -    6%    -    3%    1%    1%    4%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *        d            *    **    **    **    kl            kl                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1970    4100%    1900%    2200%    -    -    -    -    4100%    -    -    -    -    4100%    -    300%    400%    1100%    500%    1000%    900%    -    4100%    600%    1500%    1000%    1000%    -    100%    2900%    100%    400%    600%    -    -    -    500%    1300%    1000%    800%    500%    100%    4000%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        3%    3%    3%    -    -    -    -    14%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    3%    3%    3%    1%    3%    5%    -    3%    3%    3%    2%    2%    -    0%    4%    0%    3%    6%    -    -    -    1%    3%    3%    4%    4%    0%    3%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                    R    **        *                *        bd        d    bd*    **    **    **                j            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1971    2600%    1300%    1300%    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    100%    200%    100%    1100%    900%    200%    -    2600%    500%    900%    500%    700%    -    200%    1700%    100%    200%    300%    -    -    -    500%    500%    600%    700%    300%    200%    2400%    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    1%    1%    0%    3%    3%    1%    -    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    3%    0%    1%    3%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    2%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *            Q    Q        **        *                *        d            *    **    **    **                jk                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1972    2700%    1600%    1200%    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    100%    200%    1000%    800%    300%    300%    -    2700%    -    700%    1300%    800%    -    200%    2000%    -    300%    100%    -    100%    -    600%    700%    700%    500%    200%    400%    2300%    100%    300%    200%    100%    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    -    2%    3%    2%    -    1%    3%    -    3%    1%    -    5%    -    1%    1%    2%    3%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1973    2800%    1700%    1100%    -    -    -    -    2800%    -    -    -    -    2800%    -    200%    100%    1200%    800%    400%    100%    -    2800%    300%    700%    1300%    600%    -    400%    2000%    100%    100%    200%    100%    -    -    400%    800%    800%    500%    300%    400%    2400%    100%    200%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    2%    1%    3%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    1%    -    2%    3%    0%    1%    2%    17%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    -    2%    -    10%
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1974    3700%    1600%    2100%    -    -    -    -    3700%    -    -    -    -    3700%    -    300%    300%    1500%    500%    400%    700%    200%    3600%    800%    800%    1200%    1000%    -    600%    2300%    -    200%    600%    -    100%    -    1300%    700%    900%    800%    100%    200%    3500%    -    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    3%    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    3%    2%    4%    1%    1%    4%    5%    2%    4%    2%    2%    2%    -    3%    4%    -    1%    6%    -    4%    -    3%    2%    3%    4%    1%    1%    3%    -    1%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *        RS                **        *                *    d    d            d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1975    3000%    1700%    1300%    -    -    -    -    3000%    -    -    -    -    3000%    -    200%    100%    900%    900%    600%    300%    300%    2700%    200%    1300%    700%    700%    -    200%    1600%    500%    400%    200%    -    -    100%    800%    900%    1000%    100%    100%    600%    2400%    300%    200%    -    100%    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    7%    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    3%    2%    -    -    18%    2%    2%    3%    0%    1%    2%    2%    3%    2%    -    3%    -    3%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **            m                    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1976    3400%    1800%    1500%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    100%    100%    1100%    900%    600%    500%    -    3400%    -    700%    1400%    1200%    100%    600%    1700%    -    200%    700%    -    100%    -    800%    500%    1000%    700%    300%    600%    2800%    200%    400%    200%    100%    100%    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    -    2%    3%    3%    1%    3%    3%    -    2%    7%    -    5%    -    2%    1%    3%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    9%    2%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **                k                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1977    2900%    1800%    1200%    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    200%    500%    700%    1100%    400%    100%    100%    2900%    700%    900%    600%    800%    -    500%    1400%    100%    500%    500%    -    -    -    1300%    400%    500%    500%    200%    300%    2600%    100%    100%    200%    -    -    200%    -    -
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    2%    4%    2%    3%    1%    1%    3%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    2%    0%    3%    5%    -    -    -    3%    1%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    1%    0%    2%    -    -    5%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *    T                    **        *                *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **    k                            *        *    **    **    r*    **    **
    1978    2200%    1200%    1000%    -    -    -    900%    1200%    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    100%    200%    900%    400%    300%    300%    -    2200%    200%    900%    500%    600%    -    100%    1600%    -    100%    -    -    300%    -    600%    400%    300%    800%    100%    400%    1800%    200%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    4%    4%    -    -    -    -    5%    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    0%    3%    -    1%    -    -    20%    -    1%    1%    1%    4%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFIJ    EFIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *        d            *    **    **    **                jkl                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1979    2300%    1000%    1200%    -    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    600%    600%    800%    300%    100%    2200%    -    800%    800%    700%    -    400%    1300%    -    400%    100%    -    100%    -    200%    1100%    200%    600%    100%    400%    1900%    200%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    3%    1%    -    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    -    3%    1%    -    6%    -    1%    2%    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                        KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **        j        j                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1980    1900%    800%    1100%    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    300%    400%    400%    700%    100%    -    1900%    -    500%    900%    500%    -    300%    1100%    100%    200%    100%    -    -    -    300%    400%    800%    300%    200%    300%    1600%    100%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    2%    0%    2%    1%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                        KLN        *                        **        *                *        d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1981    2400%    1000%    1400%    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    100%    100%    500%    800%    600%    300%    -    2400%    -    100%    1100%    1200%    -    500%    1500%    -    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    600%    1000%    600%    200%    500%    1900%    200%    400%    200%    200%    200%    100%    100%    -
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    -    0%    2%    3%    -    2%    2%    -    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    3%    1%    2%    1%    2%    3%    3%    4%    14%    3%    5%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *        X    X    *    d    d            d*    **    **    **        j    j    j    j            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1982    2100%    1000%    1200%    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    200%    200%    400%    1100%    100%    200%    -    2100%    -    500%    900%    800%    -    200%    1600%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    100%    700%    1000%    300%    100%    700%    1400%    300%    400%    -    100%    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    2%    2%    1%    3%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    2%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    0%    2%    3%    1%    1%    3%    1%    3%    3%    -    2%    -    6%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *            S            **        *                *        d        d    *    **    **    **            j                    *        *    **    **    s*    **    **
    1983    3900%    2300%    1600%    -    -    -    3900%    -    -    -    -    3900%    -    -    100%    400%    600%    1300%    1300%    200%    600%    3300%    1100%    700%    1100%    900%    300%    500%    2000%    300%    500%    300%    -    100%    -    1000%    700%    1200%    600%    400%    900%    3000%    100%    900%    -    200%    -    100%    100%    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    -    -    15%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    1%    3%    1%    3%    4%    1%    16%    2%    5%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    3%    1%    4%    3%    -    5%    -    2%    2%    4%    3%    2%    3%    2%    1%    6%    -    5%    -    2%    5%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                Q        **        *                *        d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1984    2700%    700%    1800%    100%    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    300%    100%    700%    700%    700%    300%    -    2700%    400%    800%    700%    800%    100%    400%    1500%    -    500%    200%    -    -    -    800%    1000%    400%    300%    200%    200%    2500%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -
        2%    1%    2%    23%    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    3%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    -    4%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    5%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1985    3200%    1800%    1300%    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    200%    100%    800%    1100%    800%    100%    100%    3100%    300%    1200%    900%    800%    200%    400%    1800%    200%    500%    200%    -    -    -    600%    1100%    700%    400%    400%    500%    2700%    100%    400%    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    3%    1%    3%    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    0%    3%    2%    -    -    -    1%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    2%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -    6%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *                *        d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1986    2500%    1500%    1000%    -    -    -    2500%    -    -    -    -    2500%    -    -    200%    100%    1100%    900%    100%    100%    -    2500%    600%    400%    800%    700%    100%    500%    1200%    100%    500%    200%    -    -    -    600%    1000%    400%    500%    100%    500%    2000%    200%    200%    200%    100%    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    2%    1%    3%    2%    0%    1%    -    2%    3%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    0%    4%    2%    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    3%    2%    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            S*        S    S            **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1987    2900%    1500%    1400%    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    200%    200%    900%    600%    700%    400%    100%    2800%    -    400%    1100%    1400%    -    200%    2300%    -    300%    200%    -    -    -    600%    900%    600%    500%    300%    900%    2000%    800%    500%    500%    200%    100%    300%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    1%    2%    3%    -    1%    4%    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    8%    3%    7%    5%    6%    7%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *            X    *        d        d    d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1988    1800%    600%    1200%    -    -    1100%    700%    -    -    -    -    1800%    -    -    100%    200%    700%    400%    400%    -    100%    1700%    300%    200%    500%    900%    -    200%    1000%    -    300%    -    -    300%    -    800%    200%    500%    200%    200%    600%    1200%    300%    400%    100%    -    100%    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    4%    3%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    1%    1%    0%    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    -    2%    -    -    21%    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    3%    3%    1%    -    6%    2%    -    -
                    **        EHIJ    EHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *            X    *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1989    2900%    1400%    1400%    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    -    1100%    600%    900%    300%    100%    2800%    600%    200%    400%    1700%    -    100%    2000%    -    700%    100%    -    -    -    300%    1100%    1100%    400%    -    900%    2000%    300%    600%    300%    300%    100%    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    3%    1%    3%    1%    3%    2%    3%    1%    1%    4%    -    1%    3%    -    5%    1%    -    -    -    1%    2%    4%    2%    -    3%    2%    3%    4%    4%    8%    12%    3%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *            XY    *        bd        bd    *    **    **    **            jn                    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1990    4200%    1900%    2300%    -    -    4200%    -    -    -    -    -    4200%    -    -    100%    800%    700%    800%    1700%    100%    -    4200%    600%    600%    1100%    1900%    100%    300%    2500%    -    300%    1000%    -    -    -    1600%    1100%    700%    600%    200%    1400%    2800%    400%    1000%    400%    300%    100%    200%    100%    -
        3%    2%    3%    -    -    16%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    1%    6%    2%    2%    5%    1%    -    3%    3%    1%    2%    4%    1%    1%    4%    -    3%    9%    -    -    -    4%    2%    2%    3%    1%    5%    2%    4%    7%    6%    9%    8%    5%    5%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *    QRT            QRT        **        *            XY    *    d    d        d    abcd*    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1991    2200%    1100%    1100%    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    100%    700%    600%    400%    400%    100%    2100%    -    700%    400%    1100%    -    300%    1600%    -    200%    -    100%    -    -    500%    800%    600%    300%    -    600%    1600%    600%    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    3%    1%    -    2%    1%    3%    -    1%    3%    -    2%    -    24%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    5%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *            Y    *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                r*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1992    3100%    900%    2200%    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    200%    -    100%    1000%    1400%    500%    -    3100%    200%    200%    700%    1900%    200%    400%    2300%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    400%    900%    700%    700%    400%    900%    2200%    400%    500%    300%    100%    100%    200%    100%    -
        2%    1%    3%    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    2%    -    0%    2%    4%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    4%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    2%    3%    3%    3%    2%    4%    4%    4%    4%    6%    5%    6%    -
                B    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *            Q    PQ    Q    **        *            XY    d*    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                j                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1993    2000%    900%    1100%    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    200%    500%    600%    600%    100%    -    2000%    -    500%    400%    1000%    -    400%    1400%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    300%    1000%    500%    -    200%    500%    1500%    400%    100%    300%    200%    100%    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    4%    1%    5%    6%    12%    6%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *                *    d    d            *    **    **    **        m                        *        *    **    **    r*    **    **
    1994    3200%    1600%    1600%    -    -    3200%    -    -    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    100%    100%    800%    1000%    500%    700%    200%    3000%    700%    400%    900%    1200%    200%    300%    1700%    -    700%    300%    -    -    -    1500%    500%    700%    500%    -    800%    2400%    400%    500%    200%    -    100%    -    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    4%    5%    2%    3%    1%    2%    3%    2%    2%    3%    -    5%    2%    -    -    -    4%    1%    2%    3%    -    3%    2%    4%    3%    3%    -    9%    -    6%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *            X    d*    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **    kn                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1995    2000%    600%    1400%    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    100%    200%    200%    300%    600%    600%    -    2000%    300%    300%    600%    800%    100%    200%    1100%    -    500%    -    -    -    -    400%    1200%    100%    100%    200%    300%    1700%    300%    200%    200%    -    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    1%    1%    0%    1%    2%    3%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    4%    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    0%    0%    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    3%    -    -    6%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                    QR    **        *                *        d        d    *    **    **    **        l                        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1996    2100%    800%    1200%    -    -    2100%    -    -    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    100%    400%    600%    900%    100%    -    100%    2000%    600%    200%    600%    600%    100%    400%    900%    -    -    600%    -    -    -    1200%    500%    200%    -    100%    400%    1600%    100%    200%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    1%    3%    2%    2%    0%    -    2%    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    6%    -    -    -    3%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    4%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *    ST        S            **        *                *    d    d            cde*    **    **    **    lm                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1997    2200%    900%    1300%    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    200%    200%    200%    900%    400%    300%    100%    2100%    -    400%    500%    1200%    200%    400%    900%    -    500%    100%    -    -    -    900%    400%    600%    200%    100%    600%    1600%    200%    200%    100%    -    -    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    2%    1%    0%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    2%    1%    -    4%    1%    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    4%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                    LMN                *            Q            **        *            XY    d*    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1998    2100%    400%    1600%    100%    1100%    1000%    -    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    -    -    100%    200%    800%    600%    500%    100%    2000%    400%    300%    400%    1100%    100%    700%    700%    -    100%    400%    -    100%    -    1300%    500%    200%    -    100%    500%    1600%    -    300%    100%    -    100%    100%    100%    -
        1%    1%    2%    24%    6%    4%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    1%    0%    2%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    3%    1%    -    1%    4%    -    6%    -    3%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    -    8%    3%    4%    -
                B    **    GHIJ    GHIJ                    LMN                *                    Q    **        *            XY    *    cd                d*    **    **    **    lm                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    1999    1900%    600%    1300%    -    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    100%    100%    600%    600%    500%    -    200%    1700%    -    1000%    200%    700%    100%    500%    1200%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    600%    300%    500%    400%    100%    700%    1200%    100%    500%    300%    300%    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    10%    -    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    4%    1%    -    2%    0%    2%    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    3%    1%    1%    4%    4%    8%    -    4%    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *    Y        Y    *    d    d            *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2000    3600%    1200%    2400%    -    3600%    -    -    -    -    -    3600%    -    -    -    200%    -    900%    1200%    900%    400%    600%    3000%    400%    1600%    1000%    700%    200%    1300%    1700%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    -    1300%    1200%    800%    400%    -    1700%    2000%    700%    1100%    900%    700%    -    300%    -    -
        2%    2%    3%    -    20%    -    -    -    -    -    17%    -    -    -    2%    -    2%    3%    3%    2%    15%    2%    2%    4%    2%    2%    2%    6%    3%    0%    1%    -    27%    -    -    3%    2%    3%    2%    -    6%    2%    7%    7%    13%    21%    -    7%    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *                *    cdef    d            *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2001    2400%    300%    2100%    -    2400%    -    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    100%    100%    700%    700%    200%    600%    100%    2300%    300%    1000%    700%    400%    1200%    400%    400%    -    400%    -    -    -    -    1000%    500%    300%    100%    500%    600%    1800%    -    400%    100%    -    -    -    100%    100%
        2%    1%    3%    -    13%    -    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    3%    3%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    13%    2%    1%    -    3%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    3%    2%    1%    -    3%    1%    -    -    -    7%    18%
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *                bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2002    1600%    300%    1300%    -    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    1600%    -    -    -    -    100%    200%    900%    200%    200%    200%    1400%    -    600%    700%    400%    900%    500%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    600%    600%    200%    -    100%    600%    900%    200%    400%    100%    100%    -    -    100%    -
        1%    0%    2%    -    9%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    6%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    9%    3%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    3%    2%    4%    -    -    5%    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *            Q            **        *                bcdef*    cd                *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2003    2700%    400%    2200%    200%    2700%    -    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    -    400%    900%    500%    700%    200%    100%    2600%    -    1800%    800%    200%    1400%    1000%    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    900%    500%    500%    300%    600%    500%    2200%    200%    400%    300%    -    100%    -    -    -
        2%    1%    3%    40%    15%    -    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    3%    2%    1%    2%    1%    3%    2%    -    4%    2%    1%    15%    5%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    2%    4%    2%    2%    2%    3%    5%    -    10%    -    -    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *    YZ            bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2004    3500%    1600%    2000%    -    3500%    -    -    -    -    -    3500%    -    -    -    400%    400%    800%    1200%    700%    200%    300%    3300%    900%    2300%    400%    -    2500%    700%    100%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    400%    400%    900%    400%    1500%    900%    2600%    200%    700%    600%    -    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    19%    -    -    -    -    -    17%    -    -    -    4%    3%    2%    3%    2%    1%    8%    2%    4%    5%    1%    -    27%    3%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    10%    3%    2%    2%    5%    8%    -    -    3%    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        YZ*    YZ    Z        bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **            k        jklm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    2005    1400%    600%    800%    -    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    1400%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    400%    700%    200%    -    1400%    900%    200%    300%    -    1100%    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%    900%    100%    100%    -    200%    1300%    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    8%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    4%    1%    1%    -    12%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    0%    1%    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *    Q            Q        **        XYZ*                bcdef*                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    RESP_AGE. Age
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    18    3900%    1900%    2000%    -    3900%    -    -    -    -    -    3900%    -    -    -    400%    200%    600%    1300%    1200%    200%    300%    3600%    1500%    1900%    500%    -    2700%    700%    300%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    600%    1300%    700%    500%    900%    1000%    2900%    300%    900%    600%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    21%    -    -    -    -    -    18%    -    -    -    4%    2%    2%    3%    4%    1%    8%    2%    7%    4%    1%    -    29%    3%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    2%    2%    6%    4%    2%    3%    6%    8%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        YZ*    YZ    Z        bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **                    j            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    19    2900%    600%    2100%    200%    2900%    -    -    -    -    -    2900%    -    -    -    -    600%    600%    600%    900%    200%    -    2900%    300%    1800%    800%    -    1800%    800%    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    800%    300%    800%    200%    700%    500%    2300%    200%    400%    200%    -    100%    100%    -    -
        2%    1%    3%    40%    16%    -    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    4%    2%    1%    3%    1%    -    2%    1%    4%    2%    -    19%    4%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    3%    1%    5%    2%    2%    2%    3%    3%    -    10%    3%    -    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *    R                    **        *    YZ    Z        bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **            k        km            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    20    1800%    100%    1700%    -    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    1800%    -    -    -    -    200%    600%    600%    100%    300%    200%    1600%    -    900%    400%    500%    900%    800%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    600%    700%    -    100%    400%    400%    1400%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    0%    2%    -    10%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    0%    2%    7%    1%    -    2%    1%    1%    10%    4%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    5%    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *                cdef*    cde                *    **    **    **    l    l            l            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    21    2100%    400%    1600%    -    2100%    -    -    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    -    100%    -    500%    1100%    200%    100%    200%    1800%    300%    800%    700%    300%    1400%    300%    100%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    900%    200%    200%    100%    500%    900%    1200%    -    700%    200%    100%    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    11%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    2%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    6%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    15%    2%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    4%    3%    1%    -    5%    3%    4%    -    -    7%    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *                bcdef*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **                    kl    p        *    q    *    **    **    *    **    **
    22    2700%    800%    1900%    -    2700%    -    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    100%    100%    900%    600%    300%    800%    200%    2500%    400%    1100%    600%    700%    600%    800%    1100%    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    1100%    800%    600%    100%    100%    1000%    1800%    500%    500%    500%    600%    -    -    -    100%
        2%    1%    2%    -    15%    -    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    4%    7%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    6%    4%    2%    0%    2%    -    -    -    -    3%    2%    2%    1%    1%    4%    1%    5%    3%    7%    16%    -    -    -    18%
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                    S    **        *                cdf*    d                *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    23    3300%    1100%    2300%    -    3300%    -    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    200%    -    600%    1300%    1100%    100%    500%    2800%    -    1800%    900%    600%    200%    1000%    1800%    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    900%    1000%    800%    500%    100%    1300%    2000%    300%    900%    600%    300%    -    300%    -    -
        2%    1%    3%    -    18%    -    -    -    -    -    15%    -    -    -    2%    -    1%    3%    3%    1%    13%    2%    -    4%    2%    1%    2%    5%    3%    -    1%    -    27%    -    -    2%    2%    3%    3%    1%    5%    2%    3%    6%    9%    8%    -    7%    -    -
                    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                P        **        *    Z            d*    d    d            *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    24    1600%    300%    1300%    100%    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    1600%    -    -    -    -    100%    300%    600%    300%    400%    -    1600%    400%    400%    200%    700%    -    600%    500%    -    100%    400%    -    100%    -    1000%    200%    300%    200%    -    200%    1400%    -    200%    100%    200%    -    200%    -    -
        1%    0%    2%    24%    9%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    0%    2%    -    3%    1%    -    1%    4%    -    6%    -    2%    0%    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    4%    -    4%    -    -
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        *                *    cd                cd*    **    **    **    k                            *        *    **    **    q*    **    **
    25    2400%    1200%    1200%    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    1000%    900%    300%    100%    2300%    -    400%    500%    1400%    200%    600%    1200%    -    400%    -    -    -    -    1000%    500%    700%    100%    100%    800%    1500%    -    400%    200%    -    100%    200%    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    1%    1%    0%    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    3%    2%    -    3%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    0%    1%    3%    1%    -    3%    3%    -    8%    6%    4%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                    LMN                *            Q    Q        **        *            XY    d*    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    q*    **    **
    26    2300%    400%    1900%    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    -    800%    1500%    -    -    200%    400%    700%    800%    100%    100%    200%    2100%    300%    200%    800%    1000%    200%    500%    1100%    -    100%    300%    -    -    -    1000%    600%    400%    100%    200%    600%    1700%    300%    300%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    4%    4%    -    -    2%    3%    2%    2%    0%    1%    5%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    -    1%    3%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    0%    1%    2%    1%    3%    2%    1%    -    -    4%    -    -
                B    **        EGHIJ                    MN    MN            *    S                    **        *            X    d*    d    d            d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    27    1600%    900%    600%    -    -    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    1600%    -    -    -    300%    200%    600%    400%    200%    -    1600%    400%    300%    400%    500%    100%    300%    400%    -    400%    400%    -    -    -    800%    500%    100%    -    200%    300%    1300%    300%    200%    200%    -    -    200%    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    6%    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    3%    3%    -    -    -    2%    1%    0%    -    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    3%    -    -    6%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *                *    d            cd    cd*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    28    3000%    1000%    2000%    -    -    3000%    -    -    -    -    -    3000%    -    -    200%    100%    600%    1000%    400%    700%    -    3000%    600%    300%    700%    1400%    -    300%    2200%    -    300%    300%    -    -    -    800%    900%    700%    600%    -    400%    2600%    200%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    4%    -    2%    3%    1%    1%    3%    -    1%    3%    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *            X    *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **                n                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    29    2300%    1300%    1000%    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    -    400%    500%    800%    600%    200%    2100%    400%    500%    600%    800%    200%    200%    1200%    -    700%    -    -    -    -    1000%    800%    300%    -    200%    500%    1800%    200%    200%    300%    100%    200%    100%    100%    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    3%    5%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    6%    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    5%    4%    21%    4%    6%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *                d*        d        bcdf    *    **    **    **    m                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    30    3400%    1100%    2300%    -    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    -    100%    200%    500%    1000%    1300%    300%    -    3400%    200%    300%    800%    2100%    200%    600%    2500%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    400%    1300%    800%    500%    300%    1200%    2200%    800%    600%    400%    200%    100%    200%    100%    -
