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Due week 3:--Analyze and record the problems and their core elements (See guidelines P XXXXXXXXXXSubmit your work –Under title---Week 3-Case Analysis

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Due week 3:--Analyze and record the problems and their core elements (See guidelines P XXXXXXXXXXSubmit your work –Under title---Week 3-Case Analysis
Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Jul 25 2021
145 Votes
A. Developing a Marketing Strategy for a new product offering:
All marketing strategies are based on segmentation, targeting and positioning. A company develops new products as per the needs and demands of the consumers and the markets. Than it positions its products or offerings in a way so that the consumers can recognise the distinctive offerings of the company from its competitors. So proper market research is very important before the company invests its resources in developing a product as per the market needs. If market research is not done properly that wrong products are developed and launched and hence the customers’ needs or demands are not met. Also due to wrong research the positioning of...

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