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EEP305: Multiple Understandings Reflective Essay Value: 40% Due Date: 21-Aug-2018 Return Date: 11-Sep-2018 Length: 1500 words Submission method options: EASTS (online) Task Why is it important for...

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EEP305: Multiple Understandings
Reflective Essay
Value: 40%
Due Date: 21-Aug-2018
Return Date: 11-Sep-2018
Length: 1500 words
Submission method options: EASTS (online)
Why is it important for early childhood educators to draw upon a range of theoretical perspectives in their work?
Prescribed text
McLachlan, C., Fleer, M. & Edwards, S. (2013). Early childhood cu
iculum: Planning, assessment and implementation (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Cam
idge University Press.
Write a 1500 word essay on the above question. You will need to address the strengths and weaknesses by comparing and contrasting some of the theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF. Your essay should be written in academic language and use co
ect APA referencing. You are expected to use the required readings from your subject as well additional sources.
Marking criteria:
1. Understand and critically reflect on key concepts, theoretical approaches and assumptions that inform early childhood education (15 marks)
2. Examine competing theories of how young children learn (10 marks)
3. Critically reflect on the implications of different theories of learning for early childhood cu
iculum practices (10 marks)
4. Academic writing and co
ect referencing (5 marks)
    EEP305:  Assessment one: Reflective Essay
    High Distinction
 Is exceptional, complete, and comprehensive.
    Distinction             Is excellent, complete, and comprehensive.
 Is good, complete, and comprehensive.
 Is complete and meets assessment criteria.
 Is incomplete and does not meet assessment criteria.
    Understand and critically reflect on key concepts, theoretical approaches and assumptions that inform early childhood education 
(15 marks)
    Theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF are used, with detailed and relevant examples, to critically reflect on the work of early childhood educators. The critical reflection synthesises the examples, the theoretical approaches and key concepts. 
    Theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF are used, with detailed and relevant examples, to critically reflect on the work of early childhood educators. 
    Theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF are used, with relevant examples, to critically reflect on the work of early childhood educators.  
    Theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF are used, with some attempts at including examples, to critically reflect on the work of early childhood educators.  
    Unable to clearly articulate how theoretical perspectives discussed in the EYLF are used to critically reflect on the work of early childhood educators.
    Examine competing theories of how young children learn
(10 marks)
    Competing theories of how children learn are critically examined and comprehensively discussed by drawing upon the required readings, as well as several carefully selected, highly relevant and cu
ent additional sources.
    Competing theories of how children learn are discussed, with attempts to be critical by drawing upon the required readings and several carefully selected additional sources.
    Competing theories of how children learn are examined through analysis and attempts at critical discussion by drawing upon the required readings and some additional sources.
    Competing theories of how children learn are examined, mainly through description, by drawing upon the required readings and some additional sources. 
    Assignment does not reflect an understanding of how we can examine competing theories of how young children learn
References are not utilised
    Critically reflect on the implications of different theories of learning for early childhood cu
iculum practices
(10 marks)
    The strengths and weaknesses of the various theoretical perspectives, and their connection to early childhood cu
iculum practices, are thoroughly analysed and evaluated including how
assessment strategies and approaches can be used in an early education service.
    The strengths and weaknesses of the various theoretical perspectives of learning, and their connection to early childhood cu
iculum practices, are explained in detail, including how
assessment strategies and approaches can be used in an early education service.
    Theories of learning, and their connection to early childhood cu
iculum practices, are clearly stated including how  
assessment strategies and approaches can be used in an early education service. The strengths and weaknesses of the various theoretical perspectives are explained.
    Theories of learning, and their connection to early childhood cu
iculum practices, are clearly stated including how  
assessment strategies and approaches can be used in an early education service with some attempts to describe the strengths and weaknesses of the various theoretical perspectives. 
    The student does not demonstrate the ability to show the connections between theories of learning and early childhood cu
iculum practices.
The student is unable to demonstrate how assessment strategies and approaches can be used within an early education service linking to the various theoretical perspectives. 
    Academic writing and co
ect referencing
(5 marks)
    Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, concisely, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation e
ors. Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA 6th ed. style conventions.
    Language features and structures are used to convey meaning effectively, clearly, unambiguously, and in a tone appropriate to the audience and purpose with minor spelling, grammatical, or punctuation e
ors. Referencing is comprehensive and conforms to the conventions of APA 6th ed. style with only minor e
ors or omissions. 
    The meaning is apparent to the reader, despite several minor e
ors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure. Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to the conventions of APA 6th ed. style. 
    The meaning is apparent to the reader, despite several intrusive e
ors in spelling, grammar, word choice, and structure. Referencing is mostly accurate according to the conventions of APA 6th ed. style with some e
ors, but they do not impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
    Does not meet the standards required for a Pass. The meaning is not apparent to the reader AND/OR academic integrity is not demonstrated.
Answered Same Day Aug 05, 2020 EEP305


Anju Lata answered on Aug 18 2020
138 Votes
Running Head: Multiple Understandings
Running Head: Multiple Understandings
Why is it important for early childhood educators to draw upon a range of theoretical perspectives in their work?
EEP 305- Multiple Understandings
Reflective Essay
Student Name:…………
Submitted to:…………
Critical Reflection
According to Early Years Learning Framework, the educators work to ensure the consistency and quality in offering early level education from birth to 5 year of age at national level. The framework assists the child to transition smoothly towards schools (Campus kindergarten, 2018). The Early Childhood is the period of life when foundations for perceptional, physical and emotional development take place. Generally, young children begin to walk, talk, identify colors, shapes, learn alphabet and count the things at home. EYLF allows them to indulge in play-based activities and learn to improve their communication, numeracy; and emotional and social well being. It provides a safe, nurturing atmosphere for interaction, encouragement and social activities. Early childhood education gives children every possible chance for healthy development by stimulating and nourishing the originative early years of life. The framework describes the practices, principles and the outcomes that encourage the learning of young children during the early years.
The EYLF framework helps the educators to implement multiple perspectives of the cu
iculum in their teaching. The pedagogy of the educators is an important factor in assessing the learning of children. The educators should work to understand the basic principles and practices of EYLF by implementing the approach of “learning through play”. The play-based learning helps the children in early years to organize and actively perceive the objects and people around them. The children use different types of plays to engage with each other.
It is observed that the early development of the
ain is positively stimulated through secure attachments. The children actively participating in playful activities have better language development, behavioral control and memory skills. The play encourages them to identify, explore, negotiate and take risks. The learning by playing has great cognitive and intellectual benefits. The EYLF incorporates the play based programs by involving indoor and outdoor activities in daily schedule; involving music, and expressive learning; and encouraging the adult-child interactions.
The EYLF promotes children’s learning through three elements: Being, Becoming and Belonging. The Principles involve the development of secure and respectful relationships, a partnership with the families, respect for diversity, equity and enhanced expectations. The Practice includes holistic approaches, learning through play, Intentional teaching, Responsibility, cultural competence, development of an appropriate learning environment, and assessments.
The learning Outcomes state that the children must have a sense of identity; they should be connected to the world around them, they should have a good well being, they should be confidently involved in learning and also they should be effective...

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