        2%    1%    3%    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    4%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    5%    2%    3%    4%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    3%    2%    2%    4%    2%    8%    4%    6%    7%    6%    7%    6%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                Q        **        *            XY    d*    d    d            *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    31    2400%    1000%    1400%    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    100%    100%    600%    500%    500%    500%    -    2400%    -    700%    600%    1000%    -    400%    1600%    -    300%    -    100%    -    -    600%    900%    400%    400%    100%    400%    1900%    300%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    3%    -    2%    -    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    3%    -    2%    -    24%    -    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    3%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                r*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    32    3100%    1500%    1600%    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    800%    400%    800%    1100%    -    100%    3000%    600%    600%    600%    1300%    -    200%    2000%    -    200%    800%    -    -    -    1300%    600%    800%    400%    -    1100%    2000%    400%    900%    400%    200%    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    6%    1%    2%    3%    -    3%    2%    3%    1%    1%    3%    -    1%    3%    -    1%    8%    -    -    -    3%    1%    2%    2%    -    4%    2%    3%    6%    6%    6%    -    3%    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *    OQRT            QT        **        *            Y    *        d            abde*    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    33    3900%    1900%    2000%    -    -    3900%    -    -    -    -    -    3900%    -    -    100%    -    1200%    900%    1400%    400%    100%    3800%    300%    200%    800%    2500%    100%    200%    2400%    -    900%    300%    -    -    -    600%    1200%    1300%    600%    200%    1400%    2500%    600%    700%    500%    400%    200%    200%    100%    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    -    15%    -    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    1%    -    3%    2%    4%    2%    3%    2%    2%    1%    2%    6%    1%    1%    4%    -    7%    3%    -    -    -    1%    3%    4%    3%    1%    5%    2%    5%    5%    7%    11%    20%    5%    5%    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *                P        **        *            XY    *        bd        bd    d*    **    **    **            j            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    34    1500%    600%    900%    -    -    1500%    -    -    -    -    -    1500%    -    -    -    200%    800%    100%    400%    -    -    1500%    500%    -    300%    700%    -    100%    1000%    -    100%    -    -    300%    -    500%    400%    500%    100%    100%    300%    1200%    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    6%    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    1%    2%    0%    1%    -    -    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    -    0%    2%    -    1%    -    -    21%    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **        EGHIJ                        KMN            *        R                **        X*            X    *        d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    35    2200%    700%    1500%    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    200%    200%    500%    500%    600%    200%    200%    2100%    -    400%    300%    1500%    -    200%    1700%    -    200%    100%    -    -    -    700%    600%    200%    500%    300%    600%    1600%    300%    600%    200%    -    100%    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    3%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    4%    1%    -    1%    1%    3%    -    1%    3%    -    1%    1%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    3%    4%    3%    -    6%    2%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *            XY    *    d    d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    36    2800%    1600%    1200%    -    -    -    2800%    -    -    -    -    2800%    -    -    -    100%    1000%    1200%    200%    200%    -    2800%    300%    500%    1200%    800%    -    500%    1500%    100%    500%    200%    -    -    -    800%    800%    600%    400%    200%    1000%    1800%    700%    200%    500%    200%    100%    300%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    1%    3%    3%    1%    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    0%    3%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    4%    1%    7%    2%    7%    5%    6%    7%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *            S            **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    37    3200%    1900%    1300%    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    400%    200%    1300%    700%    600%    100%    100%    3100%    300%    1100%    1000%    800%    200%    300%    1700%    100%    700%    200%    -    -    -    700%    1000%    700%    600%    200%    600%    2700%    200%    500%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    4%    2%    3%    2%    2%    1%    3%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    0%    6%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    -    -    6%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *                *        d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    38    3200%    1300%    1900%    100%    -    -    3200%    -    -    -    -    3200%    -    -    200%    100%    800%    1100%    800%    200%    -    3200%    700%    900%    800%    800%    200%    400%    1900%    100%    500%    200%    -    -    -    700%    1400%    500%    300%    300%    100%    3100%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    23%    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    3%    1%    2%    3%    3%    1%    -    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    0%    4%    2%    -    -    -    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    0%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    2%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    39    3300%    2000%    1300%    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    200%    200%    500%    800%    1400%    200%    600%    2700%    800%    700%    800%    900%    300%    300%    1800%    300%    400%    100%    -    100%    -    900%    800%    800%    400%    400%    1000%    2300%    100%    900%    -    200%    -    200%    -    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    4%    1%    16%    2%    4%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    3%    1%    3%    1%    -    5%    -    2%    2%    3%    2%    3%    4%    2%    1%    6%    -    5%    -    5%    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                Q        **        *                *        d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    40    2300%    1200%    1100%    -    -    -    2300%    -    -    -    -    2300%    -    -    200%    400%    500%    800%    100%    300%    -    2300%    200%    300%    1100%    600%    -    400%    1300%    -    300%    200%    -    -    -    400%    600%    1100%    200%    -    700%    1700%    300%    400%    -    100%    -    200%    100%    -
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    2%    3%    1%    2%    0%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    1%    -    2%    1%    3%    3%    -    2%    -    6%    5%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *    S                    **        *                *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **            jn                    *        *    **    **    s*    **    **
    41    2400%    700%    1700%    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    100%    400%    1200%    500%    200%    -    2400%    -    300%    1000%    1100%    -    200%    1800%    -    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    700%    1000%    400%    300%    400%    1900%    200%    400%    200%    200%    200%    100%    100%    -
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    1%    -    2%    -    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    3%    -    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    2%    4%    14%    3%    5%    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN            *                        **        *            X    *    d    d            *    **    **    **        j    j    j    j            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    42    2500%    1200%    1300%    -    -    -    2500%    -    -    -    -    900%    1600%    -    100%    300%    500%    700%    800%    100%    -    2500%    -    500%    1100%    900%    -    400%    1500%    100%    300%    200%    -    -    -    300%    500%    1100%    500%    200%    300%    2200%    100%    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    2%    4%    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    -    1%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    0%    2%    2%    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                    N    KN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **            jk                    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    43    2000%    900%    1100%    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    500%    400%    800%    300%    100%    1900%    -    600%    800%    600%    -    300%    1200%    -    400%    -    -    100%    -    100%    800%    300%    600%    100%    400%    1600%    100%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    3%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    2%    -    3%    -    -    6%    -    0%    2%    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                        KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                j                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    44    1500%    900%    600%    -    -    -    1500%    -    -    -    -    -    1500%    -    100%    200%    300%    400%    200%    300%    -    1500%    -    800%    200%    500%    -    200%    1000%    -    100%    100%    -    100%    -    500%    600%    200%    300%    -    400%    1100%    200%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    2%    0%    1%    -    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    -    4%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **            EFHIJ                        KLN        *                        **        *    Y            *    d    d            *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    45    3100%    1700%    1500%    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    200%    200%    1200%    800%    500%    300%    100%    3000%    400%    900%    900%    900%    -    300%    1900%    100%    300%    300%    -    300%    -    1000%    400%    500%    1000%    200%    300%    2800%    200%    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    3%    0%    2%    3%    -    16%    -    2%    1%    2%    5%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    3%    -    -    5%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *        d            d*    **    **    **                kl                *        *    **    **    r*    **    **
    46    3100%    1500%    1600%    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    500%    800%    1000%    700%    200%    -    3100%    500%    800%    700%    1100%    -    500%    1500%    -    300%    700%    -    100%    -    1000%    600%    500%    700%    300%    500%    2500%    200%    200%    100%    100%    100%    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    4%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    2%    -    3%    6%    -    5%    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    9%    2%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    47    3300%    1800%    1500%    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    200%    -    1100%    1000%    500%    400%    200%    3100%    200%    900%    1200%    900%    100%    500%    1400%    500%    200%    500%    -    -    100%    900%    700%    1200%    300%    300%    600%    2700%    200%    300%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    3%    -    3%    2%    1%    2%    5%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    4%    -    -    18%    2%    2%    4%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    3%    -    3%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    48    3700%    2200%    1500%    -    -    -    -    3700%    -    -    -    -    3700%    -    200%    300%    1500%    700%    700%    300%    300%    3400%    500%    900%    1200%    1100%    -    400%    2800%    -    400%    100%    -    -    -    900%    1000%    1100%    600%    100%    400%    3300%    200%    300%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -
        2%    3%    2%    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    -    9%    -    2%    3%    4%    2%    2%    2%    7%    2%    2%    2%    3%    3%    -    2%    4%    -    3%    1%    -    -    -    2%    2%    3%    3%    1%    1%    3%    2%    2%    1%    3%    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d        d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    49    2500%    800%    1700%    -    -    -    -    2500%    -    -    -    -    2500%    -    100%    200%    1000%    300%    200%    600%    -    2500%    300%    1000%    800%    400%    -    400%    1200%    100%    100%    500%    100%    100%    -    900%    600%    400%    400%    300%    200%    2300%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    3%    -    2%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    0%    1%    5%    17%    4%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    10%
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *    d    d            d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    50    4000%    2700%    1300%    -    -    -    -    4000%    -    -    -    -    4000%    -    300%    300%    1500%    1200%    400%    300%    -    4000%    300%    600%    2100%    1000%    -    400%    3100%    -    300%    200%    -    -    -    700%    1100%    1100%    800%    200%    700%    3400%    100%    300%    200%    100%    -    200%    -    -
        3%    4%    2%    -    -    -    -    14%    -    -    -    -    10%    -    3%    2%    4%    3%    1%    2%    -    3%    1%    1%    4%    2%    -    2%    5%    -    3%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    4%    4%    1%    2%    3%    1%    2%    2%    2%    -    4%    -    -
            C        **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *        X        *    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    51    2200%    1000%    1200%    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    -    -    -    2200%    -    100%    100%    200%    800%    900%    100%    -    2200%    500%    900%    400%    400%    -    100%    1600%    -    100%    300%    -    100%    -    400%    500%    600%    500%    300%    200%    2000%    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    5%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    3%    1%    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    1%    -    1%    3%    -    1%    3%    -    5%    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    2%    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                Q        **        *                *        d            d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    52    3400%    1600%    1800%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    300%    400%    600%    500%    1000%    700%    -    3400%    600%    1000%    900%    800%    -    200%    2300%    100%    200%    600%    -    -    -    500%    1000%    900%    700%    300%    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    3%    3%    1%    1%    3%    4%    -    2%    3%    2%    2%    2%    -    1%    4%    0%    1%    5%    -    -    -    1%    2%    3%    3%    2%    -    3%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *                *        d            bd*    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    53    3400%    1600%    1800%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    300%    200%    1200%    700%    400%    500%    -    3400%    -    1400%    600%    1300%    100%    100%    1900%    300%    500%    300%    -    100%    -    900%    500%    300%    1100%    500%    200%    3100%    100%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    8%    -    3%    2%    3%    2%    1%    3%    -    2%    -    3%    1%    3%    1%    0%    3%    1%    4%    3%    -    6%    -    2%    1%    1%    5%    3%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *            Y    *        bd        bd    *    **    **    **                jkl                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    54    1100%    400%    700%    -    -    -    -    1100%    -    -    -    -    1100%    -    -    -    400%    400%    200%    -    -    1100%    -    700%    100%    200%    100%    200%    600%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    500%    100%    100%    200%    200%    200%    900%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    2%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    0%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *                        **        *    Y            *                d    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    55    2000%    1300%    700%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    300%    700%    400%    500%    100%    -    2000%    400%    400%    500%    700%    -    100%    1300%    400%    200%    100%    -    -    -    100%    800%    600%    300%    200%    200%    1900%    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    5%    -    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    0%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    0%    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    56    2000%    1000%    1000%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    2000%    -    100%    300%    600%    400%    400%    300%    -    2000%    -    800%    500%    700%    -    300%    1100%    300%    100%    200%    -    100%    -    600%    400%    400%    500%    100%    -    2000%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    5%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    5%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    57    2700%    1100%    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    2700%    -    400%    300%    400%    900%    500%    200%    -    2700%    600%    700%    600%    800%    -    300%    1400%    200%    500%    400%    -    100%    -    700%    1000%    500%    200%    300%    500%    2200%    -    300%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -
        2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    6%    -    5%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    -    1%    2%    0%    3%    3%    -    5%    -    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    -    3%    -    -    4%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                KLN        Q*                        **        *                *                d    d*    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    58    3000%    1700%    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    3000%    -    -    -    900%    2100%    400%    400%    600%    700%    500%    400%    -    3000%    200%    700%    1300%    900%    100%    400%    1600%    300%    100%    400%    -    -    -    600%    700%    900%    500%    300%    800%    2200%    400%    500%    200%    -    -    -    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    2%    4%    4%    3%    1%    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    3%    1%    1%    4%    -    -    -    1%    2%    3%    2%    2%    3%    2%    4%    4%    3%    -    -    -    3%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                L    KL    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    59    3400%    1600%    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    3400%    -    -    -    -    3400%    900%    100%    700%    500%    1000%    200%    -    3400%    600%    500%    1300%    900%    -    600%    1100%    600%    500%    600%    -    -    -    1200%    800%    700%    400%    200%    100%    3200%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    6%    9%    1%    2%    1%    3%    1%    -    2%    3%    1%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    2%    4%    5%    -    -    -    3%    2%    2%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    PQRST*                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    60    2000%    600%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    2000%    -    -    -    -    2000%    100%    100%    500%    600%    600%    100%    -    2000%    200%    600%    900%    300%    -    600%    700%    300%    -    400%    -    -    100%    300%    1000%    200%    300%    100%    100%    1900%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    -    4%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    3%    1%    1%    -    3%    -    -    14%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    0%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    61    3900%    1300%    2500%    100%    -    -    -    -    3900%    -    -    -    -    3900%    400%    400%    600%    900%    900%    800%    -    3900%    600%    900%    1500%    900%    -    600%    1000%    1000%    400%    600%    -    100%    200%    1500%    1000%    600%    100%    700%    200%    3700%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        2%    2%    3%    14%    -    -    -    -    14%    -    -    -    -    7%    5%    3%    1%    2%    3%    4%    -    3%    3%    2%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    3%    3%    6%    -    3%    33%    4%    2%    2%    1%    4%    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    10%
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *                    c*    **    **    **    m                m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    62    4100%    2500%    1600%    -    -    -    -    -    4100%    -    -    -    -    4100%    200%    600%    1500%    1200%    100%    400%    -    4100%    700%    1200%    1300%    800%    -    700%    1500%    1400%    200%    400%    -    -    -    1600%    1400%    200%    400%    500%    400%    3700%    300%    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -
        3%    3%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    15%    -    -    -    -    8%    2%    5%    4%    3%    0%    2%    -    3%    3%    3%    3%    2%    -    3%    2%    4%    1%    4%    -    -    -    4%    3%    1%    2%    3%    1%    3%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *    S    S    S            **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    l    l                        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    63    3100%    1600%    1500%    -    -    -    -    -    3100%    -    -    -    -    3100%    300%    100%    800%    900%    500%    400%    -    3100%    500%    600%    1400%    600%    -    700%    600%    1400%    200%    200%    -    -    -    900%    800%    400%    400%    600%    500%    2600%    200%    200%    100%    100%    -    100%    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    11%    -    -    -    -    6%    3%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    2%    1%    3%    1%    -    3%    1%    4%    2%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    1%    2%    4%    2%    2%    2%    1%    1%    3%    -    2%    6%    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *                        **        *                *    c        c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    64    1100%    800%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    1100%    -    -    -    -    1100%    -    100%    300%    500%    200%    100%    100%    1000%    -    300%    500%    300%    -    100%    100%    900%    -    -    -    -    100%    300%    500%    200%    100%    100%    200%    1000%    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    -    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    0%    2%    -    -    -    -    21%    1%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    -    2%    -    -
                    **                    EFGHJ                    LM    *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    65    2400%    1600%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    2400%    300%    100%    500%    500%    500%    400%    -    2400%    200%    500%    1000%    600%    -    200%    600%    1500%    -    -    -    -    -    600%    700%    200%    500%    300%    300%    2100%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    100%    100%    100%
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    4%    4%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    4%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    3%    -    3%    5%    14%
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            ce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    66    2600%    1300%    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2600%    -    -    -    2600%    300%    500%    700%    500%    100%    400%    -    2600%    500%    900%    1000%    300%    -    400%    400%    1800%    100%    -    -    -    -    600%    1400%    300%    200%    200%    200%    2400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    5%    3%    4%    2%    1%    0%    2%    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    5%    1%    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    13%
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    S*    S                    **        *                *            ce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    67    2400%    1200%    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2400%    -    -    -    2400%    100%    400%    600%    700%    400%    200%    -    2400%    300%    700%    1000%    400%    -    500%    500%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    600%    1300%    300%    100%    100%    100%    2300%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    7%    -    -    -    5%    1%    3%    2%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    4%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            ce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    68    3300%    1400%    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    3300%    100%    200%    1000%    900%    500%    500%    -    3300%    700%    1500%    700%    500%    -    200%    400%    2700%    -    -    -    -    -    700%    1600%    600%    200%    200%    300%    3000%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    6%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    3%    3%    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    8%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    2%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    22%
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *    Z            *            abcef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    69    3300%    2100%    1100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3300%    -    -    -    3300%    100%    300%    1100%    400%    600%    700%    -    3300%    1000%    1000%    900%    300%    -    100%    200%    2900%    100%    -    -    -    -    1300%    1100%    400%    200%    300%    700%    2600%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    200%    -
        2%    3%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    6%    1%    3%    3%    1%    2%    4%    -    2%    5%    2%    2%    1%    -    0%    0%    8%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    2%    1%    1%    2%    3%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    10%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                    R    **        Z*                *            abcef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    70    2100%    1100%    900%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2100%    -    -    -    2100%    200%    100%    900%    400%    200%    200%    -    2100%    500%    600%    700%    200%    -    200%    200%    1500%    100%    -    100%    -    -    1000%    300%    300%    -    500%    300%    1800%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    4%    3%    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    0%    4%    1%    -    32%    -    -    2%    1%    1%    -    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bc        *    **    **    **    km                km            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    71    2700%    1300%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2700%    -    -    -    2700%    200%    300%    900%    500%    500%    400%    -    2700%    200%    1000%    1200%    300%    -    100%    100%    2400%    -    -    -    -    100%    600%    900%    400%    300%    500%    200%    2500%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -
        2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    -    -    5%    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    2%    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    1%    -    1%    0%    7%    -    -    -    -    15%    2%    2%    1%    2%    3%    1%    2%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    4%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *        Z        *            abcef        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    72    1500%    1200%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1500%    -    -    -    1500%    -    100%    600%    300%    100%    400%    -    1500%    400%    600%    500%    -    -    -    -    1400%    -    -    -    100%    -    200%    600%    200%    400%    200%    500%    1000%    500%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    3%    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    6%    -    0%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    4%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
            C        **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *    Z    Z        *            bce        *    **    **    **                                r*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    73    1900%    1100%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    1900%    100%    500%    600%    400%    200%    200%    -    1900%    -    800%    700%    400%    -    -    -    1900%    -    -    -    -    -    600%    700%    300%    200%    100%    200%    1600%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    -    -    4%    1%    4%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *    RS                    **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    74    1600%    1100%    500%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1600%    -    -    -    1600%    100%    100%    700%    200%    500%    -    -    1600%    -    700%    600%    400%    -    100%    100%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    500%    700%    200%    100%    100%    100%    1500%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    3%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    0%    4%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    0%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    75    1500%    1200%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1500%    -    -    -    1500%    200%    -    500%    400%    500%    -    -    1500%    500%    600%    400%    -    -    100%    -    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    900%    100%    -    400%    200%    1400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    2%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    3%    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    0%    -    4%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    2%    0%    -    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
            C        **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        Z*    Z    Z        *            bce        *    **    **    **        j            jlm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    76    1800%    900%    900%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1800%    -    -    -    1800%    300%    100%    400%    500%    300%    200%    -    1800%    -    700%    800%    300%    -    100%    -    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    500%    700%    200%    300%    100%    100%    1700%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    -    3%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    -    0%    -    5%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                KLM    *                        **        *                *            bce        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    77    1300%    700%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1300%    -    -    -    1300%    -    100%    400%    200%    300%    300%    -    1300%    200%    800%    100%    200%    -    -    -    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    400%    400%    300%    -    200%    -    1300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    0%    1%    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                LM    *                        **        *    Y            *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    78    1000%    600%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1000%    -    -    -    1000%    200%    -    100%    400%    100%    200%    -    1000%    -    300%    400%    300%    -    -    100%    900%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    400%    200%    100%    200%    200%    800%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    2%    2%    -    0%    1%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    0%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        EFGHI                LM    *                        **        *                *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    79    1300%    1000%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1300%    -    -    -    1300%    -    200%    200%    400%    100%    400%    -    1300%    600%    300%    300%    -    -    -    -    1200%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    400%    400%    300%    100%    100%    1200%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    2%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    4%    -    0%    1%    1%    1%    0%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -
            C        **                        EFGHI                LM    *                        **        Z*                *            bc        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    80    500%    200%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    500%    -    -    -    500%    -    -    200%    100%    -    300%    -    500%    300%    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    500%    -    -    -    -    -    400%    -    100%    100%    -    -    500%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    0%    0%    -    1%    -    0%    1%    0%    -    0%    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    0%    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        HI                M    *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    81    900%    700%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    900%    -    -    -    900%    100%    100%    200%    300%    200%    -    -    900%    200%    400%    200%    -    -    100%    -    800%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    300%    200%    100%    100%    -    900%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                        FGHI                LM    *                        **        *    Z            *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    82    400%    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    400%    -    -    -    400%    -    -    300%    100%    -    -    -    400%    -    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    400%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    100%    100%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    1%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    0%    -    1%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    83    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    84    500%    300%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    500%    -    -    -    500%    -    -    100%    -    200%    200%    -    500%    -    300%    100%    200%    -    -    100%    500%    -    -    -    -    -    300%    200%    100%    -    -    200%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    0%    -    1%    1%    -    0%    -    1%    0%    0%    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    0%    0%    -    -    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    14%
                    **                        HI                M    *                        **        *                *            c        *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    85    200%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    86    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        0%    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    *    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    92    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
