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Everything is on the attached the focus on the final draft and follow all keyword is " culture" so the key word you working on or with is culture and follow all instruction in...

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EN 349 Literature and the Environment

Keywords Paper & Presentation

Although written over the span of over 150 years, covering a wide a
ay of geographical places and
spaces, and reflecting different attitudes towards nature and the environment, the texts that we read can
e connected to one another. One way to see these connections is by tracing a “Keyword” across
several texts. The notion of a Keyword comes from Raymond Williams’ influential Keywords: A
Vocabulary of Culture and Society XXXXXXXXXXSeveral disciplines have adapted Williams’ concept of a
“Keyword” and published their own versions of his book. Keywords for Environmental Studies (ed.
Joni Adamson, William A. Gleason, and David N. Pellow) is one such example.
What might a Keywords for EN 349: Literature and the Environment book look like?
Throughout this semester, you will work to track and analyze one keyword as it relates to the readings
and discussions that we share. This project is
oken down into three parts: a log, an essay and a
presentation. By the end of the term you will have:
• Created a log tracking your assigned keyword through readings, media, class discussions,
personal experience, and cu
ent events
• Written an essay providing your own definition and detailing elements
of your keyword in relation to this course
• Created and uploaded a multi-media presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc.) to share
with the class detailing the process of tracking your keyword and summarizing your essay
Due Dates:
Keywords Choices:
Please submit your top three choices for a keyword by the end of Week 1 (Friday at 11:59
I will do my best to assign you one of your choices; if you do not submit your choices, you will
e randomly assigned to a keyword (no wo
ies – each word has the potential for a strong
project). Please see the end of this document for the list of choices.
Keywords Log:
Log check #1 Week 6 (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Log check #2 Week 11 (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Completed Log Final Exam Week (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Essay & Presentation:
You will upload your presentation during Finals Week by Friday at 11:59 PM
1.) Keywords Log: You will keep a “log” throughout the semester in which you record instances of
your selected Keyword that you encounter. I will collect your logs two times throughout the
semester and collect the final version when you submit your essay and. This log should be a place
to record usages of your keyword throughout the semester, pose questions about your term, grapple
with various meanings and definitions of your word, plan and outline your paper, and begin to
analyze the usages that you discover in the course readings and discussions:
• Here, you should archive usages of your keyword throughout the semester, drawing on class
eadings and class discussion.
• You may record out-of-class encounters as well: video, music, conversations, day-to-day
interactions, etc.
• Try to be as specific as possible. For written sources, record the specific title, author, page #,
and, if possible, an exact quote where the word in being used. You should also make a
couple notes about the context to help you later on. For video, songs, conversations, and so
forth, try to note the date, setting, and provide some context. This will help you when it
comes to writing your essay and attributing your sources!
• In addition to recording a usage, it is a good idea to provide some initial thoughts (questions,
connections, insights) about this usage. By “usage,” I mean the specific way in which the
word is being use in the examples you find.
• In your readings, you may find related terms – feel free to record these as well. For example,
if your Keyword is ethics, you may wish to note instances in the reading where you
encounter morality, values, or principles.
• Remember, this work should occur throughout the semester, not just in the week
leading up to the final presentation.
2.) Keywords Paper: The essays in Keywords for Environmental Studies show how a given term
circulates within a particular knowledge community while also circulating across others. Taking
this work as a model, you can think of your essay as an entry in a hypothetical book called
Keywords for EN 349: Literature and the Environment, Caldwell University, Fall 2023. This is our
particular knowledge community, and in your essay you should aim to show how your chosen term
circulates here. You may wish to view some of the digital essays from Keywords for Environmental
Studies and use them as models for your work, although your scope will, necessarily, be na
• Like many of the essays in Keywords for Environmental Studies, your essay may refer to the
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) definition of your keyword, though this is not required.
You should, however, aim to present some history of the word, as well as how you see it
eing used in the class readings and in our discussions.
• Your log can serve as notes toward this essay, giving you an extra motivation to keep
tracking your keyword continuously.
• Your keyword essay will be stronger if you start working on it fairly early in the semester,
uilding it up gradually. This is not a task you can accomplish in the day or two before its
due date.
• Length: 6-8 pages

