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Each student will select a country to follow throughout the course. You will prepare a written report about the selected country’s political, economic, legal, culture, social structure, and religious...

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Each student will select a country to follow throughout the course. You will prepare a written report about the selected country’s political, economic, legal, culture, social structure, and religious and ethical systems and what the implications for business each of these have. The written report should be at least 5000 words long and have at least 10 references. None of the references may be older than 5 years. No paper will be accepted late.

The layout of your country paper should be:

a. Title page
The title page should contain only the title of your paper and your name.

b. Introduction
This section introduces and provides background on the subject of the paper. You may here cite articles from popular press publications (e.g., Business Week, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, The Economist, etc.). These citations may count toward the required ten (10) references.

c. Discussion
This section will need to be further subdivided and clearly labeled into your selected country’s political, economic, legal, culture, social structure, religious and ethical systems and what the implications for business each of these have. This sections should make up the bulk of your paper.

d. Conclusions
This section contains your conclusions drawn from the sources you have reviewed about how to do business in this country.

Answered 15 days After Aug 12, 2022


Rochak answered on Aug 28 2022
68 Votes
The complete analysis of ‘India’
The selected country for the research is ‘India’, and as the paper progress, you will find a lot of inputs on the country relating to all the aspects of the country which helps in understanding how the country is structured to set up a business. As mentioned by Sindhu & Agarwal in their paper ‘Factors driving ecopreneurs in India-an exploration, India is a vastly diversified country with more than 1.3 billion people living in the country and this gives the country one of the biggest advantages of all time which we call it as volume, though price effects any business more than anything but a high volume at a low price can get you the same revenue which you were expecting with a high price. Also, the other benefit of this high volume is that the economies of scale which is important for any business comes into the picture which helps in reducing the price of the products, and once the price of the products goes down at the production level the profitability automatically increases.
Also, like any business paper, entrepreneur, who enters the country the major reason behind the same is the growth which the country is witnessing. India is one country which is growing at a rapid pace in the whole of Asian countries, all thanks to the new revenue streams which are
inging in lots of new local and foreign
ands to the country. The country is one of the major trade centres both in terms of imports and exports because of the consumption level which the country has. The best part about the country is that it is culturally and morally rich which makes the country more viable to enter for business purposes because when a country is culturally rich it is assumed that the country has a strong foundation and provides the same foundation to the companies established in the country.
India is a developing nation (Rana 2022), which is also an advantage for them to attract
ands from other countries and also
ands in the home country because in a developing country the new demand increases every day which is a new business for companies. Also, it is a developing nation but the technology force it has is just too good, and no technology here does not mean the software, but the human being who makes the software and other things. The country is rich in people who can create advanced technology and take any company or product forward.
It is the people in the country (Gupta 2022) who are working in advanced nations such as the United States of America, Germany and other countries to help them with their technologies and take them forward but even after that, the country has an arsenal of human resources which can take them forward at a faster pace.
The country is so advanced that till 2017 it was using an international made payment system when the country launched its own it was industry disrupting and now all the countries are trying to develop the same thing or trying to buy the same technology to be used in their country too. This was industry disrupting because now the money transfer which was free earlier as well (subsidized by the government) costs way less than what it used and that is why it can be offered for free. (Rana 2022)
The country is rich in agriculture which supports it with everything and is the highest producer of many commodities in the agriculture industry. (Yaqoob 2022)
The discussion below presents a comprehensive analysis of the country’s various factors which might impact the businesses in the country and also the country which is trying to enter the country to set up.
Political stability is one of the biggest factors which contributes to business success, this is because it is the political factors only...

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