        *    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    *    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Mean    4770%    5049%    4520%    3021%    2073%    2971%    3912%    4918%    5964%    7184%    2140%    3403%    4971%    6780%    5169%    4916%    4946%    4559%    4525%    4981%    3179%    4808%    4872%    4852%    4992%    4387%    2270%    4177%    4297%    6896%    4074%    4618%    4418%    4655%    6053%    4721%    4963%    4558%    4707%    4836%    4097%    4911%    4016%    3637%    3310%    3433%    3246%    3658%    4890%    5895%
            C        **        E    EF    EFG    EFGH    EFGHI        K    KL    KLM    RS*    S    RS            RS    **        Z*    Z    Z        *    a    a    abcef    a    abce*    **    **    **        l                    o    s*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Median    4800%    5000%    4500%    2363%    2100%    3000%    3900%    4900%    6000%    7100%    2200%    3400%    5000%    6700%    5700%    5026%    4900%    4500%    4300%    5050%    2900%    4800%    5000%    5000%    5000%    4138%    2000%    4087%    4300%    6900%    3900%    4740%    4307%    4500%    6100%    4757%    5000%    4500%    4700%    5187%    3600%    5000%    3600%    3400%    3047%    3278%    3300%    3526%    5597%    6549%
    Sum    7641289%    3881119%    3747476%    12694%    380283%    768601%    997684%    1459118%    1629087%    2406516%    460124%    1466665%    2107075%    3607426%    485247%    643462%    2097273%    1942935%    1515720%    956653%    120099%    7521190%    1038087%    2238439%    2439037%    1925726%    211723%    866186%    2846827%    2535542%    549120%    491691%    17152%    78265%    29123%    2058539%    2376078%    1460041%    996822%    749810%    1138758%    6502531%    423338%    541075%    232558%    121169%    37101%    130416%    91148%    40135%
    Standard deviation    1746%    1696%    1751%    1627%    207%    276%    266%    271%    261%    511%    250%    448%    435%    674%    1630%    1723%    1715%    1755%    1716%    1821%    1130%    1741%    1875%    1901%    1688%    1503%    783%    1685%    1227%    865%    1285%    1187%    2257%    1327%    804%    1819%    1795%    1619%    1497%    1905%    1713%    1720%    1587%    1382%    1292%    1185%    768%    1214%    1981%    2076%
    Standard e
or    44%    65%    58%    814%    17%    18%    16%    15%    15%    28%    19%    22%    20%    29%    163%    144%    83%    87%    89%    149%    203%    44%    206%    91%    72%    65%    94%    114%    47%    45%    114%    125%    1129%    322%    328%    90%    82%    88%    99%    154%    103%    47%    154%    115%    154%    209%    222%    200%    454%    734%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    QUOTAGERANGE. Summarized Age Ranges
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    18-24    18300%    5200%    12900%    300%    18300%    -    -    -    -    -    18300%    -    -    -    800%    1200%    4200%    6000%    4000%    2100%    1500%    16800%    2900%    8700%    4100%    2800%    7400%    4900%    4000%    100%    1300%    400%    100%    100%    -    5900%    4500%    3400%    1700%    2800%    5300%    13100%    1600%    3700%    2300%    1200%    100%    500%    200%    100%    4710%
        12%    7%    16%    64%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    85%    -    -    -    9%    9%    10%    14%    12%    11%    40%    11%    13%    19%    8%    6%    80%    23%    6%    0%    9%    4%    27%    6%    -    14%    9%    11%    8%    18%    19%    10%    15%    25%    33%    33%    10%    14%    12%    18%    21%
                B    **    FGHIJ                        LMN                *                        **        Z*    YZ            bcdef*    cdef    d        d    d*    **    **    **                    klm    p        *        q*    **    **    *    **    **
    25-34    25900%    10900%    14900%    -    -    25900%    -    -    -    -    3200%    22700%    -    -    700%    2100%    5500%    7100%    7300%    3100%    600%    25200%    3300%    3600%    6200%    12700%    1000%    3200%    15600%    -    3600%    2000%    100%    300%    -    8000%    7800%    5800%    2900%    1400%    7200%    18700%    3200%    3900%    2200%    900%    600%    1200%    400%    -    6946%
        16%    14%    18%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    15%    53%    -    -    7%    16%    13%    17%    22%    16%    17%    16%    16%    8%    13%    29%    10%    16%    24%    -    27%    19%    24%    21%    -    18%    16%    18%    14%    9%    26%    14%    31%    26%    32%    27%    55%    34%    21%    -    23%
                    **        EGHIJ                    MN    KMN            *    O        O    OQ        **        X*        X    WXY    d*    d    abd        abd    d*    **    **    **    n    n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    35-44    25500%    12500%    12900%    100%    -    -    25500%    -    -    -    -    20400%    5100%    -    1400%    1800%    6300%    7800%    6000%    2200%    1000%    24500%    2400%    6100%    8500%    8500%    600%    3400%    15400%    600%    3500%    1500%    -    200%    -    5000%    7700%    6600%    4200%    2000%    5400%    20100%    2200%    3700%    1200%    800%    300%    900%    300%    -    6603%
        16%    16%    16%    23%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    47%    12%    -    15%    14%    15%    18%    18%    12%    26%    16%    11%    13%    17%    19%    7%    17%    23%    2%    26%    14%    -    14%    -    12%    16%    21%    20%    13%    20%    15%    21%    25%    17%    22%    26%    25%    16%    -    20%
                    **            EFHIJ                    KMN    KN        *                        **        *            X    d*    d    abd        ad    d*    **    **    **            j    j                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    45-54    29700%    15300%    14400%    -    -    -    -    29700%    -    -    -    -    29700%    -    1600%    2100%    9500%    7500%    5400%    3600%    600%    29100%    3300%    9100%    9000%    8200%    200%    3000%    18400%    1100%    2700%    3400%    100%    600%    100%    7700%    6500%    6700%    6200%    2500%    3200%    26500%    1100%    1600%    700%    400%    100%    600%    -    100%    7533%
        19%    20%    17%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    70%    -    18%    16%    22%    18%    16%    19%    15%    19%    15%    20%    19%    19%    3%    15%    28%    3%    20%    32%    17%    37%    18%    18%    14%    21%    29%    16%    12%    20%    11%    11%    9%    10%    9%    17%    -    10%    20%
                    **                EFGIJ                    KLN        *        S                **        *                *    ad    abd        ad    abd*    **    **    **            k    jkln            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    55-64    27300%    13500%    13700%    100%    -    -    -    -    27300%    -    -    -    7600%    19700%    2800%    2900%    6600%    6900%    5100%    3100%    100%    27200%    3900%    6700%    9800%    7000%    100%    4200%    10300%    6700%    2200%    3300%    -    200%    300%    7800%    8500%    4700%    3200%    3200%    2900%    24400%    1400%    1400%    500%    200%    -    300%    300%    100%    6768%
        17%    18%    17%    14%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    18%    37%    30%    22%    16%    16%    15%    16%    3%    17%    18%    15%    20%    16%    1%    20%    16%    18%    16%    31%    -    13%    68%    18%    18%    15%    15%    20%    11%    18%    13%    9%    7%    6%    -    7%    18%    10%    19%
                    **                    EFGHJ                KL    KLM    QRST*                        **        *        X        *    a    a    a    a    acde*    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    65+    33500%    19500%    14000%    -    -    -    -    -    -    33500%    -    -    -    33500%    2100%    3000%    10300%    7300%    5600%    5200%    -    33500%    5500%    11900%    11300%    4700%    -    2000%    2600%    28300%    300%    -    100%    200%    100%    9200%    12900%    4800%    3000%    3600%    3800%    29700%    1000%    600%    200%    100%    -    100%    600%    400%    9135%
        21%    25%    17%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    63%    23%    23%    24%    17%    17%    27%    -    21%    26%    26%    23%    11%    -    10%    4%    77%    2%    -    32%    10%    15%    21%    27%    15%    14%    24%    14%    22%    9%    4%    2%    3%    -    3%    33%    63%    23%
            C        **                        EFGHI                KLM    *        RS            RS    **        Z*    Z    Z        *    acef        abcef        *    **    **    **    lm    lm            lm        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Gender Nonbinary
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Male    76900%    76900%    -    -    5200%    10900%    12500%    15300%    13500%    19500%    6300%    19700%    21900%    28900%    3900%    6500%    20200%    19800%    16800%    9700%    1900%    75000%    11300%    22300%    21200%    22200%    2900%    7400%    35700%    20200%    5300%    5000%    100%    -    300%    19000%    24100%    17300%    11600%    5000%    14300%    62600%    5800%    8700%    3800%    2300%    600%    2300%    700%    100%    16881%
        48%    100%    -    -    28%    42%    49%    52%    50%    58%    30%    46%    52%    54%    42%    50%    48%    46%    50%    50%    50%    48%    53%    48%    43%    51%    32%    36%    54%    55%    39%    47%    32%    -    56%    44%    50%    54%    55%    32%    52%    47%    55%    58%    54%    66%    50%    65%    35%    13%    48%
            C        **        E    E    EF    E    EFGI        K    K    KL    *                        **        *            Y    *        abe    abe        *    **    **    **    n    n    jn    jn                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Female    82900%    -    82900%    -    12900%    14900%    12900%    14400%    13700%    14000%    14900%    23300%    20400%    24300%    5500%    6500%    22100%    22700%    16700%    9500%    1900%    81000%    10000%    23700%    27500%    21700%    6200%    13300%    30500%    16600%    8200%    5700%    300%    1600%    200%    24600%    23800%    14700%    9600%    10300%    13500%    69400%    4800%    6200%    3200%    1200%    600%    1200%    1200%    600%    17663%
        52%    -    100%    -    70%    58%    51%    49%    50%    42%    69%    54%    48%    46%    58%    50%    52%    53%    50%    50%    50%    52%    47%    51%    56%    49%    67%    64%    46%    45%    61%    53%    69%    94%    44%    56%    50%    46%    45%    67%    49%    52%    45%    42%    46%    34%    50%    35%    65%    87%    55%
                B    **    FGHIJ    HJ    J        J        LMN    N            *                        **        *        Z        cd*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **    lm                klm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Another gender    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    133%
        0%    -    -    36%    -    -    0%    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    0%    -    1%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    3%
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Prefer not to answer    300%    -    -    300%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    200%    -    -    -    300%    -    200%    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    200%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    214%
        0%    -    -    64%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    0%    0%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%    -    0%    -    -    -    1%    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    6%
                    **                            LMN                *                        **        *                cd*                    *    **    **    **                    k            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Male    77100%    76900%    -    300%    5300%    10900%    12600%    15300%    13500%    19500%    6500%    19800%    21900%    28900%    3900%    6600%    20200%    19900%    16800%    9700%    1900%    75200%    11300%    22400%    21200%    22200%    3100%    7400%    35700%    20200%    5300%    5000%    100%    -    300%    19000%    24100%    17400%    11600%    5200%    14300%    62800%    5800%    8700%    3800%    2300%    600%    2300%    700%    100%
        48%    100%    -    63%    29%    42%    49%    52%    50%    58%    30%    46%    52%    54%    42%    50%    48%    47%    50%    50%    50%    48%    53%    49%    44%    51%    33%    36%    54%    55%    39%    47%    32%    -    56%    44%    50%    54%    55%    34%    52%    47%    55%    58%    54%    66%    50%    65%    35%    13%    49%
            C        **        E    E    EF    E    EFGI        K    K    KL    *                        **        *            Y    *        abe    abe        *    **    **    **        n    jn    jn                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Female    83100%    -    82900%    200%    13000%    14900%    12900%    14400%    13800%    14000%    15000%    23300%    20400%    24400%    5500%    6500%    22200%    22700%    16700%    9500%    1900%    81200%    10000%    23700%    27600%    21700%    6200%    13300%    30500%    16600%    8200%    5700%    300%    1700%    200%    24700%    23800%    14700%    9600%    10300%    13500%    69600%    4800%    6200%    3200%    1200%    600%    1200%    1200%    600%    17335%
        52%    -    100%    38%    71%    58%    51%    49%    51%    42%    70%    54%    48%    46%    58%    50%    52%    53%    50%    50%    50%    52%    47%    51%    57%    50%    67%    64%    46%    45%    61%    53%    69%    100%    44%    57%    50%    46%    45%    67%    49%    53%    45%    42%    46%    34%    50%    35%    65%    87%    54%
                B    **    FGHIJ    HJ    J        J        LMN    N            *                        **        *        Z        cd*    cd            cd    *    **    **    **    lm                klm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    CA Region
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    North    9400%    3900%    5500%    -    800%    700%    1400%    1600%    2800%    2100%    1000%    1700%    2400%    4200%    9400%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    9300%    1600%    2800%    3300%    1700%    500%    1400%    2500%    2700%    1100%    1100%    -    -    -    4300%    1900%    1500%    600%    1200%    1700%    7600%    300%    1000%    200%    200%    -    100%    300%    -
        6%    5%    7%    -    5%    3%    5%    6%    10%    6%    5%    4%    6%    8%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    6%    8%    6%    7%    4%    6%    7%    4%    7%    8%    11%    -    -    -    10%    4%    5%    3%    8%    6%    6%    3%    6%    3%    6%    -    3%    18%    -    8%
                    **                    FGH    F                L    PQRST*                        **        *        Z        *            c    c    c*    **    **    **    klm                m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Central    13100%    6500%    6500%    100%    1200%    2100%    1800%    2100%    2900%    3000%    1400%    3200%    3700%    4700%    -    13100%    -    -    -    -    -    13100%    1800%    2900%    6000%    2400%    600%    1500%    5300%    3100%    800%    1500%    -    100%    100%    4100%    4500%    2700%    800%    1000%    2200%    10900%    800%    1400%    400%    200%    100%    400%    300%    200%
        8%    9%    8%    23%    6%    8%    7%    7%    10%    9%    7%    7%    9%    9%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    8%    6%    12%    6%    7%    7%    8%    8%    6%    15%    -    4%    14%    9%    10%    8%    4%    6%    8%    8%    8%    9%    5%    5%    6%    12%    15%    23%    11%
                    **                                            *    OQRST                    **        *        XZ        *                    *    **    **    **    m    m    m                    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    East    19200%    9700%    9500%    -    2100%    3100%    2200%    3600%    3100%    5200%    2500%    4400%    4900%    7500%    -    -    -    -    -    19200%    300%    18900%    2800%    4100%    6300%    6000%    1000%    2200%    7500%    5700%    1500%    1200%    100%    -    -    4700%    5600%    3400%    3300%    2200%    2500%    16700%    1100%    800%    400%    400%    100%    -    100%    300%
        12%    13%    12%    -    11%    12%    9%    12%    11%    15%    12%    10%    12%    14%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    7%    12%    13%    9%    13%    14%    11%    10%    11%    15%    11%    12%    32%    -    -    11%    12%    11%    16%    14%    9%    13%    11%    6%    6%    11%    12%    -    6%    46%    15%
                    **                        G                    *                    OPQRS    **        *        X    X    *                    *    **    **    **                                v*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Southwest    42400%    20200%    22100%    100%    4200%    5500%    6300%    9500%    6600%    10300%    4500%    10400%    12400%    15200%    -    -    42400%    -    -    -    700%    41700%    6200%    14400%    14000%    7800%    1500%    5800%    15600%    10900%    4200%    3300%    -    1000%    200%    12500%    14500%    7100%    4200%    4100%    5500%    36900%    2500%    2200%    1800%    1100%    300%    600%    600%    100%
        27%    26%    27%    24%    23%    21%    25%    32%    24%    31%    21%    24%    29%    29%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    18%    27%    29%    31%    29%    18%    16%    28%    24%    30%    31%    31%    -    57%    32%    29%    30%    22%    20%    27%    20%    28%    24%    15%    26%    31%    22%    18%    31%    11%    28%
                    **                FI        F            K        *        OPRST                **        Z*    Z    Z        *            ac    a    *    **    **    **    m    lm                    o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    GTA 905    42600%    19800%    22700%    200%    6000%    7100%    7800%    7500%    6900%    7300%    7300%    12600%    10500%    12300%    -    -    -    42600%    -    -    1400%    41200%    3700%    13500%    11700%    13800%    3300%    5800%    21000%    8700%    2200%    1000%    -    300%    100%    8900%    11100%    10600%    7800%    4200%    8200%    34400%    3000%    4500%    1900%    900%    300%    1200%    300%    100%
        27%    26%    27%    40%    33%    28%    31%    25%    25%    22%    34%    29%    25%    23%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    38%    26%    17%    29%    24%    31%    35%    28%    32%    24%    17%    9%    -    21%    21%    20%    23%    33%    37%    27%    30%    26%    28%    30%    26%    25%    25%    33%    17%    12%    28%
                    **    J        J                MN                *            OPQST            **        *    W        WY    ef*    ef    def    f        *    **    **    **            jk    jk                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    GTA 416    33500%    16800%    16700%    100%    4000%    7300%    6000%    5400%    5100%    5600%    4900%    10900%    8500%    9200%    -    -    -    -    33500%    -    1300%    32200%    5400%    8500%    7500%    12200%    2300%    4200%    14300%    5700%    3700%    2500%    300%    300%    200%    9200%    10300%    6700%    4500%    2800%    7600%    25900%    2800%    5000%    2400%    800%    400%    1200%    200%    100%
        21%    22%    20%    14%    22%    28%    24%    18%    19%    17%    23%    25%    20%    17%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    35%    21%    25%    19%    15%    28%    25%    20%    22%    16%    27%    23%    69%    18%    33%    21%    22%    21%    21%    18%    27%    20%    27%    34%    34%    23%    35%    34%    13%    10%    25%
                    **        HIJ    J                    N            *                OPQRT        **        Y*            XY    *        d        d    *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    CAEDU2. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â 
    Primary school or less    1800%    1800%    -    -    -    400%    300%    300%    200%    600%    -    700%    300%    800%    -    -    500%    300%    500%    400%    300%    1500%    1800%    -    -    -    -    -    500%    600%    400%    200%    -    -    -    400%    300%    500%    300%    200%    300%    1500%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    621%
        1%    2%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    1%    2%    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    7%    1%    8%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    3%    2%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%
            C        **                                            *                        **        XYZ*                *                bc    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Some high school    19500%    9500%    10000%    -    2900%    2900%    2100%    3000%    3700%    5000%    2900%    5000%    4000%    7600%    1600%    1800%    5600%    3400%    4900%    2300%    500%    19000%    19500%    -    -    -    2100%    900%    4400%    5700%    2100%    3900%    -    400%    -    9000%    6200%    1200%    500%    2600%    2400%    17200%    900%    1400%    400%    400%    -    -    200%    -    4844%
        12%    12%    12%    -    16%    11%    8%    10%    13%    15%    13%    12%    10%    14%    17%    14%    13%    8%    15%    12%    15%    12%    92%    -    -    -    22%    5%    7%    16%    15%    37%    -    27%    -    21%    13%    4%    3%    17%    9%    13%    9%    9%    5%    11%    -    -    10%    -    15%
                    **    G                    G                M    R*        R        R        **        XYZ*                bc*            bc    bc    bcde*    **    **    **    klm    lm            lm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Graduated high school    46100%    22300%    23700%    200%    8700%    3600%    6100%    9100%    6700%    11900%    9100%    7400%    13100%    16500%    2800%    2900%    14400%    13500%    8500%    4100%    1600%    44600%    -    46100%    -    -    4300%    6500%    13600%    12600%    5500%    2800%    200%    500%    100%    15500%    14300%    7900%    3800%    4600%    7300%    38800%    2200%    3700%    2100%    1200%    300%    1000%    600%    -    10270%
        29%    29%    29%    40%    47%    14%    24%    31%    25%    36%    42%    17%    31%    31%    30%    22%    34%    32%    25%    21%    42%    29%    -    100%    -    -    46%    31%    21%    34%    41%    27%    52%    32%    16%    36%    30%    25%    18%    30%    26%    29%    21%    25%    29%    33%    22%    28%    34%    -    31%
                    **    FGHIJ        F    F    F    FGI    LMN        L    L    *        PST    PT            **        *    WYZ            bcf*    c        c    c    *    **    **    **    lm    m            m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Some college / CEGEP / Trade School    14200%    6200%    8000%    -    1300%    1600%    1800%    2200%    4100%    3100%    1400%    3000%    3100%    6700%    700%    1700%    4400%    3900%    2000%    1600%    100%    14100%    -    -    14200%    -    400%    2200%    4600%    4000%    1100%    1400%    -    300%    200%    5000%    4400%    2500%    1100%    1100%    2300%    11900%    1200%    800%    400%    200%    -    500%    100%    300%    3305%
        9%    8%    10%    -    7%    6%    7%    8%    15%    9%    7%    7%    7%    13%    7%    13%    10%    9%    6%    8%    2%    9%    -    -    29%    -    4%    10%    7%    11%    8%    13%    -    20%    39%    12%    9%    8%    5%    7%    8%    9%    11%    6%    6%    5%    -    14%    5%    44%    11%
                    **                    EFGHJ                    KLM    *    S    S                **        *        WXZ        *            c        *    **    **    **    m                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Graduated from college / CEGEP / Trade School    27100%    11700%    15300%    100%    1000%    3900%    5700%    5800%    5000%    5800%    1400%    8200%    8100%    9500%    2200%    3500%    8200%    5700%    4200%    3300%    400%    26700%    -    -    27100%    -    500%    4200%    12800%    6500%    1300%    1500%    100%    100%    100%    5700%    8700%    6500%    3500%    2800%    4800%    22400%    1700%    2000%    1100%    600%    300%    900%    700%    200%    5934%
        17%    15%    18%    23%    5%    15%    23%    20%    18%    17%    6%    19%    19%    18%    24%    26%    20%    13%    13%    17%    10%    17%    -    -    56%    -    5%    20%    19%    18%    10%    14%    17%    8%    29%    13%    18%    20%    16%    18%    17%    17%    17%    14%    15%    17%    26%    25%    39%    25%    18%
                    **        E    EF    E    E    E        K    K    K    RS*    RS    RS                **        *        WXZ        *    ae    ae    a        *    **    **    **            j                    *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Some university, but did not finish    7500%    3200%    4200%    100%    1800%    700%    900%    1000%    700%    2400%    2100%    1000%    1400%    3000%    400%    800%    1400%    2100%    1300%    1500%    100%    7500%    -    -    7500%    -    800%    1500%    2100%    2300%    500%    100%    100%    100%    -    1900%    2400%    1700%    600%    900%    2200%    5300%    600%    1500%    200%    100%    100%    200%    -    100%    1731%
        5%    4%    5%    24%    10%    3%    4%    3%    3%    7%    10%    2%    3%    6%    4%    6%    3%    5%    4%    8%    2%    5%    -    -    15%    -    9%    7%    3%    6%    4%    1%    32%    6%    -    4%    5%    5%    3%    6%    8%    4%    6%    10%    4%    3%    6%    6%    -    14%    6%
                    **    FGHI                    FI    LM            L    *                        **        *        WXZ        cf*    cf        c        *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    University undergraduate degree    27700%    12900%    14700%    -    2100%    7700%    5300%    4900%    4100%    3500%    3500%    10500%    7400%    6300%    1100%    1700%    5500%    7700%    7800%    3700%    500%    27200%    -    -    -    27700%    1000%    3800%    17000%    3900%    1200%    500%    -    100%    100%    4100%    7500%    7400%    7100%    1600%    4600%    23000%    2000%    2400%    1700%    700%    200%    600%    100%    100%    6316%
        17%    17%    18%    -    12%    30%    21%    17%    15%    11%    16%    24%    18%    12%    12%    13%    13%    18%    23%    19%    12%    17%    -    -    -    63%    11%    18%    26%    11%    9%    5%    -    7%    17%    9%    16%    23%    34%    11%    17%    17%    19%    16%    24%    19%    19%    17%    4%    18%    17%
                    **        EGHIJ    EJ    J                MN    N        *                OPQ        **        *            WXY    *    def    abdef            *    **    **    **        j    jkn    jkln                *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    University graduate degree    16200%    9300%    6900%    100%    600%    5000%    3200%    3300%    2800%    1200%    1100%    7300%    5000%    2800%    500%    700%    2300%    6000%    4300%    2300%    400%    15800%    -    -    -    16200%    300%    1700%    11200%    1400%    1300%    100%    -    -    -    2000%    4000%    4200%    4300%    1700%    4000%    12300%    1900%    2800%    1100%    500%    300%    300%    100%    -    3926%
        10%    12%    8%    14%    4%    19%    13%    11%    10%    4%    5%    17%    12%    5%    6%    5%    6%    14%    13%    12%    10%    10%    -    -    -    37%    4%    8%    17%    4%    10%    1%    -    -    -    5%    8%    13%    20%    11%    14%    9%    18%    19%    16%    13%    26%    10%    7%    -    11%
            C        **        EHIJ    EJ    EJ    EJ            KMN    KN        *            OPQ    PQ    Q    **        *            WXY    *    df    abdf        df    *    **    **    **        j    jk    jkln    j    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    CAEDU2_Hidden Education Check
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Less than HS    21300%    11300%    10000%    -    2900%    3300%    2400%    3300%    3900%    5500%    2900%    5700%    4300%    8400%    1600%    1800%    6200%    3700%    5400%    2800%    800%    20500%    21300%    -    -    -    2100%    900%    4900%    6200%    2500%    4200%    -    400%    -    9400%    6500%    1700%    800%    2800%    2600%    18700%    900%    1600%    400%    400%    -    -    200%    -    5280%
        13%    15%    12%    -    16%    13%    9%    11%    14%    17%    13%    13%    10%    16%    17%    14%    15%    9%    16%    14%    21%    13%    100%    -    -    -    22%    5%    7%    17%    19%    39%    -    27%    -    22%    14%    5%    4%    18%    9%    14%    9%    11%    5%    11%    -    -    10%    -    16%
                    **                        G                M    R*        R        R        **        XYZ*                bc*            bc    bc    abcde*    **    **    **    klm    lm            lm            *    v    *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    HS    46100%    22300%    23700%    200%    8700%    3600%    6100%    9100%    6700%    11900%    9100%    7400%    13100%    16500%    2800%    2900%    14400%    13500%    8500%    4100%    1600%    44600%    -    46100%    -    -    4300%    6500%    13600%    12600%    5500%    2800%    200%    500%    100%    15500%    14300%    7900%    3800%    4600%    7300%    38800%    2200%    3700%    2100%    1200%    300%    1000%    600%    -    10270%
        29%    29%    29%    40%    47%    14%    24%    31%    25%    36%    42%    17%    31%    31%    30%    22%    34%    32%    25%    21%    42%    29%    -    100%    -    -    46%    31%    21%    34%    41%    27%    52%    32%    16%    36%    30%    25%    18%    30%    26%    29%    21%    25%    29%    33%    22%    28%    34%    -    31%
                    **    FGHIJ        F    F    F    FGI    LMN        L    L    *        PST    PT            **        *    WYZ            bcf*    c        c    c    *    **    **    **    lm    m            m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    College or some University    48900%    21200%    27500%    200%    4100%    6200%    8500%    9000%    9800%    11300%    4900%    12200%    12600%    19200%    3300%    6000%    14000%    11700%    7500%    6300%    500%    48300%    -    -    48900%    -    1700%    7800%    19500%    12700%    2900%    3000%    200%    600%    300%    12600%    15500%    10800%    5200%    4800%    9200%    39600%    3500%    4400%    1700%    900%    400%    1600%    800%    600%    10689%
        31%    28%    33%    47%    22%    24%    33%    30%    36%    34%    23%    28%    30%    36%    36%    46%    33%    27%    22%    33%    15%    31%    -    -    100%    -    18%    38%    29%    35%    22%    28%    49%    34%    67%    29%    33%    34%    24%    31%    33%    30%    34%    29%    25%    25%    32%    45%    44%    82%    35%
                B    **            EF        EF    EF                KLM    S*    QRST    S            S    **        *        WXZ        *    ace        ae        *    **    **    **        m    m                    *        *    **    **    s*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    University or higher    43900%    22200%    21700%    100%    2800%    12700%    8500%    8200%    7000%    4700%    4700%    17800%    12400%    9000%    1700%    2400%    7800%    13800%    12200%    6000%    800%    43100%    -    -    -    43900%    1300%    5500%    28300%    5300%    2600%    600%    -    100%    100%    6100%    11500%    11600%    11400%    3300%    8600%    35300%    3900%    5200%    2800%    1100%    500%    900%    200%    100%    9863%
        27%    29%    26%    14%    15%    49%    33%    28%    26%    14%    22%    41%    29%    17%    18%    19%    19%    32%    36%    31%    22%    28%    -    -    -    100%    14%    27%    43%    14%    19%    6%    -    7%    17%    14%    24%    36%    54%    21%    31%    27%    37%    35%    41%    32%    45%    26%    11%    18%    28%
                    **        EGHIJ    EJ    EJ    EJ            KMN    N        *            OPQ    OPQ    OPQ    **        *            WXY    *    df    abdef        f    *    **    **    **        j    jkn    jkln                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q24a Please select the response that you feel best describes your ethnic/cultural background
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Aboriginal / First Nations / Métis    4000%    1400%    2600%    -    800%    800%    500%    1000%    700%    200%    800%    1200%    1200%    600%    1100%    200%    1500%    100%    400%    600%    500%    3500%    500%    2000%    1100%    400%    300%    400%    1500%    300%    1000%    400%    -    100%    -    1700%    900%    500%    300%    600%    1200%    2700%    400%    300%    400%    300%    100%    200%    300%    -    904%
        3%    2%    3%    -    4%    3%    2%    3%    3%    1%    4%    3%    3%    1%    12%    2%    4%    0%    1%    3%    12%    2%    2%    4%    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    1%    8%    4%    -    5%    -    4%    2%    2%    2%    4%    4%    2%    3%    2%    6%    10%    12%    6%    19%    -    4%
                    **    J    J        J    J        N                PQRST*        R            R    **        *    Z            *                bcd    *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    African    5800%    2600%    3200%    -    1800%    1800%    1100%    200%    500%    400%    2200%    2200%    600%    700%    100%    -    1100%    1300%    2000%    1200%    400%    5300%    1000%    2300%    1200%    1300%    1000%    1100%    2200%    300%    1000%    -    -    100%    -    2600%    1800%    300%    500%    600%    1500%    4300%    500%    800%    600%    400%    200%    500%    100%    -    1380%
        4%    3%    4%    -    10%    7%    5%    1%    2%    1%    10%    5%    1%    1%    1%    -    3%    3%    6%    6%    11%    3%    5%    5%    2%    3%    11%    5%    3%    1%    8%    -    -    5%    -    6%    4%    1%    2%    4%    5%    3%    5%    5%    8%    10%    20%    14%    7%    -    5%
                    **    HIJ    HIJ    HJ                LMN    MN            *                OPQ    P    **        *    Y            cdf*    df    d        cdf    *    **    **    **    lm    l            l            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    British (English / Scottish / Welsh / Irish)    29000%    13300%    15600%    100%    2000%    3300%    3200%    5600%    6000%    9000%    2300%    5900%    7000%    13800%    1700%    3300%    8000%    6800%    4800%    4500%    100%    29000%    4200%    8400%    9700%    6700%    1000%    3600%    10300%    9200%    1900%    2400%    100%    500%    -    9600%    8500%    5200%    3900%    1800%    3800%    25300%    1300%    1000%    600%    200%    300%    300%    200%    400%    6014%
        18%    17%    19%    24%    11%    13%    13%    19%    22%    27%    11%    14%    17%    26%    19%    25%    19%    16%    14%    23%    2%    19%    20%    18%    20%    15%    11%    18%    16%    25%    14%    22%    32%    30%    -    22%    18%    16%    18%    12%    14%    19%    13%    7%    8%    6%    22%    8%    11%    55%    18%
                    **                E    EFG    EFGH                KLM    *    RS                S    **        *                *            abce        *    **    **    **    n                        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Canadian    88800%    42000%    46700%    200%    8200%    11600%    12700%    17800%    16800%    21700%    9300%    20200%    25600%    33600%    6200%    9200%    29900%    17100%    13600%    12700%    1400%    87400%    14100%    29200%    29200%    16300%    3500%    11600%    33200%    24400%    6700%    7900%    100%    1100%    200%    25100%    27400%    17000%    10100%    9100%    13200%    75500%    5100%    6200%    3000%    1500%    100%    1500%    1100%    400%    18130%
        55%    55%    56%    36%    45%    45%    50%    60%    62%    65%    43%    47%    60%    63%    66%    71%    71%    40%    41%    66%    37%    56%    66%    63%    60%    37%    38%    56%    50%    67%    50%    74%    32%    64%    35%    58%    57%    53%    48%    59%    48%    57%    49%    42%    42%    42%    12%    43%    57%    55%    52%
                    **                EFG    EFG    EFG            KL    KL    RS*    RS    RS            RS    **        Z*    Z    Z        *    a        abce        abce*    **    **    **    m    m                    o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Central / South American (from Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela)    2600%    900%    1700%    -    700%    500%    200%    500%    700%    -    700%    700%    1000%    200%    300%    100%    500%    1300%    300%    100%    -    2600%    700%    600%    400%    900%    700%    300%    1200%    300%    200%    -    -    -    -    1000%    500%    600%    300%    300%    700%    1900%    400%    500%    -    200%    -    -    100%    -    703%
