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Assignment Details: This Assignment assesses the student’s understanding of the theoretical learning to practical, real world situations. Students should identify a problem situation (only one...

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Assignment Details:
This Assignment assesses the student’s understanding of the theoretical learning to practical, real world situations. Students should identify a problem situation (only one problem) in an organisation they have access to (preferably an organisation where you work or have worked recently). Do not focus on a problem that has already been solved. Also do not focus on many problems at the same time. A presentation covering the following points should be prepared: 1. A
ief introduction of the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold the name of the organisation).
2. Description of the problem, as much as possible in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests, for example: increased customer complaints; specific quality concerns; high staff turnover; contracts lost; decreased market share; loss of funding or loss of profit. (Do not conceptualise the problem initially as ‘a leadership problem’, ‘a communication problem’ etc.).
3. The issue/problem that should then be considered and analysed in terms of material drawn from any two topics studied as part of this subject. To give some examples, your group may choose to apply a model of leadership and use strategic planning concepts to examine your problem, or use models or concepts of motivation and organisational culture, or ethics and organisational design. Try to choose the topic models/concepts that seem to offer the most useful insights into the problem. Do not try to deal with many models or concepts. For example, two models, well applied and showing a good understanding of associated concepts would likely to give optimum results. Topics outside course coverage should not be selected. 4. Design of an intervention (a change program or set of activities and procedures) utilising some aspect or aspects of your analysis. The intervention should be intended to solve or improve the situation. Please note you are not merely being asked for a list of recommendations. If you intend to undertake any research, interviewing, distribution of questionnaires or other activities in your organisation, you must discuss your proposed approach with your lecturer and obtain your lecturer’s approval before you do so. Your lecturer will discuss approach with you prior to actual Unit Moderation: SBM4203, 22/06/2018 3:48:00 PM Page 15 presentation date. You should present your considerations, analysis and intervention design to the class at their scheduled time. The schedule for presenting will be negotiated in class. The presentation should last not more than 15 minutes. You will be penalised for exceeding 15 minutes. An additional 5 minutes is available for class discussion (questions and answers). Support your presentation with appropriate visuals such as computer slides and handouts. A report of 1200 to 1500 words summarising your presentation must be submitted on the due date. Visual material used in the presentation may be included as an appendix if you wish. Your report must have a cover page duly completed and signed, and it has to be fully referenced.
Individual presentation:
Assessment Criteria
5% will be awarded. It will be based on:
The presence of an appropriate introduction to the organisation;
The identification and description of a suitable problem for analysis;
Effective use of material from two subject topics in analysing the problem;
Depth of analysis of problem;
Use of analysis in intervention design;
Apparent efficacy of intervention design;
Effective presentation of material;
Utilisation of question/discussion time,
Time management.
Answered Same Day Jul 18, 2020 SBM4203


Akansha answered on Jul 21 2020
140 Votes
Running head: Strategic planning
Strategic planning
Strategic planning
Student Name
University Name
Unit Name
Unit Code
Introduction    3
Description of the problem    3
The issue/problem    4
Design of an intervention    6
Set of activities and procedures    6
Conclusion    8
References    9
British Petrol is a multinational petroleum company headquartered in England. British Petrol’s performance made it sixth largest Oil & Gas Company in 2012. British Petrol is vertically integrated firm that operates in different areas of Oil as well as Gas industry, for instance refining, production moreover exploration, marketing and distribution, petrochemicals, as well as trading. BP also has renewable energy benefits from biofuels and wind energy (, 2018). BP cu
ent tagline is "Beyond Petroleum" express its wish to expand into a sustainable and a greener energy. However the level of a leak - and the government's seemingly unable to stop the flow without BP assistance - provides a clear reminder that big oil and gas still holds the power of national politics moreover the fate of the entire community living in its shadow.
Description of the problem
BP faces the problem of high employee turnover. High employee turnover is a problem in any industry, especially in industries where most employees are at the front line and dealing directly with customers. Excessive turnover reduces the efficiency of the business. Understanding the impact of losing employees can be a driving force for lowering turnover rates for higher profits and a more attractive work environment. Excessive staff turnover causes high burden for British Petrol’s budget and HR, i.e. money and time dedicated to staff recruiting, interviews, advertisements, initial training, motivation, evaluation, supervision, adaptation to job, coaching, substitution moreover mentoring while the job position is available (Casimir, 2012). The staff turnover rate is high, the organization is tight, there is no cross-talk between the project areas, so they keep stepping on the other's feet, very relaxed attitude, so that the products cannot be 100% tested and work. BP's workers will be informed about their contract changes this week, which will lead to overtime, and weekend and night shift rates will be cut sharply. It is estimated that these changes may result in more than 40,000 employees being taken to their pockets. This is the latest bad news for the Petroleum giant's tu
ulent two years - the turmoil in the board has led to layoffs and many employee benefits have been cut. BP announced that its overall market share has shrunk to 30.7% - the lowest level in the last three years. The oil giant is suffering from several competitors (Wilson, 2005). In September 2014, as CEO Bob Dudley revealed that the profit forecast for the first half of 2014-15 was exaggerated by about 260 million pounds, BP's share price fell by 2 billion pounds. All at once, it announced that it would only provide 5% of the salary for the new plan, compared to 11% for the old plan. It is believed that the company hopes to fill a £3.9 billion pension a big black hole, affecting approximately 200,000 employees. The report concludes that BP employees increasingly need more skills. It said that PETROLEUM is no longer a low-skilled occupation, and employers must train their employees to survive. Large market participant BP said that the employee turnover rate is 12%, which may sound lower than the UK average. However, this ratio is disappointing compared to the average of the oil and gas industry because they know that employees tend to be longer in this area.
The issue/problem
Organization culture: High staff turnover and organizational culture have complex symbiotic relationships. BP's high turnover makes a
oken workplace relationship and BP’s organizational culture discourages productive and long-term working relationships. Establishing an organizational culture in the company with very high staff turnover requires BP to develop ways to increase employee retention; training is the best way to increase employee possession. BP's organizational culture applies to short-lived relationships - not only to regulators and managers, however also to colleagues (Chi, Hughen, Lin & Lisic, 2012). Therefore, BP's high turnover rate may make teamwork impossible. BP may also be reluctant to invest significant time...

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