EVN301_Assessment 2_Brief_June 2018 Page 1 of 10
Subject Code and Title EVN301 Events Policy and Strategy
Assessment Part A: Event Proposal
Part B: Strategic Analysis
Individual/Group Individual
Length Part A – 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Part B – 1,500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Research and discuss the critical strategic role that events
play, within governments, communities and corporations.
) Compare and contrast the links between policy, strategic
objectives and strategic processes, within the context of
event planning for businesses, government and
c) Analyse the processes, tools and techniques of strategic
development, as it pertains to event planning.
Submission Part A – due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Module 4.2 (Sunday
of week 8)
Part B – due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Module 6.1 (Sunday
of week 11)
Weighting Part A – 25%
Part B – 40%
Total Marks Part A - 100 marks
Part B – 100 marks
This assessment will allow you to demonstrate your creativity and strategic thinking.
What is the difference between an event that leaves a ‘mark’ on the people who attend, that
everyone loves and remembers; and an event that simply becomes a “past event” on the calendar?
Your challenge is to design an original major event that will have a positive impact on the host
community. However, the concept itself will not be enough to make the event a success; you will
need to thoroughly consider your event strategy and execution to ensure long-term viability and
growth of the event. Things to consider will be the target demographic, stakeholders and their
objectives, locations and venues, financial feasibility, facilities required and available, and associated
Through designing your event, you will show evidence of strategic thinking by fulfilling a gap in the
market, utilising local resources, catering to an unde
epresented community group and/or fostering
community development.
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Part A: Event Proposal
Choose one of the local councils used in the first assessment task by you or your classmates (Policy
Analysis Post). Having the location and the policy in mind, you will develop an original major event
proposal to fit within the strategic requirements of the local council and the variety of stakeholders
involved. You need to clearly identify the stakeholders for this purpose.
Note: a major event is an event that has important consequences, such as a conference or exhibition,
a major product launch or a government VIP event. This includes public events, such as festivals and
concerts, with over 10,000 people.
Step one – Design your event concept
Your event concept must:
Be designed with the local community in mind
Needs to be either be “supported” or “approved” by local authorities
Has an objective other than financial gain
Has a physical location (cannot be an online event)
Step two – Identify stakeholders
In your event
ief, you must:
Identify the key stakeholders
Describe the target demographic for the event and how they will be reached
Explain why the target demographic would enjoy/participate in the event
Step three – Event execution
What location/s will be used?
What facilities are required versus those available
ief overview of the planning timeline
An overview of how the event marketing plan and communication to the host community
Step four – Event feasibility
ief explanation of how the event will be funded (Sponsorship? Ticket sales? Grants?
Corporately owned?)
Perform a high-level SWOT Analysis and
iefly explain how you will mitigate any perceived
weaknesses or threats
Word total for Assessment 2 Part A should be 1,000 words (-/+10%). Support your work with
evidence from your research. Include a reference or citation; where appropriate (please refer to
Referencing below).
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Part B: Strategic Analysis
In Part A you designed a major event, in Part B you are tasked with writing a compelling argument to
the local council as to why they should approve or support your event and detailing what that
support would look like.
You need to succinctly address in your report the following:
Where there is alignment between your event and the local council’s strategic objectives
The positive impacts your event will have on the local community and how this will be
How you will mitigate any negative impacts of the event
What type of event support you are seeking and why
Your response should be detailed and provide specific examples of how your event is aligned with
the local council / governing body’s strategic objectives for their community.
Where you give examples of positive impacts draw upon related events to show the extent of these,
likewise provide supporting evidence that risks can be mitigated.
Word total for Assessment 2 Part B should be 1,500 words (-/+10%). Support your work with
evidence from your research. Include a reference or citation, where appropriate (please refer to
Referencing below).
Both parts to this assessment task should include appropriate academic referencing and a reference
list following APA 6th edition style of referencing. Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard
for information on referencing in APA 6th ed.: https:
As a student, you have responsibility with regard to your academic conduct whilst studying. This
conduct is clearly outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure document. Please review
this document before submission.
Submission Instructions:
Submit Part A by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.2 (week 8) via the Assessment link in
the main navigation menu in Blackboard. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade
Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
cswebdav/pid XXXXXXXXXXdt-content-rid-4650242_1/xid-4650242_1
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Submit Part B by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1 (week 11) via the Assessment link in
the main navigation menu in Blackboard. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade
Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
The Learning Ru
ic below is your guide to how your assessment will be marked. Please be sure to
check this ru
ic very carefully before submission.
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Learning Ru
ic: EVN301 Assessment 2, Part A
Fail (Unacceptable)
75 -84%
High Distinction
Creation of event
Limited description of
event concept.
No background
information provided.
Has provided an
adequate description of
event concept.
Basic background
information provided
with some of the key
information addressed.
Description of event
concept is good and
highlights most key
information requested.
Thorough background
information provided.
Highly descriptive
ackground and
description of event
concept, with all key
information addressed –
stakeholders, target
demographic, locations,
venues, facilities, funding
and SWOT
A sophisticated
description of the event
concept and background
that goes beyond key
information and
addresses measures of
success, marketing
management, logistical
challenges and beyond.
Identification of key
stakeholders and
elated impact
Limited analysis of key
stakeholders and
elated impacts
Key stakeholder
communication plan
was not delivered
Covers the event
stakeholders and
describes their interest
and expectations.
Key stakeholder
communication plan was
delivered but analysis
was limited
Well-developed analysis of
the stakeholders with
application of
Key stakeholder
communication plan was
delivered and analysis was
Thoroughly developed
and creative analysis
with application of
management table.
Discusses limitations of
stakeholder analysis.
Very good understanding
of relevant
agencies and of
communication plan
Highly sophisticated and
creative analysis with
application of
management table.
Discusses limitations of
stakeholder analysis.
Excellent understanding
of relevant
agencies and of
communication plan
Understanding event
strategy execution
Does not identify “how”
the event will be
Identifies “how” the
event will be executed
Identifies and analyses the
execution process.
understanding of the
execution process and
Demonstrates a valid
way to improve the
execution process and
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Does not display a clear
understanding of the
event, target market
and key objectives.
Limited understanding of
the event, target market
and key objectives.
Details only basic event
execution plans.
Good understanding of the
event, target market and
key objectives
substantiated by evidence
from the research / course
efers to other strategies
and references.
Very good understanding
of the event, target
market and key
objectives substantiated
y evidence from the
esearch / course
efers to other strategies
and references.
understanding of event,
target market and key
objectives. Substantiated
y evidence from the
esearch / course
Application of
strategic knowledge
for event success
Only identifies the
events strategy
Identifies and describes
the events strategy
Analyses the events
strategy objectives in
terms of the overall
Illustrates the
shortcoming of the
events strategy
objectives when
compared to other parts
of the strategy.
Analyses, compares the
objectives to other
strategies, and suggests
Clarity of expression
and co
inconsistent use of
esources to support
and develop ideas.
Lacks logical/clear
structure and flow of
ideas, making it difficult
to understand.
Displays poor spelling
and grammar.
Demonstrates use of
credible and relevant
esources to support and