        2%    1%    2%    -    4%    2%    1%    2%    3%    -    3%    2%    2%    0%    3%    1%    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    2%    4%    1%    1%    2%    7%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    3%    1%    4%    3%    -    6%    -    -    3%    -    2%
                    **    GJ    J        J    J        N        N        *            S            **        *                bcdf*                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
ean (from Ba
ados, Jamaica, or other)    6800%    2900%    3800%    -    2700%    1800%    1200%    800%    100%    200%    3100%    2400%    1000%    300%    -    300%    1800%    2500%    1900%    300%    300%    6500%    900%    2500%    2100%    1200%    1200%    1100%    3500%    300%    700%    -    -    100%    -    3000%    2100%    1000%    600%    200%    2000%    4800%    1000%    1300%    600%    600%    100%    600%    -    100%    1643%
        4%    4%    5%    -    15%    7%    5%    3%    1%    1%    14%    6%    2%    1%    -    2%    4%    6%    6%    2%    7%    4%    4%    6%    4%    3%    13%    5%    5%    1%    5%    -    -    5%    -    7%    4%    3%    3%    1%    7%    4%    10%    9%    8%    17%    10%    17%    -    21%    6%
                    **    FGHIJ    HIJ    IJ                LMN    MN    N        *            O    O        **        *    Z            cdf*    df    d        d    *    **    **    **    ln                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    East or Southeast Asian (from China, Hong Kong, Japan, North or South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam or other)    11700%    6400%    5300%    -    1300%    3100%    3400%    1700%    1200%    900%    1300%    5600%    3300%    1500%    200%    500%    1200%    4700%    5000%    200%    300%    11500%    700%    2200%    2200%    6600%    500%    1200%    7400%    1400%    900%    100%    200%    -    -    1800%    2500%    3900%    2800%    700%    2400%    9300%    700%    1500%    500%    300%    200%    100%    100%    -    2620%
        7%    8%    6%    -    7%    12%    14%    6%    4%    3%    6%    13%    8%    3%    2%    4%    3%    11%    15%    1%    7%    7%    4%    5%    5%    15%    6%    6%    11%    4%    7%    1%    44%    -    -    4%    5%    12%    13%    5%    9%    7%    7%    10%    7%    9%    20%    3%    4%    -    8%
                    **        HIJ    HIJ                    KMN    N        *            OPQT    OPQT        **        *            WXY    *        bdf            *    **    **    **            jkn    jkn                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    South Asian (Punjabi, Indian, Tamil, Sri Lankan, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Afghan, Bhutanese, or Maldivian)    15300%    8100%    7100%    200%    4100%    5000%    3100%    1300%    1000%    800%    4700%    7100%    2100%    1400%    100%    700%    1300%    6900%    4700%    1600%    1100%    14200%    500%    2600%    3200%    8900%    2400%    2400%    8000%    500%    1600%    200%    -    100%    100%    3200%    4900%    4100%    2000%    1100%    5600%    9700%    2400%    4500%    2300%    700%    300%    700%    -    -    3487%
        10%    11%    9%    40%    22%    19%    12%    4%    4%    2%    22%    16%    5%    3%    1%    5%    3%    16%    14%    8%    29%    9%    3%    6%    7%    20%    26%    12%    12%    1%    12%    2%    -    4%    18%    7%    10%    13%    9%    7%    20%    7%    22%    30%    32%    20%    30%    18%    -    -    13%
                    **    GHIJ    GHIJ    HIJ                MN    MN            *            OPQT    OPQ    OQ    **        *            WXY    bcdef*    df    df        df    *    **    **    **            j            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Southern, Central or Eastern European (from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Bosnia, Croatia, Se
ia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, former Soviet Republics, or other) - Please select the response that you feel best describes    12000%    5200%    6900%    -    1600%    2100%    1700%    2300%    2400%    1900%    1800%    3400%    2900%    3900%    600%    1000%    3000%    3700%    3100%    700%    300%    11800%    700%    3100%    3900%    4400%    800%    1600%    5100%    2400%    1200%    300%    100%    200%    200%    3100%    2600%    3000%    2100%    1300%    1300%    10700%    400%    600%    500%    100%    100%    200%    100%    -    2550%
        8%    7%    8%    -    9%    8%    7%    8%    9%    6%    9%    8%    7%    7%    6%    8%    7%    9%    9%    4%    7%    8%    3%    7%    8%    10%    9%    8%    8%    7%    9%    3%    24%    13%    32%    7%    5%    10%    10%    8%    5%    8%    4%    4%    7%    3%    10%    6%    4%    -    8%
                    **                                            *                T        **        *            W    *                    *    **    **    **            k    k                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    West Asian or Middle Eastern (from Iran, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey or other)    2900%    1600%    1400%    -    900%    700%    400%    600%    400%    -    1000%    800%    800%    300%    -    200%    500%    1400%    700%    200%    200%    2700%    -    1200%    500%    1200%    600%    600%    1300%    100%    200%    200%    -    -    -    700%    900%    600%    500%    200%    1100%    1800%    400%    800%    300%    400%    100%    200%    100%    -    755%
        2%    2%    2%    -    5%    3%    2%    2%    1%    -    5%    2%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    3%    2%    1%    6%    2%    -    3%    1%    3%    6%    3%    2%    0%    1%    2%    -    -    -    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    4%    1%    4%    6%    4%    13%    8%    7%    5%    -    3%
                    **    J    J    J    J    J        N        N        *                        **        *            Y    d*    d    d            *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Western European (from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, or other)    13800%    6400%    7400%    100%    1500%    2400%    2100%    2300%    2300%    3300%    1700%    3900%    3200%    5100%    900%    900%    3400%    3600%    2300%    2700%    -    13800%    2000%    3000%    4900%    3900%    1100%    1900%    5300%    3500%    600%    1200%    -    200%    -    3500%    3400%    3400%    2300%    1300%    1800%    12100%    400%    800%    600%    200%    100%    100%    300%    200%    3004%
        9%    8%    9%    23%    8%    9%    8%    8%    9%    10%    8%    9%    8%    10%    10%    7%    8%    8%    7%    14%    -    9%    10%    6%    10%    9%    12%    9%    8%    10%    4%    12%    -    10%    -    8%    7%    11%    11%    8%    7%    9%    4%    6%    9%    6%    10%    3%    14%    30%    9%
                    **                                            *                    S    **        *        X        *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    American    500%    100%    400%    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    300%    -    -    100%    400%    -    -    -    200%    200%    100%    100%    400%    -    200%    200%    100%    -    100%    100%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    400%    -    -    -    100%    400%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    213%
        0%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    1%    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    0%    1%    1%    3%    0%    -    0%    0%    0%    -    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    0%    0%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    800%    500%    300%    -    -    100%    -    -    500%    200%    -    100%    100%    700%    300%    -    100%    -    300%    200%    -    800%    300%    -    300%    200%    100%    100%    100%    200%    100%    300%    -    -    -    600%    -    100%    100%    100%    -    800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    2%    1%    -    0%    0%    1%    3%    -    0%    -    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    0%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    -    1%    -    0%    0%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%
                    **                    GH                        QR*                        **        *                *                    c*    **    **    **    k                            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Prefer not to say    2500%    1300%    1200%    -    200%    200%    1100%    600%    200%    200%    300%    1100%    700%    400%    100%    200%    400%    900%    800%    100%    -    2500%    300%    800%    600%    800%    -    300%    1100%    100%    500%    200%    -    -    -    100%    500%    100%    300%    1600%    200%    2300%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    673%
        2%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    4%    2%    1%    1%    2%    3%    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    2%    2%    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    2%    0%    4%    2%    -    -    -    0%    1%    0%    1%    10%    1%    2%    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%
                    **            FIJ                    N            *                        **        *                *                d    *    **    **    **                    jklm            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    196600%    92700%    103400%    500%    25600%    33300%    30800%    34800%    33100%    39000%    29300%    54700%    49700%    62900%    11600%    16400%    52700%    50400%    40200%    25200%    4500%    192000%    26100%    58100%    59400%    52900%    13200%    26500%    80400%    43300%    16500%    13200%    500%    2300%    400%    56000%    56400%    39800%    25500%    18800%    35000%    161600%    13100%    18500%    9100%    5000%    1800%    4400%    2300%    1100%    40412%
        123%    121%    125%    123%    140%    129%    121%    117%    121%    116%    137%    127%    117%    118%    123%    126%    124%    118%    120%    131%    120%    123%    123%    126%    122%    121%    141%    128%    121%    118%    122%    124%    132%    137%    85%    129%    118%    124%    121%    121%    126%    122%    124%    124%    130%    141%    155%    125%    124%    162%    125%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q1. In the last 6 months have you read, seen, or heard ANY advertisements or messaging about gambling more safely, the risks of gambling, or making a plan before you play?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    86500%    45200%    41000%    300%    11000%    15500%    14500%    13700%    13000%    18900%    12800%    24800%    21100%    27900%    4700%    6800%    22600%    24800%    17700%    9900%    2900%    83600%    9700%    24000%    27500%    25200%    4800%    12000%    36600%    20500%    6200%    4900%    100%    1000%    200%    23000%    24600%    18900%    13000%    7000%    23400%    63100%    9000%    12600%    5900%    3300%    1100%    3100%    1600%    500%    18040%
        54%    59%    49%    77%    60%    60%    57%    46%    48%    56%    59%    57%    50%    53%    50%    52%    53%    58%    53%    52%    77%    53%    46%    52%    56%    58%    52%    58%    55%    56%    46%    46%    32%    59%    47%    53%    51%    59%    62%    45%    84%    48%    86%    85%    85%    93%    100%    88%    84%    79%    60%
            C        **    HI    HI    HI            HI    M    M            *                        **        *            W    *    e                *    **    **    **            kn    jkn        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    73700%    31700%    41900%    100%    7300%    10400%    11000%    16000%    14300%    14600%    8700%    18300%    21300%    25300%    4700%    6300%    19800%    17800%    15800%    9300%    900%    72800%    11600%    22100%    21300%    18700%    4500%    8700%    29600%    16300%    7300%    5700%    300%    700%    300%    20600%    23300%    13200%    8100%    8500%    4400%    69300%    1500%    2300%    1100%    200%    -    400%    300%    100%    15151%
        46%    41%    51%    23%    40%    40%    43%    54%    52%    44%    41%    43%    50%    48%    50%    48%    47%    42%    47%    48%    23%    47%    55%    48%    44%    43%    48%    42%    45%    44%    54%    54%    69%    41%    53%    47%    49%    41%    38%    55%    16%    52%    14%    15%    15%    7%    -    12%    16%    21%    41%
                B    **                EFGJ    EFGJ                KL        *                        **        Z*                *                b    *    **    **    **    m    lm            lm        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q2 What were these ads about?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    86800%    40100%    46400%    300%    8500%    14100%    15500%    14700%    14800%    19200%    10200%    24200%    22700%    29700%    5400%    7700%    22900%    23000%    20500%    7300%    2500%    84300%    3600%    21900%    31000%    30300%    4000%    12700%    38300%    20700%    5500%    4200%    100%    800%    300%    21100%    25600%    19500%    13700%    6900%    23200%    63600%    9100%    12200%    6000%    3000%    1200%    3300%    1600%    600%    18096%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    86500%    45200%    41000%    300%    11000%    15500%    14500%    13700%    13000%    18900%    12800%    24800%    21100%    27900%    4700%    6800%    22600%    24800%    17700%    9900%    2900%    83600%    9700%    24000%    27500%    25200%    4800%    12000%    36600%    20500%    6200%    4900%    100%    1000%    200%    23000%    24600%    18900%    13000%    7000%    23400%    63100%    9000%    12600%    5900%    3300%    1100%    3100%    1600%    500%    18040%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Gambling responsibly/ Know your limits    34500%    18300%    15900%    300%    2500%    4700%    5300%    6200%    6700%    9100%    3200%    7800%    9600%    13900%    2200%    3800%    10600%    8100%    5900%    3900%    200%    34300%    3500%    9300%    12200%    9500%    1000%    4600%    14000%    10000%    1200%    2600%    100%    800%    100%    7900%    11900%    7500%    4200%    3000%    8000%    26600%    2700%    3400%    1900%    800%    -    700%    800%    300%    7257%
        40%    41%    39%    100%    23%    31%    37%    45%    52%    48%    25%    32%    46%    50%    47%    56%    47%    33%    34%    39%    7%    41%    36%    39%    44%    38%    21%    38%    38%    49%    19%    53%    100%    81%    30%    34%    49%    40%    33%    43%    34%    42%    30%    27%    33%    25%    -    21%    53%    60%    41%
                    **    *        E    EF    EFG    EFG    *        KL    KL    *    RS*    RS            *    **        *                *    e    ae    ace    *    **    **    **    **        jm            *        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Addiction awareness/ help    12900%    6500%    6300%    100%    1700%    1700%    2900%    1800%    1900%    2800%    1800%    3800%    3100%    4200%    1100%    1300%    3000%    3900%    2000%    1600%    100%    12800%    400%    3100%    5300%    4000%    800%    1900%    5800%    3000%    700%    600%    -    200%    100%    2900%    3100%    3700%    2000%    1200%    3500%    9400%    1000%    1800%    800%    600%    -    500%    700%    100%    2802%
        15%    14%    16%    31%    16%    11%    20%    14%    14%    15%    14%    16%    15%    15%    24%    19%    13%    16%    11%    17%    4%    15%    5%    13%    19%    16%    16%    16%    16%    14%    11%    12%    -    20%    33%    13%    13%    20%    15%    17%    15%    15%    11%    15%    14%    19%    -    17%    43%    18%    16%
                    **    *        F                *                S*    *                *    **        *        W        *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Online gambling    11000%    5200%    5800%    -    900%    1500%    1500%    2100%    1900%    3100%    1000%    2700%    2700%    4600%    500%    600%    2600%    3800%    2200%    1300%    300%    10700%    2100%    2400%    4200%    2300%    300%    1500%    3800%    3400%    800%    1100%    -    -    100%    3700%    2500%    2000%    2000%    900%    1800%    9200%    500%    600%    600%    200%    100%    100%    200%    -    2443%
        13%    12%    14%    -    8%    10%    10%    16%    15%    17%    8%    11%    13%    17%    11%    9%    12%    15%    12%    13%    11%    13%    21%    10%    15%    9%    7%    13%    11%    17%    14%    22%    -    -    30%    16%    10%    11%    15%    12%    8%    15%    6%    5%    9%    6%    9%    3%    12%    -    12%
                    **    *                        *            K    *    *                *    **        Z*        Z        *                *    **    **    **    **                    *        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Gambling/ Lottery (general mentions)    6400%    3200%    3100%    -    1600%    2400%    900%    200%    600%    600%    2200%    2600%    400%    1100%    600%    200%    800%    2500%    1500%    800%    400%    6000%    600%    2300%    1800%    1700%    500%    1500%    2000%    800%    1100%    500%    -    -    100%    2400%    2300%    600%    600%    400%    1500%    4800%    500%    1100%    300%    100%    -    100%    -    -    1493%
        7%    7%    8%    -    15%    16%    6%    2%    5%    3%    17%    11%    2%    4%    13%    2%    4%    10%    9%    8%    13%    7%    7%    9%    6%    7%    10%    12%    5%    4%    18%    9%    -    -    37%    11%    9%    3%    5%    6%    7%    8%    6%    9%    5%    4%    -    3%    -    -    8%
                    **    GHIJ*    GHIJ                    MN*    MN            PQ*    *        PQ    Q    *    **        *                *    cd            cd*    **    **    **    **    l    l            *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    OLG    5700%    3700%    2000%    -    100%    1400%    1300%    1200%    800%    900%    300%    2300%    1500%    1600%    300%    300%    1100%    1800%    1600%    500%    100%    5600%    400%    1400%    2200%    1800%    -    900%    2900%    1200%    -    600%    -    -    -    2000%    1200%    1700%    700%    100%    1600%    4100%    500%    800%    300%    200%    -    400%    100%    100%    1379%
        7%    8%    5%    -    1%    9%    9%    9%    6%    5%    2%    9%    7%    6%    7%    5%    5%    7%    9%    5%    3%    7%    4%    6%    8%    7%    -    8%    8%    6%    -    13%    -    -    -    9%    5%    9%    5%    1%    7%    7%    6%    6%    4%    5%    -    13%    5%    14%    7%
                    **    *    E    E    E            *    K            *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sports gambling/ betting    4800%    2300%    2400%    100%    400%    600%    800%    600%    600%    1900%    400%    1300%    800%    2300%    100%    300%    900%    1700%    1100%    700%    -    4800%    800%    1200%    1500%    1300%    300%    300%    1800%    2000%    100%    200%    -    100%    100%    1000%    1300%    1000%    1100%    400%    900%    3900%    200%    600%    300%    100%    100%    200%    200%    -    1062%
        6%    5%    6%    31%    3%    4%    6%    4%    5%    10%    3%    5%    4%    8%    3%    4%    4%    7%    6%    7%    -    6%    8%    5%    6%    5%    6%    3%    5%    10%    1%    4%    -    10%    30%    4%    5%    5%    8%    6%    4%    6%    3%    5%    5%    3%    8%    6%    11%    -    7%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *            bc    *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Dangers/ risks of gambling    4600%    2000%    2500%    -    900%    800%    300%    1000%    800%    800%    1100%    900%    1500%    1100%    500%    200%    1500%    1700%    700%    -    200%    4400%    500%    1400%    1200%    1600%    200%    1000%    2000%    700%    300%    200%    -    -    100%    1500%    1200%    1200%    400%    200%    1300%    3300%    400%    800%    300%    -    100%    -    200%    -    1107%
        5%    5%    6%    -    8%    5%    2%    8%    6%    4%    9%    4%    7%    4%    11%    3%    6%    7%    4%    -    6%    5%    5%    6%    4%    6%    5%    9%    6%    3%    5%    5%    -    -    33%    7%    5%    6%    3%    3%    6%    5%    4%    6%    5%    -    10%    -    12%    -    6%
                    **    *            G            *                T*    *    T    T        *    **        *                *    d            *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Casino (general mentions)    4400%    2300%    2100%    -    1300%    800%    500%    900%    300%    600%    1300%    1100%    1200%    800%    300%    300%    500%    1700%    900%    700%    200%    4200%    600%    1100%    1400%    1400%    800%    1000%    1600%    600%    100%    400%    -    -    -    1400%    1200%    1200%    300%    400%    1400%    3000%    900%    1000%    700%    200%    100%    300%    -    -    1080%
        5%    5%    5%    -    12%    5%    3%    7%    2%    3%    10%    5%    6%    3%    6%    5%    2%    7%    5%    7%    7%    5%    6%    5%    5%    5%    17%    8%    4%    3%    1%    8%    -    -    -    6%    5%    7%    2%    6%    6%    5%    10%    8%    11%    7%    12%    10%    -    -    6%
                    **    GIJ*                        N*                *    *        Q        *    **        *                cde*    d            *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Safe/ secure    3600%    2000%    1600%    -    400%    900%    700%    500%    500%    600%    500%    1500%    700%    900%    200%    200%    900%    900%    600%    1000%    100%    3500%    400%    1000%    900%    1300%    200%    500%    1500%    600%    700%    100%    -    100%    -    600%    1400%    1100%    300%    300%    1100%    2500%    400%    900%    200%    200%    200%    200%    100%    100%    823%
        4%    4%    4%    -    4%    6%    5%    4%    4%    3%    4%    6%    4%    3%    4%    2%    4%    4%    3%    10%    4%    4%    5%    4%    3%    5%    4%    4%    4%    3%    12%    2%    -    9%    -    2%    6%    6%    2%    4%    5%    4%    5%    7%    4%    6%    15%    5%    8%    22%    5%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                cd*    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    You could lose    3400%    2600%    900%    -    300%    400%    400%    700%    800%    800%    300%    600%    1000%    1400%    100%    200%    800%    1300%    800%    300%    200%    3300%    -    1500%    700%    1200%    200%    300%    1700%    800%    300%    100%    -    100%    -    300%    500%    1400%    1100%    100%    900%    2600%    200%    600%    300%    100%    -    100%    -    -    830%
        4%    6%    2%    -    3%    2%    3%    6%    7%    4%    3%    3%    5%    5%    2%    3%    4%    5%    5%    3%    6%    4%    -    6%    3%    5%    4%    3%    5%    4%    4%    2%    -    10%    -    1%    2%    8%    9%    1%    4%    4%    2%    5%    4%    3%    -    3%    -    -    4%
            C        **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *    Y            *                *    **    **    **    **            jk    jk    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Television ad    1500%    500%    900%    100%    400%    100%    200%    100%    300%    500%    400%    300%    200%    700%    -    100%    700%    200%    200%    300%    -    1500%    -    700%    700%    100%    200%    400%    400%    400%    100%    -    -    100%    -    600%    300%    400%    200%    100%    200%    1300%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    422%
        2%    1%    2%    31%    4%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    3%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    3%    -    2%    -    3%    3%    0%    4%    3%    1%    2%    1%    -    -    10%    -    3%    1%    2%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    3%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *    Z    Z        *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Winning amount/ win big    1100%    300%    800%    -    300%    -    400%    100%    300%    100%    300%    200%    300%    300%    200%    -    -    600%    300%    -    100%    1000%    -    500%    200%    300%    100%    100%    500%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    300%    300%    200%    200%    100%    400%    700%    100%    400%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    319%
        1%    1%    2%    -    2%    -    3%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    4%    -    -    3%    2%    -    5%    1%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    0%    1%    2%    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    1%    3%    -    4%    -    -    -    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                Q*    *        Q        *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Online ad    1100%    600%    500%    -    500%    -    400%    100%    -    100%    500%    400%    100%    100%    -    100%    500%    200%    100%    200%    -    1100%    300%    300%    200%    300%    500%    200%    400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    200%    300%    200%    300%    400%    700%    -    300%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    348%
        1%    1%    1%    -    4%    -    3%    1%    -    1%    4%    2%    1%    0%    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    10%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    4%    2%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    2%
                    **    FIJ*        FI                N*                *    *                *    **        *                bcde*                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
ities in/ not in ads    1100%    700%    400%    -    200%    -    300%    100%    100%    300%    200%    300%    200%    400%    -    200%    200%    400%    300%    -    -    1100%    200%    300%    200%    300%    200%    200%    400%    300%    -    -    -    -    -    300%    400%    200%    200%    -    500%    600%    100%    200%    200%    100%    -    -    100%    -    319%
        1%    2%    1%    -    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    3%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    1%    2%    1%    1%    1%    3%    2%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    3%    3%    -    -    6%    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Gambling app    1100%    100%    1000%    -    400%    200%    100%    100%    100%    200%    400%    300%    100%    300%    100%    300%    300%    200%    200%    -    -    1100%    -    500%    500%    200%    400%    200%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    400%    400%    -    200%    100%    200%    900%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    323%
        1%    0%    2%    -    4%    1%    1%    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    0%    1%    2%    5%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    8%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    30%    2%    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    2%    4%    -    -    -    -    3%
                B    **    *                        M*                *    R*                *    **        *                bcd*                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t gamble    1000%    400%    600%    -    500%    300%    100%    -    100%    -    500%    400%    -    100%    -    -    200%    200%    400%    200%    -    1000%    -    500%    300%    300%    200%    400%    500%    -    -    -    -    -    -    400%    200%    200%    100%    100%    400%    600%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    342%
        1%    1%    2%    -    4%    2%    1%    -    1%    -    4%    2%    -    1%    -    -    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    -    2%    1%    1%    3%    3%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    1%    3%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    2%
                    **    HJ*                        MN*                *    *                *    **        *                d*    d            *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bet365    1000%    600%    500%    -    200%    300%    100%    400%    -    100%    200%    400%    400%    100%    -    200%    100%    300%    500%    -    -    1000%    200%    100%    200%    600%    100%    100%    600%    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    300%    200%    400%    200%    -    400%    600%    300%    200%    100%    -    -    300%    -    -    322%
        1%    1%    1%    -    2%    2%    1%    3%    -    0%    2%    2%    2%    0%    -    3%    0%    1%    3%    -    -    1%    2%    0%    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    0%    -    4%    -    -    -    1%    1%    2%    1%    -    2%    1%    3%    2%    2%    -    -    9%    -    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    r*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Have fun    1000%    400%    500%    100%    100%    100%    200%    400%    100%    200%    100%    200%    400%    300%    100%    100%    500%    200%    100%    -    -    1000%    -    200%    400%    400%    -    200%    300%    100%    200%    -    -    100%    -    300%    300%    300%    100%    -    200%    800%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    283%
        1%    1%    1%    31%    1%    1%    1%    3%    1%    1%    1%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    2%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    1%    4%    -    -    10%    -    2%    1%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    BetMGM    1000%    600%    400%    -    100%    400%    300%    -    200%    -    100%    600%    100%    200%    -    100%    300%    300%    300%    -    -    1000%    -    -    400%    600%    100%    200%    600%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    200%    200%    200%    200%    100%    500%    500%    400%    400%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    338%
        1%    1%    1%    -    1%    3%    2%    -    1%    -    1%    3%    0%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    -    -    1%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    4%    3%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *            X    *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Social media ad    800%    300%    500%    -    -    100%    300%    300%    200%    -    -    400%    300%    200%    100%    -    400%    200%    -    200%    200%    700%    -    100%    700%    -    -    100%    700%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    500%    200%    200%    -    400%    500%    100%    300%    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    310%
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    -    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    -    2%    1%    -    2%    6%    1%    -    0%    3%    -    -    1%    2%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    -    2%    1%    1%    2%    2%    -    -    -    6%    -    2%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *        XZ        *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Radio ad    700%    100%    600%    -    -    -    500%    200%    100%    -    -    500%    200%    -    100%    -    200%    200%    -    200%    -    700%    -    100%    400%    200%    -    100%    500%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    400%    100%    -    100%    600%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    284%
        1%    0%    2%    -    -    -    3%    1%    1%    -    -    2%    1%    -    2%    -    1%    1%    -    2%    -    1%    -    0%    2%    1%    -    1%    1%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    0%    0%    2%    1%    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%
                    **    *        FJ                *    N            *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Easy/ convenient to use    500%    200%    300%    -    100%    100%    200%    -    -    100%    100%    200%    -    100%    100%    -    200%    -    200%    -    -    500%    -    200%    200%    100%    100%    -    200%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    300%    -    -    300%    200%    100%    -    200%    100%    100%    100%    -    -    180%
        1%    0%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    2%    -    1%    -    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    0%    2%    -    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    0%    1%    -    -    1%    0%    1%    -    3%    4%    6%    3%    -    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                R*    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Government    500%    200%    200%    -    -    300%    100%    -    -    100%    -    300%    100%    100%    -    100%    200%    200%    -    -    -    500%    -    -    200%    300%    -    -    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    200%    -    200%    100%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    209%
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    2%    1%    -    -    0%    -    1%    0%    0%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    1%    1%    -    -    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    -    3%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    j*            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Self exclusion program    400%    300%    200%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    200%    -    100%    100%    200%    -    100%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    400%    -    100%    200%    100%    -    -    200%    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    200%    100%    100%    -    200%    300%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    162%
        1%    1%    0%    -    -    1%    -    1%    -    1%    -    0%    1%    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    0%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    1%    -    2%    -    -    -    0%    1%    0%    1%    -    1%    0%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    6%    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Mindfulness before gambling campaign    300%    -    300%    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    200%    -    100%    -    300%    -    200%    100%    -    100%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    100%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    152%
        0%    -    1%    -    1%    1%    -    -    -    1%    1%    1%    -    0%    -    -    -    1%    -    1%    -    0%    -    1%    0%    -    3%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    2%    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    8%    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                d*                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    New games/ regulations    200%    100%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    -    139%
        0%    0%    0%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    1%    -    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    0%    1%    1%    2%    3%    -    3%    -    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Nothing/ N/A    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        0%    -    0%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    8400%    3800%    4500%    -    2200%    2400%    1600%    800%    900%    500%    2700%    3300%    1200%    1200%    400%    400%    2800%    2500%    1800%    400%    800%    7500%    1200%    1800%    2300%    3100%    800%    1300%    4200%    700%    1200%    100%    -    100%    -    2200%    2900%    1400%    800%    1100%    4100%    4300%    2200%    2300%    1500%    800%    600%    700%    200%    100%    1960%
        10%    9%    11%    -    20%    16%    11%    6%    7%    3%    21%    14%    6%    4%    8%    7%    12%    10%    10%    4%    28%    9%    12%    8%    8%    12%    16%    11%    12%    3%    20%    2%    -    9%    -    10%    12%    7%    6%    15%    17%    7%    25%    18%    25%    24%    50%    21%    10%    14%    13%
                    **    HIJ*    HIJ    J                MN*    MN            *    *                *    **        *                d*    d    d        d*    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    5800%    3200%    2600%    -    500%    800%    1600%    800%    400%    1800%    500%    2200%    1100%    2000%    100%    400%    900%    1600%    1900%    1000%    500%    5300%    1000%    1700%    1400%    1600%    -    500%    2600%    1900%    800%    -    -    -    -    1800%    1000%    1300%    1500%    300%    1800%    4100%    800%    700%    200%    400%    100%    300%    -    -    1448%
        7%    7%    6%    -    5%    5%    11%    6%    3%    10%    4%    9%    5%    7%    2%    5%    4%    6%    11%    10%    18%    6%    10%    7%    5%    7%    -    4%    7%    9%    12%    -    -    -    -    8%    4%    7%    11%    4%    8%    6%    9%    6%    4%    11%    6%    10%    -    -    7%
                    **    *        I            I    *                *    *            OQ    *    **        *                *                a*    **    **    **    **                k    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    118900%    60500%    57700%    700%    15900%    20700%    20900%    18600%    17400%    25400%    18200%    35300%    27300%    38100%    7000%    9300%    30300%    35100%    24000%    13300%    3400%    115500%    12200%    32200%    39900%    34700%    7000%    17500%    50300%    27200%    7900%    6800%    100%    1600%    500%    31000%    34500%    27300%    16800%    9300%    32200%    86700%    12100%    16900%    8200%    4200%    1300%    4000%    2900%    700%    24790%
