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elect an organisation (either your current employer or one that you are able to access primary or secondary information from). Identify and describe any three (3) operational issues/challenges facing...

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elect an organisation (either your current employer or one that you are able to access primary or secondary information from).

Identify and describe any three (3) operational issues/challenges facing the organisation and how these issues impact on the organisation and the supply chain. You are also required to critically review the identified issues and suggest recommendations to overcome these issues.

Your report should demonstrate that you reviewed, analysed, consolidated and synthesised operations management and supply chain knowledge to solve complex real-world problems (CO1). Your report should demonstrate that you have researched and developed or identified techniques to address and solve problems to achieve operational excellence (CO3) in the identified organisations, and assessed and critiqued the ongoing trends and developments in operations management both locally and internationally (CO4).

Most importantly the report should also include: short description of the identified issues, empirical findings from literature and trends faced in operations management related to these issues, latest developments in your chosen areas with application to real situations, and their importance to operations management.

Some specific areas of operational issues/challenges on 10 Operational Management (OM) critical decisions (although this list is not exhaustive) include:

  • Goods and services design: Designing goods and services defines much of the transformation process. Costs, quality and human resource decisions are often determined by design decisions.
  • Quality: The customer’s quality expectations must be determined; and policies and procedures established to identify and achieve that quality.
  • Process and capacity planning: Process options are available for products and services. Process decisions commit management to specific technology, quality, human resource use and maintenance. These expenses and capital commitments will determine much of the firm’s basic cost structure.
  • Location selection: Facility location decisions for both manufacturing and service organisations may determine the firm’s ultimate success. Errors made at this juncture may overwhelm other efficiencies.
  • Layout design:Material flows, capacity needs, personnel levels, technology decisions and inventory requirements influence layout.
  • Human resources and job design: People are an integral and expensive part of the total system design. The quality of work life provided, the talent and skills required and their costs must be determined.
  • Inventory and resource management: These decisions can be optimised only when customer satisfaction, suppliers, production schedules and human resource planning are considered.
  • Scheduling and maintenance: Feasible and efficient schedules for production must be developed; the demands on human resources and facilities must be determined and controlled.
  • Innovation, technology and knowledge management: Technology, information and communication systems.

Note: This discussion should exclude 'Environmental awareness and sustainability' , Project management and 'Risk management' as any of of the 3 operational issues considered by you. However, these issues can be a minor part of other key OM decision discussions within your selection.
You are required to cite at least ten (10) references in the report using the Harvard-UniSA referencing system, including at least six (6) academic journal articles. An omission to include six academic journal articles or incorrect use of the Harvard-UniSA referencing system will result in a failure for the Referencing component (worth 10 marks).
Format:The argument will be presented in a report format. Suggested headings to be used include executive summary, contents page, introduction, operational issues/challenges, key findings and recommendations. The objective of this assignment is to enable you to situate yourself in and critically analyse the facts of the organisation, the situation and to present your analysis and recommendations in a report which is convincing, well supported and within word constraints.
Requirements for this critical analysis report:

  • Use Arial Font size 12.
  • 1.5 line spacing.
  • Reference list on a separate page after conclusion.
  • Journal articles preferably within last 10 years.
  • Use Harvard-UniSA Style of referencing only (Do NOT use footnotes).
  • Print word count at the end of your assignment (conclusion section).
  • Print your name on the first page only.
  • Number each page consecutively.

Note: The body of the assignment should contain around 2100 words (+ or – 10%). The Executive summary and Reference section do not contribute to the overall word count.

Marking criteria and standards. Marks will be awarded for:

  • Relevance of your answer to the assigned task
  • Research up-to-date with the topic
  • Comparison with real life examples
  • Clarity of expressions
  • Clear and succinct description of executive summary
  • Supporting evidence/ references for the arguments
  • Correct referencing and use of at least ten sources of references including six academic journal articles (Harvard-UniSA Referencing system)
  • An in-depth critical review of operational issues and a comprehensive coverage reflecting engagement with readings, texts and other relevant materials.
  • Logical planning and sequence
  • Use of inclusive language

Overall presentation, including correct grammar, spelling and punctuation
The main sections of the report are:

  1. Executive summary (on page 1) (7 marks)
  2. Content page (on page 2) (3 marks)
  3. Introduction (10 marks)
  4. Content – Critical review of 3 Operational issues/challenges and their impact on the organisation and the supply chain (20 marks each * 3= 60 marks)
  5. Conclusions and Recommendations (10 marks)
  6. Referencing - (10 marks) Having the latest references on the chosen topics and exceeding the minimum requirements will give you high marks

Preparing Assignments:Guidelines on preparing assignments, including essay and report writing can be found at the following Study Help website:

Answered Same Day Aug 21, 2021


Abhinaba answered on Sep 05 2021
155 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Issues    3
Default Product Lines    3
Impediment of Location    4
Inventories as an issue    4
Conclusion    6
Recommendations    7
References    8
Over the years, there has been an importance pertaining to the supply chain management. It has been emergent due to the matters pertaining to the crowded market place. Thereby producing, sustainable as well as better competitive advantage that has voluntarily linked the activities to that can be effective for the value chain. It is for this matte Woolworths Australia has been selected since it exists as one of the major supermarket chain. In accordance to this, the operational activities have been effective in relating to the ones prioritizing it. Therefore, making it effective for offering home supplies, groceries and the seasonal goods. Along with this being a retail store it also sells electronics products and its parts. This has also led them to face some dire situations and impediments that have stalled and disrupted their functions. However, the recommendations will be discussed for discarding these factors and will lead in formulating a better supply chain management.
Default Product Lines
Woolworths have been exploiting their employees by cutting down the wages of the employees. This has eventually led to the suppression of the experts who are required in the operational functions pertaining to the usage of the latest technology. Employees having faced this dire impediment does not contribute to their work output and leads to stepping out of the company. Along with this the matter that involves the necessity of having the access the appropriate and the upgraded technology that will be effective for standing in support relating to the new product lines. Since the business government being dynamic especially the retail business. Woolworths being a leading retail business have faced this major problem which have furthermore worsened since the company have been cutting down the costs of the employees. Therefore,’ risk such as this has been considered as one of the major ba
ier pertaining to supply chain of Woolworths. Working with the subjected to several e
ors that have been found affecting the demand of the company. Since they have unable to polish their public relation skills in the promotion of their products. They have not been able to make usage of the technology which is in turn related with the unproductivity of the employees. This factor in turn is related with the cutting down of the wages of the employees. The expert will not remain in the organization or will not give full effort if they are not paid in accordance to the output that they provide. Therefore, the distortions concerning the involvement of the sharing of information get eventually sabotaged. Since there happens to be a failure that happens to have a connection with the Information Technology systems. This furthermore leads to a situation of distortion of the functional attributes and in turn leads to a major ba
ier. Accordingly, whenever there exist any kind of major issue relating to the usage of the technology then this affects the overall supply chain management. Since with the technological advancement it is important to use the upgraded and well equipped technology. Especially the people handling it should be experienced and should be adept in handling it effectively therefore they will be efficient in adding value to the company. It will voluntarily compliment the supply chain management. Due to this the retail organization of Woolworths have faced a major problem in increasing their sales which has affected their foundational framework. Along with this, this should be considered that the company has been exploiting the employees by giving them underpayment and making them work without even half of what they produce. Since the sales will not be considered as fit and therefore cease to exist which will lead to the closure of the organization. As opined by Jie (2019) one should consider the importance of the operation that should be undertaken instead that will be effective in the operational functions instead of overlooking pertaining to the diminutive facets....

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