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DUE DATE: 16 May 2018 Imagine you are a community development worker in a non-government organisation in your city (or one nearest you). You have been working closely with one section of the community...

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DUE DATE: 16 May 2018

Imagineyou are a community development worker in a non-government organisation in your city (or one nearest you). You have been working closely with one section of the community for just over a year (this is up to you, it could beolder people, young people, a particular ethnic group, recently arrived immigrants, public housing residents, Indigenous people, people with a disability, new parents- just select one that interests you).

This section of the community has identified that they are concerned about increasing crime and violence in the city, and they would like to work together to change things.

Develop a project plan for a community development project that would help this part of the community address their concerns.

You can be creative in the type of crime and/or violence your community targets, the kind of project you are describing, and how it would operate.

A project plan is written up in prose style (like an essay), but uses headings to divide the information into clear sections so the reader can easily understand what the project is. Use the headings listed below.

References will be needed (most likely in sections headed 5,7,9 and 11). The Reference listis not included in the word limit.

Use the following headings in your project plan

1. Name of Project

2. Brief Summary of the Project (no more than 100 words)

3. Aim(s) of the Project

4. Why this Project is Needed

5. Community work approach or model

6. Project objectives, strategies and activities

7. Evaluation

8. Budget

9. Potential funding sources

10. Project timeline

11. Limitations and weaknesses of the project

12. References


Word processed document, 12 point font, double line spacing. Submit via Learnline.

Word Limit is2000


You will receive a mark out of 100

The assessment is worth 40% of your total mark for this unit.

Assessment criteria

  • Project plan follows the 12 heading format provided and the presentation guidelines (Weight: 10%)
  • Project idea and aims are clearly stated - and suit a community work approach (Weight: 10%)
  • Community work model or approach is well defined and a rationale for its selection is provided (Weight: 20%).
  • Strategies and activities are designed to meet the objects of the project (Weight: 20%).
  • Evaluation ideas or tools are able to demonstrate the extent to which the project aims and outcomes have been achieved (Weight: 10%).
  • Project budgeting and potential project funding sources are explained (Weight: 10%).
  • Critical analysis of the limitations and weakness of your project plan and approach/model (Weight: 10%).
  • Use of at least five (5) references and consistent use of a referencing system (preferably APA 6th) (Weight: 10%).
Answered Same Day May 09, 2020


Shashank answered on May 15 2020
152 Votes
Community development by working together with Sudanese Community in the society of Melbourne
Submitted By
Student Name
Summary of the Project
Recently multiple cases of crime have been reported done by youth with African appearances. The people in the nea
y areas are now living with a scare of more violence in near future. To counter the rise of these kind of events the Sudanese community have taken an initiative by expressing their interest to put a stop on these kinds of crimes and help the society to adopt ways to avoid any incidents of violence in future. The initiative will be supported by a practitioner who is associated with the non-government organization for the role of community development worker.
Aim of the Project
The project aims to build a community plan by the efforts of community development worker of Melbourne and the Sudanese community. The plan will work with the objective of reducing the crime rate which has been surging in the recent times. Post creation of plan, efforts will be put together for successful execution to develop an environment which is culturally safe for people (both for locals and migrants) and the nea
y regions become more safer than what it is in the present scenario. The parameters that will play significant role in structured execution of project will be explained as we move forward.
Why the project is needed
Problems that arises in societies are generated by people actions and their behavior toward others. People have tendency of finding a solution for the problems they get stuck into and community education can act as tool that helps in reaching to a solution. But this factor alone is not sufficient to cure all diseases that cu
in society. The reason behind this can be seen multiple factors that su
ounds them and also influence their behavior. For example, social values that people learn are passed from home, school and communities on social media etc. Demographic factors like age, gender, ethnicity and recent happenings are also contributing in the behavior of people. The project will help in reaching to a situation where people are more aware about the issue and have enhanced set of knowledge, values and attitude. The behavior automatically gets inclined towards more responsible one. There has been evidence that out of many happenings the majority of youth belonged from Sudanese origin and nea
y countries having similar culture. (Brad & Stayner,2018) The leaders of Sudanese community have an understanding of the problem of that their people are facing and the core reason behind the violence that has been happening over the period of time. The actions can be effectively stopped by contributing towards the community development program with the help of social workers. This is significant not only for the people who live in this area but also for the betterment of the society, their security and long-term establishments (if any). Community development plan will help in flourishing the diversity that exist in the society and create a culturally safe place for all migrants to live in. If not, the situation might turn even worse and might force people to move to different place for better and safe living. (Bucci, 2018)
Community work approach or model
The Rothman’s Model of Community change focusses on 4 aspects i.e. social policy planning, locality development, social action and social mobilization. The designing of program and provision of leadership will be done under social policy planning. This will help in developing a system similar to kind of which exist in city and regional planning authorities work. The solution to the issues that are pertaining in the cu
ent scenario will be planned and communicated to the people (by means of social media or other). Issues that have been arising due to improper distribution of resources between the migrant community can be addressed by the community action which also helps in addressing any imbalances that might have existed in the power. The biggest challenge that exist with people is empowerment which can be solved by a power coercive approach. (Rothman,2001)
An example of community action
Mobilizing of local resources can be...

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