        138%    134%    141%    224%    145%    134%    145%    136%    134%    135%    143%    143%    129%    137%    149%    136%    134%    142%    136%    134%    118%    138%    126%    134%    145%    138%    145%    146%    137%    133%    127%    139%    100%    159%    223%    135%    140%    145%    129%    133%    138%    137%    134%    134%    138%    129%    117%    128%    184%    127%    140%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents
    Q3. Where did you see these ads?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    86800%    40100%    46400%    300%    8500%    14100%    15500%    14700%    14800%    19200%    10200%    24200%    22700%    29700%    5400%    7700%    22900%    23000%    20500%    7300%    2500%    84300%    3600%    21900%    31000%    30300%    4000%    12700%    38300%    20700%    5500%    4200%    100%    800%    300%    21100%    25600%    19500%    13700%    6900%    23200%    63600%    9100%    12200%    6000%    3000%    1200%    3300%    1600%    600%    18096%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    86500%    45200%    41000%    300%    11000%    15500%    14500%    13700%    13000%    18900%    12800%    24800%    21100%    27900%    4700%    6800%    22600%    24800%    17700%    9900%    2900%    83600%    9700%    24000%    27500%    25200%    4800%    12000%    36600%    20500%    6200%    4900%    100%    1000%    200%    23000%    24600%    18900%    13000%    7000%    23400%    63100%    9000%    12600%    5900%    3300%    1100%    3100%    1600%    500%    18040%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    YouTube    32200%    17000%    15100%    100%    7300%    9800%    7400%    3900%    1800%    1900%    8300%    14600%    6000%    3200%    1100%    1600%    7100%    10700%    8100%    3600%    1400%    30800%    3000%    8300%    9200%    11700%    3100%    5500%    16300%    1600%    2800%    2100%    100%    500%    100%    9500%    8800%    7000%    5100%    1800%    12100%    20100%    5700%    9700%    4100%    2400%    900%    1600%    300%    100%    6930%
        37%    38%    37%    31%    67%    64%    51%    29%    14%    10%    65%    59%    29%    12%    24%    23%    32%    43%    46%    36%    47%    37%    31%    35%    33%    46%    63%    46%    44%    8%    46%    43%    100%    54%    33%    41%    36%    37%    39%    26%    52%    32%    63%    77%    70%    72%    77%    50%    20%    22%    42%
                    **    GHIJ*    GHIJ    HIJ    IJ            MN*    MN    N        *    *        OPQ    OPQ    *    **        *            XY    cd*    d    d        d*    **    **    **    **    n                *    p        *    qv    *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Facebook    24100%    12900%    11200%    -    2700%    5300%    4900%    4400%    3000%    3700%    3700%    8100%    6500%    5800%    1100%    1600%    6400%    7400%    4300%    3200%    1500%    22500%    1400%    5900%    9000%    7800%    1700%    3700%    12200%    3700%    1500%    600%    100%    400%    -    5700%    6400%    5700%    4600%    1600%    9500%    14600%    6800%    5700%    3800%    2100%    1000%    1600%    200%    100%    5452%
        28%    28%    27%    -    25%    34%    34%    32%    23%    20%    29%    33%    31%    21%    23%    24%    28%    30%    25%    33%    52%    27%    15%    24%    33%    31%    36%    31%    33%    18%    25%    13%    100%    44%    -    25%    26%    30%    35%    23%    41%    23%    75%    46%    63%    64%    84%    52%    12%    22%    34%
                    **    *    J    IJ    J            *    N    N        *    *                *    **        *        WX    W    d*    d    d        *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        rv*        r*    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Television    20400%    11300%    9000%    100%    500%    1900%    1400%    3200%    4000%    9300%    600%    2800%    4700%    12300%    1200%    2200%    6000%    4900%    3000%    3100%    -    20400%    3000%    6400%    6600%    4300%    300%    1700%    5900%    9600%    1400%    1000%    -    300%    100%    5900%    5500%    4900%    2300%    1800%    2500%    17900%    100%    300%    100%    -    -    200%    300%    200%    4454%
        24%    25%    22%    31%    5%    12%    10%    24%    31%    49%    5%    11%    22%    44%    25%    32%    27%    20%    17%    31%    -    24%    31%    27%    24%    17%    6%    14%    16%    47%    22%    21%    -    28%    37%    26%    22%    26%    18%    26%    11%    28%    2%    3%    1%    -    -    5%    22%    31%    22%
                    **    *            EFG    EFG    EFGHI    *        KL    KLM    *    RS*    S            S*    **        *    Z    Z        *            abce    *    **    **    **    **                    *        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Instagram    14700%    6800%    7900%    -    4700%    4600%    3100%    1500%    300%    400%    5200%    6500%    2300%    700%    200%    900%    3400%    4800%    4100%    1400%    1100%    13500%    1200%    3400%    5000%    5100%    2100%    2600%    8000%    300%    1400%    200%    -    -    -    3300%    5000%    3200%    2300%    900%    6800%    7900%    3700%    4500%    4200%    1900%    800%    1400%    100%    -    3631%
        17%    15%    19%    -    43%    30%    22%    11%    3%    2%    41%    27%    11%    2%    4%    13%    15%    19%    23%    14%    40%    16%    13%    14%    18%    20%    43%    22%    22%    2%    23%    4%    -    -    -    14%    20%    17%    18%    13%    29%    13%    41%    36%    71%    58%    73%    43%    6%    -    23%
                    **    GHIJ*    HIJ    HIJ    IJ            LMN*    MN    N        *    *    O    O    OQ    *    **        *                bcd*    d    d        d*    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        qrv*    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Do not recall    10900%    5800%    5000%    200%    1300%    400%    1100%    2200%    2600%    3400%    1300%    1100%    3100%    5400%    500%    800%    3200%    3000%    2300%    1200%    400%    10600%    1900%    3200%    3400%    2400%    400%    1100%    3600%    4200%    700%    600%    -    200%    -    1800%    3200%    1900%    2100%    1900%    1400%    9500%    400%    200%    200%    100%    -    100%    -    200%    2402%
        13%    13%    12%    52%    12%    2%    8%    16%    20%    18%    10%    5%    15%    19%    11%    12%    14%    12%    13%    12%    13%    13%    20%    14%    12%    10%    9%    9%    10%    21%    12%    13%    -    19%    -    8%    13%    10%    16%    27%    6%    15%    4%    1%    4%    3%    -    3%    -    34%    13%
                    **    F*        F    FG    FG    FG    *        L    KL    *    *                *    **        *                *            bc    *    **    **    **    **                j    jkl*        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    The Score    8200%    5700%    2500%    -    400%    2100%    2000%    1800%    1000%    800%    600%    3700%    2200%    1600%    600%    900%    1500%    2700%    2200%    400%    300%    7800%    500%    2400%    2700%    2500%    200%    900%    5000%    1100%    400%    500%    -    -    -    1700%    2200%    2300%    1600%    500%    3900%    4300%    1700%    1900%    1000%    800%    600%    2000%    100%    100%    1954%
        9%    13%    6%    -    4%    14%    14%    13%    8%    4%    5%    15%    11%    6%    12%    13%    7%    11%    12%    4%    12%    9%    5%    10%    10%    10%    5%    7%    14%    6%    7%    11%    -    -    -    7%    9%    12%    12%    7%    17%    7%    19%    15%    18%    24%    50%    65%    6%    12%    12%
            C        **    *    EJ    EJ    EJ            *    KN            *    T*            T    *    **        *                *        d        *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    qrs*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Spotify    5800%    2900%    2900%    -    1500%    1700%    1100%    900%    400%    200%    1800%    2200%    1600%    300%    300%    300%    1500%    1900%    1400%    200%    600%    5100%    400%    1500%    2000%    1900%    1000%    800%    3300%    200%    300%    400%    -    -    -    1900%    1600%    1800%    500%    -    3600%    2200%    2200%    2700%    2100%    1900%    400%    800%    300%    -    1555%
        7%    6%    7%    -    13%    11%    8%    7%    3%    1%    14%    9%    7%    1%    7%    5%    7%    8%    8%    2%    22%    6%    4%    6%    7%    8%    20%    7%    9%    1%    4%    7%    -    -    -    8%    6%    10%    4%    -    15%    4%    24%    22%    35%    59%    32%    27%    20%    -    11%
                    **    IJ*    IJ    J    J            N*    N    N        *    *                *    **        *                bcde*    d    d        *    **    **    **    **    n        n        *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Walk-in clinic    3100%    1100%    2000%    -    700%    500%    1100%    400%    200%    200%    700%    1500%    500%    500%    100%    200%    600%    1100%    700%    500%    -    3100%    -    700%    1200%    1300%    200%    700%    1700%    200%    100%    300%    -    -    -    400%    1400%    800%    400%    100%    2200%    900%    1100%    1300%    1300%    600%    400%    700%    100%    -    858%
        4%    2%    5%    -    6%    3%    8%    3%    2%    1%    5%    6%    2%    2%    3%    2%    3%    5%    4%    5%    -    4%    -    3%    4%    5%    4%    6%    5%    1%    1%    5%    -    -    -    2%    6%    4%    3%    1%    9%    2%    12%    10%    22%    18%    38%    23%    6%    -    6%
                    **    J*        IJ                *    N            *    *                *    **        *                *    d    d        *    **    **    **    **        j            *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Willow TV    2900%    1700%    1100%    -    600%    1200%    600%    500%    -    100%    700%    1700%    500%    100%    100%    100%    600%    700%    1300%    100%    300%    2600%    500%    700%    500%    1100%    400%    300%    1500%    100%    -    600%    -    -    -    900%    900%    400%    600%    -    1900%    1000%    800%    1600%    1200%    700%    600%    600%    100%    -    821%
        3%    4%    3%    -    5%    8%    4%    3%    -    0%    5%    7%    2%    0%    2%    2%    3%    3%    7%    1%    10%    3%    6%    3%    2%    5%    8%    2%    4%    0%    -    13%    -    -    -    4%    4%    2%    5%    -    8%    2%    9%    12%    20%    22%    51%    20%    6%    -    7%
                    **    IJ*    IJ    IJ    I            N*    MN            *    *            QR    *    **        *                d*        d        *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    At a doctor`s office    2700%    900%    1800%    -    700%    800%    800%    -    200%    200%    900%    1200%    300%    300%    100%    300%    700%    400%    800%    500%    100%    2600%    -    700%    900%    1000%    200%    600%    1300%    300%    100%    100%    -    100%    -    400%    1100%    600%    600%    -    1700%    1000%    700%    1100%    800%    500%    400%    200%    200%    -    719%
        3%    2%    4%    -    6%    5%    6%    -    2%    1%    7%    5%    1%    1%    3%    4%    3%    2%    4%    5%    3%    3%    -    3%    3%    4%    5%    5%    4%    2%    1%    2%    -    9%    -    2%    5%    3%    5%    -    7%    2%    7%    9%    14%    16%    31%    8%    10%    -    5%
                    **    HJ*    H    HJ                MN*    N            *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Condo building    2400%    1000%    1300%    100%    500%    800%    500%    100%    400%    200%    500%    1200%    200%    500%    -    100%    300%    600%    1400%    -    200%    2200%    -    400%    800%    1200%    300%    400%    1000%    300%    300%    100%    -    -    -    500%    800%    800%    300%    100%    1600%    800%    1100%    1300%    900%    500%    200%    700%    200%    -    677%
        3%    2%    3%    18%    4%    6%    3%    1%    3%    1%    4%    5%    1%    2%    -    1%    1%    2%    8%    -    6%    3%    -    2%    3%    5%    6%    4%    3%    1%    6%    2%    -    -    -    2%    3%    4%    2%    1%    7%    1%    12%    10%    15%    15%    20%    21%    11%    -    5%
                    **    *    HJ                    *    M            *    *            OPQRT    *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    At a pharmacy    2100%    700%    1400%    -    600%    300%    800%    -    300%    100%    600%    900%    300%    400%    200%    300%    200%    300%    900%    100%    -    2100%    -    400%    1000%    700%    300%    600%    800%    100%    200%    200%    -    -    -    500%    600%    600%    300%    100%    1500%    600%    800%    1200%    1000%    500%    200%    500%    100%    -    605%
        2%    2%    3%    -    5%    2%    5%    -    2%    1%    4%    4%    1%    1%    5%    4%    1%    1%    5%    1%    -    3%    -    2%    4%    3%    7%    5%    2%    0%    3%    4%    -    -    -    2%    3%    3%    2%    1%    6%    1%    9%    9%    17%    14%    14%    16%    6%    -    4%
                    **    HJ*        HJ                *                Q*    *            QR    *    **        *                d*    d            *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Radio    2000%    500%    1500%    -    100%    700%    400%    200%    200%    400%    100%    1000%    300%    500%    300%    -    600%    400%    300%    300%    -    2000%    -    800%    400%    700%    100%    300%    1200%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    400%    600%    800%    100%    100%    600%    1400%    100%    200%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    532%
        2%    1%    4%    -    1%    4%    2%    2%    2%    2%    1%    4%    2%    2%    7%    -    3%    2%    2%    3%    -    2%    -    3%    2%    3%    2%    2%    3%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    2%    3%    4%    1%    2%    2%    2%    1%    1%    2%    4%    -    -    -    -    2%
                B    **    *                        *                PR*    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Online    1500%    900%    600%    -    -    100%    200%    200%    500%    500%    -    200%    500%    800%    500%    200%    400%    100%    100%    200%    -    1500%    200%    600%    600%    100%    -    100%    500%    600%    200%    100%    -    -    -    700%    800%    -    -    -    300%    1200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%    -    478%
        2%    2%    1%    -    -    1%    2%    2%    4%    2%    -    1%    3%    3%    11%    3%    2%    0%    0%    2%    -    2%    2%    3%    2%    0%    -    1%    1%    3%    3%    2%    -    -    -    3%    3%    -    -    -    1%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    20%    -    3%
                    **    *                        *                QRS*    *                *    **        *    Z    Z        *                *    **    **    **    **    l    lm            *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yupp TV    1500%    700%    800%    -    400%    300%    500%    100%    100%    100%    500%    700%    100%    200%    -    -    200%    800%    300%    100%    200%    1300%    200%    400%    300%    500%    100%    200%    700%    100%    -    300%    -    -    -    400%    300%    400%    400%    -    1100%    300%    600%    900%    700%    600%    200%    600%    100%    -    446%
        2%    1%    2%    -    4%    2%    4%    1%    1%    1%    4%    3%    0%    1%    -    -    1%    3%    2%    1%    7%    2%    3%    2%    1%    2%    2%    2%    2%    0%    -    7%    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    3%    -    5%    1%    7%    7%    11%    19%    16%    18%    6%    -    4%
                    **    *        J                MN*                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    OLG website    900%    600%    300%    -    -    -    100%    200%    400%    200%    -    100%    400%    400%    -    100%    500%    400%    -    -    -    900%    -    200%    600%    100%    -    200%    100%    400%    100%    100%    -    -    -    400%    200%    300%    -    -    100%    800%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    329%
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    1%    -    1%    2%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    1%    2%    0%    -    2%    0%    2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    2%    1%    2%    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *        Z        *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Casino    700%    400%    300%    -    -    -    -    500%    100%    200%    -    -    500%    200%    200%    -    400%    100%    100%    -    -    700%    -    200%    200%    300%    -    -    500%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    300%    200%    100%    700%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    300%
        1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    4%    1%    1%    -    -    2%    1%    3%    -    2%    0%    0%    -    -    1%    -    1%    1%    1%    -    -    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    3%    2%    0%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%
                    **    *            FG            *        L        R*    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                jl    j*            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Transit    300%    100%    200%    -    -    200%    -    100%    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    300%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    300%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    200%    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    145%
        0%    0%    1%    -    -    1%    -    1%    -    -    1%    1%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    1%    -    0%    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    1%    -    -    -    1%    0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    1%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    5100%    2200%    2900%    -    1100%    600%    1200%    600%    800%    800%    1100%    1800%    800%    1400%    700%    500%    1500%    1600%    900%    -    -    5100%    300%    2000%    1800%    1000%    600%    600%    2300%    900%    200%    400%    -    -    100%    1700%    1000%    1400%    500%    500%    1400%    3700%    400%    700%    400%    300%    100%    300%    600%    -    1225%
        6%    5%    7%    -    10%    4%    8%    4%    6%    5%    9%    7%    4%    5%    16%    7%    6%    6%    5%    -    -    6%    3%    8%    7%    4%    14%    5%    6%    4%    3%    9%    -    -    30%    8%    4%    7%    4%    7%    6%    6%    4%    6%    6%    9%    8%    9%    41%    -    8%
                    **    *                        *                QRST*    T*    T    T        *    **        *    Z            d*                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    In store    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%
        0%    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    0%    -    -    0%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    0%
                    **    *                        *                *    *                *    **        *                *                *    **    **    **    **                    *            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    141400%    73100%    67900%    400%    23100%    31300%    27300%    20600%    16300%    22800%    26600%    49500%    30900%    34400%    7200%    10000%    35000%    41800%    32300%    15000%    6200%    135200%    12700%    38300%    46500%    43900%    11000%    20300%    66200%    24300%    9800%    7600%    200%    1500%    200%    36000%    40900%    32800%    22100%    9600%    52300%    89100%    26400%    33300%    21900%    12900%    5600%    11300%    3100%    700%    30576%
        163%    162%    166%    131%    210%    202%    189%    151%    126%    121%    208%    200%    147%    123%    154%    147%    155%    169%    183%    151%    212%    162%    131%    159%    169%    174%    228%    170%    181%    119%    158%    155%    200%    154%    100%    157%    166%    174%    169%    137%    224%    141%    292%    264%    368%    395%    494%    359%    199%    122%    188%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q4. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `Mindfulness Before Gambling` online or on an app?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    27800%    14300%    13500%    -    5300%    7200%    5400%    3200%    2900%    3800%    6300%    10600%    5000%    5800%    1700%    2200%    5500%    8200%    7600%    2500%    2200%    25600%    2600%    7300%    9200%    8600%    2200%    4100%    12600%    4900%    2200%    1400%    100%    200%    -    7300%    9400%    5800%    3600%    1800%    27800%    -    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    6828%
        17%    19%    16%    -    29%    28%    21%    11%    11%    11%    29%    25%    12%    11%    19%    17%    13%    19%    23%    13%    58%    16%    12%    16%    19%    20%    24%    20%    19%    13%    16%    13%    32%    14%    -    17%    20%    18%    17%    12%    100%    -    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    34%
                    **    HIJ    HIJ    HIJ                MN    MN            *            Q    QT        **        *                d*    d    d            *    **    **    **        n                p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    132400%    62600%    69400%    400%    13100%    18700%    20100%    26500%    24400%    29700%    15200%    32500%    37400%    47400%    7600%    10900%    36900%    34400%    25900%    16700%    1600%    130800%    18700%    38800%    39600%    35300%    7100%    16600%    53700%    31900%    11300%    9300%    300%    1400%    500%    36400%    38500%    26300%    17600%    13700%    -    132400%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    32293%
        83%    81%    84%    100%    71%    72%    79%    89%    89%    89%    71%    75%    88%    89%    82%    83%    87%    81%    77%    87%    42%    84%    88%    84%    81%    80%    76%    80%    81%    87%    84%    87%    69%    86%    100%    83%    80%    82%    83%    88%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    82%
                    **                EFG    EFG    EFG            KL    KL    *        RS            S    **        *                *            abc        *    **    **    **                    k        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q5a. And where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to ‘Mindfulness Before Gambling’?
        Â     Gender        Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling    Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    j    k    l    m    n    o    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    27600%    12600%    15000%    4200%    6800%    5900%    3800%    3100%    3800%    5200%    10700%    5700%    6000%    1800%    2200%    5600%    7700%    8400%    1900%    2000%    25600%    1000%    6400%    10300%    9900%    2000%    4300%    13100%    4600%    2100%    1000%    100%    300%    6500%    9800%    6000%    3600%    1700%    27600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%                6781%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â                 ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    27800%    14300%    13500%    5300%    7200%    5400%    3200%    2900%    3800%    6300%    10600%    5000%    5800%    1700%    2200%    5500%    8200%    7600%    2500%    2200%    25600%    2600%    7300%    9200%    8600%    2200%    4100%    12600%    4900%    2200%    1400%    100%    200%    7300%    9400%    5800%    3600%    1800%    27800%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%                6828%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â                 ERROR:#DIV/0!
    YouTube    14900%    8700%    6200%    3700%    3900%    3700%    1600%    1400%    600%    4200%    6400%    2800%    1500%    1000%    1400%    2200%    4500%    5000%    800%    1600%    13300%    1600%    3700%    4400%    5200%    1600%    2500%    7400%    1000%    1000%    1100%    100%    200%    4400%    4000%    3700%    2100%    700%    14900%    5500%    14900%    3600%    2400%    500%    1600%    300%    -                3865%
        54%    61%    46%    70%    54%    69%    51%    47%    16%    67%    60%    56%    25%    55%    61%    41%    55%    66%    34%    74%    52%    62%    50%    47%    61%    70%    60%    59%    20%    46%    81%    100%    65%    61%    42%    64%    60%    39%    54%    53%    100%    52%    69%    47%    46%    14%    -                55%
            C        *    *    *    *    **    **    N*    N*    N*    *    **    **    *    *    Q*    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    d*    d    *    **    **    **    **    k*    *    k*    **    **        *    qsv    *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Facebook    10500%    5800%    4800%    1600%    3200%    2200%    1100%    1400%    1000%    1800%    4800%    1900%    2000%    300%    800%    2500%    3000%    2800%    1100%    800%    9800%    900%    2200%    3500%    3900%    800%    1300%    5700%    1300%    1100%    200%    100%    100%    2600%    4400%    1400%    1500%    600%    10500%    10500%    5500%    3600%    1600%    300%    1500%    400%    -                2798%
        38%    40%    35%    31%    45%    41%    35%    47%    25%    29%    46%    38%    34%    18%    36%    46%    36%    37%    45%    35%    38%    36%    30%    38%    45%    36%    31%    45%    26%    50%    13%    100%    38%    36%    47%    24%    42%    35%    38%    100%    37%    51%    47%    30%    42%    21%    -                39%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    d    *    **    **    **    **    *    l*    *    **    **        rsv*        *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Instagram    7000%    3800%    3200%    2300%    2200%    1200%    700%    500%    200%    2500%    3000%    800%    700%    200%    400%    1800%    1900%    2400%    400%    600%    6400%    400%    2100%    1700%    2800%    1200%    900%    4000%    200%    400%    200%    -    100%    1300%    2800%    1200%    1300%    400%    7000%    3600%    3600%    7000%    2200%    900%    1100%    300%    -                1976%
        25%    27%    24%    43%    31%    22%    21%    18%    4%    40%    29%    17%    12%    12%    16%    33%    23%    32%    16%    26%    25%    14%    28%    19%    33%    56%    23%    32%    4%    17%    13%    -    35%    18%    30%    21%    36%    24%    25%    34%    25%    100%    63%    75%    32%    16%    -                28%
                    GH*    *    *    *    **    **    MN*    N*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    Y*    **    d*    d    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        qrv*    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    The Score    3600%    2300%    1200%    500%    1200%    900%    600%    300%    100%    700%    1900%    600%    300%    100%    400%    600%    1200%    1200%    -    400%    3200%    -    1000%    1600%    900%    100%    800%    1900%    300%    300%    200%    -    -    800%    1000%    1200%    500%    100%    3600%    1500%    1600%    1100%    1100%    400%    3600%    200%    -                1074%
        13%    16%    9%    10%    17%    16%    19%    9%    2%    12%    18%    12%    6%    5%    19%    12%    14%    16%    -    16%    13%    -    14%    18%    11%    4%    19%    15%    7%    15%    13%    -    -    11%    11%    21%    14%    6%    13%    14%    11%    16%    32%    34%    100%    10%    -                16%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        *    **    **    qrs*    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Spotify    3500%    2300%    1200%    1200%    900%    800%    400%    200%    100%    1200%    1600%    600%    200%    200%    200%    1100%    900%    800%    400%    300%    3200%    400%    1200%    900%    1100%    200%    700%    2300%    200%    -    100%    -    -    700%    1300%    1000%    500%    100%    3500%    1600%    2400%    2200%    3500%    600%    1100%    200%    -                1095%
        13%    16%    9%    22%    13%    14%    11%    7%    2%    18%    15%    12%    3%    12%    8%    20%    11%    11%    15%    16%    12%    14%    16%    10%    13%    11%    18%    18%    4%    -    7%    -    -    10%    13%    18%    14%    4%    13%    16%    16%    32%    100%    53%    32%    10%    -                16%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    N*    N*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    d*    d    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        qr*    **    **    qr*    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Televison    1800%    1100%    700%    -    -    400%    200%    100%    1100%    -    400%    200%    1200%    300%    100%    500%    400%    600%    -    -    1800%    200%    800%    600%    200%    -    -    400%    1100%    200%    100%    -    -    400%    800%    400%    -    300%    1800%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -                610%
        7%    8%    5%    -    -    7%    7%    3%    30%    -    4%    4%    21%    16%    3%    8%    5%    8%    -    -    7%    9%    11%    6%    2%    -    -    3%    23%    11%    6%    -    -    5%    8%    7%    -    14%    7%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -                9%
                    *    *    F*    F*    **    **    *    *    *    KLM*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    Z*    *    *    **    *        bc*    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Stack Adapt    1100%    600%    600%    100%    600%    300%    100%    -    -    200%    800%    100%    -    -    100%    300%    300%    400%    100%    100%    1000%    -    300%    400%    500%    100%    200%    800%    -    -    100%    -    -    200%    100%    400%    300%    100%    1100%    300%    500%    900%    600%    1100%    400%    100%    -                414%
        4%    4%    4%    2%    9%    5%    3%    -    -    3%    8%    2%    -    -    3%    5%    3%    5%    6%    5%    4%    -    4%    4%    6%    5%    4%    6%    -    -    7%    -    -    3%    2%    7%    9%    4%    4%    3%    4%    12%    17%    100%    11%    5%    -                8%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    N*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        qr*    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Radio    600%    100%    400%    -    -    100%    200%    -    300%    -    100%    200%    300%    100%    -    200%    200%    -    100%    -    600%    -    400%    200%    -    -    -    200%    300%    100%    -    -    -    -    300%    200%    100%    -    600%    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -                250%
        2%    1%    3%    -    -    2%    5%    -    8%    -    1%    3%    5%    5%    -    3%    2%    -    5%    -    2%    -    5%    2%    -    -    -    2%    6%    3%    -    -    -    -    3%    3%    3%    -    2%    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -                3%
                    *    *    *    F*    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    Z*    *    *    **    *        *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    1900%    700%    1200%    200%    400%    300%    -    300%    600%    300%    600%    100%    800%    300%    300%    600%    300%    200%    100%    -    1900%    200%    600%    800%    200%    100%    200%    700%    600%    100%    100%    -    -    700%    800%    300%    100%    -    1900%    400%    300%    300%    200%    100%    200%    1900%    -                534%
        7%    5%    9%    4%    5%    6%    -    11%    16%    5%    6%    3%    14%    20%    13%    11%    4%    3%    5%    -    7%    7%    9%    9%    2%    6%    5%    6%    12%    5%    7%    -    -    9%    9%    5%    3%    -    7%    4%    2%    4%    5%    8%    5%    100%    -                9%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    M*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    700%    100%    600%    100%    -    -    100%    100%    400%    100%    -    100%    500%    -    200%    100%    100%    100%    300%    -    700%    -    -    600%    100%    100%    100%    -    500%    -    -    -    -    200%    300%    -    -    100%    700%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    700%                296%
        2%    1%    4%    2%    -    -    2%    2%    11%    2%    -    1%    9%    -    7%    1%    1%    1%    12%    -    3%    -    -    6%    1%    5%    2%    -    10%    -    -    -    -    3%    3%    -    -    7%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%                8%
                    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    L*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    X*    *    **    *        c*    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        *        *    **    **    *    **    **                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    45600%    25400%    20200%    9700%    12500%    9900%    4900%    4200%    4400%    11100%    19700%    7400%    7500%    2500%    3700%    9800%    12700%    13500%    3500%    3800%    41800%    3700%    12200%    14700%    15000%    4400%    6600%    23300%    5500%    3200%    2000%    200%    300%    11300%    15700%    9700%    6400%    2400%    45600%    23600%    29100%    18800%    11700%    4000%    9500%    3300%    700%                11845%
        164%    178%    150%    185%    174%    181%    154%    144%    116%    175%    185%    148%    128%    142%    166%    179%    154%    178%    138%    172%    164%    142%    166%    159%    175%    194%    160%    185%    113%    147%    146%    200%    138%    156%    167%    169%    181%    131%    164%    224%    196%    267%    333%    347%    268%    175%    100%                174%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Do you recall seeing this ad?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    17700%    10600%    7000%    100%    3500%    5800%    3000%    2500%    1600%    1200%    4300%    7400%    3700%    2200%    700%    1400%    3400%    5100%    4700%    2400%    1800%    15900%    1500%    4600%    4900%    6700%    1500%    3000%    9300%    1200%    1400%    1000%    -    100%    -    5700%    5100%    3900%    2500%    400%    12600%    5100%    6500%    8100%    3900%    2700%    1100%    2400%    600%    100%    4206%
        11%    14%    8%    24%    19%    23%    12%    9%    6%    4%    20%    17%    9%    4%    7%    11%    8%    12%    14%    13%    48%    10%    7%    10%    10%    15%    17%    15%    14%    3%    11%    10%    -    6%    -    13%    11%    12%    12%    3%    45%    4%    61%    55%    55%    77%    92%    67%    35%    14%    20%
            C        **    HIJ    GHIJ    IJ    J            MN    MN    N        *                Q        **        *            WXY    d*    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **    n    n    n    n        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    131500%    61800%    69500%    200%    12200%    17500%    20700%    26000%    24200%    30900%    14300%    31900%    36600%    48600%    8100%    11200%    37400%    33100%    26200%    15400%    1500%    130000%    17900%    38900%    40800%    33800%    6700%    15700%    52700%    34000%    10900%    8800%    400%    1500%    500%    34800%    39500%    25900%    18100%    13200%    11400%    120100%    2900%    4800%    2400%    700%    100%    1000%    1100%    400%    26556%
        82%    80%    84%    36%    66%    68%    81%    88%    89%    92%    67%    74%    86%    91%    87%    86%    88%    78%    78%    80%    40%    83%    84%    84%    84%    77%    72%    76%    80%    93%    81%    83%    100%    89%    100%    80%    83%    81%    85%    85%    41%    91%    28%    32%    34%    21%    8%    27%    57%    58%    72%
                    **            EF    EFG    EFG    EFG            KL    KLM    *        RST                **        *    Z    Z        *            abcef        *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Not sure    11100%    4500%    6400%    200%    2600%    2600%    1900%    1100%    1500%    1400%    2800%    3800%    2100%    2400%    600%    400%    1600%    4400%    2700%    1400%    500%    10600%    1900%    2700%    3200%    3300%    1100%    2100%    4300%    1500%    1100%    800%    -    100%    -    3100%    3300%    2300%    600%    1900%    3900%    7200%    1100%    2000%    800%    100%    -    200%    200%    200%    2460%
        7%    6%    8%    40%    14%    10%    7%    4%    5%    4%    13%    9%    5%    5%    6%    3%    4%    10%    8%    7%    13%    7%    9%    6%    7%    8%    12%    10%    7%    4%    9%    8%    -    5%    -    7%    7%    7%    3%    12%    14%    5%    11%    13%    11%    2%    -    5%    9%    28%    9%
