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Due Date: __________________ Name: __________________ BBB4M Independent Study Project Title of Independent Study: Corporate Social Responsibility Teacher: Mrs. Glick Overall and specific expectations:...

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Due Date: __________________ Name: __________________

BBB4M Independent Study Project

Title of Independent Study: Corporate Social Responsibility

Teacher: Mrs. Glick

Overall and specific expectations:


To analyse the ways in which ethical considerations affect international business


- To assess ways in which multinational enterprises have both positive and negative
effects on the countries in which they operate, including the impact on the norms
and practices of local and indigenous cultures.
- To evaluate the ethical issues that arise for companies competing internationally.
- To analyse the ways in which international development agencies (e.g., United
Nations organizations, Word Health Organization) and non-governmental
organizations (e.g., Greenpeace, World Safety Organization) promote economic
progress in developing countries.

Due Date: __________________ Name: __________________


Step #1: Read through the pages in the attached handout entitled “Social
Responsibility” (pages XXXXXXXXXX).

Step #2: Answer the following questions #1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 16, 24a from the end of the
chapter (pages XXXXXXXXXXYour answers should be typed and written in full sentences.

Step #3: Complete the following inquiry activity.
This unit has looked at a series of ethical issues and NGOs involved in international
usiness. Keeping up-to-date is important for all members of society. This activity will
help you learn about cu
ent information su
ounding these issues and organizations.
Choose an issue/organization listed below that interests you. Find a reliable and trusted
news source for the issue/organization. The source must be no older than six months:
- Environmental Disasters
- Sweatshops
- Corporate co
- Dumping and/or subsidizing
- Poverty
- Micro credit
- WE Charity
- Ten Thousand Villages
- Fairtrade International
- Your source must be appropriate and cu
ent. Include a link to the source, state
its date, the publication and the author.
- Write a
ief paragraph (5-10 sentences) summarizing the article in your own
- Write a paragraph explaining how the information in the article will impact
international business.
- Write a
ief paragraph explaining what you learned from the article.

- Your assignment should be uploaded as a single document to our Google
Classroom, under the “ISP Assignment”.
- You must also submit this assignment to Instructions on how
to upload to Turnitin will follow shortly.
- Your assignment will be graded on the attached ru

Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Knowledge and

- Demonstrates limited knowledge
of content.

- Demonstrates limited
understanding of concepts.

- Demonstrates some knowledge of

- Demonstrates some understanding
of concepts.

- Demonstrates considerable
knowledge of content.

- Demonstrates considerable
understanding of concepts.

- Demonstrates thorough knowledge
of content.

- Demonstrates thorough
understanding of concepts.


- Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with limited

- Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with
limited effectiveness.

- Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with some

- Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with
some effectiveness.

- Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with considerable

- Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with
considerable effectiveness.

- Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with a high degree
of effectiveness.

- Makes connections within and
etween various contexts with a
high degree of effectiveness.


- Uses planning and processing
skills to generate ideas and
organize information on a given
topic with limited effectiveness.

- Further research is required.

- Uses planning and processing
skills to generate ideas and
organize information on a given
topic with some effectiveness.

- Some research is evident and

- Uses planning and processing skills
to generate ideas and organize
information on a given topic with
considerable effectiveness.

- Research is evident and well

- Uses planning and processing skills
to generate ideas and organize
information on a given topic with a
high degree effectiveness.

- Research knowledge is abundant
and expertly sourced.


- Expresses and organizes ideas
with limited effectiveness.

- Uses vocabulary, and
terminology of the discipline with
limited effectiveness.
- Written information needs more
work. There are many spelling or
grammar mistakes evident.

- Expresses and organizes ideas
with some effectiveness.

- Uses vocabulary, and terminology
of the discipline with some
- Written information is satisfactory.
Proofread your work carefully.

- Expresses and organizes ideas with
considerable effectiveness.

- Uses vocabulary, and terminology of
the discipline with considerable
- Written information is delivered well.
Few grammatical e
ors if any.

- Expresses and organizes ideas with
a high degree of effectiveness.

- Uses vocabulary, and terminology of
the discipline with a high degree of
- Written information is delivered
expertly. No spelling or grammatical
ors evident.

Corporate social responsibility
Answered 7 days After Jan 20, 2021


Moumita answered on Jan 28 2021
154 Votes
Last Name:                         1
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility
Answer to Questions in Case Study    3
Article Review    5
Works Cited    8
Answer to Case Study
1. Companies need to have strong CSR strategies, which are consistent in all the countries as this may be reviewed by various experts of the industry. They cannot be socially responsible in one country and be guilty of an action in another country (Jermsittiparsert). This defeats the purpose of CSR.
6. Social Responsibility is a set of behaviours that ensures that people are responsible and understand how his or her actions affect the society around them (Ali). I recycle; I research products and tend to buy sustainable products, which make me a responsible person.
7. Companies need to be socially responsible in order to ensure that they have goodwill in the market and among the customers. Conducting various programs and projects, which are beneficial for the society has deep effects within the customers and affects the morale of the employees positively, which in turn helps the company increase its sales revenue.
10. No, companies should instead engage with countries supporting sweatshops and ensure the practice is stopped. They should try to increase the minimum wage and set up factories ethically. These workplaces do not have proper infrastructure to protect the workers. Health hazards are often reported from such work environments. These may lead to serious health hazards and life loss for the employees which should again be a reason for companies not to engage with unethical and unlawful working conditions in foreign countries.
11. The WE Charities have helped to improve the quality of life in many countries. They work to reduce child labour, increase the education rates of the people and improve the food and water they receive (Freeman). This gives the non- profit organisation better and smarter employees.
16. Consumers can make more ethical and socially responsible purchases by
· Educating themself on the company’s internal workings
· Call out companies that have unethical practices and hold them accountable
· Trust local retailers and shop products that have been manufactured in your own country.
· Ensure the packaging is environmentally friendly and has ISO standard mark.
24. a. I would donate to We Charity. As children are the future and it is important to see communities grow. As communities grow, society will improve.

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