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During this course, you have developed multiple plans and recommendations for your client, Sunshine Health Corporation. It is now time to present the final plan as your contract has been completed...

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During this course, you have developed multiple plans and recommendations for your client, Sunshine Health Corporation. It is now time to present the final plan as your contract has been completed through this first phase. Please review your previous work including that of last week with your Network Security Plan and make revisions and modifications as necessary based on our discussions and research up to this point. This is a plan that would be submitted to your customer for their review and their records of the work that you have been contracted to do. It is important that is clear and concise and easily referenced. The project should include at a minimum:

  • Overview of the contract (up to 1 page, more than a paragraph)
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary (up to 1 page, more than a paragraph)
  • Review of the individual projects. Each project should be a separate section (including those that were discussions).
  • Review and recommendations.
  • Reference page. Instead of references listed per project, develop a single section with all references and resources utilized throughout the project, using APA format.

The assignment should be 8-10 pages of content not counting title page, reference page, or appendices (diagrams, budget sheet, equipment list, etc.). Please follow APA format. This report is a representation of your business. How do you want your business seen and remembered?

- I have posted the APA Template and also last assignment that has been completed to make this assignment successful. PLEASE LOOK AT THE FILE ATTACH. Please don't forget a cover page with the page number in the top right corner and also a conclusion and what the assignment is asking of. Thank You!

Answered Same Day Aug 11, 2021


Swati answered on Aug 14 2021
145 Votes
Final Contract plan
Final Contract plan
Final Contract plan with Sunshine Health Corporation
Jennifer Davis
Grantham University
Overview of contract
Multiple plans and recommendations are developed for Sunshine Health Corporation which has completed the first phase and thus this final plan is presented giving an insight as well as review followed by recommendations associated with all the plans that are required to be implemented in the Sunshine Health Corporation. All the suggestions as well as recommendations post discussion are added in it to present a final report for approval. Final plan herein includes study and need of 802.11 standards and its need in firm to achieve high data rates along with low cost of maintenance, implementation of network security in the organization so as to avoid data leakage and data
each issues along with effect of OSI model to protect the organization’s network security. Connecting hospitals with high internet connectivity over the region so as to enhance performance as well as
ing quality control, inventory control along with access to real time based data helping to take required actions in time. Final contract herein will state all the projects under the scope along with need, effect and worth of project followed by further recommendations for the same. Approval to same will lead to implementation in the Sunshine Health Corporation for improving the efficiency and effectiveness with aim to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
Table of contents
    Page No.
    Overview of contract
    Table of content
    Executive summary
    Review of 802.11 Standards
    Review of Network security implementation
    Review of connecting hospitals with high speed internet
    Review and Recommendation
Executive summary
Sunshine Health Corporation requires changes in term of applying data related standards, network security as well as connectivity with high speed internet. This would help organization to expand in terms of connectivity and grow with new advanced technologies by obtaining real time data with least network security threats. The final project plan for Sunshine Health Corporation is an insight and representation of business plan giving a clear picture of all the projects and plans performed and to be performed in organization so as to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Main motive of this final contract plan is to
ing about awareness regarding the 802.11 standards requirements and role, network security implementation in the organization and connecting hospitals with high speed internet facility. Also, this contract helps to give a review about the project plans as well as recommendations on how these can be implemented. Whether or not, these projects will
ing worth to business, or will help to achieve long term as well as short term goals of organization. The need, methodology, approach as well as process to implement these projects defining budget and other milestones along with deliverables are explained and reviewed thoroughly in this final contract so as to make easy for client to take decision regarding the same. This final contract plan will help the top management and major stakeholders maintain the record of all the projects as well as to take decisions regarding following up the recommendations associated as per need of business.
Review of 802.11 standards
802.11 standards are established by IEEE for data management and transfer that too with ethics and security within the desired bandwidth, defined data rate across a fix frequency. There are several 802.11 standards these all are wireless originated from the first one as 802.11.1991 which was not widely accepted. The most accepted 802.11 standards is 802.11b and later comes the acceptance of other versions which are 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.aan, 802.11ac, 802.11cf, 802.11h etc. Each version is amendment of prior one with cu
ent scope extensions based on the market and business requirements.
Specifications along with date of release, frequency, bandwidth, transmission scheme,...

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