                    **    GHIJ    HJ                    MN    MN            *            PQ    Q        **        *                d*    d                *    **    **    **    m    m    m        m    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Where did you see it?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                            Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Homemaker    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    h    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    17000%    9200%    7700%    100%    2600%    5400%    3300%    2800%    1800%    1100%    3400%    7300%    4000%    2300%    700%    1300%    3200%    4800%    5300%    1700%    1800%    15200%    500%    3800%    5200%    7500%    1500%    2900%    9500%    1100%    1300%    600%    100%    4900%    5100%    4100%    2400%    500%    12100%    4900%    6400%    7800%    3900%    2500%    1100%    2500%    700%    100%            4063%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    17700%    10600%    7000%    100%    3500%    5800%    3000%    2500%    1600%    1200%    4300%    7400%    3700%    2200%    700%    1400%    3400%    5100%    4700%    2400%    1800%    15900%    1500%    4600%    4900%    6700%    1500%    3000%    9300%    1200%    1400%    1000%    100%    5700%    5100%    3900%    2500%    400%    12600%    5100%    6500%    8100%    3900%    2700%    1100%    2400%    600%    100%            4206%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    YouTube    10200%    6200%    4000%    -    1500%    4300%    2000%    1300%    800%    200%    2100%    5400%    1900%    800%    500%    800%    1600%    3000%    3300%    1000%    1000%    9200%    300%    2400%    2600%    4900%    1200%    1400%    5800%    200%    1100%    500%    -    3000%    3100%    2200%    1600%    200%    7700%    2400%    4200%    6300%    2600%    1700%    900%    1300%    400%    -            2647%
        58%    59%    56%    -    43%    74%    69%    53%    47%    13%    48%    73%    51%    35%    77%    57%    47%    58%    71%    40%    56%    58%    20%    54%    53%    72%    76%    48%    62%    15%    76%    46%    -    52%    61%    57%    65%    44%    62%    48%    65%    78%    67%    61%    87%    52%    61%    -            56%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    M*    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    Y*    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Facebook    6900%    4200%    2600%    100%    1200%    2200%    1300%    1300%    400%    500%    1600%    3000%    1600%    700%    200%    700%    1400%    1900%    1900%    900%    700%    6200%    700%    1800%    1700%    2800%    800%    900%    3800%    400%    600%    400%    100%    2000%    2800%    1400%    600%    -    5500%    1400%    4500%    3700%    2800%    1700%    800%    1300%    300%    -            1833%
        39%    40%    37%    100%    33%    38%    46%    51%    24%    42%    36%    40%    44%    33%    25%    47%    41%    37%    40%    39%    41%    39%    45%    39%    35%    41%    49%    29%    41%    29%    45%    39%    100%    35%    55%    37%    24%    -    44%    28%    69%    45%    71%    63%    78%    53%    39%    -            44%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    r*    *    r*    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Instagram    4400%    2600%    1700%    -    800%    1200%    1000%    700%    500%    100%    900%    2100%    1000%    400%    200%    200%    500%    1500%    1600%    500%    500%    3900%    200%    1200%    900%    2100%    500%    900%    2500%    -    100%    300%    -    800%    1800%    1100%    600%    100%    3400%    1000%    2000%    2400%    2500%    1200%    400%    1000%    200%    -            1216%
        25%    25%    25%    -    22%    21%    35%    30%    32%    6%    20%    28%    27%    18%    23%    14%    14%    29%    33%    22%    26%    25%    12%    26%    19%    31%    35%    31%    27%    -    6%    26%    -    14%    35%    29%    24%    15%    27%    19%    32%    29%    63%    44%    34%    41%    28%    -            26%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    j*    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    qr*    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    The Score    2700%    1600%    1000%    -    400%    1100%    500%    400%    200%    200%    600%    1300%    500%    300%    200%    200%    800%    900%    600%    100%    200%    2500%    -    800%    900%    1000%    200%    600%    1400%    300%    100%    100%    -    500%    600%    1300%    200%    -    2500%    200%    1300%    1600%    1100%    1000%    600%    1400%    200%    -            795%
        15%    16%    14%    -    11%    19%    16%    15%    9%    14%    14%    17%    13%    15%    25%    11%    23%    17%    13%    5%    11%    16%    -    19%    18%    14%    13%    20%    15%    21%    7%    9%    -    9%    12%    34%    10%    -    20%    4%    20%    20%    29%    37%    55%    60%    28%    -            18%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    jk*    **    **    p*    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Spotify    2400%    1400%    1000%    -    500%    800%    500%    200%    200%    100%    600%    1200%    400%    200%    100%    200%    400%    1000%    500%    300%    600%    1700%    -    1000%    300%    1100%    200%    100%    1700%    200%    100%    100%    -    600%    900%    500%    400%    -    1800%    600%    1200%    1000%    800%    1000%    400%    600%    300%    -            679%
        13%    13%    14%    -    14%    14%    18%    8%    13%    8%    14%    16%    11%    8%    13%    12%    12%    19%    10%    11%    36%    11%    -    22%    6%    16%    15%    3%    18%    14%    9%    9%    -    11%    17%    14%    15%    -    14%    11%    18%    13%    20%    37%    35%    23%    48%    -            16%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    Y*    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Televison    200%    -    200%    -    -    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    200%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    100%    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -            150%
        1%    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    7%    -    -    5%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    13%    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    17%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    13%    -            6%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    200%    -    200%    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    -    -    200%    -    -    -    200%    -    100%    100%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    200%    -    -    100%    100%    -    -    -    200%    -            133%
        1%    -    3%    -    -    -    3%    -    6%    -    -    1%    -    4%    -    -    -    4%    -    -    -    1%    -    2%    2%    -    -    3%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    -    -    1%    -    -    1%    2%    -    -    -    28%    -            4%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    100%    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    -    -    100%    -    -    -    -    100%    -    100%    -    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    -            100%
        1%    1%    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    1%    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    9%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    1%    -    1%    1%    2%    3%    9%    4%    14%    -            3%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Do not recall    1800%    900%    900%    -    500%    400%    -    200%    300%    400%    600%    300%    300%    600%    -    200%    300%    300%    200%    800%    -    1800%    400%    400%    800%    300%    200%    600%    300%    500%    100%    100%    -    700%    100%    400%    400%    100%    700%    1100%    400%    200%    -    -    -    -    -    100%            492%
        10%    9%    12%    -    13%    8%    -    8%    15%    38%    13%    5%    8%    28%    -    15%    9%    6%    3%    34%    -    11%    23%    8%    16%    5%    11%    19%    4%    44%    9%    7%    -    12%    3%    11%    18%    24%    6%    21%    7%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    100%            16%
            *    *    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    Z*    *    **    **        **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    o*    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    28700%    17200%    11400%    100%    4800%    10100%    5600%    4200%    2400%    1600%    6300%    13400%    5700%    3200%    1100%    2200%    5100%    8600%    8100%    3700%    3100%    25600%    1500%    7700%    7300%    12100%    3100%    4600%    15600%    1700%    2200%    1500%    100%    7700%    9500%    7100%    4000%    400%    22000%    6700%    13700%    15400%    9900%    6600%    3100%    5600%    1700%    100%            7148%
        163%    163%    163%    100%    136%    174%    190%    164%    145%    134%    145%    182%    153%    148%    162%    155%    150%    170%    172%    151%    170%    162%    100%    170%    151%    180%    198%    152%    168%    136%    152%    144%    100%    134%    186%    184%    159%    100%    175%    132%    211%    190%    255%    246%    297%    233%    259%    100%            166%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
        A    B
    Unweighted Base    160200%    160200%    160200%                                                                                                                                                                                                160200%
        Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    160200%    160200%                                                                                                                                                                                                160200%
        Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    119400%    129700%    124550%                                                                                                                                                                                                124550%
        75%    81%    78%                                                                                                                                                                                                78%
            A    ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    43600%    57400%    50500%                                                                                                                                                                                                50500%
        27%    36%    32%                                                                                                                                                                                                32%
            A    ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    75900%    72300%    74100%                                                                                                                                                                                                74100%
        47%    45%    46%                                                                                                                                                                                                46%
                ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    35200%    25100%    30150%                                                                                                                                                                                                30150%
        22%    16%    19%                                                                                                                                                                                                19%
        B        ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    25500%    18100%    21800%                                                                                                                                                                                                21800%
        16%    11%    14%                                                                                                                                                                                                14%
        B        ERROR:#DIV/0!                                                                                                                                                                                                ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    9700%    7000%    8350%
        6%    4%    5%
        B        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    5600%    5300%    5450%
        4%    3%    3%
    Mean    299%    316%
    Standard deviation    84%    80%
    Sigma    160200%    160200%
        100%    100%
    Overlap formulae used
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A/B
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A/B
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    119400%    55700%    63400%    300%    14300%    20100%    20000%    19700%    20300%    25000%    16800%    33100%    30200%    39300%    7600%    9100%    30900%    31900%    26200%    13700%    2700%    116700%    14700%    35300%    35600%    33800%    7600%    16100%    50100%    26100%    9800%    7900%    400%    1200%    200%    32300%    36900%    24600%    15200%    10400%    24200%    95200%    9500%    12900%    6000%    3200%    1100%    3200%    1600%    600%    24642%
        75%    73%    77%    76%    78%    78%    78%    66%    75%    75%    78%    77%    71%    74%    81%    70%    73%    75%    78%    71%    72%    75%    69%    77%    73%    77%    81%    78%    76%    71%    73%    74%    100%    73%    44%    74%    77%    77%    72%    67%    87%    72%    90%    87%    85%    90%    100%    89%    84%    89%    77%
                    **    H    H    H        H    H                    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **        n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    129700%    60500%    68800%    400%    16300%    20800%    20800%    22000%    21800%    27900%    18900%    34600%    32900%    43300%    8000%    10100%    33800%    34600%    28400%    14900%    2600%    127100%    16300%    37700%    39100%    36600%    8400%    17800%    53400%    29000%    10400%    8500%    400%    1500%    300%    35500%    39200%    27000%    16900%    11200%    24700%    105000%    9900%    13200%    6600%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1700%    700%    26732%
        81%    79%    83%    100%    89%    81%    82%    74%    80%    83%    88%    80%    78%    81%    85%    77%    80%    81%    85%    78%    69%    81%    76%    82%    80%    84%    90%    86%    81%    79%    77%    80%    100%    90%    62%    81%    82%    84%    80%    72%    89%    79%    94%    89%    94%    93%    100%    85%    89%    100%    83%
                B    **    HI        H            H    LM                *                P        **        *                e*    d                *    **    **    **    n    n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    35200%    18100%    16900%    100%    3900%    4700%    5100%    8800%    5600%    7200%    4500%    8500%    10500%    11600%    1400%    3800%    10000%    9200%    5700%    5100%    800%    34300%    5000%    9400%    11700%    9000%    1400%    4200%    14200%    9000%    3600%    2000%    -    200%    200%    9900%    9400%    6900%    5000%    4000%    3300%    31900%    700%    2000%    1000%    400%    -    400%    300%    100%    7421%
        22%    24%    20%    24%    21%    18%    20%    30%    20%    21%    21%    20%    25%    22%    15%    29%    24%    22%    17%    26%    21%    22%    24%    20%    24%    21%    15%    20%    22%    25%    27%    19%    -    11%    39%    23%    20%    22%    23%    26%    12%    24%    7%    13%    15%    11%    -    11%    16%    11%    20%
                    **                FGIJ                            *    OS    S            S    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    25100%    13900%    11200%    -    1900%    4200%    4300%    6200%    4200%    4400%    2400%    7300%    7700%    7800%    1000%    2900%    7000%    7000%    3800%    3400%    900%    24200%    3400%    7100%    8300%    6200%    600%    2500%    10700%    6300%    2900%    1600%    -    100%    100%    7000%    6800%    4600%    3500%    3200%    2600%    22500%    300%    1700%    400%    200%    -    500%    200%    -    5524%
        16%    18%    14%    -    10%    16%    17%    21%    15%    13%    11%    17%    18%    15%    11%    22%    17%    17%    11%    18%    24%    16%    16%    15%    17%    14%    6%    12%    16%    17%    22%    15%    -    5%    21%    16%    14%    14%    17%    21%    9%    17%    3%    12%    6%    7%    -    15%    11%    -    15%
            C        **                EJ                    K        *    OS                    **        *                *        a    a    ab    *    **    **    **                            o    *    q    *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    299%    295%    303%    276%    302%    307%    303%    288%    301%    297%    302%    303%    298%    296%    316%    285%    293%    301%    312%    288%    310%    299%    296%    303%    294%    303%    315%    302%    299%    292%    296%    306%    376%    348%    265%    304%    300%    299%    297%    284%    328%    293%    346%    328%    330%    329%    346%    336%    318%    333%    307%
                    **        H                                    PQT*                PQT        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    316%    309%    323%    340%    336%    320%    319%    301%    313%    317%    334%    318%    308%    314%    334%    304%    309%    319%    328%    306%    308%    317%    316%    318%    312%    319%    350%    325%    314%    308%    305%    329%    376%    354%    286%    321%    317%    315%    316%    305%    341%    311%    357%    339%    354%    354%    367%    339%    328%    366%    325%
                B    **    HIJ    H    H            H    LMN                PQT*                PQT        **        *                bcde*    d                *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    119400%    55700%    63400%    300%    14300%    20100%    20000%    19700%    20300%    25000%    16800%    33100%    30200%    39300%    7600%    9100%    30900%    31900%    26200%    13700%    2700%    116700%    14700%    35300%    35600%    33800%    7600%    16100%    50100%    26100%    9800%    7900%    400%    1200%    200%    32300%    36900%    24600%    15200%    10400%    24200%    95200%    9500%    12900%    6000%    3200%    1100%    3200%    1600%    600%    24642%
        75%    73%    77%    76%    78%    78%    78%    66%    75%    75%    78%    77%    71%    74%    81%    70%    73%    75%    78%    71%    72%    75%    69%    77%    73%    77%    81%    78%    76%    71%    73%    74%    100%    73%    44%    74%    77%    77%    72%    67%    87%    72%    90%    87%    85%    90%    100%    89%    84%    89%    77%
                    **    H    H    H        H    H                    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **        n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    43600%    19400%    24200%    -    5300%    7600%    7300%    7500%    7200%    8600%    6200%    11900%    12200%    13300%    3300%    3300%    9500%    12400%    10800%    4300%    1200%    42400%    4900%    13200%    12900%    12600%    2900%    6300%    17100%    8600%    4200%    3100%    300%    800%    100%    13600%    12300%    8700%    6000%    3000%    11600%    31900%    5400%    6600%    3300%    1400%    500%    1800%    600%    300%    9296%
        27%    25%    29%    -    29%    29%    29%    25%    26%    26%    29%    28%    29%    25%    35%    25%    22%    29%    32%    22%    31%    27%    23%    29%    26%    29%    31%    30%    26%    23%    32%    29%    76%    51%    31%    31%    26%    27%    28%    19%    42%    24%    52%    45%    46%    39%    46%    52%    34%    44%    32%
                    **                                            QT*            Q    QT        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    75900%    36300%    39200%    300%    9000%    12500%    12600%    12200%    13100%    16400%    10600%    21200%    18000%    26100%    4300%    5800%    21400%    19500%    15400%    9400%    1600%    74300%    9800%    22100%    22800%    21200%    4700%    9800%    33100%    17500%    5600%    4800%    100%    400%    100%    18700%    24600%    15900%    9200%    7500%    12500%    63300%    4100%    6300%    2700%    1800%    600%    1300%    900%    300%    15536%
        47%    47%    47%    76%    49%    48%    50%    41%    48%    49%    49%    49%    43%    49%    46%    45%    51%    46%    46%    49%    41%    48%    46%    48%    47%    48%    50%    47%    50%    48%    41%    45%    24%    22%    14%    43%    51%    50%    44%    48%    45%    48%    39%    42%    39%    50%    54%    37%    50%    46%    46%
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **        j                        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    35200%    18100%    16900%    100%    3900%    4700%    5100%    8800%    5600%    7200%    4500%    8500%    10500%    11600%    1400%    3800%    10000%    9200%    5700%    5100%    800%    34300%    5000%    9400%    11700%    9000%    1400%    4200%    14200%    9000%    3600%    2000%    -    200%    200%    9900%    9400%    6900%    5000%    4000%    3300%    31900%    700%    2000%    1000%    400%    -    400%    300%    100%    7421%
        22%    24%    20%    24%    21%    18%    20%    30%    20%    21%    21%    20%    25%    22%    15%    29%    24%    22%    17%    26%    21%    22%    24%    20%    24%    21%    15%    20%    22%    25%    27%    19%    -    11%    39%    23%    20%    22%    23%    26%    12%    24%    7%    13%    15%    11%    -    11%    16%    11%    20%
                    **                FGIJ                            *    OS    S            S    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    25500%    12900%    12400%    100%    2900%    3600%    3500%    6500%    4100%    4900%    3100%    6400%    7800%    8100%    900%    2400%    7800%    6500%    4200%    3600%    800%    24700%    4300%    6900%    7900%    6400%    1300%    2400%    10800%    6400%    2500%    1500%    -    200%    100%    7900%    6600%    5000%    3400%    2700%    2500%    23000%    600%    1400%    1000%    400%    -    200%    300%    100%    5385%
        16%    17%    15%    24%    16%    14%    14%    22%    15%    15%    15%    15%    19%    15%    10%    18%    18%    15%    13%    19%    21%    16%    20%    15%    16%    15%    14%    11%    16%    18%    19%    14%    -    11%    18%    18%    14%    16%    16%    17%    9%    17%    6%    10%    14%    11%    -    5%    16%    11%    15%
                    **                FGIJ                            *        S                **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    97    52    45    -    10    11    16    22    15    23    14    22    27    35    4    14    22    27    14    15    -    97    7    26    38    26    1    18    34    26    11    5    -    -    1    20    28    20    16    13    8    89    1    5    1    -    -    2    -    -    2329%
        6%    7%    5%    -    6%    4%    6%    8%    5%    7%    6%    5%    6%    7%    5%    11%    5%    6%    4%    8%    -    6%    3%    6%    8%    6%    1%    9%    5%    7%    8%    5%    -    -    21%    5%    6%    6%    8%    9%    3%    7%    1%    4%    1%    -    -    5%    -    -    6%
                    **                                            *    QS                    **        *                *    a                *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    56    30    26    -    2    11    4    12    14    13    2    15    16    23    4    2    15    15    17    4    3    54    16    14    15    11    4    5    19    17    1    7    -    3    1    14    16    6    10    11    4    53    4    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1388%
        4%    4%    3%    -    1%    4%    2%    4%    5%    4%    1%    4%    4%    4%    4%    1%    4%    4%    5%    2%    7%    3%    8%    3%    3%    2%    4%    2%    3%    5%    1%    7%    -    16%    17%    3%    3%    2%    5%    7%    1%    4%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%
                    **                    EG                    K    *                        **        Z*                *                    e*    **    **    **                    l        o    r*        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Summary                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Mean    2.99    2.95    3.03    2.76    3.02    3.07    3.03    2.88    3.01    2.97    3.02    3.03    2.98    2.96    3.16    2.85    2.93    3.01    3.12    2.88    3.1    2.99    2.96    3.03    2.94    3.03    3.15    3.02    2.99    2.92    2.96    3.06    3.76    3.48    2.65    3.04    3    2.99    2.97    2.84    3.28    2.93    3.46    3.28    3.3    3.29    3.46    3.36    3.18    3.33
                    **        H                                    PQT*                PQT        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Standard deviation    0.84    0.85    0.82    0.49    0.82    0.79    0.83    0.89    0.82    0.84    0.84    0.8    0.87    0.83    0.81    0.93    0.8    0.85    0.8    0.85    0.75    0.84    0.78    0.82    0.87    0.83    0.7    0.89    0.8    0.85    0.92    0.82    0.5    0.74    1.4    0.84    0.81    0.83    0.89    0.86    0.75    0.84    0.65    0.78    0.75    0.65    0.52    0.82    0.7    0.71
    Sigma    1602    769    829    4    183    259    255    297    273    335    215    431    424    532    94    131    424    426    335    192    38    1564    213    461    489    439    93    207    663    368    135    106    4    17    5    436    479    320    212    155    278    1324    105    149    70    35    11    36    19    7
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q7b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Out with Friends)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    129700%    60500%    68800%    400%    16300%    20800%    20800%    22000%    21800%    27900%    18900%    34600%    32900%    43300%    8000%    10100%    33800%    34600%    28400%    14900%    2600%    127100%    16300%    37700%    39100%    36600%    8400%    17800%    53400%    29000%    10400%    8500%    400%    1500%    300%    35500%    39200%    27000%    16900%    11200%    24700%    105000%    9900%    13200%    6600%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1700%    700%    26732%
        81%    79%    83%    100%    89%    81%    82%    74%    80%    83%    88%    80%    78%    81%    85%    77%    80%    81%    85%    78%    69%    81%    76%    82%    80%    84%    90%    86%    81%    79%    77%    80%    100%    90%    62%    81%    82%    84%    80%    72%    89%    79%    94%    89%    94%    93%    100%    85%    89%    100%    83%
                B    **    HI        H            H    LM                *                P        **        *                e*    d                *    **    **    **    n    n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    57400%    24900%    32300%    200%    8800%    10000%    10000%    8400%    9000%    11100%    10200%    16100%    13400%    17700%    4400%    4400%    12500%    17000%    13600%    5500%    1200%    56200%    7100%    17700%    16500%    16100%    5100%    8500%    22000%    10700%    4700%    5000%    300%    900%    100%    17400%    16500%    11100%    7500%    5100%    14100%    43300%    6200%    7700%    4300%    2200%    800%    1900%    700%    400%    11964%
        36%    32%    39%    40%    48%    39%    39%    28%    33%    33%    48%    37%    32%    33%    47%    33%    29%    40%    41%    29%    31%    36%    34%    38%    34%    37%    54%    41%    33%    29%    35%    47%    76%    56%    31%    40%    34%    35%    35%    33%    51%    33%    59%    52%    61%    61%    67%    54%    39%    66%    41%
                B    **    HIJ    H    H                LMN                QT*            QT    QT        **        *                cde*    cd                cd*    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    72300%    35600%    36500%    300%    7500%    10800%    10800%    13700%    12800%    16800%    8700%    18500%    19500%    25600%    3600%    5700%    21300%    17600%    14800%    9400%    1400%    70900%    9100%    20100%    22600%    20500%    3300%    9300%    31400%    18300%    5700%    3500%    100%    600%    200%    18100%    22700%    16000%    9400%    6200%    10600%    61700%    3800%    5500%    2300%    1100%    400%    1100%    900%    200%    14776%
        45%    46%    44%    60%    41%    42%    43%    46%    47%    50%    40%    43%    46%    48%    38%    44%    50%    41%    44%    49%    38%    45%    43%    44%    46%    47%    36%    45%    47%    50%    43%    32%    24%    34%    31%    42%    47%    50%    44%    40%    38%    47%    36%    37%    33%    32%    33%    30%    50%    34%    42%
                    **                                            *        OR                **        *                *        f    af        *    **    **    **            j                o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    25100%    13900%    11200%    -    1900%    4200%    4300%    6200%    4200%    4400%    2400%    7300%    7700%    7800%    1000%    2900%    7000%    7000%    3800%    3400%    900%    24200%    3400%    7100%    8300%    6200%    600%    2500%    10700%    6300%    2900%    1600%    -    100%    100%    7000%    6800%    4600%    3500%    3200%    2600%    22500%    300%    1700%    400%    200%    -    500%    200%    -    5524%
        16%    18%    14%    -    10%    16%    17%    21%    15%    13%    11%    17%    18%    15%    11%    22%    17%    17%    11%    18%    24%    16%    16%    15%    17%    14%    6%    12%    16%    17%    22%    15%    -    5%    21%    16%    14%    14%    17%    21%    9%    17%    3%    12%    6%    7%    -    15%    11%    -    15%
            C        **                EJ                    K        *    OS                    **        *                *        a    a    ab    *    **    **    **                            o    *    q    *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    18100%    9700%    8400%    -    1400%    3300%    3300%    4500%    2600%    2900%    1700%    6000%    5400%    5100%    600%    1900%    5300%    4900%    3100%    2400%    900%    17200%    3000%    4800%    5800%    4600%    600%    1500%    8200%    4600%    1800%    1100%    -    100%    -    5700%    4700%    2900%    2800%    2100%    2200%    15900%    200%    1500%    300%    200%    -    500%    200%    -    4089%
        11%    13%    10%    -    8%    13%    13%    15%    10%    9%    8%    14%    13%    10%    7%    14%    13%    11%    9%    12%    24%    11%    14%    10%    12%    10%    6%    7%    12%    13%    14%    11%    -    5%    -    13%    10%    9%    13%    14%    8%    12%    2%    10%    5%    7%    -    15%    11%    -    11%
                    **                EJ                            *                        **        *                *        b            *    **    **    **                                *    q    *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    70    42    28    -    4    9    10    17    15    14    7    13    23    27    4    10    17    22    7    10    -    70    5    23    25    17    -    10    25    16    11    5    -    -    1    13    21    17    8    11    4    66    1    2    1    -    -    -    -    -    1753%
        4%    5%    3%    -    2%    3%    4%    6%    6%    4%    3%    3%    5%    5%    4%    8%    4%    5%    2%    5%    -    5%    2%    5%    5%    4%    -    5%    4%    5%    8%    5%    -    -    21%    3%    4%    5%    4%    7%    1%    5%    1%    1%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    5%
                    **                                            *    S        S            **        *                *                ac    *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    53    25    29    -    2    9    4    14    13    12    2    12    18    21    4    2    16    10    13    9    3    51    16    13    14    10    4    4    22    15    1    6    -    1    1    11    20    4    8    11    4    49    4    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    1317%
        3%    3%    3%    -    1%    3%    1%    5%    5%    4%    1%    3%    4%    4%    5%    1%    4%    2%    4%    5%    7%    3%    8%    3%    3%    2%    4%    2%    3%    4%    1%    5%    -    5%    17%    3%    4%    1%    4%    7%    2%    4%    3%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    4%
                    **                G    G                K        *                        **        Z*                *                    *    **    **    **        l            jl            r*        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Mean    3.16    3.09    3.23    3.4    3.36    3.2    3.19    3.01    3.13    3.17    3.34    3.18    3.08    3.14    3.34    3.04    3.09    3.19    3.28    3.06    3.08    3.17    3.16    3.18    3.12    3.19    3.5    3.25    3.14    3.08    3.05    3.29    3.76    3.54    2.86    3.21    3.17    3.15    3.16    3.05    3.41    3.11    3.57    3.39    3.54    3.54    3.67    3.39    3.28    3.66
                B    **    HIJ    H    H            H    LMN                PQT*                PQT        **        *                bcde*    d                *    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Standard deviation    0.8    0.83    0.77    0.56    0.73    0.8    0.81    0.84    0.82    0.77    0.76    0.79    0.83    0.8    0.79    0.89    0.77    0.84    0.72    0.81    0.78    0.8    0.77    0.82    0.82    0.78    0.62    0.79    0.78    0.79    0.91    0.85    0.5    0.61    1.35    0.79    0.79    0.8    0.79    0.9    0.7    0.81    0.58    0.72    0.65    0.63    0.49    0.75    0.67    0.51
    Sigma    1602    769    829    4    183    259    255    297    273    335    215    431    424    532    94    131    424    426    335    192    38    1564    213    461    489    439    93    207    663    368    135    106    4    17    5    436    479    320    212    155    278    1324    105    149    70    35    11    36    19    7
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q9. [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Do you recall seeing this ad?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    16200%    9400%    6800%    -    3200%    5200%    3400%    2400%    1200%    900%    4100%    7100%    3100%    1900%    700%    1300%    3200%    4600%    4800%    1400%    1600%    14600%    1700%    3800%    5200%    5600%    1500%    3100%    8000%    1000%    1700%    800%    -    100%    -    6600%    4100%    3000%    2100%    400%    11000%    5200%    5800%    7400%    3800%    2400%    1100%    2100%    600%    -    4026%
        10%    12%    8%    -    17%    20%    13%    8%    4%    3%    19%    16%    7%    4%    8%    10%    8%    11%    14%    7%    42%    9%    8%    8%    11%    13%    16%    15%    12%    3%    13%    7%    -    5%    -    15%    9%    10%    10%    2%    40%    4%    55%    50%    55%    68%    92%    60%    32%    -    19%
            C        **    HIJ    HIJ    IJ    J            MN    MN    N        *                QT        **        *            X    d*    d    d        d    *    **    **    **    kln    n    n    n        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    134400%    62500%    71700%    200%    12800%    19100%    20400%    26300%    24600%    31300%    15000%    33000%    37500%    48800%    8300%    11400%    37600%    34600%    26600%    16000%    2100%    132300%    17900%    40100%    40700%    35800%    6900%    16400%    54700%    34300%    11100%    8400%    400%    1400%    500%    34300%    41200%    27000%    18400%    13500%    13300%    121100%    3300%    5900%    2300%    1100%    100%    1300%    1100%    600%    27192%
        84%    81%    87%    36%    70%    74%    80%    89%    90%    93%    70%    77%    89%    92%    89%    87%    89%    81%    79%    83%    55%    85%    84%    87%    83%    82%    74%    79%    83%    93%    83%    79%    100%    84%    100%    79%    86%    84%    87%    87%    48%    91%    32%    40%    33%    30%    8%    36%    61%    82%    75%
                B    **            E    EFG    EFG    EFG            KL    KL    *        RS                **        *    Z            *            abcef        *    **    **    **        j        j    j        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Not sure    9600%    4900%    4400%    300%    2400%    1700%    1800%    900%    1500%    1300%    2400%    3000%    1700%    2500%    300%    400%    1600%    3400%    2100%    1800%    100%    9500%    1700%    2300%    3000%    2600%    1000%    1300%    3600%    1400%    600%    1500%    -    200%    -    2700%    2500%    2000%    700%    1700%    3400%    6200%    1400%    1600%    900%    100%    -    200%    100%    100%    2136%
        6%    6%    5%    64%    13%    6%    7%    3%    6%    4%    11%    7%    4%    5%    4%    3%    4%    8%    6%    10%    3%    6%    8%    5%    6%    6%    10%    6%    5%    4%    5%    14%    -    11%    -    6%    5%    6%    3%    11%    12%    5%    13%    10%    12%    2%    -    4%    8%    18%    8%
                    **    FHIJ                        MN                *            Q        Q    **        *                d*                    cde*    **    **    **                    km    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q9a [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Where did you see it?
