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Long Paper – Option A: Investment Decision Summary – You will evaluate your company as a potential investment opportunity. You will either make a recommendation to BUY stock in the company, SELL stock...

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Long Paper – Option A: Investment Decision
Summary – You will evaluate your company as a potential investment opportunity.  You will either make a recommendation to BUY stock in the company, SELL stock in the company, or BUY/SELL a direct competitor of your company. 
1. (10 points) Your paper should provide a succinct historical perspective of your company.
2. (15 points) Provide a detailed summary about the Mission, Vision, and General Strategy (use data when appropriate and external sourcing to fortify your paper).  You may consider doing a 5-Forces analysis or any other type of analysis that helps your case (perhaps a SWOT analysis, etc).
3. (15 points) Analyze the internal conditions of the firm – leadership team, human resources, climate, etc.  What internal resources are important for this company?
4. (25 points) Provide both pros and cons of why this company is a good or bad investment.  You should be balanced in your approach with reasonable arguments for both sides.
5. (25 points) Based on the above, what is your recommendation and WHY?  What points are the most salient in your analysis?  You should be thorough about both internal and external analysis and either a) invest in your company, b) sell your company or c) consider investing in one of your competitors.
Grading Ru
ic for MGMT 3013 Long Paper: Option A
Length and Format – Paper must be:
· Between 1,200-1,600 words (works cited should be a separate page)
· Double-spaced
· 12-point Times New Roman font
· 1-inch margins
· Name located in the heade
· Proper in-paper citations and works cited (MLA format)
    Length and Format
(15 points)
    15 points
    Paper meets all length and formatting requirements
    10 points
    Paper deviates from one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
    0 points
    Paper deviates from more than one (1) of the length and formatting requirements
(15 points)
    15 points
    The paper contains few or no grammatical or spelling e
ors (1-3)
    10 points
    The paper contains several grammatical or spelling e
ors (4-7)
    0 points
    Paper contains more than seven (7) grammatical or spelling e
(10 points)
    Part 1 – 10 points
    10 points
    The paper has an adequate historical perspective of the company.
    5 points
    The paper has a subpar historical perspective of the company.
    0 points
    There is no historical perspective of the company.
(15 points)
    Part 2 – 15 points
    15 points
    The paper gives a detailed summary of the Mission, Vision, and General Strategy AND provides a 5-Forces analysis or SWOT analysis of the strategy with proper explanation for each aspect of the analysis.
    10 points
    The paper gives a basic summary of the Mission, Vision, and General Strategy AND provides a 5-Forces analysis or SWOT analysis of the strategy with only basic, or inco
ect explanation for each aspect of the analysis.
    5 points
    The paper is missing the summary of the Mission, Vision, and General Strategy OR does not provide a 5-Forces analysis or SWOT analysis of the strategy.
    0 points
    There is no mention of the Mission, Vision, or General Strategy AND does not provide a 5-Forces analysis or SWOT analysis of the strategy.
(15 points)
    Part 3 – 15 points
    15 points
    The paper analyzes several internal conditions of the firm and explains which internal resources are important for this company. Proper explanations are given for each of the conditions discussed.
    10 points
    The paper analyzes only a few internal conditions of the firm and explains which internal resources are important for this company. Minimal explanations are given for each of the conditions discussed.
    5 points
    The paper analyzes only a few internal conditions of the firm with no explanations.
    0 points
    The paper is missing the internal conditions important to the company.
(25 points)
    Part 4 – 25 points
    25 points
    The paper provides several pros and cons of why this company is a good or bad investment and ties in the reasoning to strategy (5-Forces/SWOT) well.
    20 points
    The paper provides only a couple pros and cons of why this company is a good or bad investment and only adequately ties in the reasoning to strategy (5-Forces/SWOT).
    10 points
    The paper provides minimal pros and cons of why this company is a good or bad investment AND/OR fails to tie in the reasoning to strategy (5-Forces/SWOT).
    0 points
    The paper is missing the pros and cons of the investment.
(25 points)
    Part 5 – 25 points
    25 points
    The paper gives a firm recommendation to buy/sell stock in the company or a direct competitor. The paper is thorough about both internal and external analysis. If buying/selling a competitor, there is adequate explanation and comparison to your company to give reasoning why a decision was made.
    20 points
    The paper gives a recommendation to buy/sell stock in the company or a direct competitor. The paper gives both internal and external analysis. If buying/selling a competitor, there is some explanation and comparison to your company to give reasoning why a decision was made.
    10 points
    The paper gives a recommendation to buy/sell stock in the company or a direct competitor. The paper is lacking in either internal or external analysis. If buying/selling a competitor, there is little/no explanation or comparison to your company to give reasoning why a decision was made.
    0 points
    No recommendation was made for buying/selling your company’s stock or a competitor’s.
Answered Same Day Apr 07, 2020 MGMT 3013


Shashank answered on Apr 11 2020
152 Votes
Student Name
Investment Decision
Submitted By
Student Name
Historical Perspective of Citigroup
The Citigroup history is more than 200 years old. The first entity was founded in 1781 in the form of Bank of America by Samuel Osgood. The company went through various mergers and formation of company was formed when Citigroup (banking giant) and Travelers group (financial conglomerate) merged. In the cu
ent scenario, Citicorp is owned by the Citigroup which is also holding company for Citibank and other subsidiaries
The company has maintained the status of Big 4 in United States and holds the reputation of 4th largest bank in US. The company has evolved itself to own more than 200 million customers accounts and expanded its business in around 160 countries. The major hiccup for the company came during the financial crisis of 2007-08 before which the company was doing business at its peak point. The rescue package from the US government helped and provided stimulus to sustain for doing business in future.
The profitability was retained in 2010 after major setback during recession. Major developments post that include expansion in retail banking operations, credit card operations and passing of the CCAR test which tells about banks’ ability to withstand during recession.
Mission, Vision, and General Strategy
Mission: The company serves with the mission of providing financial services to its clients by becoming a trusted partner with the objective of leading them to path of growth and economic progress. They look forward to help people save their money and make investments that help in improving the quality of life. The company strives to work on highest ethical standards with the motive of earning and maintaining public trust. The decisions that are made are ensured to follow and pass 3 tests i.e. they should be in interest of clients, helps generate economic value and should be systemically responsible.
The company believes in vision of providing excellent consulting that requires client advocacy and stewardship. The objective is to exceed the expectations of client by giving them leading edge investment solutions and speed delivery of consulting services.     
SWOT Analysis:
· Growing retail network: The
and is well positioned with a wide network of retail locations. This automatically provides better access for customers for Citibank services.
· International scenario: With its wide regional presence, the company has ability to leverage differences in economic performance. ("Citigroup Company Profile - SWOT Analysis")
· Dark
ush on reputation: The slump that recession caused has still got its ramifications. Constant efforts are still required to furnish its reputation.
· Vulnerability due to overexposure in US market: For company which is focused on global growth, major chunk of its revenue still comes from US for global consumer banking.
· Rising Leadership: The multi-directional changes including the new leadership and turnaround plan provides opportunity to...

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