Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MNG00314)
Session 2, 2018
Assignment 1: Venture proposal – Part A
Due: Friday, 6 August 2018 (Week 6) – 11.00 p.m XXXXXXXXXXhours AEST)
Weighting: 20%
You are required to conceptualise, identify and describe a new venture and provide a maximum of 15 PowerPoint slides to be used as a sales pitch to potential investors in a maximum 20-minute presentation. You can choose any secto
category. Please be aware that there will be no actual presentation, however the slides must suit a 20 minutes presentation.
Students have the choice of submitting an audio file incorporated into their PowerPoint presentation or of including the presentation as typed notes in the notes pages of each relevant PowerPoint slide if they wish. Embedding an audio file is prefe
ed although not required.
However it is required that if you use an audio file you must also include your notes in the notes pages of each relevant PowerPoint slide.
It is expected that students will draw on content from Topics 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.