ENG 417 Project 1 1
ENG417 Sustainability
Project 1
Should Australia have a population policy?
Australia does not have a population policy or strategy despite suggestions to the effect that it
should. Population policies elsewhere focus on births and migration. As part of post-World
War II reconstruction, Australia adopted a target population growth rate of 2 % per annum.
Mass immigration remains a defining feature of the political landscape, with little cognisance
given to the engineering, IT, and environmental sustainability implications of our increasing
ï‚· Investigate previous attempts to define the optimal population, and ideal growth rate
thereof, in Australia.
ï‚· Compare these with policy measures enacted in other countries and assess the
desirability of their application in Australia.
ï‚· Assess the sustainability implications of an increasing population from the perspective
of one of the following key issues: demand for water, demand for energy, traffic
congestion, or demand for higher education.
The small print
This is not a task which can be completed simply by looking at the internet. Original thinking
is required, demonstrating sound reasoning and rational argument (including diagrams and
calculations as appropriate) to support your conclusions.
Students’ attention is drawn to the University’s policy on plagiarism. Note also that marks
will not be awarded for information taken directly from your references, even if it is
The report must be set out as a formal technical report and it will be marked as such. As an
indication, the length requirement for this report is 3,000 words; however, marks will be
awarded for quality, not quantity.
This report is worth 20 % of the marks for this unit.
Reports are due by 1630 (ACST) on the Thursday of the mid-semester study period.
ENG 417 Project 1 2
Marking guidelines
The marking guidelines for this project are shown below. The comments in
ackets are
suggestions only and students are encouraged to show initiative in addressing each of these
areas. As stated above, this task cannot be completed simply by looking at the internet, and
eports consisting only of a summary of other peoples’ thinking will not be considered
Execution, analysis and conclusions 60 %
(E.g., originality, alternatives considered, practicality of conclusions, depth of thinking)
Research, other investigations 20 %
(E.g., government authorities, industry data, personal observations, li
Writing and presentation 20 %
(E.g., appropriate technical language, spelling, grammar, layout of report)
The report should be submitted in .pdf file format through Learnline by the due date.