Each student will prepare an individual final project paper on the topic: - The Effect of COVID-19 on the Hospital Supply Chain Division.
All project components (short abstract and final presentation) should address or include the following sections:
1. Problem statement - Clear statement of the problem or issue you would like to discuss.
2. Background and significance – Why is it an important problem? Who does it impact and how?
3. Alternative solutions - with supportive evidence to their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages for each proposed solution. You should have 1 (one) prefe
ed solution, and 2 (two) alternative solutions, not selected.
4. Prefe
ed solution – describe your prefe
ed solution, include justification and peer-reviewed evidence. You should also include advantages and disadvantages of your proposed solution.
5. Economic implications - of your prefe
ed solution only.
6. Practice or policy implications - of your prefe
ed solution.
. References used - students should do some reading in addition to the assigned readings in class, in order to complete the project. There should be at least 5 references from peer-reviewed journals used in the project.
Paper inclusion requirements: The paper Should include all topic components, introduced above (#1-6)
. Must use APA format.
The paper MUST take advantage of the health economics tools and perspectives
The paper should Include the Financial cost data information
Name of Presenter:
(Total Possible Points 28)
(1 pt)
(2 pts)
(3 pts)
(4 pts)
Problem Statement
No clear problem statement or problem is not relevant or there is no obvious link to course content.
Problem seems relevant, although there is no obvious link to course content.
Problem is relevant and planned with some linkage to course content.
Problem was selected and planned with a variety of links to course content.
Background Significance
(Who? How? Why should we care? What do we know about it?)
Importance and significance (impact) of problem is not shared.
There is little evidence that the importance and significance (impact) of the problem has been used to inform the project.
The importance and significance (impact) of the problem has been described and referenced. However, who is impacted, and why it is important has not been fully demonstrated.
The importance and significance (impact) of the problem has been described and referenced. There is a clear understanding of who is impacted, and why it is important.
Alternative Solutions
(Include advantages and disadvantages; discuss at least 2 in addition to the proposed one)
Alternative solutions were not identified or described.
The alternative solution(s) is not mentioned or fully explained and leaves questions about limitations of proposed solution.
The alternative solution(s) is articulated, but the student’s presentation leaves questions about limitations of proposed solution and/or evidence of effectiveness.
The alternative solution(s) is articulated, addressing proposed solution's limitations and evidence of effectiveness.
Proposed Solution
The student’s presentation of the proposed solution is not justified or supported by references. Advantages and disadvantages of solution are not stated.
The proposed solution is articulated, but the student’s presentation does not address advantages and/or disadvantages of solution.
The proposed solution is articulated, but the student’s presentation does not fully address advantages and/or disadvantages of the solution.
The proposed solution is articulated and clearly addresses the advantages and disadvantages.
Policy/Practice Implications
A policy/practice implications related to the proposed solution has not been identified or described.
A policy/practice implications related to the proposed solution were only mentioned.
A policy/practice implications related to the proposed solution were described
A policy/practice implications related to the proposed solution were described with excellent detail.
Economic Perspective
Costs of the project and potential sustainability were not addressed.
Costs and sustainability aspects were only mentioned and
iefly discussed.
All cost elements were identified, and there was only limited discussion of potential sustainability of the proposed solution.
Costs of all project elements, as well as overall costs were discussed in detail. The student presented, in detail, the sustainability potential of the proposed solution.
The audience receives a confused message due to problems relating to the presentation.
Due to the form and presentation of the oral and visual text, parts of the presentation are unclear.
The presenter’s message is understandable in its format.
The form and presentation of the oral and visual text enhances the ability of the audience to understand and connect with the message.