3.) Presentation: During the final exam period, you will upload a multimedia presentation to share
with the class. Your presentation should adhere to the following:
• 5-6 minutes long
• Include a multi-media slideshow (PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc.)
• Include some recorded voiceover na
ation by you. You do not need to record a video of
yourself (although you certainly can if you want), but you must record your voice na
ating the
• Provide a definition (or a history of definitions) or your keyword, noting different usages
• Draw on your logs and essay, tracing the usage of the keyword in the readings and class
discussions. (You may also include usages that you noted outside of the course)
• Summarize the main points of your essay
You may find the following resources helpful as you work on your Keywords paper:
• Oxford English Dictionary (OED): In addition to providing a definition(s) of each word, the
OED also traces each word’s etymology (i.e. it’s history) – the earliest known instance of the
word being written, changes in meaning over time, etc. We have a subscription to the OED
through the Jennings Li
ary; you can find it under journals and databases (or as a li
arian if
you need help).
• Raymond Williams, Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (1976)
• NYU press has published a series of hy
id print-digital Keywords-
inspired editions: Keywords for American Cultural Studies, Keywords for Asian American
Studies, Keywords for Disability Studies, Keywords for Children’s Literature, Keywords for
Environmental Studies, and Keywords for Media Studies. On this website, you can find the
editors’ Introductions to each volume, a list of print entries, and the full entries for digital
Keywords Choices:

EN 349 Literature and the Environment

Keywords Paper & Presentation

Although written over the span of over 150 years, covering a wide a
ay of geographical places and
spaces, and reflecting different attitudes towards nature and the environment, the texts that we read can
e connected to one another. One way to see these connections is by tracing a “Keyword” across
several texts. The notion of a Keyword comes from Raymond Williams’ influential Keywords: A
Vocabulary of Culture and Society XXXXXXXXXXSeveral disciplines have adapted Williams’ concept of a
“Keyword” and published their own versions of his book. Keywords for Environmental Studies (ed.
Joni Adamson, William A. Gleason, and David N. Pellow) is one such example.
What might a Keywords for EN 349: Literature and the Environment book look like?
Throughout this semester, you will work to track and analyze one keyword as it relates to the readings
and discussions that we share. This project is
oken down into three parts: a log, an essay and a
presentation. By the end of the term you will have:
• Created a log tracking your assigned keyword through readings, media, class discussions,
personal experience, and cu
ent events
• Written an essay providing your own definition and detailing elements
of your keyword in relation to this course
• Created and uploaded a multi-media presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, etc.) to share
with the class detailing the process of tracking your keyword and summarizing your essay
Due Dates:
Keywords Choices:
Please submit your top three choices for a keyword by the end of Week 1 (Friday at 11:59
I will do my best to assign you one of your choices; if you do not submit your choices, you will
e randomly assigned to a keyword (no wo
ies – each word has the potential for a strong
project). Please see the end of this document for the list of choices.
Keywords Log:
Log check #1 Week 6 (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Log check #2 Week 11 (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Completed Log Final Exam Week (by Friday at 11:59 PM)
Essay & Presentation:
You will upload your presentation during Finals Week by Friday at 11:59 PM
1.) Keywords Log: You will keep a “log” throughout the semester in which you record instances of
your selected Keyword that you encounter. I will collect your logs two times throughout the
semester and collect the final version when you submit your essay and. This log should be a place
to record usages of your keyword throughout the semester, pose questions about your term, grapple
with various meanings and definitions of your word, plan and outline your paper, and begin to
analyze the usages that you discover in the course readings and discussions:
• Here, you should archive usages of your keyword throughout the semester, drawing on class
eadings and class discussion.
• You may record out-of-class encounters as well: video, music, conversations, day-to-day
interactions, etc.
• Try to be as specific as possible. For written sources, record the specific title, author, page #,
and, if possible, an exact quote where the word in being used. You should also make a
couple notes about the context to help you later on. For video, songs, conversations, and so
forth, try to note the date, setting, and provide some context. This will help you when it
comes to writing your essay and attributing your sources!
• In addition to recording a usage, it is a good idea to provide some initial thoughts (questions,
connections, insights) about this usage. By “usage,” I mean the specific way in which the
word is being use in the examples you find.
• In your readings, you may find related terms – feel free to record these as well. For example,
if your Keyword is ethics, you may wish to note instances in the reading where you
encounter morality, values, or principles.
• Remember, this work should occur throughout the semester, not just in the week
leading up to the final presentation.
2.) Keywords Paper: The essays in Keywords for Environmental Studies show how a given term
circulates within a particular knowledge community while also circulating across others. Taking
this work as a model, you can think of your essay as an entry in a hypothetical book called
Keywords for EN 349: Literature and the Environment, Caldwell University, Fall 2023. This is our
particular knowledge community, and in your essay you should aim to show how your chosen term
circulates here. You may wish to view some of the digital essays from Keywords for Environmental
Studies and use them as models for your work, although your scope will, necessarily, be na
• Like many of the essays in Keywords for Environmental Studies, your essay may refer to the
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) definition of your keyword, though this is not required.
You should, however, aim to present some history of the word, as well as how you see it
eing used in the class readings and in our discussions.
• Your log can serve as notes toward this
Answered 4 days After Nov 10, 2023


