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COP3503 Computer Science 2 Dr. Andrew Steinberg Summer 2022 Programming Assignment 4 Spell Checker Due: 7/29/2022 at 11:59pm Objective: Students will apply concepts of dynamic programming and the...

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COP3503 Computer Science 2
Dr. Andrew Steinberg
Summer 2022
Programming Assignment 4
Spell Checker
Due: 7/29/2022 at 11:59pm
Objective: Students will apply concepts of dynamic programming and the Sequence Alignment
Assignment Description: You are cu
ently using a computer that doesn’t use a spellchecker
and have decided to create your own version using the sequence alignment algorithm you learned
in class.
For this assignment, you must follow these requirements.
1. Create a class called SequenceAlignment. In this class, you will implement the
dynamic programming algorithm.
2. The class constructor for SequenceAlignment takes two string objects.
3. In the runner file, you will notice the method “computeAlignment” is invoked. This
is the method that will invoke the dynamic programming solution. Make sure the method
name matches as the runner file in your implementation! Changing names will cause the
unner file not to run or even compile which will result in a low score on the assignment!
a. In order the compute the minimal alignment, you have decided on the following
mismatch costs.
i. ? = 2
ii. Same symbol costs is 0
iii. Vowel and different vowel will cost 1
iv. Constant and different constant will cost 1
v. Vowel and constant will cost 3
. For this assignment, you only need to wo
y about lower case alphabet letters.
You do not need to consider uppercase.
4. In the runner file, you will notice the method “getAlignment” is invoked. This is the
method that will return both alignments as one string separated by a whitespace character
(‘ ’). Make sure the method name matches as the runner file in your implementation!
Changing names will cause the runner file not to run or even compile which will result in
a low score on the assignment!
5. Make all methods public and class attribute private. It’s good practice!
6. You may create additional helper methods and attributes if needed as long as they are
implemented and called in your solution file and NOT called from the runner file. Adding
extra methods to call in the runner file will not match to what the graders will use
evaluate your code. This will result in a low score with no change to be applied!
7. Your code must run within 2 seconds on Eustis. If it runs longer than 2 seconds, an
automatic score of 0 will be given for the assignment overall.
COP3503 Computer Science 2
Dr. Andrew Steinberg
Summer 2022
A runner file ( has been provided for you to show you
how the methods are called along with 5 test cases.
What to submit: Submit a file called to webcourses. You are not
equired to submit the runner file as that will be provided for the graders to test your code. Please
make sure the runner file provided works for your code. Any name changes may cause your
program not to work when graded, which will result in a lower score on the assignment and
would not be changed.
Important Note for running Eustis: Many of you are probably using IDEs like Netbeans and
Eclipse to build your Java Solutions. Please note that some of these IDEs will automatically
place your Java file in some sort of package. Please make sure your Java file is not defined in
some package as this can result package private e
ors. Any such e
or that occurs during the
grading will not be fixed and points will be deducted as such in accordance with the respective
categories in the ru
ic. Also, DO NOT create a main method in your solution file!! This will
esult in your code not running properly with the runner file which will result in points being
deducted from the respective categories.

Beginning Test Cases...
Starting with a test case 1...
Test 1 Passed!
Ending test case 1...
Starting with a test case 2...
Test 2 Passed!
Ending test case 2...
Starting with a test case 3...
Test 3 Passed!
Ending test case 3...
Starting with a test case 4...
Test 4 Passed!
Ending test case 4...
Starting with a test case 5...
Test 5 Passed!
Ending test case 5...
Now checking test case results...
Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2022


Inder Raj Singh answered on Jul 15 2022
92 Votes

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