        Â     Gender        Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                            Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Homemaker    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Othe
        A    B    C    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    h    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w
    Unweighted Base    15600%    8200%    7400%    2400%    4800%    3600%    2500%    1400%    900%    3300%    6900%    3300%    2100%    800%    1200%    2900%    4500%    5100%    1100%    1600%    14000%    600%    3200%    5500%    6300%    1400%    3300%    8100%    800%    1500%    400%    100%    5300%    4300%    3400%    2200%    400%    10900%    4700%    6000%    7200%    3900%    2200%    1100%    2200%    600%                    3896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â                     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    16200%    9400%    6800%    3200%    5200%    3400%    2400%    1200%    900%    4100%    7100%    3100%    1900%    700%    1300%    3200%    4600%    4800%    1400%    1600%    14600%    1700%    3800%    5200%    5600%    1500%    3100%    8000%    1000%    1700%    800%    100%    6600%    4100%    3000%    2100%    400%    11000%    5200%    5800%    7400%    3800%    2400%    1100%    2100%    600%                    4026%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â                     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    YouTube    10500%    6000%    4500%    2600%    3200%    2300%    1400%    800%    200%    3100%    4600%    2000%    800%    400%    700%    1700%    3000%    3600%    1100%    900%    9600%    900%    2700%    3000%    3900%    1400%    1600%    5400%    300%    1500%    500%    -    4100%    2500%    2200%    1300%    400%    7700%    2900%    4400%    6000%    2800%    1800%    900%    1200%    500%                    2731%
        65%    64%    67%    82%    63%    67%    59%    64%    27%    76%    66%    63%    44%    47%    55%    53%    64%    75%    82%    59%    66%    51%    73%    58%    71%    93%    50%    68%    26%    85%    61%    -    63%    61%    72%    65%    100%    70%    55%    76%    80%    73%    77%    87%    56%    84%                    66%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Facebook    5900%    3500%    2400%    500%    2000%    1600%    1000%    500%    300%    900%    3000%    1400%    600%    300%    600%    500%    2200%    1500%    800%    600%    5300%    300%    1100%    2100%    2400%    300%    900%    3700%    200%    400%    400%    -    1800%    2300%    800%    1000%    -    4400%    1500%    3300%    3100%    1800%    1200%    700%    900%    200%                    1595%
        37%    38%    35%    16%    38%    48%    43%    40%    34%    22%    42%    44%    32%    44%    44%    16%    47%    32%    55%    41%    36%    18%    29%    40%    44%    18%    30%    47%    18%    23%    51%    -    28%    55%    28%    47%    -    40%    29%    56%    42%    46%    52%    67%    42%    30%                    38%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    jl*    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Instagram    3400%    1900%    1500%    700%    1000%    1100%    300%    300%    100%    700%    2000%    400%    300%    200%    200%    700%    1000%    1100%    300%    300%    3100%    400%    800%    900%    1300%    200%    800%    2100%    -    200%    100%    -    800%    1000%    800%    700%    -    2500%    900%    1800%    1800%    2000%    1400%    400%    900%    200%                    991%
        21%    20%    23%    20%    20%    33%    11%    22%    7%    18%    28%    12%    17%    20%    19%    21%    22%    22%    18%    17%    22%    22%    22%    17%    24%    12%    27%    26%    -    14%    12%    -    13%    25%    27%    36%    -    23%    18%    31%    25%    53%    57%    35%    42%    31%                    23%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    r*    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    The Score    2400%    1500%    800%    100%    900%    800%    400%    100%    200%    400%    1200%    500%    200%    200%    200%    600%    700%    500%    100%    100%    2300%    -    400%    1100%    800%    200%    500%    1200%    200%    200%    100%    -    600%    500%    900%    300%    100%    2200%    200%    1300%    1300%    900%    800%    600%    1400%    200%                    686%
        15%    16%    12%    4%    17%    23%    16%    7%    19%    10%    18%    15%    13%    23%    18%    20%    16%    10%    8%    5%    16%    -    11%    22%    15%    13%    16%    15%    16%    12%    12%    -    9%    13%    28%    16%    28%    20%    4%    23%    18%    23%    32%    58%    64%    30%                    18%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    j*    **    **    p*    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Spotify    2400%    1600%    800%    400%    800%    600%    400%    100%    100%    500%    1200%    500%    200%    100%    200%    200%    700%    1100%    100%    200%    2200%    200%    500%    600%    1000%    300%    500%    1100%    300%    -    100%    -    1000%    400%    500%    400%    -    1800%    500%    1100%    1400%    900%    900%    300%    600%    300%                    677%
        15%    17%    11%    12%    15%    18%    18%    8%    10%    11%    17%    17%    9%    12%    13%    8%    15%    22%    8%    13%    15%    14%    14%    12%    18%    21%    16%    14%    32%    -    12%    -    16%    11%    18%    18%    -    17%    11%    19%    19%    23%    36%    32%    30%    53%                    17%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Televison    2    -    2    -    -    2    -    -    -    -    2    -    -    -    -    1    1    -    -    -    2    -    -    1    1    -    2    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    2    -    -    2    -    1    2    -    2    -    -    -                    167%
        1%    -    2%    -    -    5%    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    2%    1%    -    5%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    5%    -    -    1%    -    1%    2%    -    7%    -    -    -                    3%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    c*    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    5    3    3    -    1    1    -    1    3    -    2    -    4    -    -    4    2    -    -    -    5    3    1    2    -    -    1    1    3    -    -    1    4    1    1    -    -    3    3    1    2    1    -    -    -    2                    229%
        3%    3%    4%    -    2%    3%    -    8%    30%    -    3%    -    19%    -    -    11%    4%    -    -    -    4%    16%    3%    3%    -    -    3%    1%    26%    -    -    100%    5%    2%    3%    -    -    2%    5%    2%    2%    2%    -    -    -    31%                    11%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    1    1    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    1    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    1    -    1    1    1    1    1    1    1                    100%
        1%    1%    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    1%    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    -    12%    -    -    -    -    4%    -    1%    -    2%    1%    2%    4%    9%    4%    15%                    4%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Do not recall    8    4    4    1    3    -    1    2    2    2    2    1    3    -    -    3    1    2    1    -    8    -    1    3    4    -    3    3    1    1    -    -    3    2    3    -    -    3    5    -    1    2    -    -    -    -                    268%
        5%    4%    6%    3%    5%    -    5%    14%    18%    5%    3%    4%    17%    -    -    11%    3%    4%    9%    -    6%    -    2%    6%    8%    -    8%    4%    8%    7%    -    -    5%    4%    11%    -    -    3%    9%    -    1%    5%    -    -    -    -                    7%
            *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *    *    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    **    **    **                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    262    154    108    44    82    67    37    19    13    58    126    49    29    11    20    46    80    81    25    21    240    21    57    83    101    23    49    139    13    24    12    1    90    70    58    38    5    194    67    121    141    87    63    30    51    16                    6796%
        162%    163%    160%    137%    160%    199%    153%    162%    144%    143%    179%    155%    151%    146%    149%    141%    172%    167%    180%    135%    165%    122%    152%    161%    181%    158%    156%    175%    126%    141%    158%    100%    137%    170%    192%    186%    128%    176%    131%    209%    191%    228%    264%    286%    238%    274%                    169%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling
        A    B
    Unweighted Base    160200%    160200%                                                                                                                                                                                                    160200%
        Â     Â                                                                                                                                                                                                     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    160200%                                                                                                                                                                                                    160200%
        Â     Â                                                                                                                                                                                                     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    131800%    137300%                                                                                                                                                                                                    134550%
        82%    86%                                                                                                                                                                                                    84%
            A                                                                                                                                                                                                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    58900%    65400%                                                                                                                                                                                                    62150%
        37%    41%                                                                                                                                                                                                    39%
            A                                                                                                                                                                                                    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    72900%    71900%                                                                                                                                                                                                    72400%
        46%    45%                                                                                                                                                                                                    45%
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    23800%    18700%                                                                                                                                                                                                    21250%
        15%    12%                                                                                                                                                                                                    13%
        B                                                                                                                                                                                                        ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    16100%    13600%                                                                                                                                                                                                    14850%
        10%    9%                                                                                                                                                                                                    9%
        B                                                                                                                                                                                                        ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    77    51                                                                                                                                                                                                    6400%
        5%    3%                                                                                                                                                                                                    4%
        B                                                                                                                                                                                                        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    46    42                                                                                                                                                                                                    4400%
        3%    3%                                                                                                                                                                                                    3%
    Mean    3.18    3.27
    Standard deviation    0.81    0.75
    Sigma    1602    1602
        100%    100%
    Overlap formulae used
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A/B
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A/B
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Top 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    131800%    62000%    69400%    400%    15700%    21600%    20600%    23100%    22400%    28400%    18600%    34900%    33900%    44400%    8000%    10100%    34700%    35600%    27600%    15900%    2500%    129300%    16800%    38500%    40300%    36200%    7900%    17500%    54500%    30400%    10600%    8600%    400%    1500%    200%    36200%    39400%    27300%    17600%    11300%    24300%    107500%    9300%    13200%    6500%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1500%    600%    27128%
        82%    81%    84%    100%    86%    83%    81%    78%    82%    85%    86%    81%    80%    84%    85%    78%    82%    84%    82%    83%    67%    83%    79%    83%    83%    82%    85%    85%    82%    83%    78%    80%    100%    90%    44%    83%    82%    85%    83%    73%    87%    81%    88%    89%    93%    95%    92%    84%    79%    89%    83%
                    **                        H                    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n    n    n    n        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    137300%    64600%    72300%    400%    16300%    22800%    21800%    23500%    23300%    29600%    19300%    36800%    34900%    46300%    8600%    10100%    36000%    36300%    29400%    17000%    2600%    134800%    18200%    40100%    41600%    37400%    8300%    18300%    56300%    31500%    11600%    9000%    400%    1400%    200%    38300%    41200%    27800%    18200%    11900%    24600%    112700%    9900%    13200%    6600%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1700%    600%    28248%
        86%    84%    87%    100%    89%    88%    86%    79%    85%    88%    90%    86%    82%    87%    92%    77%    85%    85%    88%    88%    68%    86%    85%    87%    85%    85%    89%    88%    85%    86%    86%    84%    100%    86%    44%    88%    86%    87%    86%    77%    89%    85%    94%    89%    95%    93%    92%    85%    89%    89%    86%
                    **    H    H                H    M                P*            P    P    P    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n    n    n    n                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Bottom 2 Box ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    23800%    12400%    11400%    -    2500%    3900%    4500%    5700%    3400%    3800%    2700%    7400%    7300%    6400%    1100%    2700%    6300%    6200%    4600%    2900%    900%    22900%    3300%    6400%    7400%    6800%    1100%    2500%    10600%    5000%    2800%    1400%    -    100%    200%    6000%    7100%    4300%    3200%    3200%    3100%    20700%    900%    1700%    500%    100%    100%    600%    400%    100%    5050%
        15%    16%    14%    -    14%    15%    18%    19%    12%    11%    13%    17%    17%    12%    12%    21%    15%    15%    14%    15%    24%    15%    15%    14%    15%    16%    11%    12%    16%    14%    21%    14%    -    5%    39%    14%    15%    13%    15%    20%    11%    16%    9%    11%    7%    3%    8%    16%    21%    11%    15%
                    **            J    IJ                N    N        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    18700%    10100%    8600%    -    1900%    2700%    3400%    5500%    2500%    2700%    2100%    5600%    6400%    4600%    600%    2800%    5100%    5600%    2800%    1800%    900%    17900%    1900%    4800%    6300%    5800%    600%    1800%    8800%    4000%    1800%    1200%    -    100%    200%    4100%    5400%    4000%    2600%    2600%    2700%    16000%    300%    1700%    400%    200%    100%    500%    200%    100%    3969%
        12%    13%    10%    -    10%    10%    13%    19%    9%    8%    10%    13%    15%    9%    7%    21%    12%    13%    9%    9%    23%    11%    9%    10%    13%    13%    7%    9%    13%    11%    14%    11%    -    9%    39%    10%    11%    12%    12%    17%    10%    12%    3%    11%    6%    5%    8%    15%    11%    11%    12%
                    **                EFIJ                    N        *    OQRST                    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                    j            *    q    *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Summary of Means ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling    318%    312%    323%    324%    331%    313%    315%    306%    325%    320%    332%    311%    312%    322%    329%    307%    312%    321%    323%    316%    307%    318%    312%    322%    317%    316%    337%    328%    314%    315%    306%    322%    376%    365%    307%    323%    316%    321%    314%    304%    339%    313%    353%    339%    344%    347%    349%    339%    317%    345%    324%
                B    **    H                H        LM                *                        **        *                ce*    ce                *    **    **    **    n        n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling    327%    319%    334%    337%    346%    326%    321%    309%    334%    332%    344%    321%    316%    333%    342%    311%    321%    327%    337%    324%    314%    327%    331%    330%    326%    322%    347%    337%    321%    324%    320%    334%    376%    376%    307%    335%    325%    325%    325%    314%    344%    323%    366%    343%    355%    363%    365%    347%    342%    365%    334%
                B    **    FGH    H            H    H    LM            LM    PQ*                PQ        **        *                cde*    cd                *    **    **    **    n                    p        r*        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Table of contents                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating how to minimize the risks associated with gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    131800%    62000%    69400%    400%    15700%    21600%    20600%    23100%    22400%    28400%    18600%    34900%    33900%    44400%    8000%    10100%    34700%    35600%    27600%    15900%    2500%    129300%    16800%    38500%    40300%    36200%    7900%    17500%    54500%    30400%    10600%    8600%    400%    1500%    200%    36200%    39400%    27300%    17600%    11300%    24300%    107500%    9300%    13200%    6500%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1500%    600%    27128%
        82%    81%    84%    100%    86%    83%    81%    78%    82%    85%    86%    81%    80%    84%    85%    78%    82%    84%    82%    83%    67%    83%    79%    83%    83%    82%    85%    85%    82%    83%    78%    80%    100%    90%    44%    83%    82%    85%    83%    73%    87%    81%    88%    89%    93%    95%    92%    84%    79%    89%    83%
                    **                        H                    *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n    n    n    n        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    58900%    25300%    33500%    100%    8900%    8500%    9900%    9100%    10800%    11700%    10600%    14500%    14300%    19600%    4000%    4500%    13500%    16800%    13500%    6600%    1500%    57400%    6800%    18300%    17800%    15900%    4500%    9400%    22600%    11700%    4900%    4100%    300%    1100%    200%    17300%    17100%    12300%    7600%    4500%    14800%    44000%    6500%    8000%    3800%    1800%    700%    2200%    900%    400%    12260%
        37%    33%    40%    24%    49%    33%    39%    31%    40%    35%    49%    34%    34%    37%    43%    35%    32%    40%    40%    34%    40%    37%    32%    40%    37%    36%    48%    45%    34%    32%    37%    39%    76%    67%    44%    40%    36%    39%    36%    29%    53%    33%    62%    54%    54%    51%    65%    61%    49%    66%    42%
                B    **    FHJ                H        LMN                *            Q    Q        **        *                cd*    cd                *    **    **    **    n                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    72900%    36700%    35900%    300%    6800%    13100%    10800%    14000%    11600%    16700%    8000%    20400%    19600%    24900%    4000%    5600%    21200%    18800%    14100%    9300%    1000%    71900%    10000%    20200%    22500%    20200%    3400%    8100%    31900%    18700%    5600%    4400%    100%    400%    -    18900%    22300%    15000%    10000%    6800%    9400%    63500%    2800%    5200%    2800%    1600%    300%    800%    600%    200%    15169%
        46%    48%    43%    76%    37%    51%    42%    47%    43%    50%    37%    47%    46%    47%    43%    43%    50%    44%    42%    49%    27%    46%    47%    44%    46%    46%    37%    39%    48%    51%    42%    42%    24%    24%    -    43%    47%    47%    47%    44%    34%    48%    26%    35%    39%    44%    28%    23%    30%    24%    42%
                    **        E                E        K        K    *        S                **        *                *        b    ab        *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    23800%    12400%    11400%    -    2500%    3900%    4500%    5700%    3400%    3800%    2700%    7400%    7300%    6400%    1100%    2700%    6300%    6200%    4600%    2900%    900%    22900%    3300%    6400%    7400%    6800%    1100%    2500%    10600%    5000%    2800%    1400%    -    100%    200%    6000%    7100%    4300%    3200%    3200%    3100%    20700%    900%    1700%    500%    100%    100%    600%    400%    100%    5050%
        15%    16%    14%    -    14%    15%    18%    19%    12%    11%    13%    17%    17%    12%    12%    21%    15%    15%    14%    15%    24%    15%    15%    14%    15%    16%    11%    12%    16%    14%    21%    14%    -    5%    39%    14%    15%    13%    15%    20%    11%    16%    9%    11%    7%    3%    8%    16%    21%    11%    15%
                    **            J    IJ                N    N        *                        **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    16100%    8100%    8000%    -    1600%    2600%    2900%    4100%    2500%    2300%    1600%    5000%    5200%    4300%    900%    1700%    4200%    4200%    3000%    2100%    500%    15600%    2100%    4400%    5200%    4400%    1000%    1200%    7400%    3600%    1500%    1000%    -    100%    200%    4400%    4700%    3000%    1600%    2400%    2000%    14100%    700%    1300%    300%    -    -    400%    200%    -    3638%
        10%    11%    10%    -    9%    10%    12%    14%    9%    7%    8%    12%    12%    8%    9%    13%    10%    10%    9%    11%    14%    10%    10%    10%    11%    10%    10%    6%    11%    10%    11%    9%    -    5%    39%    10%    10%    10%    8%    15%    7%    11%    7%    8%    5%    -    -    11%    10%    -    10%
                    **                J                    N        *                        **        *                *        b            *    **    **    **                    m            *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    77    43    34    -    9    12    16    16    9    15    11    24    20    21    3    10    21    20    16    8    4    73    12    19    22    23    1    13    31    13    13    5    -    -    -    17    24    12    15    8    10    67    2    4    2    1    1    2    2    1    1700%
        5%    6%    4%    -    5%    5%    6%    5%    3%    5%    5%    6%    5%    4%    3%    7%    5%    5%    5%    4%    10%    5%    6%    4%    5%    5%    1%    6%    5%    4%    10%    4%    -    -    -    4%    5%    4%    7%    5%    4%    5%    2%    3%    3%    3%    8%    6%    11%    11%    5%
                    **                                            *                        **        *                *                acd    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    46    25    21    -    2    4    4    8    15    13    2    8    12    24    2    3    14    9    14    5    3    43    13    13    12    9    4    7    12    14    1    6    -    1    1    14    14    5    4    10    4    42    4    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1114%
        3%    3%    3%    -    1%    2%    2%    3%    6%    4%    1%    2%    3%    5%    3%    2%    3%    2%    4%    2%    9%    3%    6%    3%    2%    2%    4%    3%    2%    4%    1%    6%    -    5%    17%    3%    3%    1%    2%    7%    2%    3%    3%    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    3%
                    **                    EFG                    KL    *                        **        *                *                    c*    **    **    **                    lm            r*        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Mean    3.18    3.12    3.23    3.24    3.31    3.13    3.15    3.06    3.25    3.2    3.32    3.11    3.12    3.22    3.29    3.07    3.12    3.21    3.23    3.16    3.07    3.18    3.12    3.22    3.17    3.16    3.37    3.28    3.14    3.15    3.06    3.22    3.76    3.65    3.07    3.23    3.16    3.21    3.14    3.04    3.39    3.13    3.53    3.39    3.44    3.47    3.49    3.39    3.17    3.45
                B    **    H                H        LM                *                        **        *                ce*    ce                *    **    **    **    n        n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Standard deviation    0.81    0.82    0.79    0.49    0.82    0.79    0.86    0.82    0.77    0.76    0.83    0.82    0.81    0.77    0.76    0.89    0.79    0.81    0.81    0.78    1.03    0.8    0.82    0.79    0.8    0.82    0.72    0.84    0.8    0.75    0.94    0.81    0.5    0.59    1.15    0.79    0.81    0.77    0.85    0.84    0.78    0.8    0.72    0.77    0.71    0.65    0.89    0.9    1.03    1.02
    Sigma    1602    769    829    4    183    259    255    297    273    335    215    431    424    532    94    131    424    426    335    192    38    1564    213    461    489    439    93    207    663    368    135    106    4    17    5    436    479    320    212    155    278    1324    105    149    70    35    11    36    19    7
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q9b [Mindfulness Before Gambling (Big_Game)] [ Communicating the importance of protecting yourself by setting a budget limit when gambling ] - Overall, how effective was this ad at
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Top 2 box (Net)    137300%    64600%    72300%    400%    16300%    22800%    21800%    23500%    23300%    29600%    19300%    36800%    34900%    46300%    8600%    10100%    36000%    36300%    29400%    17000%    2600%    134800%    18200%    40100%    41600%    37400%    8300%    18300%    56300%    31500%    11600%    9000%    400%    1400%    200%    38300%    41200%    27800%    18200%    11900%    24600%    112700%    9900%    13200%    6600%    3300%    1100%    3000%    1700%    600%    28248%
        86%    84%    87%    100%    89%    88%    86%    79%    85%    88%    90%    86%    82%    87%    92%    77%    85%    85%    88%    88%    68%    86%    85%    87%    85%    85%    89%    88%    85%    86%    86%    84%    100%    86%    44%    88%    86%    87%    86%    77%    89%    85%    94%    89%    95%    93%    92%    85%    89%    89%    86%
                    **    H    H                H    M                P*            P    P    P    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **    n    n    n    n                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (4) Very effective    65400%    27100%    38200%    200%    10500%    10300%    10000%    9400%    11900%    13400%    11800%    16800%    14400%    22400%    4700%    5300%    15000%    18100%    15500%    6800%    1600%    63800%    8700%    19600%    20000%    17100%    5000%    9900%    24900%    13200%    5500%    5000%    300%    1400%    200%    19900%    18400%    13300%    8600%    5300%    15400%    50000%    7000%    8600%    4300%    2300%    800%    2300%    1100%    500%    13624%
        41%    35%    46%    38%    58%    40%    39%    32%    43%    40%    55%    39%    34%    42%    50%    41%    35%    43%    46%    36%    43%    41%    41%    43%    41%    39%    53%    48%    38%    36%    41%    47%    76%    81%    44%    46%    38%    41%    41%    34%    56%    38%    66%    58%    61%    66%    73%    64%    59%    75%    47%
                B    **    FGHIJ                H    H    LMN            M    QT*            Q    QT        **        *                cd*    cd                *    **    **    **    kn                    p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (3) Somewhat effective    71900%    37500%    34200%    300%    5700%    12500%    11900%    14200%    11500%    16200%    7500%    20000%    20500%    23900%    3900%    4800%    21000%    18100%    13900%    10100%    900%    70900%    9400%    20500%    21700%    20400%    3400%    8400%    31400%    18300%    6100%    4000%    100%    100%    -    18300%    22800%    14500%    9700%    6600%    9200%    62700%    3000%    4600%    2400%    1000%    200%    700%    600%    100%    14931%
        45%    49%    41%    63%    31%    48%    47%    48%    42%    48%    35%    46%    48%    45%    42%    37%    50%    43%    42%    53%    25%    45%    44%    44%    44%    46%    36%    41%    47%    50%    45%    37%    24%    5%    -    42%    48%    45%    46%    43%    33%    47%    28%    31%    34%    27%    20%    21%    30%    14%    40%