Dipali answered on Nov 14 2023
31 Votes
Slide 1
Keywords Pape
Complex interaction between culture and environment.
Profound influence on beliefs, values, and habits.
Exploration of cultural dynamics and environmental factors.
A key component of human existence is the complex interaction between culture and environment, which profoundly influences our beliefs, values, and habits. This essay attempts to explore the various ways that cultural dynamics and environmental factors interact, and how these interactions affect how we experience nature. The main thesis of the argument is that culture acts as a lens through which we view and interact with the environment. It is based on a combination of literature, media, class discussions, personal experiences, and cu
ent events. This essay explores the historical background and cu
ent discourse su
ounding the term "culture," taking inspiration from Clifford Geertz's "The Interpretation of Cultures" and the various cultural views on ecology that were covered in our class. It also looks at how cultural-environmental topics are portrayed in literature, emphasizing how literature serves as a reflective mi
or reflecting societal attitudes about the environment. This essay seeks to add to a comprehensive knowledge of the complex interaction between human culture and the natural world by offering a nuanced understanding of how culture interacts with environmental factors.
Symbolic Dimensions of Culture
Symbolic Dimensions of Culture
Environmental Context
Impact on Interactions
A significant and enduring feature of human existence, the symbolic components of culture penetrate our attitudes, actions, and relationships with the outside world. Clifford Geertz's ground
eaking work, "The Interpretation of Cultures," explains that culture is a complex system of shared meanings and symbols that impact our perception of the world, rather than just a collection of actions. According to Geertz, these symbols serve as means of interpretation, giving people a prism through which to view the world and create a cohesive reality.
    Within the context of environmental discourse, the symbolic aspects of culture are exhibited through the various ways in which civilizations assign meaning to nature. These symbols, whether they are conveyed through customs, tales, or ve
al formulations, form a cultural na
ative that characterizes humanity's interaction with the natural world. Indigenous societies, for example, frequently incorporate ecological understanding into symbolic ceremonies, creating a strong link between spirituality and environmental stewardship. This essay examines the ways in which these symbolic qualities impact interactions between humans and the environment, highlighting the ways in which cultural symbols shape environmental attitudes and behaviors. By interpreting these symbols, we may better understand cultural worldviews and how they affect ecological sustainability, highlighting the crucial role that culture plays in influencing how we view and interact with the environment.
Diverse Cultural Perspectives on Ecology
Diverse Cultural Perspectives on Ecology
Indigenous Traditions
an Cultural Practices
Film "Cultures of the World"
Importance of Cultural Viewpoints
A rich tapestry of human-environment relationships is revealed by diverse cultural perspectives on ecology, reflecting the variety of ways in which different societies see and engage with the natural world. We explored the mosaic of cultural diversity in our class...

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