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Ethics and Professional Practice Question 1. Consider the ethical dilemma surrounding Internet of Things, as reported in the following report:"The Internet of Things, as it’s called, is also lacking a...

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Ethics and Professional Practice

Question 1.
Consider the ethical dilemma surrounding Internet of Things, as reported in the following report:"The Internet of Things, as it’s called, is also lacking a critical ethical framework, argues Francine Berman, a computer-science professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a longtime expert on computer infrastructure."
Waddell, K. (2017, XXXXXXXXXXThe Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics.
Retrieved from The Atlantic:
Research the ethical concerns surrounding Internet of Things and analyse the issue using the philosophical ethics perspective.Question 2.

TheAustralian Computer Society (ACS) Code of Ethicsare part of the ACS Constitution. ACS members are expected to uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional.

Critique the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics using suitable examples.

Question 3.
Utilitarians stress the “social utility” or social usefulness of particular actions and policies by focusing on the consequences that result from those actions and policies. (Tavani, 2014)

Critique the concepts of Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism using suitable examples.

All sources of information must be appropriatelyreferenced using the APAstyle (
Answered Same Day Mar 29, 2020


Karan answered on Apr 03 2020
150 Votes
Ethics and Professional Practice
Table of Contents
Question 1. Ethical dilemma in Internet of Things    1
Question 2. Critique Australian Computer Society code of Ethics    2
Question 3. Critique the concepts of Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism    3
Question 1. Ethical dilemma in Internet of Things
Internet of things is regarded as the interconnection with the help of internet of computing devices present in everyday objects and this allows to send and receive data. In the modern era, several ethical dilemma are linked with the internet of things where there is a need to make choice in between the two options (Sholla, Naaz, & Chishti, 2017). With the advancement in the field of technology adoption of Internet is taking place at faster pace and it is creating different ethical issues that need to be managed for the betterment of the society. Furthermore, the main challenge is linked with privacy and security. Hacking is one of the main issue where the private and the confidential information of any individual or organization is being hacked and it is having adverse impact from ethics point of view.
In the code of ethics for the IEEE it has been clearly indicated that it will strive “to treat all the individuals fairly regarding of various factors such as age, gender, religion or national origin”. The concept of IOT strives to decrease the overall gap between rich and poor. IOT can directly hamper privacy, yet the code of Ethics for ACM clearly represents that it will respect the privacy of every individual (McKeown, 2016). By obtaining data linked with the customer preferences and other overall habits, the business will have access to and the different techniques to violate upon the target market. Everything that is mainly done on the internet is visible and different type of information is being utilized by the company for generating revenue (Popescul, & Georgescu, 2014). It is showing that ACM is not at all preventing the firms to misuse technology and they are taking undue advantage of the same. This is directly leading to rise of ethical concerns in the society.
Mainly it has been found that ethical issues are rising due to the rapid expansion of the IOT technologies along with their certain attributes. Several attributes of IOT are present that can lead to occu
ence of the ethical issue (Ebersold & Glass, 2016). Ubiquity is one of the attribute where the user is attached to IOT and devoured by it. Difficult identification is another characteristic where to be in touch with IOT different objects will have specific identity. Further, the overall management of these identities will develop most serious issue in the era of globalization.
Figure 1: ICT Ethics elements
Source: Popescul, & Georgescu, 2014
As per the view of Ebersold & Glass, (2016) ethical behavior associated with IOT mainly requires enforcing the right to private life, integrity of the data, access to different information and proper rights on the data. Mainly it has been examined that in case if in near future technological advancement will grow then it will lead to more ethical concern.
Internet of Things mainly needs code of ethics where at present no such critical ethical framework is being present (Waddell, 2017). The major concerns that are being faced in the modern era involves privacy, safety and security. The private and confidential information is not at all safe and the main reason behind the same is rapid expansion in IOT. Crime related with IOT is adversely affecting the...

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