            C        **        E    E    E    E    E        K    K    K    *        PS            PRS    **        *                *            b        *    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Bottom 2 box (Net)    18700%    10100%    8600%    -    1900%    2700%    3400%    5500%    2500%    2700%    2100%    5600%    6400%    4600%    600%    2800%    5100%    5600%    2800%    1800%    900%    17900%    1900%    4800%    6300%    5800%    600%    1800%    8800%    4000%    1800%    1200%    -    100%    200%    4100%    5400%    4000%    2600%    2600%    2700%    16000%    300%    1700%    400%    200%    100%    500%    200%    100%    3969%
        12%    13%    10%    -    10%    10%    13%    19%    9%    8%    10%    13%    15%    9%    7%    21%    12%    13%    9%    9%    23%    11%    9%    10%    13%    13%    7%    9%    13%    11%    14%    11%    -    9%    39%    10%    11%    12%    12%    17%    10%    12%    3%    11%    6%    5%    8%    15%    11%    11%    12%
                    **                EFIJ                    N        *    OQRST                    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                    j            *    q    *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (2) Somewhat ineffective    13600%    7100%    6500%    -    1600%    1700%    2000%    4200%    1900%    2200%    1700%    3400%    4900%    3600%    400%    1700%    3900%    4300%    2000%    1200%    600%    13000%    1300%    3400%    4800%    4100%    500%    1300%    6500%    3300%    800%    800%    -    100%    200%    3100%    4000%    2600%    1900%    2000%    2000%    11600%    300%    1200%    400%    200%    100%    500%    100%    100%    2890%
        9%    9%    8%    -    9%    7%    8%    14%    7%    7%    8%    8%    12%    7%    5%    13%    9%    10%    6%    6%    16%    8%    6%    7%    10%    9%    6%    6%    10%    9%    6%    7%    -    9%    39%    7%    8%    8%    9%    13%    7%    9%    3%    8%    6%    5%    8%    13%    5%    11%    9%
                    **                FGIJ                    N        *    OS                    **        *                *                    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    q*    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
     (1) Very ineffective    51    30    21    -    3    10    14    13    6    5    4    22    15    10    2    11    12    13    8    5    3    49    6    13    14    17    1    5    23    7    10    4    -    -    -    10    14    14    7    6    7    44    -    5    -    -    -    1    1    -    1259%
        3%    4%    3%    -    2%    4%    6%    5%    2%    2%    2%    5%    4%    2%    2%    9%    3%    3%    3%    3%    7%    3%    3%    3%    3%    4%    1%    3%    4%    2%    8%    4%    -    -    -    2%    3%    4%    3%    4%    3%    3%    -    4%    -    -    -    2%    6%    -    3%
                    **            J    J                N            *    QRST                    **        *                *                bcd    *    **    **    **                                *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t Know    42    22    20    -    2    4    3    6    15    12    2    7    10    23    2    2    13    8    12    5    3    38    13    13    9    7    4    6    11    13    1    5    -    1    1    12    13    3    4    10    4    37    4    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1007%
        3%    3%    2%    -    1%    2%    1%    2%    6%    4%    1%    2%    2%    4%    2%    1%    3%    2%    4%    2%    9%    2%    6%    3%    2%    2%    4%    3%    2%    4%    1%    5%    -    5%    17%    3%    3%    1%    2%    7%    2%    3%    3%    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    3%
                    **                    EFGH                    KL    *                        **        Z*                *                    *    **    **    **                    klm            r*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Mean    3.27    3.19    3.34    3.37    3.46    3.26    3.21    3.09    3.34    3.32    3.44    3.21    3.16    3.33    3.42    3.11    3.21    3.27    3.37    3.24    3.14    3.27    3.31    3.3    3.26    3.22    3.47    3.37    3.21    3.24    3.2    3.34    3.76    3.76    3.07    3.35    3.25    3.25    3.25    3.14    3.44    3.23    3.66    3.43    3.55    3.63    3.65    3.47    3.42    3.65
                B    **    FGH    H            H    H    LM            LM    PQ*                PQ        **        *                cde*    cd                *    **    **    **    n                    p        r*        *    **    **    *    **    **
    Standard deviation    0.75    0.77    0.74    0.55    0.72    0.75    0.81    0.8    0.72    0.67    0.72    0.8    0.77    0.69    0.69    0.94    0.73    0.77    0.72    0.7    0.98    0.75    0.73    0.74    0.76    0.77    0.66    0.72    0.76    0.7    0.86    0.78    0.5    0.62    1.15    0.72    0.74    0.78    0.76    0.81    0.74    0.75    0.53    0.79    0.6    0.58    0.65    0.8    0.87    0.72
    Sigma    1602    769    829    4    183    259    255    297    273    335    215    431    424    532    94    131    424    426    335    192    38    1564    213    461    489    439    93    207    663    368    135    106    4    17    5    436    479    320    212    155    278    1324    105    149    70    35    11    36    19    7
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q11. Do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    36700%    17300%    19300%    200%    8400%    9400%    6100%    4800%    4800%    3200%    9500%    12900%    8100%    6200%    2100%    3200%    7600%    11900%    8600%    3400%    2300%    34500%    3900%    10000%    12000%    10900%    4000%    5500%    16700%    4200%    3000%    2700%    -    300%    100%    10800%    11000%    7600%    4500%    2900%    17300%    19400%    7500%    10700%    5600%    3300%    1000%    2800%    700%    300%    8147%
        23%    22%    23%    40%    46%    36%    24%    16%    18%    10%    44%    30%    19%    12%    22%    24%    18%    28%    26%    18%    60%    22%    18%    22%    25%    25%    43%    27%    25%    11%    22%    25%    -    21%    18%    25%    23%    24%    21%    19%    62%    15%    71%    72%    80%    95%    83%    77%    40%    43%    33%
                    **    GHIJ    GHIJ    HJ    J    J        LMN    MN    N        *            QT    Q        **        *                bcdef*    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **                        p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    123500%    59600%    63600%    300%    9900%    16500%    19400%    24800%    22500%    30300%    12000%    30200%    34300%    47000%    7300%    9900%    34800%    30700%    24900%    15800%    1500%    122000%    17400%    36200%    36900%    33000%    5300%    15200%    49500%    32600%    10500%    8000%    400%    1300%    400%    32800%    36900%    24400%    16700%    12600%    10500%    113000%    3000%    4200%    1400%    200%    200%    800%    1100%    400%    24914%
        77%    78%    77%    60%    54%    64%    76%    84%    83%    90%    56%    70%    81%    88%    78%    76%    82%    72%    74%    82%    40%    78%    82%    78%    76%    75%    57%    73%    75%    89%    78%    75%    100%    79%    82%    75%    77%    76%    79%    82%    38%    85%    29%    28%    20%    6%    17%    23%    60%    57%    68%
                    **            EF    EFG    EF    EFGHI        K    KL    KLM    *        RS            R    **        *                *    a    a    abcef    a    a*    **    **    **                            o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%    100%
    Statistics:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Proportions:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    - Column Means:                                                                                                                                                                                                             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
s/t/u/v/w/x                                                                                                                                                                                                            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q12 Where do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    35900%    15000%    20800%    100%    6800%    8500%    6600%    5400%    5200%    3400%    8000%    12300%    8800%    6800%    2100%    3000%    7700%    11000%    9600%    2500%    2100%    33800%    1400%    8900%    12900%    12700%    3400%    5700%    17100%    4300%    2800%    2100%    200%    100%    9700%    11200%    7600%    4800%    2600%    17100%    18800%    7800%    10300%    5500%    3000%    1000%    2800%    800%    300%        7965%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â         ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    36700%    17300%    19300%    200%    8400%    9400%    6100%    4800%    4800%    3200%    9500%    12900%    8100%    6200%    2100%    3200%    7600%    11900%    8600%    3400%    2300%    34500%    3900%    10000%    12000%    10900%    4000%    5500%    16700%    4200%    3000%    2700%    300%    100%    10800%    11000%    7600%    4500%    2900%    17300%    19400%    7500%    10700%    5600%    3300%    1000%    2800%    700%    300%        8147%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â         ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Online    25100%    11800%    13100%    200%    6200%    7300%    4200%    2900%    2400%    2000%    7000%    9900%    4500%    3800%    1400%    1600%    4900%    8800%    5800%    2600%    1100%    24000%    2300%    6000%    8800%    8000%    3800%    3800%    11400%    2000%    2200%    1400%    300%    100%    7600%    7300%    5100%    2800%    2200%    12000%    13100%    5800%    7900%    4600%    2500%    600%    2000%    500%    -        5723%
        68%    69%    68%    100%    73%    78%    69%    61%    51%    63%    73%    77%    55%    61%    69%    50%    64%    74%    67%    78%    49%    70%    59%    61%    73%    73%    95%    68%    68%    48%    74%    51%    100%    100%    70%    67%    67%    64%    77%    69%    68%    77%    74%    82%    75%    61%    73%    70%    -        70%
                    **    I*    HI*    *    *    *    **    M*    MN*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            bcd*    *    d    *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    At a doctor`s office    3900%    2000%    1900%    -    700%    1000%    700%    900%    500%    100%    900%    1400%    1400%    300%    -    300%    1100%    1400%    1000%    100%    700%    3200%    -    1400%    1100%    1400%    100%    600%    2400%    200%    100%    500%    -    -    800%    1500%    900%    700%    100%    2500%    1400%    1500%    1600%    1300%    1200%    400%    800%    100%    -        1072%
        11%    12%    10%    -    8%    11%    12%    18%    11%    3%    9%    11%    17%    5%    -    9%    15%    11%    12%    3%    32%    9%    -    14%    9%    13%    2%    11%    14%    4%    3%    20%    -    -    7%    13%    12%    15%    3%    14%    7%    20%    15%    23%    36%    42%    29%    12%    -        13%
                    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    *    *    N*    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Condo building    3700%    1700%    2000%    -    1100%    800%    1200%    200%    300%    100%    1200%    1700%    400%    300%    100%    100%    300%    1300%    1600%    300%    800%    2900%    300%    1000%    1000%    1400%    300%    500%    1800%    400%    600%    100%    -    -    800%    1100%    1000%    500%    200%    2500%    1200%    1600%    1900%    1400%    600%    500%    700%    200%    -        971%
        10%    10%    10%    -    14%    8%    20%    5%    5%    3%    13%    13%    5%    6%    3%    4%    4%    11%    18%    9%    33%    9%    7%    10%    9%    13%    8%    9%    11%    8%    20%    3%    -    -    8%    10%    14%    11%    8%    15%    6%    21%    18%    24%    17%    51%    27%    27%    -        13%
                    **    *    *    HI*    *    *    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    Q*    **    **        **    *            *    *        *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    At a pharmacy    3600%    2000%    1600%    -    900%    1000%    700%    300%    500%    100%    1000%    1400%    800%    400%    100%    600%    1000%    800%    1100%    -    600%    3100%    600%    1000%    1400%    600%    400%    700%    1300%    300%    100%    800%    -    -    1400%    1200%    700%    300%    -    2800%    800%    1100%    2200%    1000%    1000%    400%    900%    200%    -        995%
        10%    12%    8%    -    11%    11%    12%    6%    11%    3%    11%    11%    9%    6%    7%    18%    13%    7%    13%    -    24%    9%    16%    10%    12%    6%    11%    13%    8%    8%    3%    29%    -    -    13%    11%    10%    7%    -    16%    4%    15%    21%    18%    31%    42%    32%    21%    -        13%
                    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Walk-in clinic    3500%    2100%    1500%    -    900%    900%    700%    600%    400%    100%    1000%    1200%    1000%    300%    -    600%    600%    1200%    1000%    100%    700%    2800%    -    1300%    1200%    1000%    200%    800%    2000%    200%    -    400%    -    -    800%    1400%    1100%    300%    -    2400%    1100%    1400%    1800%    1200%    1100%    500%    900%    100%    -        1034%
        10%    12%    8%    -    10%    9%    12%    12%    9%    3%    11%    9%    12%    5%    -    20%    8%    10%    11%    3%    31%    8%    -    13%    10%    9%    4%    15%    12%    5%    -    14%    -    -    7%    13%    14%    6%    -    14%    6%    19%    17%    22%    34%    57%    31%    12%    -        13%
                    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Television    18    8    11    -    -    1    -    3    10    4    -    1    8    9    2    4    2    4    3    2    -    18    2    6    4    6    -    2    7    6    1    1    -    -    4    6    4    3    2    3    15    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -        545%
        5%    4%    6%    -    -    2%    -    6%    21%    12%    -    1%    10%    14%    11%    13%    3%    3%    4%    7%    -    5%    6%    7%    3%    5%    -    4%    4%    15%    4%    5%    -    -    4%    5%    5%    7%    6%    2%    8%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -        7%
                    **    *    *    *    E*    EFGH*    **    *    *    KL*    KL*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        ac*    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **        o    *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Nothing/ N/A    1    -    1    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    1    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -        100%
        0%    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    0%    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    0%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -        1%
                    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        *    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    27    10    17    -    6    4    4    5    4    4    7    6    8    6    3    2    6    7    8    -    -    27    3    9    12    3    -    2    15    5    1    3    -    -    8    7    9    2    1    10    17    1    4    2    -    -    1    4    -        700%
        7%    6%    9%    -    8%    4%    6%    11%    9%    13%    7%    5%    10%    9%    16%    8%    8%    6%    10%    -    -    8%    7%    10%    10%    3%    -    4%    9%    13%    4%    10%    -    -    7%    6%    11%    6%    5%    6%    9%    1%    4%    3%    -    -    4%    47%    -        8%
                    **    *    *    *    *    *    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    Z*    Z        *    *        a*    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    11    2    9    -    3    -    1    1    3    3    3    1    1    6    2    -    3    3    1    2    -    11    2    4    3    2    1    -    1    5    1    3    -    -    5    3    -    2    1    5    6    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    3        293%
        3%    1%    5%    -    4%    -    2%    2%    6%    9%    4%    1%    1%    9%    9%    -    4%    3%    1%    6%    -    3%    5%    4%    2%    2%    3%    -    1%    11%    3%    11%    -    -    4%    3%    -    4%    4%    3%    3%    1%    1%    2%    3%    10%    3%    12%    100%        7%
                    **    *    *    *    *    F*    **    *    *    *    LM*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *            *    *        bc*    **    **    **    **    *        *    *    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **    **        ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    455    216    237    2    108    115    81    58    59    35    122    164    97    72    24    38    90    150    117    36    39    417    39    128    155    134    49    68    213    47    34    38    3    1    131    140    101    53    29    239    216    116    160    98    65    25    55    15    3        10382%
        124%    125%    123%    100%    128%    122%    133%    120%    123%    108%    128%    127%    120%    116%    116%    121%    118%    126%    136%    107%    170%    121%    100%    128%    129%    123%    122%    123%    127%    111%    114%    144%    100%    100%    121%    128%    133%    120%    102%    138%    111%    154%    150%    173%    196%    262%    200%    201%    100%        131%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q12a. Where online do you recall seeing or hearing anything refe
ing to `issues with gambling not always being obvious`?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Othe
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w
    Unweighted Base    24400%    10700%    13600%    100%    4900%    6800%    4600%    3500%    2600%    2000%    5700%    9700%    5100%    3900%    1400%    1600%    4900%    8000%    6600%    1900%    1100%    23300%    800%    5200%    9300%    9100%    3200%    3900%    11800%    1900%    2000%    1200%    200%    100%    6800%    7200%    5500%    3100%    1800%    12000%    12400%    5900%    8000%    4300%    2200%    600%    2100%    500%            5573%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    25100%    11800%    13100%    200%    6200%    7300%    4200%    2900%    2400%    2000%    7000%    9900%    4500%    3800%    1400%    1600%    4900%    8800%    5800%    2600%    1100%    24000%    2300%    6000%    8800%    8000%    3800%    3800%    11400%    2000%    2200%    1400%    300%    100%    7600%    7300%    5100%    2800%    2200%    12000%    13100%    5800%    7900%    4600%    2500%    600%    2000%    500%            5723%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â             ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Facebook    15300%    7100%    8100%    200%    2900%    4200%    3100%    2300%    1700%    1100%    3300%    6200%    3400%    2400%    500%    700%    3100%    5800%    3400%    1800%    700%    14600%    1100%    3700%    5200%    5400%    1800%    2100%    7700%    1200%    1600%    500%    300%    -    3800%    5000%    3300%    2100%    1200%    7000%    8400%    4600%    4500%    2600%    1600%    600%    1300%    200%            3589%
        61%    60%    62%    100%    48%    57%    73%    80%    70%    54%    48%    63%    77%    63%    37%    43%    65%    66%    58%    69%    67%    61%    48%    61%    59%    67%    48%    56%    67%    59%    74%    40%    100%    -    50%    68%    63%    73%    56%    58%    64%    80%    57%    57%    63%    100%    64%    38%            63%
            *        **    *    *    E*    EF*    **    **    *    *    K*    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    j*    *    **    **            rs*    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Instagram    10500%    5100%    5400%    -    3600%    3400%    1900%    900%    500%    300%    3800%    4600%    1400%    600%    600%    1200%    1600%    3200%    3000%    900%    700%    9800%    600%    2400%    3400%    4000%    1900%    1300%    5500%    400%    800%    600%    -    -    2800%    3500%    2000%    1200%    1000%    6200%    4300%    2900%    4700%    3800%    1900%    400%    900%    200%            2660%
        42%    44%    41%    -    59%    46%    44%    29%    22%    13%    55%    47%    31%    17%    41%    74%    34%    36%    52%    34%    66%    41%    28%    40%    39%    51%    51%    35%    48%    21%    37%    41%    -    -    37%    48%    40%    43%    43%    52%    32%    50%    59%    82%    76%    64%    47%    38%            44%
            *        **    H*    *    *    *    **    **    MN*    N*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    p        *    *    qr*    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Youtube    1200%    700%    400%    -    -    900%    200%    100%    -    -    200%    900%    100%    -    -    -    200%    700%    200%    100%    -    1200%    400%    300%    200%    300%    -    300%    300%    -    -    400%    100%    -    700%    300%    100%    -    100%    400%    800%    100%    300%    -    -    -    200%    -            400%
        5%    6%    3%    -    -    13%    4%    3%    -    -    3%    9%    2%    -    -    -    4%    8%    3%    5%    -    5%    16%    6%    2%    3%    -    9%    3%    -    -    27%    26%    -    9%    4%    2%    -    3%    3%    6%    2%    3%    -    -    -    8%    -            7%
            *        **    *    E*    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Willow TV    1100%    600%    500%    -    300%    400%    300%    100%    -    -    500%    500%    100%    -    -    100%    200%    400%    400%    -    100%    1000%    -    400%    200%    500%    300%    100%    600%    -    -    100%    -    -    300%    300%    200%    300%    -    1000%    100%    600%    900%    600%    300%    400%    600%    100%            403%
        4%    5%    4%    -    4%    6%    8%    3%    -    -    7%    5%    2%    -    -    4%    4%    5%    7%    -    9%    4%    -    6%    3%    6%    7%    3%    6%    -    -    7%    -    -    5%    4%    3%    9%    -    8%    1%    11%    11%    13%    13%    64%    32%    17%            9%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yupp TV    800%    100%    700%    -    200%    200%    300%    -    -    -    300%    500%    -    -    -    200%    100%    200%    300%    -    100%    700%    -    200%    300%    200%    100%    100%    500%    -    -    100%    -    -    200%    100%    300%    200%    -    800%    -    500%    700%    400%    300%    300%    500%    100%            321%
        3%    1%    5%    -    3%    3%    8%    -    -    -    4%    5%    -    -    -    10%    2%    2%    6%    -    9%    3%    -    4%    4%    3%    3%    2%    4%    -    -    7%    -    -    3%    1%    6%    7%    -    7%    -    9%    9%    9%    13%    55%    24%    17%            8%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **    p        *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Television    3    2    1    -    -    -    -    -    3    -    -    -    -    3    1    -    2    -    -    -    -    3    -    -    3    -    -    1    2    -    -    -    -    -    1    2    -    -    -    2    1    2    1    1    -    -    -    -            189%
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    10%    -    -    -    -    7%    6%    -    3%    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    3%    -    -    2%    2%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    2%    -    -    -    1%    1%    3%    1%    2%    -    -    -    -            3%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    L*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Nothing/ N/A    1    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    1    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    1    -    -    -    -    -    -    -            100%
        0%    1%    -    -    -    -    -    3%    -    -    -    -    2%    -    -    -    -    -    2%    -    8%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    1%    -    -    -    -    -    -    -            2%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Other    22    10    12    -    6    2    3    2    5    6    6    5    4    9    4    1    5    5    7    2    -    22    2    7    13    1    4    6    3    5    2    2    -    1    10    2    7    1    2    8    15    -    4    -    -    -    -    3            590%
        9%    9%    9%    -    9%    3%    7%    5%    19%    29%    8%    5%    8%    23%    26%    4%    9%    5%    11%    8%    -    9%    9%    11%    15%    1%    10%    15%    3%    25%    9%    13%    -    100%    13%    2%    15%    4%    10%    6%    11%    -    5%    -    -    -    -    62%            14%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    L*    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    Z*    Z*    *    **    c*        **    **    **    **    **    k*    *    k*    **    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Don`t know/ Not stated    4    3    1    -    -    -    2    1    -    1    -    2    1    1    -    -    1    2    1    -    -    4    -    -    2    2    1    1    -    -    1    1    -    -    2    -    -    2    -    1    3    1    1    1    1    1    1    1            157%
        1%    2%    1%    -    -    -    5%    3%    -    5%    -    2%    2%    3%    -    -    2%    2%    2%    -    -    2%    -    -    2%    2%    3%    3%    -    -    3%    7%    -    -    2%    -    -    6%    -    1%    2%    2%    1%    2%    4%    16%    5%    17%            4%
            *        **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    *    **    **    *    *    *    **    **        **    *    *    *    **    *        **    **    **    **    **    *    *    *    **    **            *    *    *    **    **    **    **            ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Sigma    318    153    164    2    76    93    62    37    30    20    87    134    55    42    16    21    60    109    81    31    18    300    23    76    112    107    46    47    152    21    27    19    4    1    92    95    66    40    25    164    154    90    116    76    42    17    36    10            7431%
        127%    129%    125%    100%    124%    127%    148%    125%    122%    100%    125%    136%    123%    112%    111%    135%    123%    124%    141%    116%    159%    125%    100%    127%    128%    134%    121%    124%    133%    105%    123%    141%    126%    100%    120%    131%    129%    142%    112%    137%    117%    155%    147%    164%    168%    298%    179%    190%            133%
    - Column Proportions:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    - Column Means:
    Â Â Â Columns Tested (5%): A, B/C/D, E/F/G/H/I/J, K/L/M/N, O/P/Q/R/S/T, U/V, W/X/Y/Z, a
c/d/e/f/g/h/i, j/k/l/m/n, o/p, q
    Â Â Â Minimum Base: 30 (**), Small Base: 100 (*)
    Table of contents
    Q13. [Mom`s 60th] Do you recall seeing this ad?
        Â     Gender            Age                        Generation                Region                        Reside on First Nations reserve        Education                Employment Status                                    Income                    Aided recall - mindfulness before gambling        Source of aided recall
        Total    Male    Female    Other / REF    18-24    25-34    35-44    45-54    55-64    65+    Gen Z    Millennial    Gen X    Boomer    North    Central    Southwest    GTA 905    GTA 416    East    Yes    No    Less than HS    High School    Some post-secondary or graduated College    University degree or higher    Student    Part-time    Full-time    Retired    Unemployed    Disability    Other    Homemaker    Self-Employed    Less than $40k    $40k-$80k    $80k-$120k    $120k+    No income / pref not to answer    Yes    No    Facebook    YouTube    Instagram    Spotify    Stack Adapt    The Score    Other    Do not recall
        A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z    a    b    c    d    e    f    g    h    i    j    k    l    m    n    o    p    q    r    s    t    u    v    w    x
    Unweighted Base    160200%    67800%    92000%    400%    14100%    24500%    26600%    31400%    29900%    33700%    17400%    42200%    45300%    55300%    10000%    14400%    42700%    40600%    37500%    15000%    3100%    157100%    8300%    43400%    55700%    52800%    7000%    21900%    69200%    37100%    12800%    9000%    400%    1700%    600%    40500%    47900%    33500%    23000%    15300%    27600%    132600%    10600%    14400%    7000%    3200%    1200%    3700%    1900%    800%    32886%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Base: Total answering    160200%    76900%    82900%    400%    18300%    25900%    25500%    29700%    27300%    33500%    21500%    43100%    42400%    53200%    9400%    13100%    42400%    42600%    33500%    19200%    3800%    156400%    21300%    46100%    48900%    43900%    9300%    20700%    66300%    36800%    13500%    10600%    400%    1700%    500%    43600%    47900%    32000%    21200%    15500%    27800%    132400%    10500%    14900%    7000%    3500%    1100%    3600%    1900%    700%    32896%
        Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     Â     ERROR:#DIV/0!
    Yes    12800%    7600%    5200%    -    2600%    4700%    2500%    1700%    900%    300%    3300%    6400%    2000%    1100%    400%    1200%    1900%    4400%    3900%    1000%    1400%    11300%    1000%    2800%    3800%    5200%    1100%    2200%    6900%    200%    1100%    1100%    100%    -    -    4700%    3800%    2500%    1400%    400%    8600%    4200%    4700%    6300%    3300%    2300%    800%    1700%    300%    -    3198%
        8%    10%    6%    -    14%    18%    10%    6%    4%    1%    15%    15%    5%    2%    4%    9%    5%    10%    12%    5%    38%    7%    5%    6%    8%    12%    12%    11%    10%    1%    9%    10%    32%    -    -    11%    8%    8%    7%    2%    31%    3%    45%    42%    47%    66%    71%    49%    18%    -    16%
            C        **    HIJ    GHIJ    IJ    J    J        MN    MN    N        *            Q    OQT        **        *            XY    d*    d    d        d    d*    **    **    **    n    n    n            p        *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!
    No    140300%    67100%    73100%    200%    13800%    19800%    21500%    27000%    25900%    32400%    16100%    34700%    38400%    51100%    8500%    11300%    39400%    36300%    27400%    17500%    2100%    138200%    19900%    41700%    42200%    36600%    7600%    16800%    57000%    35600%    11400%    9200%    300%    1600%    500%    36600%    41800%    28300%    19100%    14400%    16600%    123700%    4800%    7500%    2800%    1200%    200%    1700%    1500%    600%    28466%
        88%    87%    88%    36%    75%    76%    84%    91%    95%    97%    75%    81%    91%    96%    91%    86%    93%    85%    82%    91%    56%    88%    93%    90%    86%    84%    81%    81%    86%    97%    85%    86%    69%    94%    100%    84%    87%    88%    90%    93%    60%    94%    45%    51%    40%    34%    20%    49%    79%    86%    79%
                    **            EF    EFG    EFG    EFGH            KL    KLM    S*        PRS            S    **        Z*    Z            *            abcef        *    **    **    **                j    j        o    *        *    **    **    *    **    **    ERROR:#DIV/0!

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