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EDU4MLM - MULTIMODAL LITERACIES AND MATHEMATICSAT1 PART BResearch Perspectives-Literature Review (1800 words)Research inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and...

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Research Perspectives-Literature Review (1800 words)

Research inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.


To research inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.


To familiarise yourself with academic literature available and demonstrate your ability to review, analyse, and summarise research or theoretical positions relevant to inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics.

This review will be used when writing Assessment Task 2.

Task Design:

The research perspectives is to be presented as a literature review in the following format:
1. An analysis of four research journal articles presented individually in a proforma (provided in LMS).

2. A summary of the key ideas from the four articles and implications of enacting inquiry-based curriculum methodologies that incorporate Multimodal Literacies and Mathematics in early childhood contexts.

3. Using accurate APA7 referencing and English language conventions.

Credible references will need to be included to support your responses and demonstrate your engagement with the subject readings, research and theory.

1800 words (40%)

You should use literature to support your discussion at all times.

Referencing Style

The referencing style for this subject isAPA7


Kalantzis, et al.( 2016

Key Theorists

  • Kalantzis,M., B. Cope, E. Chan, and L. Dalley-Trim. 2016.Literacies. 2d ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press. link to 2012 copy: Literacies - La Trobe(ch 6 &7)
  • Kress, G. 2010.Multimodality: A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London: Routledge.ProQuest Ebook Central - Book Details ( 4
  • New London Group.1996. A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures.Harvard Educational Review66.1: 60–92.

Further Readings:

  • Kahwaji, H XXXXXXXXXXCritical inquiry into an ELICOS writing programme: Exploring multimodal pedagogies through action research(Doctoral dissertation, Monash University). XXXXXXXXXX(Chapter 3)

Barton, G XXXXXXXXXXMultimodal texts surround us. What are they? How can we use them in our teaching?EduResearch Matters. [Blog]. Available:

Deans, J., & Cohrssen, C XXXXXXXXXXYoung children dancing mathematical thinking.Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 40 (3),Pp.61-67.

WatchLeaf Colours: Playing with Language[3.47 min]

Reading the Landscape: Early Literacy in the Outdoor Classroom

Barton, (2018).Multimodal texts surround us. What are they? How can we use them in our teaching?

Before reading:list the multimodal texts you have in your early childhood centre or environment.

During reading:look for connections between your practice as an early educator and Barton's research.

After reading: revisit your list of multimodal texts - is there anything to add?

Taylor, S.V., Leung, C.B.Multimodal Literacy and Social Interaction: Young Children’s Literacy Learning.Early Childhood Education Journal.48, 1– XXXXXXXXXX). XXXXXXXXXX

Before reading: list the multimodal texts young children create in your early childhood centre or environment.

During reading: look for connections between your practice as an early educator and Barton's research.

After reading:what new opportunities might you add to your existing learning activities for children?

So how does multimodality contribute to children's cognitive development and development of thinking?

Friedman, A XXXXXXXXXXTo “read” and “write” pictures in early childhood: multimodal visual literacy through Israeli children’s digital photography.Journal of children and Media,12(3), XXXXXXXXXX.

Before reading: what do you already know about the development of thinking (the process of considering or reasoning about something).

During reading: look for connections between your practice as an early educator and Friedman's research.

After reading:what new opportunities might you add to your existing learning activities for children?

Further reading

Wolfe, S., & Flewitt, R XXXXXXXXXXNew technologies, new multimodal literacy practices and young children's metacognitive development. Cambridge Journal of Education, 40(4), XXXXXXXXXX.

WatchRiver of Words: Extending Vocabulary[2.47 mi

Answered Same Day Mar 16, 2024


Parul answered on Mar 17 2024
18 Votes
Inquiry-Based Cu
iculum Methodologies
Introduction    1
Purpose    1
Research Objective    1
Key resources required    1
Literature Research    1
Kalantzis et al. (2016)    2
New London Gathering (1996)    2
Taylor and Leung    2
Friedman    2
Key Findings    3
Implementation    3
Joining of Multimodal Proficiencies & Science inside a Request Based Educational plan    3
Multimodal Education Practices Enhance Opportunities for growth and Advance Imagination    3
Strengthening through Inquiry Based Approaches    3
Role-based cooperative Inquiry and Social Collaboration    4
Conclusion    4
References    5
In the immense scene of youth training, the union of request based educational plan strategies, multimodal proficiencies, and science remains as a signal of development and commitment. This writing survey leaves on an excursion through insightful talk, digging into the profundities of exploration to enlighten the extraordinary capability of coordinating these different yet interconnected domains. With intense energy and fastidious examination, we set out on a mission to uncover bits of knowledge, gather shrewdness, and diagram a course towards enhanced educational practices in youth settings.
By the virtue of this research, our aim is to investigate the convergence of inquiry-based cu
iculum methodologies, multimodal literacies, and mathematics in early childhood education. These request based educational program initiatives, multimodal proficiencies, and mathematics as subject for youth training, revealing insight into their synergistic potential to improve growth opportunities and results for small kids.
Research Objective
· To fundamentally examine original works in the fields of multimodal skill levels, arithmetic schooling, and request based learning.
· To inspect the ramifications of incorporating multimodal proficiencies and science inside a request based educational program system.
· To distinguish key academic procedures and assets for actually ca
ying out request based educational plan techniques that consolidate multimodal skill levels and arithmetic in youth settings.
Key resources required
· Insightful diaries and articles zeroing in on multimodal proficiencies, arithmetic training, and request based learning. Fundamental texts by driving scholars in the field, for example, Kalantzis et al. (2016) and the New London Gathering (1996).
· Experimental examinations and exploration reports researching the effect of multimodal education rehearses on youngsters' learning and improvement.
· Instructive assets and materials that work with active investigation and multimodal articulation, for example, advanced media devices, manipulatives, and visual guides.
Literature Research
The groundwork of our research into the depth of inquiry based educational plan procedures coordinating multimodal skill levels and science settles upon a careful assessment of existing insightful writing. Through a
oad audit of original works, exact examinations, and hypothetical structures, we have orchestrated key experiences and distinguished all-encompassing topics that enlighten the ground
eaking capability of this coordinated methodology. Drawing upon the skill of driving researchers in the fields of training, proficiency, and math, we have acquired a nuanced comprehension of the standards supporting multimodal proficiencies, request based learning, and the job of math in youth schooling. This writing research fills in as the foundation of our examination, giving a strong hypothetical system and directing our investigation of pragmatic applications in the study hall setting. By establishing our examination in the rich woven artwork of academic talk, we expect to connect hypothesis and work on, offering noteworthy bits of knowledge and techniques for teachers trying to upgrade math guidance and advance comprehensive improvement in small kids.
Kalantzis et al. (2016)
Exploring the Multimodal Oceans of Proficiencies Kalantzis et al's. original work fills in as our compass in exploring the multi-layered scene of skill levels. In their perfect work of art, they enlighten the moving shapes of education in the advanced age, rising above the bounds of conventional text-based co
espondence. Drawing upon the rich em
oidered artwork of social...

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