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Economic Policies for Health Promotion, Wellness, and Prevention In the United States, the health care system emphasizes health promotion, wellness, and prevention as a strategy to improve population...

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Economic Policies for Health Promotion, Wellness, and Prevention

In the United States, the health care system emphasizes health promotion, wellness, and prevention as a strategy to improve population health and lower per capita spending. Around the world, however, health care systems vary considerably in terms of cost, quality, and provisions. For this Assignment, you explore the World Health Organization website and research health care in the United States and another country of your choice.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the World Health Organization website in this week’s Learning Resources. Research health care disparities between the United States and another country of your choice.

Compare economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. How are they different? What is the economic motivation for each?

Analyze implications of these economic policies and disparities. How does this relate to volume-based versus value-based health care?

Analyze how you might implement the policies from the country you selected in the United States (macro) and your own state (micro). Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of health care.

The Assignment

In a 5-page paper, address the following:

Compare the economic policies for health promotion, wellness, and prevention programs in the United States and the country you selected. Include differences in approaches to wellness and prevention.

Analyze implications of these policies and disparities.

Analyze how you might implement the policies from the country you selected in the United States and your own state. Evaluate the influence of U.S. market conditions on the provision of health care.

Note:The paper should be 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this module’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources, as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.

Answered Same Day Jun 04, 2020


Priya answered on Jun 06 2020
155 Votes
Economic Policies for Health Care
    Economic Policies for Health Care    2018
Health care system of any country is run by the organization of the people and institution as health care is a universal issue and every country tries to make enough efforts for the promotion and protection of the health of their citizens. A good health care system is the essential requirement of any country and in many countries the well being of the people is the responsibility of the Government. But, it is not always so as in many there is much ambiguity in implementation of the health care policies while others have fortified health care system. As the health care policies of some of the countries may look promising on the paper but are found to be insufficient when implemented. The World Health Organization and its member nations therefore take proper steps to measures the health care facilities being offered around the world. This paper thus aims to analyze the implications of economic policies and disparities in the United States in comparison with Finland.
Health Care System in the United States
The Health Care System of the United States is unique in many ways as the country does not have universal health care coverage nor does it have uniform health system until recently that some changes in the legislation have been introduced (Employees, 2016). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Report the Affordable Care Act that was signed in 2010 remained under controversy as it faced severe problems due to web based enrollment system due to which millions of people are not allowed to renew their insurance policies (WHO, 2014). This became a serious concern as uninsured people would not have proper access to the private physicians. The American citizens unlike the citizens of other industrialized nations therefore tend to skip their medication and preventive care as it is very costly. United states is known for spending huge amount of money on health care like in the year 2012 the country had spent more than 2.8 trillion US Dollars which was almost 17% of its GDP (WHO, 2014). Despite such huge spending the health care system of the U.S remains inadequate and poorer than the many other high income countries
The Health care system of Sweden is one of the best in the developed world the country has long history of attention to SDH issues and health equity. The Swedish Health care system is decentralized and government funded though the private health care is also available. The accessibility, scope and the quality of the health care system of the country has developed over the period of time. The Swedish Health Care System therefore provides high quality health services and specialized medical care to...

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